Wednesday, December 5, 2018

News Alert: Global carbon emissions reached a record high in 2018, dashing hopes that the world had begun to turn a corner

Between 2014 and 2016, emissions remained largely flat. But that trend didn't last. In 2017, global emissions grew 1.6 percent. The rise in 2018 could end up being twice that amount. As nations wrestle with how to change course at climate talks in Poland, the message of Wednesday's report was unambiguous: When it comes to promises to begin cutting the greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change, the world remains well off target.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Dec 5, 1:01 PM
Global carbon emissions reached a record high in 2018, dashing hopes that the world had begun to turn a corner

Between 2014 and 2016, emissions remained largely flat. But that trend didn't last. In 2017, global emissions grew 1.6 percent. The rise in 2018 could end up being twice that amount.

As nations wrestle with how to change course at climate talks in Poland, the message of Wednesday's report was unambiguous: When it comes to promises to begin cutting the greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change, the world remains well off target.

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