Tuesday, June 25, 2019



'Boris effect' threat to jobs, tax cuts and your pension

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:35 PM PDT

The Daily Digest
Wednesday 26 June 2019
Today's top story
Paschal Donohoe. Picture: Collins
'Boris effect' threat to jobs, tax cuts and your pension Boris Johnson's elevation to UK prime minister will threaten the annual €5 boost to pension payments and promised income tax cuts.
Main Headlines
Spillage: Algae allegedly discoloured water at Sandycove in Dublin. Photo: Steve Humphreys Highs of 27C for the week but beach closures cast cloud over good weather Allison Bray and Callum Lavery A spell of hot and muggy weather is on the cards for the rest of the week as Europe sizzles in a scorching heatwave.
Hospital porter Mark Manning says he and his colleagues want the Government to deliver on the agreement it made. Picture: Provision 'It's not the money': Porter says colleague walked 15 miles in one shift Anne-Marie Walsh Porter Mark Manning, from Cork city, who has worked at Cork University Hospital for three years, says today's strike is not about money.
Fr Michael O'Leary is on bail over charges he was found with methamphetamine in his car Priest on drug charges in US can travel to give evidence in will row, High Court hears Tim Healy Irishman may return for siblings' High Court dispute
Kitchen closed: Merlin Park Hospital in Galway Patients told 'bring a sandwich' as catering facilities shut down Eilish O'Regan Today's strike to cause chaos


Boris Johnson. Photo: Reuters Colette Browne: 'Frivolous focus of British media shows why the country can't rid itself of damaging Brexit-mania' Colette Browne Boris Johnson is about to become prime minister at a time of immense crisis for the UK, so what is the media currently obsessed with? A picture of him and his girlfriend.
Symposium: Education Minister Joe McHugh is meeting teachers, parents and school patrons in Dublin today to discuss ways to support rural schools John Walshe: 'How do we solve the problem of too many small schools without closing them down?' John Walshe Education Minister Joe McHugh is taking a political risk opening the Pandora's box of small schools some months away from the next general election.
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Photo: PA New Look losses jump after heavy writedowns Holly Williams Fashion chain New Look has slumped deeper into the red with losses of more than £500m (€558m) after hefty writedowns, and warned that trading remains "challenging".
Stock image Debt costs up for business despite ECB rate-cut talk Donal O'Donovan Borrowing costs for small and mid-sized businesses in Ireland increased in the first three months of the year, despite the wider speculation in the economy that interest rates will fall.
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SPOJ Toolkit

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:09 PM PDT

Schiappa place ses proches | Futur site de Safran en Rhône-Alpes | Déménagement du Monde

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 10:04 PM PDT

Le quotidien de l'influence et des pouvoirs

sur votre abonnement jusqu'au 12/07/2019


Édition quotidienne
Mercredi 26 juin 2019


Face à Safran, Laurent Wauquiez engage un bras de fer sur les subventions


Le président de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Laurent Wauquiez, et le président de la métropole de Lyon, David Kimelfeld, s'affrontent sur l'implantation d'une usine de Safran. Le DG de l'entreprise menace d'installer son site aux Etats-Unis. [...]

Marlène Schiappa place ses proches au Haut conseil à l'égalité

La secrétaire d'Etat Marlène Schiappa s'est assurée de la présence d'un noyau dur de fidèles et de soutiens LREM au sein du Haut conseil à l'égalité. Placée sous l'autorité de Matignon, l'instance contribue à l'évaluation des politiques publiques en matière d'égalité entre hommes et femmes. [...]

Unesco : Soria Blatmann, conseillère d'Audrey Azoulay, est sur le départ
Association des diplômés de l'X : quand le comité d'audit vient jouer les trouble-fête

L'adoubement le 26 juin des trois candidats aux postes d'administrateurs au conseil d'administration de l'AX n'est pas sans poser quelques problèmes au sein du monde feutré des polytechniciens. En cause : les conclusions d'un récent rapport rédigé par le comité d'audit de la structure. [...]

L'ex-VP de Clai, Yannick Duvergé, crée sa propre structure de com'
SFR confie ses pôles BtoB et grand public à un seul homme
Le Monde : nouvelles frictions internes sur l'aménagement du futur bâtiment

L'installation du groupe Le Monde dans ses nouveaux locaux pourrait être repoussée à début 2020. Toujours au cœur d'intenses tractations quant à l'aménagement des espaces de travail, le futur siège va faire l'objet d'une nouvelle expertise du cabinet Technologia, attendue cet été. [...]

Molotov : procédure de conciliation avec les créanciers

Votre sommaire de La Lettre du Continent

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:56 PM PDT

Les hommes, les affaires et leurs réseaux en Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale.

À la Une de l'édition
du 24/06/2019


FMI : Autour de Denis Sassou Nguesso, la guerre des conseillers financiers


Le 5 juillet, les administrateurs du Fonds monétaire international (FMI) doivent décider de la reprise des prêts au Congo-B, interrompus depuis 2011. Mais, à la veille de cette échéance cruciale, le premier cercle des conseillers économiques du président Denis Sassou [...]

Pénétrez les réseaux de pouvoir politiques et économiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale
Bruxelles prêt à verser 120 millions d'euros à la force conjointe du G5 Sahel
En bref

Florence Parly attendue à Ouagadougou
Riyad fait attendre Liban Soleiman
La n°2 de la FIFA, Fatma Samoura, victime d'un cambriolage à son hôtel parisien
Après la RDC, Jean-Louis Borloo en prospection à Conakry
Amadou Ba prépare le Forum de Dakar 2019

ESL dans la mêlée des lobbyistes tricolores à Kinshasa

"Bati" Tomi convoite la Satram

Jain, Orient et Marubeni veulent transformer le coton

Le banquier Idrissa Nassa a des vues sur BNP Paribas
Franck Yann Koubdjé passe des grands comptes des dirigeants gabonais au Trésor
En bref

Le lobbying du PDG d'Orange à Abidjan
Hopscotch pour la com' du sommet Tchad-Monde arabe
BAEC obtient le marché de l'université de Kankan
Paris Inn Group prospecte à San Pedro
CPS Africa moissonne au Sahel
Avis de tempête face à l'explosion de la dette des entreprises publiques
Embouteillage pour l'étude de faisabilité du trans-sahélien

