Monday, September 3, 2018

Evening Edition: Turkey’s woes could be just the start as record global debt bills come due

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
Turkey's woes could be just the start as record global debt bills come due
Ten years after the worst financial panic since the 1930s, growing debt burdens in key developing economies are fueling fears of a new crisis. For now, few experts think that a broader crisis is imminent. But the danger of a financial contagion should be taken more seriously in light of a massive increase in global debt since the 2008 downturn, the economists said.
The Take | Analysis
8 questions for the midterm elections: A blue wave or not?
The Democrats hope to take control of the House, and Republicans think they'll hold the Senate. Those are just some of the dynamics that will play out over the next two months.
'Two easy wins now in doubt': Trump renews attack on Sessions
The president's tweet cites the indictments of a pair of Republican congressmen and seems to suggest that politics should guide his attorney general's actions.
Trump criticizes union leader on Labor Day: 'It is easy to see why unions are doing so poorly'
In a morning tweet, the president attacked Richard Trumka, head of the AFL-CIO, amid crucial negotiations for both sides over the North American Free Trade Agreement.
The 'Trump effect': A viral video from a community pool highlights racial tensions
The video from a subdivision pool was one of more than a dozen online clips from the summer that captured whites accusing blacks — often improperly — of trespassing or loitering. Such videos predate Trump's presidency and have proliferated this summer in places where he's popular and reviled. Race, however, has been an overt component of his ascendance.
As new NFL season begins, national anthem controversy drags on with no clear solution
The revised anthem policy ratified by the owners — which amounted to an attempt to satisfy everyone that ended up satisfying almost no one — has been on hold since July as part of an agreement with the NFL Players Association. The league and union continue to attempt to reach a compromise, but that is considered unlikely before the new season begins.
WorldViews | Analysis
Vladimir Putin is now a reality TV star
The one-hour show called "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin," comes as the Russian president suffers one of his largest dips in popularity in years.
Chinese billionaire leaves U.S. after arrest on suspicion of sexual assault chief executive Richard Qiangdong Liu was released Saturday from a Minnesota jail. As of Sunday, authorities had not decided whether to bring charges.
China pledges $60 billion in aid and loans to Africa, no 'political conditions attached'
The package includes medical aid, environmental protection, and agricultural training and assistance, but critics are concerned that Beijing is luring poorer nations into "debt traps."
Capital Weather Gang
Tropical Storm Gordon forms over the southern tip of Florida
Tropical storm warnings were also posted in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, where Gordon will likely make landfall early Wednesday.
LeSean McCoy is eligible to play in Bills' opener, NFL says, as police probe continues
Police in Georgia are investigating the July home invasion in which McCoy's former girlfriend allegedly was struck several times in the face with a gun.
Retropolis | The Past, Rediscovered
The searing photos that helped end child labor in America
At a time when child labor was widely accepted, Lewis Hine showed the world what it looked like when children as young as 4 were put to work.
Aretha Franklin died without a will, leaving her estate's future uncertain
Michigan law states her four children should split it equally, though the potential for legal conflict is high.
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