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Thursday, February 25, 2021



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Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:36 PM PST

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Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:35 PM PST

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Posted: 25 Feb 2021 11:34 PM PST

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NEWS ALERT: Mitch McConnell accuses Democrats of plot to 'nationalize' elections

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:53 PM PST

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday accused House Democrats of plotting to "nationalize" elections, arguing that legislation headed for a vote next week would mandate mail-in voting and forbid states from implementing voter ID laws.
The Washington Times
Friday February 26, 2021

Mitch McConnell accuses Democrats of plot to 'nationalize' elections

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Thursday accused House Democrats of plotting to "nationalize" elections, arguing that legislation headed for a vote next week would mandate mail-in voting and forbid states from implementing voter ID laws.

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News Alert: U.S. conducts strike on fighters in Syria, first military action ordered by Biden administration against Iranian-linked militias

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 05:35 PM PST

NEWS ALERT: Minimum wage hike out of order for COVID relief bill, Senate parliamentarian rules

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:50 PM PST

The Senate parliamentarian concluded Thursday that a federal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour would run afoul of chamber rules if Democrats include it in their $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.
The Washington Times
Friday February 26, 2021

Minimum wage hike out of order for COVID relief bill, Senate parliamentarian rules

The Senate parliamentarian concluded Thursday that a federal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour would run afoul of chamber rules if Democrats include it in their $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package.

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How vaccines could end the pandemic

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:40 PM PST


Greetings, Quicktake readers! This week, vaccines from Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson spur hope for herd immunity. Plus, a turning point in the battle over Trump's tax returns. Stream now for free.

The Covid crisis

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has proven so effective that public health experts think immunizations could end the global coronavirus pandemic.

A study of 1.2 million people in Israel found the shot was 92% effective at preventing severe Covid cases after two doses and 62% after one. It also reduced transmission by 89% and its estimated effectiveness for preventing death was 72% up to three weeks after the first shot. It's the largest study yet to test vaccine efficacy in a real-world environment, outside the confines of clinical trials.

Meanwhile, U.S. regulators concluded this week that Johnson & Johnson's single-shot Covid vaccine is safe, clearing the way for its authorization that would make it the third FDA-approved vaccine.

Still, researchers are monitoring whether new variants from South Africa and Brazil could reduce vaccine efficacy, including in New York City, where scientists have spotted yet another mutated strain.

On Friday, President Joe Biden marked 50 million vaccine shots administered in the U.S. in the 37 days since he took office—halfway to his goal of 100 million doses in 100 days.Andrew Mach

What to watch if've ever been unfriended. Facebook backed down from its news blackout in Australia after it passed a world-first law forcing tech giants to pay publishers for content, which could lead to more regulatory action.'re in the mood for an eco-friendly makeover. USPS unveiled its "next-generation delivery vehicle" as part of a 10-year multibillion-dollar effort to switch a portion of its huge fleet to electric vehicles. missed the news this week. Tiger Woods suffered significant leg injuries after his SUV rolled over in steep terrain near Los Angeles, forcing golf brands to face life without their biggest star sooner than expected.

Episodes to binge watch now

One question, answered

What's going on with Trump's taxes? The Manhattan DA obtained eight years of his tax returns after the Supreme Court denied a bid to keep them secret, giving the ex-president serious legal exposure for the first time in his career. "The dam has broken," Bloomberg's Tim O'Brien said.

We want to know

Taxes on WFH. Americans who telecommuted last year may be in for a messy tax-filing season, with some even facing double taxation as two or more states try to tax the same income. But since each state has slightly different rules, the details of when and where people worked matter a lot.

What questions do you have about filing your taxes this year? Tell us here.

Our favorites of the week

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BREAKING NEWS: Minimum wage hike runs aground in Senate during Covid aid debate

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:35 PM PST

The Senate parliamentarian ruled Thursday that Democrats would be deemed out of order if they include a $15 minimum wage hike in their coronavirus relief package, a major blow to Senate Budget Committee Chair Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and progressives.

