Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday's Headlines: Democrats struggle to figure out next move against Trump after Mueller hearing falls flat

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Democrats struggle to figure out next move against Trump after Mueller hearing falls flat
Several Democrats wondered whether they erred in having Robert S. Mueller III to testify in public, and his appearance aggravated divisions in the party over impeachment.
@PKCapitol | Analysis
Democrats head into long recess undecided on impeachment
As the House embarks on a historically lengthy recess that will last until Sept. 9, Democrats favoring impeachment might find it difficult to keep up the drumbeat for launching proceedings.
Iran tries Russian-style disinformation with U.S. electorate, researchers say
Former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's warning that Russia and "many more countries" were likely to target disinformation at U.S. voters in 2020 echoes the findings of a broad range of independent researchers.
As Puerto Rico's governor prepares to quit, allegations about the next one emerge
Justice Secretary Wanda Vázquez Garced, slated to succeed Gov. Ricardo Rosselló, is deeply distrusted.
Why city dwellers are seeking out second homes in the suburbs
As people face busy work schedules, traffic and family commitments, the dual lifestyle is becoming increasingly common, with some industry insiders seeing it not just in megacities such as New York and Los Angeles, but also smaller centers.
Trump will bear responsibility if Saudi Arabia isn't held accountable
What's happening in 'Orange Is the New Black' is happening to women behind bars
What Puerto Rico's protesters can teach the rest of us
Instead of thanks, a critical U.S. ally faces only more threats
The tide has turned, and Trump has the advantage
Trump is the true socialist
More News
Why crafty Internet trolls in the Philippines may be coming to a website near you
Once known as a call-center hub, the Philippines is now a clearinghouse for social media deception. And it's going global.    
Meet the man who created the fake presidential seal — a former Republican fed up with Trump
President Trump stood in front of the doctored seal at a Turning Point USA summit in Washington on Tuesday.
Trump appears to attack 'The Squad' on behalf of the Jewish people. Here's what that sounds like to Jews.
Many condemned the president, saying he is using Jews as a political football to score points.
Months before Canada's election, Justin Trudeau's colorful mother takes the stage to tell all
Margaret Trudeau, free-spirited former flower child, brings one-woman show to Montreal.
The IRS turned over Nixon's tax returns the same day a congressional panel asked for them
New documents appear to undermine the Trump administration's contention that House lawmakers' request for the president's tax returns is "unprecedented."
By The Way | A Post Travel Destination
Child's winding ride on Atlanta airport baggage belt ends with TSA
Indulging a curiosity that intrigues even grown-ups, a 2-year-old boy climbed onto a conveyor belt that became a five-minute obstacle course. His hand was hurt in the process.
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California's secret climate deal with automakers bypasses Trump administration regulations
Juliet Eilperin explains the secret deal between California and four major automakers. Plus, Elizabeth Dwoskin on the lives of content moderators across the ocean and Jeff Stein on whether to expect a four-day workweek anytime soon.

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