Monday, December 10, 2018

News Alert: Theresa May postpones vote on her Brexit deal amid fears of a crushing defeat in Parliament

The British prime minister will likely go to Brussels for a last-ditch attempt to seek new concessions from European Union leaders and write a deal that her own party can support. Also on Monday, the European Court of Justice ruled that Britain can unilaterally decide to stop Brexit and stay in the union.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Dec 10, 10:37 AM
Theresa May postpones vote on her Brexit deal amid fears of a crushing defeat in Parliament

The British prime minister will likely go to Brussels for a last-ditch attempt to seek new concessions from European Union leaders and write a deal that her own party can support. Also on Monday, the European Court of Justice ruled that Britain can unilaterally decide to stop Brexit and stay in the union.

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