Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday's Headlines: Racist tweet became a rally chant in 3 days

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
The Debrief
Racist tweet became a rally chant in 3 days
President Trump may have aimed for deniability — but his supporters seemed to know what he meant. 
Trump backers' new slogan spurs emotional reactions
Some voters are outraged and others overjoyed.
Campaign 2020
Labor fight roils Sanders campaign, as workers demand $15 hourly pay
The senator's presidential campaign was the first to unionize, a fact Bernie Sanders has touted, but its employees say they are struggling to make ends meet, documents show.
Apollo 11 | Augmented Reality
How spacesuits have evolved over more than 50 years
The Post's space industry reporter Christian Davenport and fashion critic Robin Givhan look at five decades of spacesuits. You can, too, in an augmented reality experience on your phone or tablet.
Opioids flood a remote Virginia valley
Pills by the millions found their way to a city tucked in Virginia coal country, according to a Post analysis of federal data on the manufacture and sale of opioids.
The Mnuchin myth on Harriet Tubman, exposed
Trump should make Democrats own NAFTA if they won't pass his trade deal
Defense spending is America's cancerous bipartisan consensus
Forget new crewed missions in space. NASA should focus on saving Earth.
A racist chant is not what patriotism looks like. This is.
Trump's immigration policies speak louder than his racist, xenophobic words
More News
Campaign 2020
It's Biden-Harris II at Democrats' next debate
Debate host CNN held a live drawing on Thursday night to determine the lineups for the two-night debate last this month. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are slated to appear on the second night.
Iran denies that the U.S. destroyed one of its drones 
The latest incident came as tensions rise again in the Persian Gulf, a month after President Trump threatened to strike Iran for downing an American drone.
Kyoto Animation fire: Tributes flow for victims as Japan reels from deadly blaze
Investigators identified suspect as 41-year-old Shinji Aoba, while anime fans expressed horror at the loss of life.
Children have been crushed and killed by home elevators for decades. Regulators could reduce the danger but haven't.
The danger has been allowed to exist by companies and regulators despite a simple solution, according to interviews with 28 officials, parents and regulators, plus a review of hundreds of documents from courts, companies and government agencies.
By The Way | A Post Travel Destination
Is cruising safe? Most of the time, but beware of what can go wrong.
A study makes the case that the vacation option has gotten safer over time, even if ship capacity has increased. But here's what can go awry.
ESPN's Dan Le Batard rips President Trump, derides network's no-politics policy
"There's a racial division in this country that's being instigated by the president, and we here at ESPN haven't had the stomach for that fight," Le Batard said Thursday on his daily radio show.
Trump to nominate Eugene Scalia, the son of the late Supreme Court justice, as his next secretary of Labor
If confirmed, Scalia would succeed Alexander Acosta, who resigned over his role as a prosecutor in the Jeffrey Epstein case.
The long-awaited movie trailer for 'Cats' has dropped. We have many questions.
Why? But also, why not?
Post Reports | Listen Now
Trump's racist tweets, and the politics of white identity
Michael Scherer breaks down the president's identity politics. Plus, Eugene Scott on the history underpinning the "go back" refrain. And readers tell us how it feels to be told you don't belong.

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