Monday, May 27, 2019

Monday's Headlines: Hopes dim that Trump will reach infrastructure deal with Congress

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Hopes dim that Trump will reach infrastructure deal with Congress
Business leaders and communities nationwide fear that the impasse in Washington is paralyzing efforts to revamp aging bridges, crumbling roads and tunnels in dire need of repair.
Trump denies North Korea launched ballistic missiles, contradicting Japan
The president said he does not believe North Korea's recent missile tests violate U.N. Security Council resolutions, an assessment Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe rejected.
In European Parliament elections, voters deny traditional centrists a majority
Voters turned out in droves — the highest participation in 25 years — and boosted euroskeptics as well as Greens and other pro-European Union leftists.
India's prime minister is remaking Hinduism's holiest city — and India in the process
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has embarked on a dramatic transformation of Varanasi that includes demolishing centuries-old buildings to carve a wide path for pilgrims traveling from an most important temple to Ganges River.
MBS is not reining in his thuggery. That's bad news for Saudi activists.
The new SAT score will identify barriers — but it won't remove them
Where's the spotlight on 'Spygate'?
The Trump coverup no one is talking about: The emperor has no money
A way to remember on Memorial Day
What happens if China starts dumping dollars?
More News
As Oakland seeks justice in deadly Ghost Ship fire, the soul of the city is put on trial
Sky-high housing costs and a historically casual approach to zoning rules have been implicated as factors in the blaze, which swept through the artist enclave on Dec. 2, 2016.
Campaign 2020
How long can Joe Biden keep up his campaign of limited exposure?
The former vice president is holding far fewer public sessions than his rivals. Events may make that hard to sustain.
Campaign 2020
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's presidential campaign problem: A crowded niche
She twice won statewide in heavily Democratic New York but struggles for attention in a national campaign.
From the Magazine
The surreal life of George Papadopoulos
Papadopoulos triggered an investigation that many thought would take down President Trump. After serving time in prison, he and his wife, Simona, are now hanging out in Hollywood. Is there anything more 2019?
Abortion bans have some women preparing for the worst. It involves 'auntie networks.'
A particular kind of dystopia has arrived, and we're beginning to see its fuzzy outlines. Thousands of women would have to learn — or remember — how this all worked in the pre-Roe era.

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