Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Threat of War Looming Over Israel


The following is a message from one of our advertisers. This message does not represent the opinion of The Washington Times.

American Friends of Magen David Adom

Dear Friend,

The people of Israel need our help now.

The threat of war is looming over this turbulent corner of the world. The enemies of Israel have stockpiled as many as 150,000 rockets and missiles along the northern borders of Israel. Magen David Adom, Israel's Red Cross society, must be prepared.

Now that Hezbollah has been battle-hardened through the conflict in Syria, Israeli military intelligence is concerned that the terrorist group may be planning to launch a major military action against Israel - either from its home base in Lebanon or, possibly, from Syria itself.

With this impending threat of war and increasing terrorism, it's essential that Israel prepare its emergency medical response capabilities before it's too late.

Help Israel Now

Only God knows what will happen in Israel, but Magen David Adom must be ready for what may happen! Israel must be wise like the ant in Proverbs 6 and use this season of relative calm to prepare, knowing that before long its enemies will arrive to pour out their hatred on the nation.

The time for Israel to prepare is NOW. But since the government of Israel does not fund emergency medical services, Magen David Adom desperately needs our help to prepare before it's too late.

Everything that Israel needs to be ready to face the threat of war - ambulances, medical supplies, trauma equipment, emergency blood, advanced paramedic training must come from the compassion and generosity of friends like YOU.

Give Now

Together, we can make a difference!

  • If 300 of us gave $350, we could provide a new fully-equipped ambulance to Israel!
  • If 3,000 gave $35, we could provide a new fully-equipped ambulance to Israel. If three of us gave $35, we could provide a paramedic with dressings and an immobilization kit ($100).
  • If 12 of us gave $35 each, our combined gifts could provide a portable oxygen tank ($400).
  • A gift of $100 would provide one unit of blood and save up to three lives.

Your GIFT OF ANY AMOUNT, big or small, will make a big difference to help Israel be prepared to care for the injured during an attack from its enemies. If there is a war, you'll be helping to minimize the loss of lives.

Support The Work of MAGEN DAVID ADOM

To express our appreciation for your gift of $20 or more, we will send you a personal First-Aid Pouch.

This handy little first-aid kit is ideal for your home or family outings, and contains a variety of bandages in several sizes, antiseptic cleansing wipes, alcohol wipes, and sting-relief wipes. This first-aid kit will be a tremendous help when minor accidents happen. Thank you for giving your best gift to help save lives in Israel.

Stand With Israel Today

MAGEN DAVID ADOM, Israel's national Red Cross society, provides emergency medical care and ambulance services for victims of terror, natural disasters, automobile accidents, and other emergencies in Israel. It is also responsible for 97% of Israel's national blood supply. MAGEN DAVID ADOM is saving lives in Israel every day.

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