Marie-Madeleine Mborantsuo dans l'œil du cyclone

Seydou Bamba et l'appel d'offres pour le SI du portefeuille de l'Etat
Cellou Diallo à Abidjan pour engranger des soutiens

Kadré Désiré Ouédraogo compte ses troupes en vue de 2020
Les dossiers du Department of Justice sur Libreville

Affaire Sall : comment la présidence a géré l'orage

Comment Donald Trump veut faire sortir João Lourenço de l'orbite de Pékin

Alassane Ouattara traîne la dette du PPU comme un boulet
Les dessous du voyage secret de Patrice Talon à Aso Rock

Les ambitions contrariées d'Abdourahmane Cissé

Berlin en passe de lâcher Idriss Déby

Une promo des FAMa en formation directement envoyée au front   GRATUIT 
Au palais

Paul Kagame favorable à l'adhésion de Kinshasa à l'EAC
Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo à Paris
Henri Konan Bédié rencontrera Laurent Gbagbo à Bruxelles
En bref

Bruxelles et Kinshasa enterrent la hache de guerre
Fébrilité présidentielle sur l'école anti-terroriste
La famille Lecourt, discrète vitrine monégasque pour oligarques africains

Installée sur le Rocher depuis deux générations, la famille Lecourt, active à l'origine dans le savon, a progressivement développé, outre un fructueux négoce agricole, une autre activité de nettoyage : l'enregistrement de sociétés monégasques pour le compte de tiers. Un service apprécié par les grandes fortunes, notamment en Afrique. [...] Lire la suite

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VideoKhoj.Net - Best Categories wise YouTube Video Index

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:23 PM PDT

    VideoKhoj.Net - Best Categories wise YouTube Video Index

ترك برس - النشرة 26-06-2019

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 09:04 PM PDT

أشاد المتحدث باسم حزب العدالة والتنمية التركي عمر جليك، بالتقرير الأممي الذي أعدته المحققة أغنيس  كالامارد حول مقتل الصحفي السعودي جمال خاشقجي، قائلا: "التقرير أعد بشكل موضوعي".

أنتجت تركيا 89 في المئة من الكهرباء من مصادر محلية متجدّدة في 5 حزيران/ يونيو الجاري، وفقًا لوزارة الطاقة والموارد الطبيعية.

رأى خبراء ومحللون أن خطاب "المظلومية" الذي استخدامه مرشح المعارضة التركية في انتخابات بلدية إسطنبول الكبرى أكرم إمام أوغلو، كان من أهم العوامل التي ساهمت في فوزه على مرشح الحزب الحاكم بن علي يلدريم، بفارق كبير.

حصل الطالب السوري محمد خليل على العلامة الكاملة في امتحان الانتقال من المرحلة المتوسطة إلى المرحلة الثانوية خلال دراسته في ولاية كيلس جنوبي تركيا.

محمد بارلاص – صحيفة صباح – ترجمة وتحرير ترك برس

تتوارد المؤشرات على قدوم فترة جديدة في القانون الدولي.. سيركز الخطاب الأكثر شيوعًا في هذه الفترة على أن من يستخدمون حق السيادة في بلدانهم يمتلكون حق قتل مواطنيهم بطريقة أو بأخرى. 

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محمد بن سلمان يزور كوريا الجنوبية

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:59 PM PDT

إذا لم تستطع مشاهدة الصور في هذه الرسالة. يمكنك عرضها من خلال الضغط على هذا الرابط
الأحد 27 مايو 2018
أخبار   | اقتصاد   | ثقافات   | ترفيه   | لايف ستايل   | رياضة  | نيو ميديا  | مذاقات
سيول ترحب بولي العهد السعودي: قصص النجاح تبدأ برؤية
الأمير محمد بن سلمان يبدأ اليوم زيارة إلى كوريا الجنوبية
أكد دعم اليابان لإصلاحات الأمير محمد بن سلمان
آبي يشيد بدور السعودية في السلام والاستقرار بالمنطقة
هيئة الطيران المدني السعودي تعلن افتتاح مطار "نيوم" رسميًا
جونسون يخرج إلى العلن مجددًا بعد ابتعاده عن الإعلام
طهران: العقوبات الأميركية تغلق مسار الدبلوماسية
سلطان الجابر: الهجوم على ناقلة واحدة يمثل اعتداء على المجتمع الدولي
أبوظبي تطلق 9 مبادرات لدعم الشركات الصغيرة
"آيرينا": الإمارات تتعاون معنا في عديد المبادرات والمشاريع
الأمم المتحدة: راتب ميسي ضعف رواتب 1693 لاعبة
دربي كاونتي يسمح لتشلسي بالتفاوض مع لامبارد
فرحة أوروغوانية وخيبة أمل يابانية وتشيلية.. في صور
نيللي كريم تشوِّق متابعيها لعملٍ جديد مع هند صبري
"الموسيقيون": لا مقارنة بين أزمة شيرين وميريام فارس
إليسا تعترف بعلاقة حب موضحة إشكالية علاقتها بـ"روتانا"

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Gut-wrenching photo; press blackout; Mueller time; Trump's next interview; press secretary shift; Slate's new political editor; NBC's 'Office' move

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 08:32 PM PDT


We can't look away

I know it is tempting to look away. I have been trying. I have been trying to avoid the stories about the deplorable conditions at the camps near the southern border. Babies taking care of babies. Migrants pleading for help. Maybe you have been trying to avoid it too. But we can't.

The humanitarian crisis at the border is back at the top of the national news agenda. I have been noticing this all month long -- an increase in stories and columns and segments about the situation -- and now it's No. 1 for several reasons. Let's take a closer look...

A dead kid and her dad

This photograph of a father and daughter who drowned while crossing the Rio Grande on Sunday was "captured by journalist Julia Le Duc and published by Mexican newspaper La Jornada," according to The AP. It "highlights the perils faced by mostly Central American migrants fleeing violence and poverty and hoping for asylum in the United States."

CNN's team writes: "The photo is haunting, a vivid reminder of the danger many face when they try to cross into the United States. It shows the human toll of a crisis at the border that's often debated with abstract statistics and detached policy arguments." And it evokes memories "of a 3-year-old Syrian boy, Aylan Kurdi, whose body washed up on a beach in Turkey. The iconic 2015 image of the drowned toddler lying in the sand continues to stir discussion over policies toward migrants."

"This picture came out now for a reason."

