Tuesday, November 5, 2019

World Alert: Iran takes new step away from landmark nuclear deal by injecting uranium gas into 1,000 more centrifuges

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday he would instruct Iran's Atomic Energy Organization to begin injecting uranium gas into more than 1,000 centrifuges at the Fordow enrichment facility in Qom. In a statement carried by Iranian state television, Rouhani said that the step was "reversible" and urged parties to the 2015 nuclear deal to offset the effects of U.S. sanctions on Iran's economy.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
World Alert Nov 5, 3:00 AM
Iran takes new step away from landmark nuclear deal by injecting uranium gas into 1,000 more centrifuges

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tuesday he would instruct Iran's Atomic Energy Organization to begin injecting uranium gas into more than 1,000 centrifuges at the Fordow enrichment facility in Qom. In a statement carried by Iranian state television, Rouhani said that the step was "reversible" and urged parties to the 2015 nuclear deal to offset the effects of U.S. sanctions on Iran's economy.

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