Friday, January 10, 2020

Inactive Membership Notification


The following is a message from one of our advertisers. This message does not represent the opinion of The Washington Times.

Don't wait any longer to reactivate your membership for 2020. Renew NOW!

Dear Reader,

You are receiving this message to notify you that your membership has been labeled INACTIVE.

Do NOT let your membership remain inactive.

If you are a proud Trump supporter and defend his efforts to keep making our country great, then you MUST renew your membership immediately to show your support!

Membership Status: Expired on 12/31/2019
Enrollment Closes: 01/31/2020


President Trump and House Conservatives are depending on you to step up in this crucial election year. Can they count on you?

Don't wait any longer to reactivate your membership for 2020. Renew NOW!

We greatly appreciate your support in the fight to take back the House!


NRCC Member Services

Paid for by the NRCC and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

320 First St SE
Washington, DC 20003
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is the only committee exclusively devoted to increasing the number of Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, but we cannot do it without your support. If you would like to donate, please visit our website here. If you instead prefer to donate by mail, please visit here.

If any of the above information isn't correct or this isn't the best email address at which to reach you, please update your record here.

P.S. be sure to follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any suggestions, comments, complaints or feedback please send us your ideas here or by replying to this email.

If you don't want to receive these emails, unsubscribe.
3600 New York Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002.

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