That's what Chris Cuomo said on his CNN program Tuesday evening. He noted that there "was a debate within news organizations -- whether to show it -- [and] that's not unusual. We're worried about the startling effect of this grisly reality." But the reality is, "this is terrible. Whether you're a parent, or you just have blood pumping through their veins."

"I can't even look at it, Chris," Don Lemon said at the end of Cuomo's show.

"You must," Cuomo said.

What are we NOT seeing?

There's been a "blackout on press access" at detention facilities, WaPo's Paul Farhi wrote on Tuesday. So Americans are "largely in the dark about conditions in government facilities designed to handle migrants who have crossed the border. Photographs and TV images are rare and often dated. Rarer still are interviews with federal agency managers and employees or with the children themselves." Read Farhi's full story here...

Relying on second-hand reports

"The gut-wrenching descriptions we have of conditions at some border patrol facilities have been coming in, for the most part, from lawyers who are able to access these facilities," MSNBC's Rachel Maddow said Tuesday evening.

"As a rule," she asserted, "they do not talk to the press about their visits. They're used in ongoing litigation and legal matters." But "this past week they have so shocked and so disgusted by what they found that they decided that they needed, for the first time, to go public and sound the alarm." And those accounts are a big reason why this subject is back on TV screens. Some other reasons: Ongoing litigation... Progressive activism... Tuesday's resignation of the acting border patrol boss, which led the broadcast nightly newscasts... And Tuesday night's House passage of a new border aid bill...

Trump deflects...

When CNN's Abby Phillip asked Trump if he's concerned about the conditions at the border, Trump said, "Yes I am, I'm very concerned. And they're much better than under President Obama by far."

He also said the kids are being treated "very well," which prompted Fox's Shep Smith to re-read the reporting from Clint, TX. Mediaite has the video...

Soldiers rescue woman and child on US-Mexico border

This story, from CNN's Ryan Browne, is a timely reminder about what Americans are doing to reduce the suffering, amid all the disturbing headlines: "Two US soldiers tasked with helping safeguard the US-Mexico border rescued a woman and a her child Thursday, saving the migrant family from drowning as they attempted to cross into the country, the US military said Tuesday..."


Mueller time

A 9 p.m. surprise: The House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees announced that Robert Mueller has agreed to testify publicly "following a subpoena." The date: Wednesday, July 17. Wall to wall TV coverage? Of course. As CNN's Jeremy Herb said, "Mueller's testimony is poised to be the most-anticipated congressional hearing in years..."

 >> Reminder: Mueller said on May 29 that "any testimony from this office would not go beyond our report...."

Trump is calling Maria Bartiromo

Fox said Tuesday night that Maria Bartiromo will be interviewing Trump on the phone on Wednesday morning. It "will air live on FBN's Mornings with Maria in the 8 a.m. ET hour," per Fox...

Grisham in charge

Stephanie Grisham "has been with team Trump longer than anyone currently in the White House, with the exception of Dan Scavino, both of whom started on the Trump campaign in 2015," CNN's Kate Bennett wrote on Tuesday. And now Grisham -- Melania Trump's spokeswoman -- will be both W.H. press secretary AND comms director. She is starting right away, with Trump about to fly to Japan for the G20. Read Bennett's full story here...

 >> NYT's Katie Rogers wrote: "Grisham will give the First Lady a new window into a West Wing where the President's kids have an outsized influence..."

107 days

Wednesday will be day 107 without a televised White House press briefing. Will Grisham resume the briefings in the weeks ahead?


 -- Day one of #DemDebate season! The NYT's Michael Grynbaum has a preview of NBC's plans here. I'll be out with a special pre-debate edition of the newsletter on Wednesday evening...

 -- The backers of a new proposal to establish a Fallen Journalists Memorial in DC will hold a 10 a.m. ET event at the National Press Club...

 -- Mark Zuckerberg will speak with Cass Sunstein at the Aspen Ideas Festival at 4:30 p.m. ET...

"You'd better not say I was here"

Oliver Darcy emails: Some reporters appeared embarrassed to have attended Monday night's goodbye party for Sarah Sanders. Speaking to the NYT, one reporter said, "You'd better not say I was here." Another echoed, "Me either." Which, as The Daily Beast's Max Tani said, is a "lame response." Indeed, if these reporters were uncomfortable attending the event, then why did they go to begin with? But as CJR's Amanda Darrach wrote here, some W.H. reporters justified the schmoozing as a part of their jobs...

 >> WaPo's Erik Wemple showed up at the party and tried to ask Sanders some Q's... She said "I just don't think this is the appropriate venue..."


 -- Lachlan Cartwright's brand new scoop: The NYT's Trump tax team "imploded when star reporter David Barstow went rogue..." (Beast)

 -- Ken Lerer is stepping down as chairman of BuzzFeed… (Axios)

 -- The private equity firm Genesis Park has sold Texas Monthly mag to "billionaire oil and gas heiress Randa Duncan Williams..." (DMN)

 -- Condé Nast is selling W mag to Future Media... W's style director Sara Moonves, daughter of Les, will be the new editor in chief... (NYPost)

The end of NRATV?

Danny Hakim's latest for the NYT: The NRA "has shut down production at NRATV" and "severed all business with its estranged advertising firm, Ackerman McQueen, which operates NRATV, the N.R.A.'s live broadcasting media arm... While NRATV may continue to air past content, its live broadcasting will end and its on-air personalities — Ackerman employees who included Dana Loesch — will no longer be the public faces" of the organization...


 -- New Tuesday book releases to note: MSNBC's Joy Reid is out with "The Man Who Sold America," The New Yorker's Emily Nussbaum is out with "I Like to Watch," and professor and frequent TV commentator Kim Wehle is out with "How to Read the Constitution -- and Why..."

 -- LinkedIn's algorithm changes are favoring conversations "that cater to niche professional interests, as opposed to elevating viral content..." (Axios)

Florida newsrooms team up to cover climate crisis

Via An Phung: Six Florida newsrooms— The Miami Herald, South Florida Sun Sentinel, Tampa Bay Times, Palm Beach Post, Orlando Sentinel, and WLRN — are teaming up to cover the climate crisis together, NiemanLab's Laura Hazard Owen reports

 >> "A decade ago, a partnership like this would have seemed improbable. Newsrooms saw each other as rivals. We still compete — often fiercely," Tampa Bay Times exec editor Mark Katches writes. "But a new pragmatism has taken hold in newsrooms across the country. We simply can't cover the same ground that we once could. And truth be told, we're not vying for the same readers." This reminds me of the new California Reporting Project...


