Friday, August 30, 2019



Distributors, HUL, Unilever Foods Solutions, Britannia, Kellog's, MB Sugar, SAM Ved NGO, Children Films -National Geographic, Children Society for Youth, Security Sniffer Dogs, Gurgaon, Haryana, India, Webz Solutions

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 09:20 PM PDT

ترك برس - النشرة 31-08-2019

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 09:15 PM PDT

كشفت تقارير إعلامية أن المئات من المهاجرين وصلوا إلى اليونان من تركيا، وأن الخارجية اليونانية استدعت السفير التركي للتعبير عن استيائها إزاء هذا التطور.

أعلنت الخطوط الجوية التركية توسيع اتفاقية المشاركة بالرمز مع الخطوط الجوية العمانية الناقل الوطني لسلطنة عمان. 

قالت المحللة الروسية المتخصصة في تغطية المجمع الصناعي العسكري الروسي، ألكسندرا دوردزييفيتش، إن تركيا وروسيا توسعان تعاونهما العسكري على حساب مبيعات السلاح الأمريكي لتركيا.

كشفت وزارة الثقافة والسياحة التركية، أرقام وإحصائيات حول أعداد الزوار الأجانب الذين زاروا البلاد منذ مطلع العام الجاري.

محيي الدين أتامان - ديلي صباح - ترجمة وتحرير ترك برس 

ثمة جبهتان نشطتان وثلاث جهات فاعلة محلية في الأزمة السورية. الجبهة النشطة الأولى هي المنطقة الخاضعة لسيطرة قوات سوريا الديمقراطية (قسد)/ ميليشيا "ي ب ك"، والأخرى هي منطقة إدلب التي تسيطر عليها جماعات المعارضة السورية. لا يريد نظام الأسد، بوصفه أحد الجهات الفاعلة المحلية الرئيسية، قتال "ي ب ك"، لأنه يركز، على الأقل في الوقت الحالي، على محافظة إدلب فقط، وليس المنطقة الخاضعة لسيطرة قسد/ "ي ب ك".

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Mark Cuban Companies | Entrepreneur - Dallas, TX

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 08:53 PM PDT

IIPE - Indian Institute of Professional Education

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    IIPE - Indian Institute of Professional Education

Hola Dany

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 07:10 PM PDT domain is for sale | Buy with

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 04:52 PM PDT

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 04:39 PM PDT

A hurricane for Labor Day weekend

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 04:16 PM PDT

TicToc Tonight

Greetings, TicToc readers! TGIF. Here's what you need to know before the long weekend.

But first...

A hurricane heads to Florida

Hurricane Dorian reached major hurricane status as it heads toward Florida, with the potential to stall near the coast and bring a prolonged period of wind, rain and storm surge.

  • The hurricane is currently a Category 3, but it's expected to turn into a Category 4.
  • The Sunshine State is expected to get 130 mph winds.
  • Over the past two decades, hurricane seasons have been getting stronger and stronger.

Highly quotable

"We recommend 7 days of food and medicine and water." Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis urged his fellow Floridians to be prepared for Dorian.

"This is a down payment." California announced free two year community college for first-time students.

"Karachi stands in solidarity with Kashmir." Demonstrators in Pakistan took to the streets Friday to show support for the people of Kashmir.

$ignificant figures

21: Forever 21 is preparing for a potential bankruptcy filing, and we listed 21 reasons why the clothing chain might go under. 

277: That's roughly the number of people who move out of New York City every day.

4: This is how many dollars an hour women in India will make to assemble smartphones for Foxconn.

Can you dig it?

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Hospital CEO Claims Guns a "Disease"

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 04:15 PM PDT

Hospital CEO Claims Guns a "Disease," Despite Medical Errors Third-Leading Cause of Death

Over 200,000 annual deaths attributed to medical errors vs. 40,000 tied to gun-related incidents.

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Fikra Newsletter: Palestinans on Jordan, Israeli elections, AQAP in Yemen, Qatari Investments

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 02:43 PM PDT

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Fikra Forum director, David Pollock, examines Palestinian public opinion on several major issues, from opinions on Jordan to a one-state solution, while noting several surprises in survey results on other Palestinian priorities.

