Thursday, May 23, 2019

News Alert: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins reelection in a landslide with more than half the votes counted

Official results from India's mammoth election indicate that Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party and its allies will win a clear majority of seats in the nation's Parliament. The results represent a striking victory for Modi, an ardent Hindu nationalist who ran a campaign focused on national security and painted his opponents as weak. "Together we will build a strong and inclusive India," Modi wrote on Twitter. "India wins yet again!" Nearly 900 million people were eligible to vote in the six-week long election.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert May 23, 5:38 AM
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wins reelection in a landslide with more than half the votes counted

Official results from India's mammoth election indicate that Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party and its allies will win a clear majority of seats in the nation's Parliament.

The results represent a striking victory for Modi, an ardent Hindu nationalist who ran a campaign focused on national security and painted his opponents as weak. "Together we will build a strong and inclusive India," Modi wrote on Twitter. "India wins yet again!"

Nearly 900 million people were eligible to vote in the six-week long election.

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