Democrats for weeks have argued that the minimum wage hike could be included in the package through the so-called reconciliation process, citing analysis from the Congressional Budget Office that found the boost would increase the deficit by reducing reliance on social services. But Republicans highlight that the same report suggests the increase would result in the loss of 1.4 million jobs and say it's an extraneous provision.

The parliamentarian's ruling means that any senator could raise a point order against the minimum wage increase, which would force the provision to be axed from the bill.

House Democrats still plan to pass the minimum wage hike on their version of the Covid bill on Friday, but the Senate decision means the party needs to find an alternative route to increasing the minimum wage, a key campaign promise.

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NEWS ALERT: U.S. airstrike hits Iran-backed militias in Syria: Report

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 04:19 PM PST

A U.S. military airstrike on Thursday hit a compound belonging to an Iran-backed militia inside Syria, Reuters reported, citing unnamed American officials.
The Washington Times
Friday February 26, 2021

U.S. airstrike hits Iran-backed militias in Syria: Report

A U.S. military airstrike on Thursday hit a compound belonging to an Iran-backed militia inside Syria, Reuters reported, citing unnamed American officials.

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BREAKING NEWS: U.S. carries out airstrike in Syria after rocket attacks

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:53 PM PST

The U.S. has carried out an airstrike on a structure connected to an Iran-backed militia in Syria, following three separate rocket attacks against U.S. forces in Iraq, according to a defense official.

The strike, which was ordered by President Joe Biden, was designed to damage the militia group's ability to conduct future attacks, the official said.

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Global selloff

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:12 PM PST


Tech shares led a rout in U.S. stocks while the selloff in global bonds deepened, with the benchmark Treasury yield spiking to a one-year high and debt from the U.K. to Australia coming under pressure. The Nasdaq 100 tumbled 3.6%, the most since October, as investors rotated away from pandemic-era winners toward companies poised to benefit from an end to lockdowns. About 10 stocks fell for every one that gained on the S&P 500. Companies popular with the day-trader crowd surged once again, with GameStop doubling at one point before ending 19% higher. Here is your markets wrap. David E. Rovella

Bloomberg is tracking the progress of coronavirus vaccines while mapping the pandemic globally and across America

Here are today's top stories  

Just a few days ago, equity bulls were saying that they weren't too worried about rising bond yields. Rates were still low, they explained, and as long as the pace of increases was orderly, stocks would be fine. Thursday's market turmoil may put an end to that argument.

Plenty on Wall Street expected bets on a post-pandemic world to change markets in 2021. But few could have predicted the ferocity of this reopening trade sweeping across assets.

Cathie Wood says Bitcoin is in "early days" given its new interest from institutions and its diverse use cases. Speaking as part of a panel for the Bloomberg Crypto Summit, the founder of Ark Investment Management said the largest digital currency has trillions of dollars in market capitalization potential.

Cathie Wood

Some 2.5 million people are confirmed to have died from the coronavirus in the past year. Putting aside that the actual figure is widely thought to be much higher, that's close to the population of Chicago or the entire nation of Qatar. Despite this numbing figure, news of the pandemic in some quarters is brightening. In the U.S., Covid-19 hospital admissions plummeted 72% in just one month as the third infection wave ebbed and botched vaccination efforts slowly righted themselves. Elsewhere, however, developments are still grim. Paris is among 20 French regions potentially facing tougher restrictions from as cases jump there. Infections are also climbing in Italy, Finland and Germany. Here is the latest on the pandemic. 

As India's economic fortunes stand on the brink of a turnaround, a spike in coronavirus cases in its key business centers risks setting them back.

In October 1999, five months before the internet bubble burst, Joe Nocera reported on how middle-class Americans were embracing the stock market, some even quitting their jobs to become day traders. Given the current Reddit craziness, Joe went back to some of those folks to glean lessons on how living through a stock bubble can affect the rest of your life.