Michael Milshtein, head of the Moshe Dayan Palestinian Studies Forum, and Morsi Abu Mokh, mayor of Baka al-Gharbiyya, describe the political disconnect young Arab-Israeli citizens feel towards both political institutions and Arab political leaders, which led to their boycott of the last Israeli elections. They then examine how this disaffection may play out in the upcoming elections.

Yemeni researcher Summer Ahmed outlines how southerners perceive the historical development of AQAP in the south, and why it is imperative to continue supporting southern efforts against AQAP in Southern Yemen.

Palestinian analyst Jalal Selmi suggests that as Qatar's economy stabilizes, increasing Qatari investments and diplomatic efforts in the countries surrounding the Gulf—especially Djibouti, Somalia, Oman, and Pakistan—may be able to capitalize on countries' interests in rebalancing power in the region due to growing Saudi and Emirati efforts to influence these states.

As always, we welcome your feedback and participation. Please write to us at

Warm regards,

David Pollock
Director, Fikra Forum


يستعرض ديفيد بولوك، مدير منتدى فكرة، الرأي العام الفلسطيني حول عدد من القضايا الرئيسية، ابتداءً من آرائهم حول الأردن وانتهاءً بحل الدولة الواحدة، كما يعرض عدد من المفاجآت التي أبرزتها نتائج الاستطلاع حول الأولويات الفلسطينية الأخرى.

يشرح كل من مايكل ميلستين، رئيس منتدى موشيه ديان للدراسات الفلسطينية، ومرسى أبو مخ، رئيس بلدية بكة الغربية، العزلة السياسية التي يشعر به الشباب العربي الإسرائيلي نحو المؤسسات السياسية والزعماء السياسيين العرب، والتي أدت إلى مقاطعة الانتخابات الإسرائيلية الأخيرة، كما يتناولان بالشرح أثر حالة الاستياء بين الشباب على العملية الانتخابات المقبلة.

تدرس الباحثة اليمنية سمر أحمد كيف ينظر الجنوبيون إلى التطور التاريخي لتنظيم "القاعدة في جزيرة العرب" في اليمن الجنوبي، وكيف انه من الضروري مواصلة دعم الجهود المبذولة من قبل الجنوبيين لمواجهة التنظيم هناك.

يشير المحلل الفلسطيني جلال سلمي إلى أنه مع استقرار الاقتصاد القطري، فإن زيادة الاستثمارات القطرية والجهود الدبلوماسية التي تبذلها في البلدان المحيطة بمنطقة الخليج العربي- وخاصة في جيبوتي والصومال وعمان وباكستان - قد تساعدها في الاستفادة من تلك الدول لإعادة توازن القوة في المنطقة خاصة في ظل الجهود السعودية والإماراتية التي تسعى للتأثير على هذه الدول.

وكما هو الحال دائماً، نشجع مشاركاتكم في هذه النقاشات المستمرة. يرجى الكتابة لنا على البريد الألكتروني

تحيات حارة،

ديفيد بولوك
مدير، منتدى فكرة



Most Palestinians Approve of Jordan—Plus Other Survey Surprises
David Pollock
  الفلسطينيون بمعظمهم يؤيدون الأردن – ومفاجآت أخرى كشف عنها استطلاع الرأي
ديفيد بولوك

Young Arabs' Boycott of the Israeli Elections: A"Double Protest"—against the Government and the Arab Leadership
Morsi Abu Mokh and Michael Milshtein
  الشباب العربي يقاطع الانتخابات الإسرائيلية: "احتجاج مزدوج" على الحكومة والقادة العرب
مرسي أبو مخ ومايكل ميلشتاين

AQAP in South Yemen: Past and Present
Summer Ahmed
  تنظيم "القاعدة في جزيرة العرب" في اليمن الجنوبي: بين الأمس واليوم
سمر أحمد

Despite Blockade, Opportunities are Increasing for Qatar to Develop Broader Regional Ties
Jalal Selmi
  رغم الحصار، تتزايد الفرص المتاحة لقطر لتطوير علاقات إقليمية أوسع
جلال سلمى

Vapers beware

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 02:16 PM PDT

Evening Briefing

Hong Kong police arrested prominent opposition figures and warned other protesters could share their fate this weekend, raising tensions as authorities seek to quell pro-democracy demonstrations that have raged for almost three months. —Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

Public health officials warned Americans who aren't already smokers to avoid e-cigarettes and other vaping devices after a mysterious outbreak of a severe lung disease.

