Saturday, July 28, 2018

Saturday's Headlines: Venting about press, Trump has repeatedly sought to ban reporters over questions

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Venting about press, Trump has repeatedly sought to ban reporters over questions
The move this week by senior aides against a CNN correspondent revealed a fresh willingness inside the West Wing to execute the president's wishes to punish reporters.
Trump leads his first election-security meeting but gives no new orders to repel Russian interference
The meeting, which lasted less than an hour, covered all the actions that federal agencies, in the absence of direct guidance from the White House, have taken to help state and local officials and to investigate Russian hackers seeking to undermine U.S. democracy.
CBS board to investigate CEO Leslie Moonves over sexual misconduct allegations
One of the most powerful men in the entertainment industry is under fire based on a report in the New Yorker.
As Venezuela crumbles, its fleeing citizens are becoming Latin America's new underclass
The United Nations projects 2 million Venezuelans will exit their nation this year — on top of an exodus of 1.8 million over the past two years. In a part of the world with massive gaps in protection for refugees, Venezuelans fleeing starvation are often trading one harrowing plight for another.
Retropolis | The Past, Rediscovered
Pentagon identifies Tuskegee Airman missing from World War II
Capt. Lawrence E. Dickson was 24 when he went down over Austria on Dec. 23, 1944, while on a mission. He is probably the first missing Tuskegee Airman found since the end of World War II, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency has said.
Our socialist president
Giuliani said Cohen has no credibility. What about the president?
The baseless, shameful campaign to discredit Rod Rosenstein
Venezuela's inflation will hit 1 million percent. Thanks, socialism.
Five myths about security clearances
The framers worried about corruption. Their words may now haunt the president.
More News
Schumer plays long game, avoids hardball with centrist Democrats over Supreme Court pick
Democratic activists are clamoring for all-out war against Trump nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but the minority leader says he won't pressure moderates from Republican states to join the resistance.
Duck-boat investigators describe video, including alarm sounds, of run-up to deadly storm and sinking
The crew of the boat that sank last week was told to head out on the water before a road tour, according to recordings retrieved from the vessel.
Paul Ryan backs Rep. Jason Lewis, who faces drumbeat of revelations from his talk-radio career
Ryan, who lectured interns this week on civility in politics, told reporters that he separated Lewis's past career with his present service as a lawmaker.
'At this rate, I can't wait to make 103 percent': Md. school rocked by scandal over graduation rates
The public schools of Prince George's County have been mired in allegations that grades had been tampered with, fraudulently inflating graduation rates in one of Maryland's lowest-performing school systems.
A black woman says Wells Fargo didn't want to cash her check. She's suing for discrimination.
When the branch refused to give back her identification, the 78-year-old called the police.
Lawmakers are attempting to prevent the spread of 3-D-printed guns, but time is running out
Cody Wilson settled a lawsuit with the government, allowing him to publish gun designs online. Lawmakers' eleventh-hour efforts have done nothing to halt his plans, and a federal judge denied a motion for an emergency injunction brought by gun-control groups.

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