Hasbro is dropping "mister" from the Mr. Potato Head brand to make the popular toy line gender neutral and appeal to more consumers.

Mr. Potato Head

Photographer: Mario Ruiz/ The LIFE Images Collection/Getty Images

What you'll need to know tomorrow 

What you'll want to read tonight in Bloomberg Green

Biden Climate Plan Hangs on Fragile Power Grid

The millions of people who struggled to keep warm in Texas during its winter calamity have laid bare the desperate state of U.S. electricity grids. To fix nationwide vulnerabilities, President Joe Biden will have to completely reimagine the American way of producing and transmitting electricity

Photographer: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images North America

Photographer: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images North America

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NEWS ALERT: Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

President Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci are now wanted for questioning in one small corner of Texas.
The Washington Times
Thursday February 25, 2021

Texas official issues 'peace' warrants for Biden, Fauci ahead of president's trip

President Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci are now wanted for questioning in one small corner of Texas.

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[33+] Semi Block Style Business Letter Format Sample

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

Get Images Library Photos and Pictures. How To Format A Business Letter Fairygodboss Https Encrypted Tbn0 Gstatic Com Images Q Tbn And9gct Ds07gytbjqaambqfha1epvvvxld Jju0t6doeevart9nttw3 Usqp Cau Dini Safitri The Styles And Types Of Business Letter Block Letter Format Template 8 Free Word Pdf Documents Download Free Premium Templates

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Dr. Fauci answers COVID-19 vaccine questions as part of CBSN special

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:31 PM PST

"A Shot of Hope," a CBSN special about the rollout and distribution of coronavirus vaccines across the U.S
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CBS NEWS - A Shot Of Hope - Vaccine Questions Answered
Dr. Anthony Fauci is answering coronavirus vaccine questions as part of "A Shot of Hope," a CBSN special about the rollout and distribution of coronavirus vaccines across the U.S. Anchored by Tanya Rivero, this CBSN special hour focuses on the latest medical updates, the status of vaccine distribution, the struggle to get back to work and school, and the trust and access issues among minority communities.

Download the CBS News app to watch "A Shot of Hope: Vaccine Questions Answered" Thursday at 8p,11p ET.
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News Alert: Biden has first conversation as president with Saudi king before expected release of report on journalist Khashoggi’s killing

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 02:28 PM PST

Bitcoin, GameStop didn’t get the market apocalypse memo

Posted: 25 Feb 2021 01:49 PM PST


This is Bloomberg Opinion Today, a bond-market tantrum of Bloomberg Opinion's opinions. Sign up here.

Today's Agenda

Waiting for the Judgment Day

Is this the Big One? 

Stocks, bonds and ETFs that have flown sunward for the past year felt the wax melting from their wings today, as long-term interest rates flash-rose and people maybe wondered if the end of the Bad Times meant the end of the good times for markets. But as historically wild as bonds were today, they still weren't wild enough to change any paradigms or the Fed's mind about continuing to flood the market with liquidity, writes Brian Chappatta.

To be sure, the Big One, the day of reckoning for an overheated market rife with speculation, is probably coming. Joe Nocera caught up with a bunch of dot-com-bubble veterans from his home town of Providence, Rhode Island. All of them — with the exception of the unfortunately deceased former mayor Vincent "Buddy" Cianci, who Joe notes got re-elected after being convicted of torturing a guy, because Providence — hear very loud echoes of that bubble in today's manic marketsLionel Laurent warns regulators must try to temper the dangerous speculation whipped into a froth by the likes of Cathie Wood, Elon Musk, Dave Portnoy and Reddit without snuffing out optimism entirely.

And wild moves of the sort we've seen in the past few days are built not on fundamentals, writes John Authers, as much as rapid-fire judgments about whether the Fed will keep making the money printer go brrr.  

