Sunday, January 26, 2020

News Alert: U.S. confirms 3rd coronavirus case, as infection surges across China, where known cases increased 50 percent in just 24 hours

Officials in Orange County, Calif., said a traveler from Wuhan, China, has tested positive for the coronavirus. In China, officials said the transmissibility of the virus is increasing and the country could not produce enough medical supplies to address demand.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Jan 26, 8:33 AM
U.S. confirms 3rd coronavirus case, as infection surges across China, where known cases increased 50 percent in just 24 hours

Officials in Orange County, Calif., said a traveler from Wuhan, China, has tested positive for the coronavirus.
In China, officials said the transmissibility of the virus is increasing and the country could not produce enough medical supplies to address demand.

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