Sausages, ketchup, mustard and plastic plates are all essential ingredients for Americans tending to their grills this Labor Day weekend. Soon they'll be 15% more expensive to import from China.

Apple just revealed the date for its latest iPhone event. Google's elite hacking team just revealed a bug in the current iPhone's software. 

Recycling battery packs is key to the future of EVs, and China is emerging as a leader in the field. 

President Donald Trump had a busy day on Twitter, criticizing GM for shrinking its U.S. manufacturing presence and denying that the U.S. played a role in the explosion of an Iranian missile.

Hurricane Dorian may be the first of multiple powerful hurricanes this year. The last two decades have seen some of the most powerful and destructive hurricane seasons on record, a function of coastal development, warmer water, wetter air, higher seas and storms just being storms.

What's Luke Kawa thinking? The Pure Alpha fund of Bridgewater's legendary Ray Dalio has seen better days—it's down about 6% year-to-date. The proximate cause of his woes, according to Bloomberg's reporting: bearish bets on global interest rates gone awry.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight in Businessweek

The Race to Build the World's Most Precise Clock

So far, the potential applications for a clock with 15 decimal places of precision are theoretical and aspirational. But that's not stopping labs around the world from competing, using different elements, to reach the same goal.

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Website Unavailable

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 02:12 PM PDT

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Canada's economy is roaring back to life

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 02:10 PM PDT

Coal and methane can never be great again

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 01:44 PM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Today's Agenda

Corporate America vs. Trump: Environment Edition

Climate change may be inevitable, but White House efforts to make it happen faster are not.

President Donald Trump took office promising to roll back environmental regulations and bolster the coal industry, in keeping with his dream of American "energy dominance" and general skepticism of man-made global warming. One big problem is that coal demand just keeps sinking, in defiance of the president's wishes. And a slew of new industry reports suggests coal's demise is global and irreversible, note Nathaniel Bullard and David Fickling. Only in India is coal-burning expected to hold up for a while, but that probably won't offset trends in the rest of the world. No wonder big miners such as BHP Group are fleeing the coal business.

This week, Trump's Environmental Protection Agency threw oil companies a bone by lifting curbs on leaks of methane gas, a far more destructive climate-change accelerant than carbon dioxide. But some oil companies are throwing the bone back, notes Bloomberg's editorial board. Methane is a fuel, for one thing, so it makes little sense for these companies to just let it bleed away. And Big Oil is sensitive lately to the bad PR and shareholder agita that comes with hastening the environment's destruction. Like the automakers who recently declined Trump's invitation to pollute more, oil companies may choose to go their own way.

This growing corporate woke-ness reaches far beyond energy and autos. U.K. grocery chains are coming up with clever ways to reduce plastic waste, writes Andrea Felsted. In financial markets, issuance of green bonds is blossoming, writes Mark Gilbert. It all makes some investors such as Jared Dillian anxious. But maybe keeping customers from being consumed by an environment gone haywire is good for business.

Corporate America vs. Trump: Trade War Edition

Overall, of course, Corporate America has been OK with what Trump has done for it so far, even if he occasionally tweets mean things at it. He's cut corporate taxes and regulations, and most CEOs agree with him that China should play fairer on trade, notes Mohamed El-Erian. But his methods are starting to worry them, Mohamed writes. Most notably, Trump's unilateral, unpredictable trade warring is hurting global economic growth and raising uncertainty, which is bad for business (and not just "Excuses!"). Working with allies to confront China and having some clear goals could help. Finally doing something about infrastructure and worker training would go a long way, too.

