Friday, May 24, 2019

Friday's Headlines: Britain’s May to resign after failures on Brexit

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Britain's May to resign after failures on Brexit
Theresa May's resignation comes after she failed three times to get lawmakers to pass the Brexit withdrawal deal she negotiated with the European Union. She'll step down as party leader by June 7. Conservatives will then choose a new leader, who will become the next prime minister.
President gives Barr power to declassify intelligence related to Russia probe
A new memo authorizes Attorney General William P. Barr to declassify government secrets as he sees fit during his review of a 2016 campaign investigation. Current and former FBI officials have disputed Barr's statement that the government was "spying" on the Trump campaign.
Trump may bypass Congress on Saudi arms deal, drawing warnings from both parties
The president has signaled that he may invoke emergency authority to complete weapons sales that lawmakers have temporarily blocked.
'He always brings them up': Trump tries to steer border wall deal to GOP donor's firm
According to administration officials, President Trump has personally and repeatedly urged the head of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to award a wall contract to a construction firm led by a Republican donor who has frequently appeared on TV to tout a border barrier.
Judge questions House lawsuit to stop wall construction
The Justice Dept. asserts Congress cannot sue the president, and that courts should stay out of political disputes.
Harvey Weinstein reportedly reaches $44 million settlement over sexual misconduct lawsuits
According to the proposed settlement, $30 million would go to alleged victims of the disgraced Hollywood producer, former Weinstein Company employees and creditors and their lawyers.
Americans don't want Congress to impeach, but Democrats aren't listening
Mnuchin's excuse for delaying the Harriet Tubman $20 bill is insulting
2020 Democrats have one mission: Sink battleship Biden
Don't blame Border Patrol for child deaths at the border. Blame immigration policy.
The Trump administration's war on statistics isn't slowing down
A stunning case of European hypocrisy
More News
Fight over Trump's financial records accelerates, could land at Supreme Court as 2020 race peaks
House Democrats agreed to suspend deadlines for the president's accounting firm to hand over his records, pending an expedited review by the federal appeals court in D.C.
Trump, Pelosi trade insults in power struggle between two party leaders
In a news conference, President Trump lashed out at the House speaker, calling her "crazy" and dismissing her criticism and political assessment.
Republican governors walk line between building trade ties with China and offending Trump
The trade battles concern leaders such as Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, a Trump ally whose state has been at the forefront of spurring economic development with China.
Harriet Tubman is already appearing on $20 bills whether Trump officials like it or not
A New York designer is using 3-D stamps to replace slave owner Andrew Jackson's face with the woman who escaped slavery and led hundreds of others to freedom.
As ACL tears pile up, doctors and coaches worry that kids play too much basketball
Year-round basketball schedules are putting young athletes at risk of knee injuries. "We are pushing our kids to the limit," one doctor said.
Campaign 2020 | The Trailer
Analysis: Democrats look past 2020
Democrats in Washington and on the campaign trail know that they're not getting their agenda enacted until, at the earliest, 2021. So the Democratic House and the presidential contest are political test kitchens.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange charged with violating Espionage Act
The federal indictment charges Assange worked with a former Army intelligence analyst to obtain and disseminate secret documents — conduct similar to reporting work at many traditional news organizations.
Are most Americans benefiting from the strong economy?
Almost 4 in 10 people wouldn't be able to cover a $400 emergency, according to a report from the Federal Reserve.
Post Reports | Listen Now
A Georgia clinic braces for the state's new abortion law
Caroline Kitchener visits a Georgia abortion clinic. Damian Paletta explains the next front in the U.S.-China trade war. And DeNeen Brown discusses why Harriet Tubman won't be on the $20 bill anytime soon.

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