Tom Scocca joining Slate

Jared Hohlt, who became EIC of Slate about three months ago, is making a big hire: Tom Scocca. This will be a homecoming for Scocca, who wrote for Slate back in 2010. Now he is joining the publication as politics editor, according to Hohlt's Tuesday night email to employees.

"As politics editor, he will not only concentrate on further buffing Slate's reputation as a destination for top-notch political and legal analysis, but he will also be seeking new reporting opportunities, with new voices, wherever he and we find them," Hohlt says. His website Hmm Daily will stop publishing new stories later this summer, but Scocca will still write and deliver a weekly newsletter to subscribers every Tuesday...

David Bohrman consulting at CBS

Susan Zirinsky announced two additions and some other changes at CBS News with an eye toward special election coverage: In an internal memo on Tuesday, She said CNN vet Renee Cullen is the news division's new creative director, "freshening the look and design of our shows and special events, including Washington coverage..." Cullen will be in the director's chair for big events...

And David Bohrman, a TV news icon who's worked all across the industry, including CNN, "has joined as a consultant to CBS News -- with an innovative approach to elections and technology in helping tell the story," Zirinsky wrote. He had a similar title at MSNBC for the 2016 cycle. Z said "David will work with Special Events executive producer Eva Nordstrom, and Renee to re-imagine how we present our election coverage..."

Missing in Murdoch world: Jean Carroll coverage

Oliver Darcy emails: Just how little has Murdochworld covered E. Jean Carroll's accusation against Trump? Well, we know that the New York Post deleted its coverage, following orders from Murdoch lieutenant Col Allan. We know that WSJ has only published one story. And on Tuesday, Media Matters published a review which found that Fox allotted just over four minutes to the story between June 21 to June 24.

On Tuesday evening, though, Tucker Carlson spent some time on his show skewering Carroll while attacking the media. He played what he called were "wacky soundbites from someone trying to sell a book..."

>> Think about this: It's entirely possible that those who only consume news from Murdoch-owned properties have not even heard about the allegation...

WaPo's new editorial

"Just as we cannot ignore the disdain for the truth and the law that defines this administration simply because we have grown to expect it, we cannot ignore an allegation of sexual assault against the president simply because others have come before it," the Post's editorial board wrote Tuesday. "The United States still has to function with Mr. Trump in the Oval Office, but greeting the grossest abuses as routine veers too close to treating them as acceptable. At the least, the country must do for Ms. Carroll what the president will not: Listen to her."


Will Dems take Facebook to task for Pelosi video?

Donie O'Sullivan emails: On Wednesday I'll be covering a House hearing on social media and its role in misinformation and terrorism. It'll be the first time House Democrats get to publicly question Facebook since the doctored Nancy Pelosi video went viral. Representing Facebook is Monika Bickert... who already faced some tough Q's from our own Anderson Cooper about why FB refused to take down the Pelosi video. Here is the line up...

Sen. Markey wants tough penalties for Google and YouTube over kids' content

CNN's Brian Fung writes: Ed Markey wants the FTC to "crack down on Google and YouTube over its handling of videos aimed at children." In a letter on Tuesday, he called for regulators to impose tough requirements on YouTube that "put children's wellbeing first." Bloomberg and The Verge have details here...

Hamby: Can the Dems "win back the internet?"

"A decade after Barack Obama's campaign was heralded for its digital savvy around data and email marketing, Trump-era conservatives are now the ascendant political force of the networked internet," Peter Hamby writes in his latest for VF. "As progressives cling to the quaint idea that political fights can be won with facts and reason, or that regulators will find a way to take on the Big Tech platforms, right-wing voices have cracked open the emotional code of social media and hijacked it for political gain." 

Hamby's piece is about whether Dems can "win back the internet." Key quote from former Obama fund-raiser Shomik Dutta, a co-founder of Higher Ground Labs, which invests in progressive tech startups: "Democrats are largely still relying on traditional media outlets to put their stories out. It's not going to work. Right-wing websites and MAGA people are very good at flooding networks with lots of content all the time, and those networks have biases towards outrage and fear and anger and disgust. We have to learn how to cope with those things."


 -- Charlie Warzel writes about Congress' desire for data transparency, but how it "still doesn't understand the Internet..." (NYT)

-- Pew's annual State of the News Media report for cable, broadcast and local TV is out... (Pew)

 -- Counting down to "The Loudest Voice" premiere on Showtime this Sunday: Gabriel Sherman talked with Vulture about bringing his Roger Ailes biography to life for the TV screen.... (Vulture)

YouTube and the trans community

Kaya Yurieff emails: As Pride month comes to a close, I spoke with more than half a dozen transgender creators on YouTube about their experiences on the platform, and some of the hurdles they've faced along the way, including their videos being demonetized and age restricted. The major theme: creators want transparency from YouTube about what's going on, not a vague message saying they violated one of its "Community Guidelines." Read on...

A new plan for Verizon Media

Michelle Toh reports from Hong Kong: Six months ago, Verizon declared that its media brands were virtually worthless. In January, the division cut 7% of its workforce. Now Verizon is trying to remake the business. I sat down with Verizon Media CEO Guru Gowrappan to discuss the company's path forward, its new name ("Oath didn't mean a lot as a brand," he admitted), and what it all means for brands like Yahoo, HuffPost and TechCrunch.

Gowrappan said he's done cutting jobs, and has a bold plan: Five years from now, he hopes Verizon Media will have diversified enough to gain revenue equally from three buckets: ad sales, subscriptions and transactions...


 -- Rebecca Keegan's latest: "A standup special used to be the pinnacle of a comic's career. Thanks to Netflix, it's now an important step on the way up." Read about the "Ali Wong model..." (THR)

 -- "Brian Benedik, Spotify's global head of ad sales, has decided to leave the company," Jessica Toonkel reports... (The Information)

 -- Trey Williams writes: "Why New Warner Bros CEO Ann Sarnoff Could Be Just What Hollywood Needs..." (TheWrap)

"The Office" off Netflix in 2021

As expected, NBCUniversal is moving "The Office" from Netflix to its own in-the-works streaming service. NBC decided to announce the move on Tuesday... It will take effect in 2021... And NBC's streamer will have "exclusive domestic streaming rights" for five years.