Further Trade War Reading: Trade peace would have many losers, including economies lately taking market share from China. – Dan Moss 

Iran's Blowing Its Big Chance

After years of belligerence, Trump has lately sounded almost conciliatory toward Iran. Today he even tweeted "best wishes and good luck" to the country over a rocket-launch failure. That may have been trolling, but it follows a Group of Seven meeting in which he expressed some willingness to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, which was quickly reciprocated. Then Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei put the kibosh on talks, which was a mistake, writes Bloomberg's editorial board. Trump has been almost too eager to sit down with Iran. With its economy suffering badly from sanctions, Tehran should take advantage of that willingness.

Telltale Charts

Africa's Sahel region is deeply poor and getting worse, and it needs international help, warns Noah Smith

Beijing just told China's local governments they could stop clamping down on car ownership, but David Fickling notes they've got no reason to do so: Many are still far too congested and polluted. 

Further Reading

"The circular nature of mergers and breakups was on full display this week." – Brooke Sutherland 

Boris Johnson knows Britain needs immigrants, but he's caved to nativist sentiment to win votes. He must pick a side eventually. – Therese Raphael

Italy's the latest example of how what helps far-right parties win elections makes them terrible at governing. – Leonid Bershidsky 

Mauricio Macri's troubles in Argentina aren't a sign left-wingers are on the rebound in Latin America. – Mac Margolis 

Republicans need a better protest candidate to primary Trump than the current crop. – Ramesh Ponnuru 


Holders of antique Chinese bonds hope for a trade-war payday.

Before politics, Elizabeth Warren gave personal finance advice.

Vaping-related lung-disease cases surge.


Advice for Floridians prepping for Dorian: Beware of flying scooters. (h/t Shira Ovide) And do not shoot the hurricane.

Brooklyn briefly takes "street meat" to absurd new levels.

How to recognize and prevent burnout.

Our brains aren't as hard-wired as we think. 

Note: Please send chicken and complaints to Mark Gongloff at

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Simone Biles tweets 'don't talk to me' after her brother is arrested for triple-murder in Ohio

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 01:18 PM PDT

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Simone Biles Tweets 'Don't Talk to Me' After Brother Is Arrested on Triple-Murder Charges
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LICA – Estudios y proyectos

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 01:14 PM PDT

EL MOUDJAHID : Lettre d'information du 31/08/2019

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 01:02 PM PDT

Is Iran Negotiating Its Way to Negotiations? (Carmi | PolicyWatch 3172)

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 11:01 AM PDT

by Omer Carmi

PolicyWatch 3172
August 30, 2019

While Tehran's internal debate about engagement with Washington intensifies, its words and actions already seem to be shaping—even unintentionally—the terms of any future talks.


This year’s G7 summit will be remembered for its startling dynamics regarding the Iranian nuclear issue. At first, the gathering in Biarritz, France, seemed to be the final act in President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts to mediate between Tehran and Washington. Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif surprisingly arrived on August 25 in the midst of the summit; the next day, President Hassan Rouhani stated, “If I knew that going to a meeting and visiting a person would help my country’s development and resolve the problems of the people, I would not miss it”—apparently a reference to possible talks with President Trump. Since then, however, Iranian officials have issued statements and preconditions signaling that Western governments may need to do more before Tehran will reopen negotiations.


In an August 26 joint press conference following the summit, Macron noted that while “nothing is set in stone,” a lot of work has already been done to bring Tehran and Washington back to the table, and a “roadmap has sort of been set.” Specifically, he has told Rouhani and Zarif that if they accept a meeting with Trump, perhaps “in the next few weeks,” then “an agreement can be met.” He added that the international community would first need to compensate Iran economically, for example by providing “lines of credit” or reopening certain economic sectors. During his own remarks alongside Macron, Trump expressed his readiness to meet with Rouhani “if the circumstances were correct,” and emphasized that Iran desperately needs such talks because U.S. sanctions have deteriorated its economic situation.

