Thursday, July 25, 2019

News Alert: Iran, other countries prepared to follow Russia's disinformation playbook in 2020, researchers say

Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's warning that Russia and "many more countries" were likely to target disinformation at U.S. voters in 2020 echoes the findings of a broad range of independent researchers, who see this potential from operations in Saudi Arabia, Israel, China, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. Such campaigns may already have begun.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Jul 25, 3:40 PM
Iran, other countries prepared to follow Russia's disinformation playbook in 2020, researchers say

Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's warning that Russia and "many more countries" were likely to target disinformation at U.S. voters in 2020 echoes the findings of a broad range of independent researchers, who see this potential from operations in Saudi Arabia, Israel, China, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela.
Such campaigns may already have begun.

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