"A person familiar with the negotiations said Netflix made an offer to keep it, but the offer was rejected. Netflix was willing to pay up to $90 million a year for the rights, but NBC topped that offer and will pay $100 million," CNBC's Alex Sherman reports...

 >> Janko Roettgers' tweet hits the nail on the head: "'The Office' is like comfort food, I get why people rewatch it a lot. But will they really subscribe to another service just for it? Or is it more of a habit... you eat it because it's in front of you?"

 >> Big picture via Peter Kafka: "Many of Netflix's most popular TV shows and movies will be leaving over the next few years, and will end up on rival streaming services owned by Disney, Comcast and AT&T." But Netflix has been planning for this moment for many years...

 >> Counter-programming, Steve Carell edition: Jill Disis' story for CNN Business notes that Netflix already ordered a "new show called 'Space Force' that stars Carell and will be created by TV developer and producer Greg Daniels -- the man who adapted 'The Office' for American television..."


 -- Ava DuVernay just tweeted out these viewership stats: "Imagine believing the world doesn't care about real stories of black people. It always made me sad. So when Netflix just shared with me that 23M+ accounts worldwide have watched #WhenTheySeeUs, I cried. Our stories matter and can move across the globe. A new truth for a new day." (Twitter)

 -- George Clooney's first project with Netflix is a film titled "Good Morning, Midnight," an adaptation of Lily Brooks-Dalton's novel following "a lonely scientist in the Arctic" as he "races to make contact with the crew of a spacecraft as they try to return home to Earth..." (CNN)

 -- EW's Nicole Sperling is joining the NYT as a media reporter, covering Hollywood alongside Brooks Barnes, "with a special emphasis on streaming..." (Twitter)

 -- Marianne Garvey reports: "Cardi B has pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from a brawl in a New York strip club last August..." (CNN)

 -- Coming in November: "The inaugural three-day Day N Vegas sounds like a hip-hop lover's dream," Chloe Melas writes... (CNN)

 -- Joe Adalian tweeted Tuesday night: "In case you were wondering: Yes, Julie Chen is still calling herself 'Julie Chen Moonves' as BIG BROTHER begins its new season..." (Twitter)

Ryan Murphy making "The Prom" for Netflix

Mike Fleming Jr. reported Tuesday: "Not yet a year into his expensive five-year deal with Netflix, Ryan Murphy is about to deliver his biggest get for the streamer. Deadline hears he will direct and produce the feature adaptation of the Tony-nominated stage musical 'The Prom' and has secured a cast that puts Netflix in new starpower territory. Meryl Streep will star alongside James Corden, Nicole Kidman and Ariana Grande, with Awkwafina, Keegan-Michael Key and Andrew Rannells playing key roles..."


By Lisa Respers France:

 -- Tuesday marked the 10 year anniversary of the death of Michael Jackson. I'm giving myself permission to feel conflicted about acknowledging that.

 -- "Dog the Bounty Hunter" has shared a photo from his wife Beth's bedside, where she has been placed in a medically induced coma as she battles cancer.

 -- Singer Avril Lavigne is launching her first tour in 5 years.

 -- Willow Smith says she loves men and women equally.


By Megan Thomas:

 -- This article on "the wild ride at Babe.net" by The Cut's Allison Davis is a crazy, must-read for digital editors... (The Cut)

 -- A great VF headline: "Matt Lauer and Charlie Rose are in the Hamptons and Page 6 is all over it" (VF)

 -- If "Hills" viewers needed more reason to celebrate the return of the early aughts, a fan of the former Paris Hilton/Nicole Richie reality show "The Simple Life" had the Twitterverse thinking the show was getting a reboot today. It's not... (VF)
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BREAKING NEWS: House passes border spending package in win for Pelosi

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:51 PM PDT

The House approved $4.5 billion to ease the humanitarian crisis at the southern border, delivering a hard-fought victory to Speaker Nancy Pelosi after several days of battling with her caucus' left flank.

The Senate is expected to pass its version of the bill swiftly, though it's unclear if Democrats and Republicans will be able to agree on a spending package that can be signed into law before the July Fourth recess starts at week's end.

Read more: https://politi.co/2X0Z67N

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BREAKING NEWS: Mueller to testify, Schiff and Nadler say

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:15 PM PDT

Former special counsel Robert Mueller will testify in public before the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees on July 17, both panels announced late Tuesday.

Mueller was served with a subpoena after the Democratic-led committees and the former special counsel failed to agree on terms for his voluntary public testimony.

"Americans have demanded to hear directly from the special counsel so they can understand what he and his team examined, uncovered, and determined about Russia's attack on our democracy, the Trump campaign's acceptance and use of that help, and President Trump and his associates' obstruction of the investigation into that attack," Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said in a joint statement.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/25/robert-mueller-testimony-schiff-nadler-1382893

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NEWS ALERT: Federal judge rules Trump emoluments lawsuit can proceed

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:09 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Federal judge rules Trump emoluments lawsuit can proceed
A federal judge ruled Tuesday that a lawsuit that accuses President Trump of profiting off the presidency in violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause can ...
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:58 PM EDT

Federal judge rules Trump emoluments lawsuit can proceed

A federal judge ruled Tuesday that a lawsuit that accuses President Trump of profiting off the presidency in violation of the Constitution's emoluments clause can move forward.

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Τα καλύτερα games στις καλύτερες τιμές | Gameexplorers.gr

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 06:06 PM PDT

Литературная газета

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:16 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Judge refuses to find Navy SEAL not guilty in murder trial

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:16 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Judge refuses to find Navy SEAL not guilty in murder trial
The judge in the war crimes trial of decorated Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher has refused to find him not guilty of murder and attempted murder.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 8:04 PM EDT

Judge refuses to find Navy SEAL not guilty in murder trial

The judge in the war crimes trial of decorated Navy SEAL Edward Gallagher has refused to find him not guilty of murder and attempted murder.

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The filthy conditions of migrant camps

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 04:35 PM PDT

TicToc Tonight

Greetings, TicToc readers! Tuesday's almost over. Here's what's happening:

But first...

Migrant kids returned to 'horrific' border camp

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection moved more than 100 migrant children back to a remote Texas facility described as having "unconscionable" conditions. Human rights groups said children had no access to soap and were only allowed infrequent showers during multiple weeks of detainment. Six migrant children held by the government have died in its custody since late 2018.