The positive press conference ignited speculation that a presidential summit might take place at the UN General Assembly meetings beginning mid-September. Yet such optimism was premature. Less than twenty-four hours after the G7 summit ended, Iranian officials took a step back. Zarif dismissed the possibility of any meetings with U.S. officials unless Washington returns to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), while Rouhani stated that removing sanctions is a prerequisite to negotiations.

The same narrative was repeated on August 29, when the weekly magazine of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s office published an open letter to Rouhani and Zarif titled “Negotiations with the U.S. are definitely out of the question.” The editorial emphasized the importance of power manifestation in international relations, arguing that those who believe negotiations are the only option to solve Iran’s problems fail to understand that talks do not serve the national interest unless the republic’s power is “in a good shape.” The article then declared that no talks will be held on the sidelines of the UN meetings, since “negotiating with the U.S. has clearly shown that it doesn’t serve Iran’s interests.” Although Khamenei himself has not publicly spoken since the G7 summit, his office’s editorials usually express his line of thought. This narrative was later promoted by major Iranian media outlets, some of which tweeted a year-old video of Khamenei asserting that negotiations with the Americans are meaningless because U.S. presidents are only interested in showing that they have dragged Iran to the negotiating table.


The inconsistencies in Tehran’s response may seem confusing at first glance. Yet they likely indicate that the regime is in the midst of an internal debate about whether and how to pursue new discussions with Washington. This debate could in turn wind up shaping the framework of the talks themselves.

Ever since the Trump administration withdrew from the JCPOA last year, Khamenei has repeatedly lashed out at Rouhani and Zarif, intensifying the perpetual conflict between the president’s “moderate” camp and the Supreme Leader’s conservative camp. In particular, he has accused them of being fooled by the Americans during the nuclear negotiations, arguing that Iran should not have trusted the Obama administration or held talks with Washington in the first place. Accordingly, Khamenei may not have been fully aware that Zarif’s G7 overture would turn into a high-profile effort to resume talks.

Whatever the case, once news broke of Trump’s positive reaction to a possible meeting, the Supreme Leader seemed to push back against Iranian “peacemakers.” This would hardly be the first time he has reined in an engagement plan led by one of his presidents. In 2009, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad agreed in principle to a proposal by the United States, France, and Russia to ship out nearly 80 percent of Iran’s low-enriched uranium in exchange for reactor fuel. When details of the agreement went public, however, Khamenei scuttled it, warning that U.S. negotiators were “hiding a dagger behind their backs.”

Tehran’s latest reversal might also stem from President’s Trump narrative that Iran will soon be compelled to enter negotiations out of weakness. Such rhetoric tends to be a red flag for the regime’s leadership, since it plays on the weak spots in their never-ending battle to maintain domestic legitimacy and prevents them from saving face. On August 28, for example, Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi declared that “no country under pressure will negotiate,” since doing so would be more like a surrender than a real discussion. Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps chief Hossein Salami reiterated this idea a day later, claiming that “the enemy” seeks to pressure Iran into surrender and force it to enter negotiations.


Whatever happened behind the scenes in Tehran this week, a few things have become clear about the regime’s latest strategy and its potential implications for future talks. First, Iran has been steadily working to open channels for conveying messages to President Trump via his trusted international partners, most prominently Macron and President Shinzo Abe of Japan. As Macron noted at the G7 summit, these “mediators” may form part of a coalition of negotiators in future discussions.

Second, Iran and Rouhani are setting a high threshold for reentering talks with Washington, at least for the time being. To be sure, Tehran has shown in the past that it can be flexible on such demands if needed. Yet stating firm preconditions at the start can help Rouhani achieve two ends. On the domestic front, it may appease some of its critics—including Khamenei—by reassuring them that Iran will not take another risky leap forward without major American concessions (i.e., removing sanctions and rejoining the JCPOA). On the international front, tough preconditions may push the EU and other parties to give Iran at least some economic concessions ahead of talks.

Indeed, Tehran has been playing the grievance card with the international community over and over again since Trump withdrew from the JCPOA, with the main goal of fully implementing the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), the European “special purpose vehicle” established earlier this year to facilitate trade with Iran. According to Araqchi, Rouhani told Macron that Europe needs to facilitate a mechanism allowing Tehran to sell oil, either by obtaining waivers from Washington or providing “credit lines” that Iran can use to buy goods in return for oil. Macron mentioned this theme in his G7 remarks.

