Monday, October 1, 2018

Evening Edition: Trump adds to confusion over FBI investigation of Kavanaugh claims

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
Trump adds to confusion over FBI investigation of Kavanaugh claims
In a news conference, the president says he is open to a "very comprehensive investigation" but suggested at different points that the probe would be guided by the wishes of Republican senators and that the FBI could decide whom to interview as long as it was "within reason."
The Fix | Analysis
Prosecutor says Kavanaugh report is what 'reasonable prosecutor' would say. It's not.
Rachel Mitchell said no "reasonable prosecutor" would bring the case. She's wrong. A fair prosecutor would investigate every lead before reaching that conclusion.
'Little lies point to bigger lies': How James B. Comey thinks the FBI could investigate Kavanaugh
The former FBI director expressed confidence in the agency's ability to gather facts in a week's time — but also blasted Republicans for putting a "shot clock" on the investigation.
Perspective: Ruth Bader Ginsburg had a very different path to power than Brett M. Kavanaugh
It's safe to say 85-year-old Ginsburg — the court's most celebrated justice — never played Devil's Triangle at her public Brooklyn high school
Trump hails 'historic' trade deal with Canada and Mexico
President Trump said the major revisions that he was able to secure in the North American trade agreement will transform the region "back into a manufacturing powerhouse." But while he praised the changes as a campaign promise kept, he acknowledged the road ahead in Congress.
Analysis: A look at what's in the new deal
The deal has a new name and new rules for cars, trucks, labor rights and intellectual property protections.
A visual journey into two toss-up districts ahead of the midterm elections
There are some congressional districts, such as Minnesota's 8th and California's 10th, where people don't huddle on islands of polarization by political party, but sometimes pick a Democrat, sometimes a Republican, based on what they think suits them. Strategists label these districts toss-ups. The people who live there call them home. 
Vatican's handling of sexual misconduct complaints about ex-cardinal Theodore McCarrick reveals a lot about the Catholic Church
The story behind the four complaints to Rome about the former archbishop of Washington helps explain why the allegations against him remained hidden for so long.
The battle lines are already taking shape in California's legal fight with the Trump administration over net neutrality
It's the first net neutrality case to involve the Justice Department directly, and the outcome could affect not just how consumers experience the Web in the Golden State but also potentially across the entire nation.
Comey says he's willing to testify before Congress — but only if it's public
Former FBI director James B. Comey's lawyer said he declined a private interview with two congressional committees investigating the Justice Department's actions during the 2016 election.
General Electric replaces new chief executive and announces $23 billion charge amid struggles
GE's stock has declined dramatically in the past year as the iconic company saw its stock price fall and its market capitalization decline to less than $100 billion.
Nobel Prize in medicine goes to two cancer immunotherapy researchers
Work by James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo led to the development of drugs that unleash the human immune system against cancer.
The Fix | Analysis
'You're not thinking. You never do,' Trump tells a female reporter
In a feisty news conference, the president seemed to go out of his way to attack female reporters.
Stephen Colbert found a new way to needle the president: A children's book
Proceeds from the late-night TV host's book, "Whose Boat Is This Boat?: Comments That Don't Help in the Aftermath of a Hurricane," will go to charities providing assistance in the Carolinas in the aftermath of Hurricane Florence.
At NFL's one-quarter mark, these three contenders have real cause for concern
The Falcons are among the preseason favorites who are at risk of missing the playoffs.
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