Sunday, December 9, 2018

News Alert: U.S. rejects language affirming global warming’s severity, joining Russia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait as battle lines sharpen at summit

The United States joined a controversial proposal by Saudi Arabia this weekend to weaken a reference to a key report on the severity of global warming at the global climate summit in Poland, aimed at gaining consensus over how to combat rising temperatures. Arguments erupted Saturday night before a U.N. working group focused on science and technology, where the U.S. teamed up with Russia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to challenge language that would have welcomed the findings of the landmark report, which said that the world has barely 10 years to cut carbon emissions by nearly half to avoid catastrophic warming.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Dec 9, 7:34 PM
U.S. rejects language affirming global warming's severity, joining Russia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait as battle lines sharpen at summit

The United States joined a controversial proposal by Saudi Arabia this weekend to weaken a reference to a key report on the severity of global warming at the global climate summit in Poland, aimed at gaining consensus over how to combat rising temperatures.

Arguments erupted Saturday night before a U.N. working group focused on science and technology, where the U.S. teamed up with Russia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to challenge language that would have welcomed the findings of the landmark report, which said that the world has barely 10 years to cut carbon emissions by nearly half to avoid catastrophic warming.

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