  • John Sanders, the acting commissioner of CBP, resigned amid outrage over the treatment of migrant children in border camps.
  • Wayfair employees were planning to walk out Wednesday in protest of the retailer's alleged sales to contractors furnishing border camps. 

Headlines from around the world

Hassan Rouhani derided the White House as being "afflicted by mental retardation" for sanctions targeting Iran's supreme leader. 

Trump, meanwhile, threatened Iran with "overwhelming force" if it attacked "anything American," adding he wouldn't need an "exit strategy." 

Stephanie Grisham, Melania Trump's top aide, was chosen as the new White House press secretary.

San Francisco became the first U.S. city to ban the sale of Juul and other e-cigarettes.

SpaceX launched its Falcon Heavy rocket, sending 24 satellites to space on reused boosters, billed as its "most difficult launch ever." 

Data of the day

Cost of a hangover. Employees showing up to work hungover or drunk costs Britain's economy up to $1.8 billion a year, said an Institute of Alcohol Studies survey, which found the majority of respondents have done so once or twice in the past six months. 

Lean back and watch

Bill Gates has some Microsoft regrets. His biggest mistake was missing the opportunity to be the dominant mobile OS, he said.

China's growing wealth is changing the way people die. The most common causes of death now resemble the richest nations. 

Burning Man hired a lobbying firm. Worried new federal regulations could kill its vibe, organizers are seeking help to get a permit.

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Before you go

Traffic deluge. Torrential rainfall in Serbia overwhelmed the sewer system in its capital, Belgrade, submerging many streets. 

BART breakdown. Oakland, California, commuters had to walk through an underground tunnel after a train got stuck on the tracks.

Want to buy some elephants? Zimbabwe is prepared to ship them to "anyone who wants wildlife" as it looks to reduce their numbers.   

Don't miss this

Can you name them all? With more Democratic candidates than ever running for the 2020 presidential nomination, we took to the streets of New York City to find out if anyone could actually identify them.

Thanks for reading! Watch your inbox for our next newsletter tomorrow. Until then, share TicToc Tonight with your friends.
-Andrew Mach

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Ocasio-Cortez Slammed for Staging Photo Shoot Outside Migrant Facility

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 04:14 PM PDT

AOC Slammed for Staging Photo Shoot Outside Migrant Facility

Photo op backfires after trying to minimize holocaust remarks.


Fox News Still Not Covering Project Veritas Google Bombshell Report

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Trump Rape Accuser Says 'Rape is Sexy' During Bizarre CNN Meltdown

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Watch Bodycam Video Of Jussie Smollett With Rope Around His Neck


US House Hosts Project Veritas Video Censored by Google


New Vermont Law Would Require Taxpayers to Fund Sex Change Operations For Children

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Border Patrol Arrests Migrant Previously Convicted of Attempted Murder in US

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Trump Warns A Dem Election Will Crash The Economy

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Ted Cruz Grills Google Executives In Hearing Following Explosive Report By Project Veritas

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German Police Accuse Foreign Gang of Luring, Filming, Gang-Raping Multiple Women

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A toxic brew of debt

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 02:41 PM PDT

Evening Briefing

John Sanders, acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, is resigning amid outrage over his agency's treatment of migrant children—particularly toddlers and babies that were locked up in a remote Texas facility. The CBP, however, has moved 100 children back to the same location that triggered the controversy. Six migrant children held by the government have died in its custody since late 2018. —Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

The Kushner family built a fortune on suburban rental properties before purchasing the first six floors of the Times building in New York for $296 million. A toxic brew of debt, conflict and vacancies has put their investment in jeopardy.

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said the downside risks to the U.S. economy have increased recently, reinforcing the case among policy makers for lower interest rates.

The Dead Cow, a shale formation in Argentina, has finally produced oil after $13 billion worth of exploration over eight years. 

SpaceX, which launched its massive Falcon Heavy again this week, makes up two-thirds of Elon Musk's net worth

Reality TV stars have plenty of real-life drama. Bloomberg Businessweek presents the real exploits of the real husbands of real housewives.

Facebook's messaging apps have more than 1.5 billion users, but generate almost no revenue. The company's new plan for cryptocurrency could change that.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director is watching people sell their old jewelry as gold prices surge to a six-year high. This latest rally is turning even skeptics into metallic believers.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

  • U.S. nursing home prices are skyrocketing, with no end in sight.
  • Wayfair may protest the company's border camp contracting.
  • Citigroup is killing some credit-card perks.
  • San Francisco is set to become the first city to ban e-cigarettes.
  • Melania Trump's spokeswoman goes to work for her husband.
  • A European heat wave has people desperate to cool off.
  • Mirazur tops Noma for the title of world's best restaurant.

What you'll want to read tonight in Businessweek

On the Hunt For the Redwood Poachers 

Plant theft in U.S. parks is worsening as social media stokes a desire for obscure flora. In the past, the chances of identifying and prosecuting poachers was slim. But technology has improved the odds. We tag along with U.S. Forest Service rangers hunting the poachers.

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عالم المعرفة

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 02:26 PM PDT

عالم المعرفة

محققو الشرطة يكشفون لغزًا صادمًا عن السبب الحقيقي لوفاة مايكل جاكسون

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 05:15 AM PDT

كشف رجال الشرطة الذي حققوا في وفاة نجم البوب مايكل جاكسون، أن جسمه كان يحتوي على جرعات كبيرة من عقار "بروبوفول" وهو مسكن للآلام قوي للغاية، مشيرين إلى أن هذه الجرعات تكفي لقتل حيوان وحيد القرن.

ووفقًا لما نشرته صحيفة "ذا صن"، فإن هذه الدعاوى جاءت من ضباط الشرطة الذين تم استدعاؤهم لقصر مايكل في لوس أنجلوس، حيث توفي هناك، بهدف صنع فيلم وثائقي عن وفاته، وكشفوا أنهم ُصدموا من الجرعات الكبيرة من العقار الموجودة بجسمه.

وقال ستيف شيفر، أستاذ التخدير في جامعة ستانفورد، إن الدكتور كونراد موراي الطبيب الخاص بالنجم أعطاه جرعات مميتة من الدواء.