But there's also little reason to think it will stop just yet. While everything else got shellacked today, Wood/Musk darling Bitcoin rallied hard. So did Reddit darling GameStop, yet again, which Matt Levine notes happened, yet again, for no real economic reason, although arguably the principle of YOLO has some basis in economics. Anyway, this isn't the Big One. Probably. 

Further Market-Yikes Reading: The Fed may soon have to keep short-term interest rates from going negative. — Bill Dudley 

What Are We Paying You For Anyway?

Because absolutely everything must be a cryptocurrency these days — stay tuned for this newsletter's BOTcoin — people naturally are wondering why the Fed doesn't release its own. It might be one way to counter the threat of cryptocurrencies replacing traditional money, something Mohamed El-Erian suggests governments need to start taking seriously

The Fed is trustworthy enough that it wouldn't even need to use the planet-destroying mining technology Bitcoin uses, Noah Smith writes. The Fed could just ride herd on a cheap, frictionless global payments system, and everybody would be happy — everyone except, Noah notes, all the banks and other parties already making money in that business, who would quickly stop making money. So the Fed probably won't do it, leaving us with uncomfortable questions about why we're paying those other people so much.

On that note, Goldman Sachs is charging a 0.35% fee for a robot to manage people's money in Marcus accounts, which Nir Kaissar notes is much less than the 1% carbon-based advisers tend to demand. Like imaginary FedCoin, this is a threat to an old, lucrative business model. Unlike imaginary FedCoin, it is real.

Biden's Sticky Cabinet Doors

Maybe it's just because there's a lot going on right now, but President Joe Biden's cabinet-filling process has gotten off to kind of a slow start:

And that was the case even before Senate Republicans started objecting to some of his picks. Neera Tanden, his choice to run the Office of Management and Budget, appears to be a non-starter, not because of policy but because she was too snarky online, writes Bloomberg's editorial board.

Republicans are starting to object to other picks for more substantive reasons, too. Perhaps inspired by our own Ramesh Ponnuru, they're suggesting Xavier Becerra lacks the medical expertise necessary to run Health and Human Services. But Jonathan Bernstein writes that politicians such as Becerra have long filled HHS and other cabinet jobs and done just fine. Because what's needed is political and bureaucratic skill, not the ability to perform brain surgery.

Further Biden-Advice Reading: 

Telltale Charts

The way to fight the temporary inflation we're seeing now is to produce more stuff to address supply constraints, writes Conor Sen.

Exxon taking 6 billion barrels of oil and gas off its books is on the one hand a routine accounting change and on the other hand a reminder of deeper issues, writes Liam Denning.

Further Reading

India could be a key U.S. ally against China, but there are limits to how deep the relationship can go. — Hal Brands 

China's crackdown on divorce, meant to force birth rates higher, will backfire by keeping people from getting married. — Adam Minter 

The Paramount+ streaming app has the content and potential to challenge Netflix and Disney. — Tara Lachapelle 

Twitter's right to diversify, but its competition and bad track record with acquisitions offer little reason to hope. — Tae Kim 

Interest rates have lost their effectiveness as a monetary policy tool. — Dan Moss 

Don't blame elderly users for the failures of vaccine websites. — Sarah Green Carmichael


Coinbase filed to go public.

Tesla temporarily halted Model 3 production.

Zillow is offering to buy houses at its own Zestimates.

Kominers's Conundrums Hint

If you've never solved one of our puzzles before, this week's Mars Rover Conundrum is the perfect one to start with. It's clear all the Martians in the puzzle are trying to speak human languages, but when you translate the words into English, they look pretty random at first glance. But is there anything the words in each line have in common? — Scott Duke Kominers


Scientists begin building a digital twin of Earth.

Scientists create new Turing patterns in E. coli

Graveyards are hot spots of biodiversity.

The 101 best movie endings of all time.

Note:  Please send digital twins and complaints to Mark Gongloff at

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