Saturday, July 20, 2019

Saturday's Headlines: ‘Ship, ship, ship’: Drug firms’ emails show indifference to crisis

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
The Opioid Files
'Ship, ship, ship': Drug firms' emails show indifference to crisis
A court filing unsealed in a landmark case contends the drug industry failed to control the diversion of opioids into the black market.
Follow The Post's investigation of the opioid epidemic
The Post has reported extensively on the opioid crisis' key figures: manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies, doctors and the DEA itself.
For 'client' Jeffrey Epstein, an unlocked cell in a Florida jail
Documents shed new light on the apparent deference granted to the financier while in the custody of Palm Beach County.
Trump tells aides to look for big spending cuts if he wins a second term
President Trump's mixed messaging on the debt is seeding confusion about his budget priorities for the short term and the long term.
Trump returns to attacking 4 minority congresswomen
The Democrats in question "can't get away with" criticizing the U.S., President Trump told reporters, a statement that is at odds with the Constitution.
Millions of Americans like me and Ilhan Omar are right where we belong
Puerto Ricans are demanding better. It's about time Congress and San Juan deliver.
Republican lawmakers are behaving worse than Trump
Democrats must support each other before it's too late
Five myths about the moon
What Trump can expect from Iran's supreme leader
More News
Bernie Sanders defends campaign salaries after Post report of labor dispute with unionized organizers
The senator expressed frustration that the details of a tense dispute between his campaign staffers, who are unionized, and upper management became public.
Netanyahu is now Israel's longest serving leader. Watch some of the key moments on his rocky road so far.
To his supporters, Benjamin Netanyahu is an unrivaled world leader, with cult-like status. To his detractors though, his deeply divisive politics have put Israel further from peace with the Palestinians.
César Pelli | 1926–2019
Celebrated architect of sweep and harmony dies at 92
His globe-spanning work included the Petronas Towers, a twin-spire skyscraper in Malaysia that was briefly the world's tallest structure.
After Dan Le Batard ripped Trump, ESPN again faces a political mess
The sports network's pitfalls of the moment are familiar to any corporation that has had to navigate the Trump era.
Scrutiny of Chinese American scientists raises fears of ethnic profiling
The firings of two professors at Emory University underscores the roiling debate over how to preserve the culture of free academic exchange while preventing China and other nations from abusing that trust.
W.Va. bishop banned from public ministry after sexual, financial misconduct allegations
The Vatican also barred Michael Bransfield from residing in his former diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, but stopped short of defrocking him.
Iran's Revolutionary Guard reportedly seizes British tanker
The report from Iranian state TV gave no details, but according to operators of the British-registered Stena Impero, the ship was "approached" by small craft and a helicopter while in international waters at the mouth of the Persian Gulf.
A Yazidi woman from Iraq told Trump that ISIS killed her family. 'Where are they now?' he asked.
An awkward exchange with Nobel laureate Nadia Murad was just one of several when the president met with survivors of religious persecution this week.
Post Reports | Listen Now
The origin story of the lunar landing
Lillian Cunningham on the United States' path to being the first to have astronauts walk on the moon. Plus, Sebastian Smee on an iconic photo of Mother Earth.

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