وأضاف أنه كان يضيف عقار "البروبوفول" لمحاليل الملح حتى لا يكشف أي شخص ذلك.

وكشف شيفر أيضًا، أن نجم البوب كان مخدرًا بشكل كامل وطريح الفراش، وكان لا يستطيع التنفس من تلقاء نفسه أثناء رعاية دكتور موراي له.

وفي الخامس والعشرين من يوينو 2009، توفي مايكل جاكسون، بسبب التسمم الحاد بالبروبوفول والبنزوديازيبين في منزله في هولمبي هيلز، بلوس أنجلوس.

وكان مايكل قبل وفاته قد أدمن عقار بروبوفول، واستأجر مجموعة من الأطباء الشخصيين من أجل حقنه بعقارات تساعده على النوم.

وخرج الضباط الثلاثة أورلاندو مارتينيز ودان مايرز وسكوت سميث عن صمتهم في الفيلم الوثائقي الخاص بمايكل جاكسون، وكشفوا عن الساعات المؤلمة الأخيرة في حياة نجم البوب.

ويُظهر الفيلم الوثائقي صورًا من داخل غرفة العلاج بمنزل مايكل جاكسون وحقيبة الدكتور موراي المليئة بالمخدرات.

وبعد وفاة مايكل جاكسون، ادعى موراي أنه وجد النجم لا يتنفس ونبضه ضعيف للغاية وقام بعمل إنعاش لقلبه ولكن دون جدوى.

وفي عام 2011 أدين دكتور موراي، بالقتل غير العمد وقضى سنتين في السجن، وخلال محاكمة موراي، قال فريق الادعاء إنه "كان طبيبًا غير مسؤول ويستخدم مخدر البروبوفول دون ضمانات مناسبة"، ولكن ادعاءات الضباط الثلاثة ستقلب مسار القضية.

NEWS ALERT: Justice Department sues Omarosa over ethics accusation

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 02:19 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Justice Department sues Omarosa over ethics accusation
The Justice Department filed a complaint in federal court Tuesday against Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former Trump advisor-turned critic.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 5:08 PM EDT

Justice Department sues Omarosa over ethics accusation

The Justice Department filed a complaint in federal court Tuesday against Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former Trump advisor-turned critic.

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EL MOUDJAHID : Lettre d'information du 26/06/2019

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 02:15 PM PDT

A drug megamerger that’s patently interesting

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 01:54 PM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Today's Agenda

AbbVie's Botox Shot

An increasingly aging America is going to need a lot of Humira for its many inflammations and Botox for its wrinkling faces. Very soon one company will be in prime position to reap much of that windfall – for a few years, at least.

Humira maker AbbVie Inc. is paying $63 billion to buy Botox maker Allergan Plc, the companies said today. Humira is the world's best-selling drug, at about $20 billion in sales per year. But despite the best efforts of its genius patent lawyers, AbbVie's exclusive rights to Humira will expire in 2023, notes Joe Nocera. Botox, meanwhile, will never lose patent protection, because it is not patented. It turns out Allergan's patent lawyers are even smarter than AbbVie's; they invented the Mohawk Tribe Gambit after all. They also trademarked Botox – and trademarks, Joe writes, are forever, just like those wrinkles that come back when the Botox wears off or "Macarena" once it gets in your head. 

The trouble is that Botox only had $2.5 billion in sales last year; that's expected to rise to nearly $5 billion by the time Humira protection ends, but that growth will be slowing, notes Max Nisen.

And as mathematics and the chart above make clear, $2.5 billion is less than $20 billion. So buying Allergan won't be nearly enough to patch AbbVie's Humira-sized hole, and Max says its future is still cloudy. Maybe that's why AbbVie stock tumbled 16% at one point today.

More Bond Madness

Let's say I want to borrow money from you, and I want to take 100 years to pay you back. What sort of interest rate would you charge me? Probably infinity interest, yes? If I were the government of Austria, then the bond market would today charge me just 1.2%, observes Marcus Ashworth. That is wild! We talked yesterday about how the quest for yield in a Fed-squeezed financial universe is driving investors to take ever-bigger risks. Marcus points out this pressure is warping super-safe assets too. 

Austrian 100-year bond yields aren't the only interest rates falling. U.S. mortgage rates are down too, which you would think would boost the housing market. Instead, housing sales and prices keep disappointing, notes Robert Burgess. That is a troubling sign for the whole economy.

Iran Tensions Enter Name-Calling Phase

The U.S.-Iran Tension Meter ticked up another notch today, from Threat Level YOU Get a Sanction, YOU Get a Sanction to Threat Level Your President Is Disturbed. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani diagnosed U.S. President Donald Trump's administration with having a "mental disorder," and Trump responded by warning of the potential for "overwhelming force." This comes after Trump levied more sanctions on Iran's regime (but not Rouhani, in a backhanded dis) in response to Iran shooting down an American drone, among other provocations. Contra Rouhani, Bobby Ghosh writes Trump's sanctions are actually much smarter than military confrontation. Iran may think it can hold out for Trump's ouster, but during that wait its economy will suffer deeply.

The risk is that an Iran unable to export oil for a long time will be ever more inclined to threaten the safe passage of oil tankers through the Strait of Hormuz, notes David Fickling. This would not only ratchet up military risks but also possibly oil prices, just in time for the 2020 election.

Escape From New York

New York City may still be a cesspool in places – hello, Penn Station – but it has enjoyed a pretty nice couple of decades of relatively low crime and strong income growth. But this era has also led to surging rents and inequality, notes Noah Smith. And these problems have triggered a backlash that carries the seeds of stagnating population growth. 

Further New York Reading: The city's most common professions are what you'd expect they'd be. The same goes for Los Angeles, Chicago and Seattle. – Justin Fox 

Telltale Charts

Slowly dumping U.S. dollars and buying gold looks like a good bet so far for Russia, notes Leonid Bershidsky.

Further Reading

The Trump administration's rule pushing hospitals to reveal medical costs won't cut those costs alone but it's a good and necessary start. – Bloomberg's editorial board

Republicans should push for a carbon tax, if only to fend off even more radical climate-change ideas from the left. – Karl Smith 

Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt both plan to slash corporate taxes; Ireland and other neighbors won't be pleased. – Lionel Laurent 

The seldom-seen Larry Page either needs to get more engaged as Alphabet Inc. CEO or give somebody else the job. – Shira Ovide 

Here's how to make the G-20 relevant. – Mohamed El-Erian 

A summer reading list. – Scott Duke Kominers 

Just because some animals haven't evolved adorable puppy-dog eyes doesn't make them any less valuable. – Faye Flam 


Another Kushner property is in trouble.