Third, Iran is raising the hypothetical costs of the “no deal” scenario in order to pressure Europe on expediting INSTEX and providing similar concessions. As Araqchi explained on August 28, if Iran’s demands are not met, it will take more steps to reduce its commitments under the JCPOA. The regime has already exceeded the amount of low-enriched uranium it is permitted to store under the nuclear deal, and increased its level of enrichment beyond 3.67 percent (see PolicyWatch 3126 for a fuller explanation of these technical issues). It is now threatening to take another such step on September 6, though officials have yet to specify what that might be.

As Iranian leaders move forward with this strategy while trying to cope with growing economic difficulties, one key question stands out: do they truly believe President Trump will waive major energy sanctions in an election year, or are they making this extreme demand solely to prod Europe or America into making lesser concessions on issues like INSTEX? The answer may determine whether new talks are even feasible, never mind productive.

Omer Carmi is vice president of intelligence at the Israeli cybersecurity firm Sixgill. Previously, he was a visiting fellow at The Washington Institute and led IDF analytical and research efforts pertaining to the Middle East.

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Posted: 30 Aug 2019 10:43 AM PDT

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The Flaw in Trump’s Iran Campaign (Ross, Stroul | Washington Post)

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 10:02 AM PDT

by Dennis Ross and Dana Stroul

Washington Post
August 29, 2019

Tehran won't change its behavior without the prospect of real economic relief, coupled with the threat of meaningful consequences for bringing the region to the brink of war.


The Trump administration says its maximum-pressure campaign on Iran is working. If only that were true. The administration has consistently made the argument that economic sanctions would deprive the Iranian regime of money and that less money would mean less bad behavior and more concessions at the negotiating table. Bargaining with Iran is not the same as a closing a real estate deal, however. The inescapable conclusion, after surveying the region’s conflicts, is that a U.S. strategy based exclusively on starving Tehran of money cannot by itself compel changes in Iran’s regional behavior...

Dennis Ross, a former special assistant to President Obama, is the counselor and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute. Dana Stroul is a senior fellow at the Institute and a former senior staff member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

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Most Social: DeMarcus Cousins sought on arrest warrant for domestic violence charge

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 10:01 AM PDT

DeMarcus Cousins' ex-girlfriend has alleged that the Lakers center threatened in a phone call to kill her. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

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Friday, August 30
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Fed Trying to Plunge US Economy While Tensions Soar With China

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 09:29 AM PDT

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تركيا: الناقلة الإيرانية تتجه للمياه اللبنانية وليس لميناء لبناني

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 07:58 AM PDT

بعدأن أشعلت المواجهات الأمريكية الإيرانية مؤخراً، وزير خارجية تركيا يصرّح بأن ناقلة النفظ الإيرانية...
نسخة على الإنترنت
نسختك الخاصة من أخبار يورونيوز – 08/30/19
نشرتك اليومية من الأخبار المختلفة المتنوعة
تركيا: الناقلة الإيرانية تتجه للمياه اللبنانية وليس لميناء لبناني
بعدأن أشعلت المواجهات الأمريكية الإيرانية مؤخراً، وزير خارجية تركيا يصرّح بأن ناقلة النفظ الإيرانية أدريان داريا قد غيرت مسارها و تتجه حالياً إلى...   إقرأ أكثر، للمزيد
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Simone Biles' brother arrested for triple-murder in Ohio

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 06:25 AM PDT

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Tevin Biles-Thomas, 24, allegedly killed three men at a party
Simone Biles' Brother Is Accused of Triple-Murder in Ohio
Tevin Biles-Thomas, 24, allegedly killed three men at a party
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Friday Morning Briefing: China rejected Hong Kong plan to appease protesters

Posted: 30 Aug 2019 05:53 AM PDT

Hong Kong

The Chinese central government rejected Carrie Lam’s proposal to withdraw the extradition bill and ordered her not to yield to any of the protesters’ other demands, three individuals with direct knowledge of the matter told Reuters. Beijing’s rebuff of Lam’s proposal for how to resolve the crisis, detailed for the first time by Reuters, represents concrete evidence of the extent to which China is controlling the Hong Kong government’s response to the unrest.

