Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Wednesday's Headlines: Iran warns it will take the ‘next step,’ increase uranium enrichment Sunday

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Iran warns it will take the 'next step,' increase uranium enrichment Sunday
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said his country would increase uranium enrichment to whatever level was needed beyond the cap set by the nuclear agreement unless its European partners provide some relief from U.S. sanctions.
Campaign 2020
Grim realities of border crisis collide with 2020 campaign politics
Candidates and lawmakers have focused their attention on photos of a father and daughter drowned in the Rio Grande, watchdog accounts of squalid conditions in cells, and revelations of denigrating social media postings by agents.
Border agents took lawmakers' phones. Joaquin Castro captured photo, video anyway.
Members of Congress were not supposed to take images inside the border detention center in El Paso. The congressman said Americans needed to see what is inside.
Toddler who died after being taken into custody suffered multiple diseases
Wilmer Josue Ramirez Vasquez, from Guatemala, died May 14 after several weeks in an El Paso hospital.
Lee Iacocca | 1924–2019
World-class salesman who became face of Detroit's auto industry dies at 94
Lee Iacocca helped launch the Ford Mustang in the 1960s and saved Chrysler from bankruptcy in the 1980s. Along the way, he became a celebrity, adding to his allure with TV commercials promoting Chrysler cars — and himself.
Park Service diverts $2.5 million for Trump's July 4 extravaganza
The agency will dip into entrance and recreation fees primarily intended to improve parks across the country, according to two individuals familiar with the arrangement.
Uncertainty, a red carpet and a hallowed memorial await Trump's Fourth
Power-washed tanks and fireworks galore make for a Trumpian July 4 extravaganza.
Why I've asked my district to consider razing Columbine High School
Is disclosure enough to keep foreign interference out of political ads?
The brightest star this Fourth of July? Donald Trump. Oh, and the tanks.
Yes, Trump embraces dictators, but his hard-line policies matter more
More News
Trump administration ends effort to put citizenship question on 2020 Census
The decision was a victory for civil rights advocates concerned that the query would lead to an inaccurate count of immigrant communities that could skew political representation and federal funding.
Fact Checker | Analysis
Would Medicare-for-all mean hospitals for none?
John Delaney's claim that every hospital would close is a good case study in how a snappy talking point can stray far from reality.
The U.S. women's team is fearless. It showed again in a win against England.
The Americans drew on their unwavering conviction to find a way past the Lionesses and into the World Cup final.
Baby delivered from murdered pregnant woman in London dies
British police announced the boy's death and released footage of a man approaching the woman's address and then running away some 10 minutes later.
A GOP governor wants to cancel a Nike contract after flag-shoe flap, but the city it's headed for isn't backing down
Even though prominent Republicans across the country have threatened to boycott Nike after it canceled an American-flag-themed sneaker, a small city in Arizona said it will still honor the agreement it made with the company to bring a factory to town.
Whatever happened to Breitbart? The insurgent star of the right is in a long, slow fade
Beset by advertiser defections, the website Stephen K. Bannon once described as "the platform for the alt-right" has steadily tumbled from the commanding heights it occupied just 30 months ago.
Scientists regret to inform you that this mystery space object is (probably) not aliens
When the interstellar object — the first we have ever been able to observe from Earth — was first discovered, many theories emerged, including "aliens." But the actual explanation is significant.

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