Natixis's H2O Funds keep hemorrhaging money.

Wayfair Inc. workers plan walkout to protest the company selling to migrant camps.


I'm not crying about Gritty delivering a prosthetic to a seven-year-old boy, YOU are. (h/t Scott Kominers)

Signs of Parkinson's might show up in the brain decades before the disease's onset.

Hospitals aretoo loud.

The New York Mets are masters of self-inflicted misery.

Note: Please send reading lists and complaints to Mark Gongloff at mgongloff1@bloomberg.net.

New to Bloomberg Opinion Today? Sign up here and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Site Oficial de Opel España: El futuro es de todos

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 01:53 PM PDT

More than half of Canadians think politicians "can’t be trusted"

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 01:45 PM PDT

Kylie Jenner talked about ‘how rich she is’ at the Met Gala, says Alex Rodriguez

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 01:37 PM PDT

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Kylie Jenner Talked About 'How Rich She Is' at the Met Gala, Says Alex Rodriguez
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Fikra Newsletter: Messaging in Sudan, the Gulf, Palestinian Education, and via Russian NGOs in Syria

Posted: 25 Jun 2019 01:00 PM PDT

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Sudanese communications analyst Yousra Khalil highlights how Sudan's Military Transitional Council has implemented an internet blackout to project an image of stability. Khalil argues that U.S. policymakers must be particularly aware of these messaging efforts and focus on independent outlets still promoting alternative narratives to obtain an accurate view of what is going on inside the country.

Fikra Forum contributing editor Hassan Mneimneh argues that the messaging war between Qatar and the Quartet countries has created a stalemate that is only benefiting state and non-state actors looking for disunity in the Gulf. Mneimneh emphasizes how Qatari messaging has become increasingly sophisticated during the blockade, and that the blockade's efforts to minimize the reach of this messaging has been self-defeating.

Palestinian academic Mohammed Dajani and Marcus Sheff, CEO of IMPACT-SE, argue that Dajani's Wasatia educational model, which emphasizes tolerance and mutual understanding, could serve as a replacement for content in the recently updated Palestinian Authority curriculum that has come under international criticism.

Doctoral researcher Marika Sosnowski and analyst Paul Hastings examine Russia's use of humanitarian organizations as a means of promoting soft power inside of Syria, where the focus is on image over efficacy. Sosnowski and Hastings argue that international humanitarian organizations should exert more pressure on Russian organizations to uphold international norms.

As always, we welcome your feedback and participation. Please write to us at editor@fikraforum.org.

Warm regards,

David Pollock
Director, Fikra Forum


تسلط محللة الاتصالات السودانية يسرا خليل الضوء على كيفية قيام المجلس العسكري الانتقالي في السودان بفرض تعتيم على الإنترنت لإظهار أن السودان ما زال في حالة استقرار، حيث يرى خليل أن صانعي السياسة في الولايات المتحدة يجب أن يكونوا مدركين بشكل خاص لتلك الرسائل. كما يجب عليهم الاستماع للأصوات المستقلة التي ما زالت تروج خطابات بديلة، وذلك للحصول على رؤية دقيقة لما يجري داخل البلاد.

يقول حسن منيمنة، المحرر المساهم في منتدى فكرة، إن حرب الرسائل بين قطر ودول الرباعية، قد خلقت حالة من الجمود لا تفيد سوى الجهات الحكومية وغير الحكومية التي تبحث عن الانفصال في الخليج. كما يؤكد منيمنة على أن الرسائل القطرية قد أصبحت أكثر تطوراً خلال فترة الحصار ، وأن جهود دول الحصار للحد من مدى وصول تلك الرسائل قد باءت بالفشل.

يرى كل من الأكاديمي الفلسطيني محمد الدجاني وماركوس شيف، الرئيس التنفيذي لـ "معهد رصد السلام والتسامح الثقافي في التعليم المدرسي" (IMPACT-SE)، أن نموذج التعليمي الذي يقترحه الدجاني والقائم على الوسطية والذي يؤكد على التسامح والتفاهم المتبادل، يمكن أن يكون بديلاً للمحتوى التعليمي الذي تبناه السلطة الفلسطينية والذي تم تحديثه مؤخرًا وتعرض لانتقادات دولية واسعة.

تتناول المحامية وباحثة الدكتوراه ماريكا سوسنوسكي وبول هاستينغز كيفية استخدام روسيا للمنظمات الإنسانية كوسيلة لتعزيز القوة الناعم تتناول باحثة الدكتوراه ماريكا سوسنوسكي والمحلل السياسي بول هاستينغز كيفية استخدام روسيا للمنظمات الإنسانية كوسيلة لتعزيز القوة الناعمة داخل سوريا، حيث ينصب التركيز على الشكل وليس على الفعالية. وفى هذا الصدد، يرى كل من سوسنوسكي وهاستينغز أنه ينبغي على المنظمات الإنسانية الدولية ممارسة المزيد من الضغوط على المنظمات الروسية للالتزام المعايير الدولية.

وكما هو الحال دائماً، نشجع مشاركاتكم في هذه النقاشات المستمرة. يرجى الكتابة لنا على البريد الألكتروني editor@fikraforum.org.

تحيات حارة،

ديفيد بولوك
مدير، منتدى فكرة



With the Internet blackout in Sudan, Knowledge Is Power
Yousra Khalil
  في ظل انقطاع الإنترنت في السودان، المعرفة قوة
يسرا خليل

The Gulf Crisis Is a Messaging Nightmare—With No Success in Sight
Hassan Mneimneh
  أزمة الخليج رسالة كابوسية - بلا نجاح في الأفق
حسن منيمنة

An Alternative Quranic Approach to the New Palestinian Curriculum
Mohammed S. Dajani and Marcus Sheff
  مقاربة قرآنية بديلة للمنهج الدراسي الفلسطيني الجديد
محمد الدجاني الداودي وماركوس شيف

Exploring Russia's Humanitarian Intervention in Syria
Marika Sosnowski and Paul Hastings
  دراسة تدخّل روسيا الإنساني في سوريا
ماريكا سوسنوسكي وبول هاستينغز

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