Thursday, May 23, 2019

Evening Edition: Lawmakers reach deal on disaster aid, leave out Trump’s border money

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
Lawmakers reach deal on disaster aid, leave out Trump's border money
Lawmakers have reached an agreement in principle to approve a package expected to cost $19.1 billion, but leaving out border money the White House demanded, according to Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Richard Shelby (R-Ala.).
U.S. judge questions House lawsuit to stop Trump border wall construction
The Justice Dept. asserts Congress cannot sue the president, and that courts should stay out of political disputes.
Pelosi claims Trump is angry Democrats not moving to impeach him
The House speaker suggested that President Trump sees a benefit in potential exoneration during a Senate impeachment trial.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange charged with violating Espionage Act
Assange, 47, remains jailed in London following his April eviction from the Ecuadoran Embassy. He has vowed to fight efforts to extradite him to the United States.
10 common travel scams — and how to avoid them
Swindles and hoaxes occur all over the world. To help you spot them, we list the most common ploys and offer tips on how to protect yourself from them.
Post Reports | Listen Now
A Georgia clinic braces for the state's new abortion law
Caroline Kitchener visits a Georgia abortion clinic. Damian Paletta explains the next front in the U.S.-China trade war. And DeNeen Brown discusses why Harriet Tubman won't be on the $20 bill anytime soon.
Velocity is strangling baseball — and its grip keeps tightening
Pick a problem, or a perceived problem, in baseball, and it can probably be traced back, directly or indirectly, to the rise of velocity as the sport's ultimate weapon.
This high-tech biomechanics lab is changing baseball
Driveline Baseball is helping pitchers throw harder than ever, using sophisticated equipment and an intellectual approach. Its influence can be felt at the highest levels of the sport.
Buttigieg: 'I had put my life on the line' to defend NFL players' right to protest
The Democratic 2020 hopeful and Navy veteran said football players' right to protest was a "fundamental American freedom."
It's 'disgusting' that Trump is reportedly considering pardons for soldiers convicted of war crimes, Buttigieg says
Democratic 2020 hopeful Pete Buttigieg, a mayor from Indiana who served in Afghanistan as a Navy Reserve intelligence officer, says such pardons would hurt the standing of the U.S. military abroad and make troops less safe.
Military wants to send thousands more troops to Middle East amid Iran tensions
The proposal comes as the military seeks to address what officials have described as a spike in threats against U.S. forces, detected by U.S. intelligence streams, from Iran and its proxy groups.
Trump announces $16 billion in aid for U.S. farmers hit by trade war
The package announced today at the White House is bigger than last year's $12 billion in emergency aid for farmers and ranchers caught in tariff showdowns.
How an 'extremely dangerous tornado' took Missouri by surprise
The day before a storm killed three people, Jefferson City was listed by the Storm Prediction Center as having a "marginal risk" of severe weather.
Voters endorse Modi's vision of a muscular, stridently Hindu India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party are poised to win a clear majority of seats in Parliament, a result that represents a stunning mandate for the charismatic and polarizing politician.
Bank CEO accused of bribing Manafort for White House job
Stephen Calk, a onetime adviser to Donald Trump's 2016 campaign, was accused of approving $16 million in loans to ex-campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

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