Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sunday's Headlines: Trump campaign sees advantage in divisive appeal to working-class whites

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Trump campaign sees advantage in divisive appeal to working-class whites
As condemnations have poured in over the past two weeks accusing President Trump of bigotry, his campaign has tried to turn his offensive remarks into a political plus with his base.
Maryland hits back at Trump over tweets attacking Baltimore and congressman
The state's political leaders and residents reacted with outrage, with some saying the troubled city could use help from the president, not insults.
Trump calls Rep. Elijah Cummings's district a 'disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess'
The chairman of the House Oversight Committee has been critical of conditions of migrant detention centers on the U.S.-Mexico border.
Some lawmakers have misgivings over decision to push Mueller to testify
Those familiar with Robert S. Mueller III's work say he was an attentive leader throughout the special counsel investigation. But after his sometimes halting testimony, some lawmakers are privately worrying about his acuity.
This U.K. hike is sublime. Just avoid the bombs, tides and quicksand.
It's called the deadliest walk in Britain, the "most perilous path," and so for some it is irresistible. The fabled, infamous Broomway trail, an ancient "right of way" dating back centuries, is navigable for only a few hours each day and has claimed more than a few lives.
The Opioid Files | Follow the Investigation
Obscure makers of generic drugs played central role in opioid crisis, records show  
Though Purdue Pharma has long borne the brunt of criticism for its role in the crisis, newly unsealed court records thrust a spotlight on a handful of little-known drug manufacturers that by 2006 — as the death rate was still accelerating — were selling the bulk of opioid pills flooding the country.
Inside Liberty University's 'culture of fear'
Boris Johnson plays a clown. He's really just a power-hungry nihilist.
The GOP's questions to Mueller seemed bizarre — unless you watch Fox News
The U.S. government needs to protect against 2020 election meddling
Five myths about consciousness
The poetry, prose and physics of baseball
More News
Obama shares op-ed criticizing Trump's 'poisoning of our democracy'
The former president, who doesn't often comment on current politics, tweeted a piece written by 149 African Americans who worked in his administration.
@PKCapitol | Analysis
'Good riddance': A law meant to help deficit negotiations is about to expire
When the Senate signs off on a new two-year budget deal this week, it will mark the last gasp of the much-derided Budget Control Act.
Retropolis | The Past, Rediscovered
You know who was into Karl Marx? The first Republican president.
The GOP attacks Democrats as "socialists" and "communists," but it was Abraham Lincoln who said this: "Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration."
More than 1,000 people detained in Moscow after clashes over city council election, monitor says
The protests came after opposition politicians were banned from an upcoming city council election ballot.
A newlywed's journey to see the 'Into the Wild' bus ends in death
Situated along the Stampede Trail in Alaska, the abandoned bus made famous by the book and movie has become a pilgrimage spot, sometimes with a devastating ending.
Their music was ready to spill out. All they needed was a piano.
A weekly open-piano night at a D.C. Filipino restaurant created an oasis of community for a gentrifying city where both older and younger people are increasingly isolated.
By The Way
Traveling abroad? Download these apps before your next trip.
You might have guessed Google Maps (for not only directions, but also itinerary spots), but there are a few others that can also ease your journey.
Retropod | Podcast
The congressman who shot a waiter
A hungry congressman didn't get the breakfast he ordered. So he shot the waiter.
The meaning of beauty
A rare condition made it hard for her to love her body. Then a photographer helped her see it differently.
Date Lab
They bonded over 'Mamma Mia! 2'
But they couldn't agree on which song was the best.
The surprising history served with a plate of biscuits and gravy
The indulgent dish is served even in fancy restaurants now, but it has very modest origins.

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