Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Wednesday's Headlines: Draft IRS memo says Congress should get tax returns unless privilege is invoked

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Draft IRS memo says Congress should get tax returns unless privilege is invoked
The confidential memo, written last fall by an Internal Revenue Service attorney, contradicts the Trump administration's justification for denying the president's tax returns to lawmakers.
Trump officials present their case of an imminent threat by Iran, leaving lawmakers divided
Some Democrats accused the administration of being eager to attack at the slightest provocation. Republicans said the information pointed to "new," "credible" and "consistent" threats.
Trump administration considers banning another major Chinese firm
The administration is preparing to blacklist Hikvision, the world's largest maker of video surveillance technology, according to a person familiar with the debate.
Chelsea Flower Show wows with a royal treehouse and climate change garden
The loss of empire and the looming Brexit be damned, nobody does puttering in the backyard quite like Britain, still the globe's greatest gardening nation.
Trump administration will hire conservative firebrand to coordinate immigration policy
The hiring of Ken Cuccinelli II appears to fulfill the president's desire to have a forceful personality and a loyalist at the highest levels of the Department of Homeland Security.
Here's why you shouldn't expect impeachment anytime soon
We have technology to customize our babies. It needs regulation.
We need more judges like Florida's Leander Shaw
Trump loves walls. But he should be careful about a digital one.
Trump's sanctions on Iran are working. But it'll take more to topple the regime.
Slow-walking impeachment may look weak. But restraint works.
More News
Today's WorldView | Analysis
The Trump-Kushner Mideast peace plan looks doomed already
A bid to push economic development, rather than a political solution, has been rebuffed by the Palestinians.
Wilton Gregory installed as archbishop of Washington
Gregory, 71, was loudly cheered by eight cardinals, 50 bishops and hundreds of Catholic faithful as he walked the aisles of the grand Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
Ben Carson misheard a housing term as 'Oreo.' It wasn't the only tense moment.
The U.S. Housing and Urban Development secretary was grilled during a three-hour hearing before the House Financial Services Committee and appeared not to know what the term stood for.
Deadly clashes erupt in Indonesia after president is reelected
Demonstrators rioted in the capital and burned vehicles to protest President Joko Widodo's victory, despite widespread consensus that the election was largely well run.
A cadet died in a tragedy. Now his parents can use his sperm to create his child, a judge rules.
Months after West Point cadet Peter Zhu died from injuries in a skiing accident, a judge has ruled that his parents may use his frozen sperm to create a child.
Campaign 2020 | Analysis
Brutal new 2020 numbers for Beto O'Rourke and Bill de Blasio
O'Rourke, the former Texas congressman, dropped from third to eighth. Happily for him, though, de Blasio has a lower net approval than President Trump.

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