Monday, July 8, 2019

News Alert: Iran announces higher uranium enrichment levels in most serious break from nuclear deal since U.S. withdrawal

Behrouz Kamalvandi of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization said the cap had been passed but did not say how high the uranium enrichment level would be taken. The move marks a major step back from the nuclear accord in response to U.S. sanctions and a military buildup in the Persian Gulf region. But Iran's known enrichment levels still remain well below weapons grade, offering possible room for negotiations with Europe and others to lower tensions.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Jul 8, 5:35 AM
Iran announces higher uranium enrichment levels in most serious break from nuclear deal since U.S. withdrawal

Behrouz Kamalvandi of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization said the cap had been passed but did not say how high the uranium enrichment level would be taken.

The move marks a major step back from the nuclear accord in response to U.S. sanctions and a military buildup in the Persian Gulf region. But Iran's known enrichment levels still remain well below weapons grade, offering possible room for negotiations with Europe and others to lower tensions.

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