Thursday, July 4, 2019

Thursday's Headlines: In reversal, U.S. seeks to add citizenship question to 2020 Census

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
In reversal, U.S. seeks to add citizenship question to 2020 Census
The move came hours after President Trump said he was "absolutely moving forward" with adding the question, in a tweet that seemed to catch government lawyers off guard as they were summoned by two federal judges to explain the change of heart.
Transcript of the 2020 Census hearing
Inside the effort to build suspense — and crowds — for Trump's July 4 event
Aides have been trying to avoid a situation like 2017, when the new president was enraged that his inaugural audience was smaller than Barack Obama's.
Mapping the Fourth of July on the Mall
Mapping the road closures, parade route, and viewing locations for the 2019 Independence Day Celebration on the National Mall.
Your July 4 cheat sheet: Timing, Metro directions and more
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. ET: Military flyover and speech by President Trump 8 to 9:30 p.m.: "A Capitol Fourth" concert will air on PBS 9:07 p.m.: First fireworks display begins
Alzheimer's research is getting a reboot at small companies focused on the immune system
The possible reinvention of a three-decade-old off-patent drug is among alternative approaches receiving fresh attention after broad failures by major drug companies.
Trump administration attempts to lay broad legal grounds to justify military strike on Iran
When asked directly, senior officials have offered undetailed assurances that any action would be "consistent with our Constitution," as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, or they deferred to lawyers.
The Taliban smashed Buddha figurines in Afghanistan. Conservators are trying to give them new life.
With peace talks continuing between U.S. officials and Taliban leaders, many Afghans have expressed fears that a Taliban return could once again put the country's cultural and historical heritage at risk.
Block parties, the census and women's soccer: Nine things to celebrate this July 4
I did what was best for my business. Will the Supreme Court punish me for it?
George Washington's story is worth revisiting this Fourth of July
When racists try to poison our symbols, we shouldn't just surrender
Hong Kong's protesters are not 'radicals.' They just want to be heard.
Trump can try to refashion the Fourth of July, but he'll fail
More News
Trump's undocumented former employees want to be spared deportation. So they've asked him for a meeting.  
More than 20 undocumented workers previously employed by President Trump's company have requested a meeting with their former boss to discuss the country's immigration system.
How the NRA's aggressive stand after Newtown school massacre divided its leaders
Over the objections of some top officials, NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre struck a defiant posture in appearances crafted by the group's now-estranged advertising firm.
Australian student released from detention in North Korea
One among a small body of international students studying in the North Korean capital, Alek Sigley had been out of contact since last Tuesday. He arrived in Beijing and said he was "very good."
Workers in mostly red states aren't seeing minimum-wage hikes, even though local lawmakers passed them
Alabama, Florida, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri and Wisconsin have all invalidated wage increases passed by cities, costing nearly 350,000 workers a total of $1.5 billion per year, a study finds.
Mold infections leave one dead and force closure of operating rooms at Seattle children's hospital
Other medical centers were working to take over the most urgent disrupted surgeries, a hospital official said, after 1,000 surgeries were postponed and 3,000 people were told to watch for infection symptoms.
A mainstay of the Chinese summer, the 'Beijing Bikini,' is under threat
Authorities have their work cut out for them, trying to ban "casual exposure" of male midriffs on 100 degree days.
By The Way | A Post Travel Destination
U.S. report on allegedly tainted alcohol in Mexico highlights issues for tourists
An internal report reveals how bewildering the process of enlisting the State Department's help can be.
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