Hong Kong authorities charged pro-democracy activist Joshua Wong with organizing an illegal protest as they tighten a clampdown on unrest that has plunged the Asian financial hub into its biggest political crisis in more than two decades. A senior official with China’s parliament and pro-Beijing Hong Kong politician told Reuters that Hong Kong is a long way from having to declare emergency powers or to ask the Chinese military to intervene, as months of protests show no sign of abating.

Can political unrest in Hong Kong break its currency peg? The Hong Kong dollar is pegged in a narrow band around HK$7.8 per U.S. dollar, but has for weeks languished at the weak end as unrest has deepened, shedding 0.8% since early July. Bets in the market suggest some think the peg could falter. Can the Hong Kong dollar withstand the selling pressure?


World stocks rose to a one-week high on cautious hopes for a rapprochement on trade between Beijing and Washington, though a perky dollar capped gains with China’s yuan softening again, on track for its weakest month in 2-1/2 decades. For most of August global stocks have reeled and fixed income shone as deepening concerns over global trade and clear signs of a slowdown, possibly even a recession. But the mood lifted after Trump said some trade discussions were taking place with China.

Month of bond market milestones: How low can you go? August has turned out to be another month of milestones for bond markets as an escalating trade conflict fans recession fears, pushing borrowing costs deeper and deeper into negative territory.


'Difference-maker' independent voters in U.S. presidential election crosshairs. Ellen Kirschner is no cheerleader for Donald Trump, but the retired Florida letter carrier also feels unsure about voting for a Democrat in next year’s presidential election. Her independence makes her a rare breed in the American electorate - and a critical early target of both parties’ campaigns in battleground states that are expected to decide the November 2020 contest.

'Absolute monster' Hurricane Dorian gains strength as Florida braces for hit. Hurricane Dorian is expected suck powerful fuel from the warm waters off the Florida coast, swelling into a dangerous Category 4 storm in the coming days before it slams into the state early next week. The Miami-based National Hurricane Center issued a hurricane watch for northwestern Bahamas on Friday and said the risk of “devastating hurricane-force winds along the Florida east coast late this weekend and early next week continues to increase.”

Disabled workers chase 'dream jobs' in tight U.S. labor market. Americans with disabilities, physical and cognitive, in recent months have been joining the workforce at a faster pace than those without disabilities, according to data collected by organizations that work with the disabled. The gains are the result of both technological advances and workplace flexibility that lessens commuting barriers, according to experts on disabled workers. But the gains also reflect the pull of a tight labor market.

U.S. House targets convergence of mass shootings and hate crimes. Democrats who control the House of Representatives passed gun bills meant to tighten background checks in February, but the legislation stalled in the Republican-controlled Senate. Cutting their summer recess short to consider the new measure after back-to-back shootings in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio, Democrats hope to restart the gun-control debate before Congress returns on Sept 9.


'Where do I go?' EU citizens face legal limbo after decades in Britain

A growing number of EU nationals are being denied the right to live indefinitely in Britain ahead of the country’s departure from the bloc, currently scheduled for October 31. For decades, Britain’s membership of the EU has guaranteed the bloc’s citizens the right to live and work in the country. But as Britain prepares to sever ties with Brussels after 46 years, EU citizens must apply for a new legal lifeline to remain, known as settled status.

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Indonesia urges calm in Papua after two weeks of protests

Indonesia’s chief security minister urged calm in the easternmost region of Papua after two weeks of sometimes violent protests, saying demonstrators’ demands for an investigation into racism had been met.

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Indian state on alert ahead of publication of citizenship register

Tens of thousands of paramilitary personnel and police were deployed in India’s border state of Assam, the eve of the publication of a citizenship register that could leave millions of people stateless, many of them Muslims.

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