Thursday, July 25, 2019

Thursday's Headlines: Mueller pushes back in a testimony unlikely to change political dynamic

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Mueller pushes back in a testimony unlikely to change political dynamic
Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III finally responded to the president's taunts. But the hearings hardly provided the made-for-TV moment for which Democrats had hoped and possibly undercut the party's push for impeachment.
The Take | Analysis
Democrats now have one option to end Trump's presidency: The 2020 election
The Mueller testimony didn't deliver the spark the Democrats wanted. That puts the onus on House leaders and heightens the stakes for next year's presidential election.
Mueller's final day on the national stage was a halting, faltering performance
One of Washington's last respected symbols of bipartisanship repeatedly stumbled before divided House committees.
Puerto Rico governor to resign amid intense pressure on and off island
Ricardo Rosselló, 40, faced mass protests after a series of chat messages denigrating his opponents and Hurricane Maria victims were leaked. Justice Secretary Wanda Vázquez Garced will succeed him after he steps down Aug. 2.
The Opioid Files | Follow the Investigation
Opioid makers say there is no proof they are responsible for the epidemic's harms
In a filing for an enormous federal court case, drug manufacturers rejected a link between legal production of painkillers and death and addiction on U.S. streets.
The real bombshell in Mueller's testimony wasn't about impeaching Trump
Big Tech, meet Big Brother
I'm the administrator of Medicaid and Medicare. A public option is a bad idea.
So this is why Mueller didn't want to testify
By Sunday, Mueller's performance will be epochal
The repeal of the 'Cadillac tax' showed a hazard of bipartisanship
More News
Campaign 2020
Biden tears into Booker, criticizes Harris in a shift to aggressively counter his challengers
The former vice president took a shot at police practices in Newark during Cory Booker's tenure as mayor and questioned the fiscal feasibility of Kamala D. Harris's plan for health care.
Federal judge in California halts Trump's latest asylum ban
In blocking a days-old program that sought to bar Central Americans and other migrants from requesting asylum at the southern border, the judge said the government's frustrations with rising border crossings did not justify "shortcutting the law."
A second heat wave hits Europe, with Paris expecting to reach 109 degrees today
The punishing (and often lethal) heat is afflicting cities and regions largely without air conditioning.
The Fix | Analysis
Trump basked in the glow of young supporters. The presidential seal behind him was fake.
The doctored image resembled the bird on the Russian coat of arms and it was clutching golf clubs and cash in its talons.
Trump vetoes congressional attempt to block arms sales to Saudi Arabia
The sales would replenish part of an arsenal that lawmakers say has been used against civilians in Yemen's civil war. Many lawmakers also object to the idea of rewarding Saudi leaders after the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Social media companies are outsourcing their dirty work to the Philippines. A generation of workers is paying the price.
YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other tech firms have tasked contractors with reviewing suicides and massacres to decide if such content should remain online — and protect the firms' reputations.
For Facebook's Zuckerberg, FTC settlement could bring a new era of accountability
Mark Zuckerberg's power within Facebook is virtually unchallenged as the co-founder, CEO and largest stockholder. A deal that requires him to personally attest to the firm's privacy practices may bring an end to that.
Navy SEAL platoon kicked out of Iraq for drinking alcohol while deployed, officials say
A U.S. Special Operations Command statement said the platoon was sent home to San Diego "due to a perceived deterioration of good order and discipline within the team during non-operational periods" of their deployment.

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