Sunday, July 21, 2019



ترك برس - النشرة 22-07-2019

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 09:45 PM PDT

كشف ياسين أقطاي، مستشار رئيس حزب "العدالة والتنمية" التركي الحاكم، عن طبيعة ومآل الإجراءات التي بدأت تُتخذ مؤخراً بحق السوريين في تركيا بشكل عام، وفي إسطنبول بشكل خاص.

تواصل الليرة التركية انتعاشها أمام عملة الدولار خلال الأسابيع الأخيرة، وذلك بعد أن كانت هناك توقعات بأن تشهد انهياراً كبيراً نتيجة بدء عملية استلام أنقرة منظومة "إس 400" الروسية وما نتج عنها من توتر سياسي بين تركيا والولايات المتحدة.

أشار مقال في صحيفة "نيزافيسيمايا غازيتا" الروسية إلى "استخفاف" تركيا بالعقوبات التي فرضها الاتحاد الأوروبي عليها مؤخرًا بسبب قيامها بأعمال تنقيب في شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط.

استقبلت ولاية أنطاليا التركية التي تشتهر بساحلها وغاباتها ومناطقها التاريخية، منذ مطلع العام الحالي، 6 مليون و914 ألف و909 سائحا أجنبيا.

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يعيش في تركيا حاليًا قرابة 3.6 مليون لاجئ سوري نصفهم تقريبًا من الأطفال. هبط هذا الرقم في العام الماضي، لكننا لم نشعر بهذا الانخفاض بالفعل في مدن تركيا الكبرى. في الأشهر القليلة الماضية، يبدو الأمر كما لو أن أعداد السوريين قد ازدادت، ويظهر هذا في استطلاعات الرأي العام، إذ يدرج الأتراكُ اللاجئين السوريين من بين أكبر خمس قضايا في البلاد. لماذا؟ أرى أن هناك ثلاثة أسباب.

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Mueller week begins; Nadler's new statement; Fox, Trump and Omar; top 10 opening for 'Lion King,' Marvel announcements, 'Avengers' tops 'Avatar'

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 07:58 PM PDT

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EXEC SUMMARY: A pattern by President Trump, a blunt reassessment by Geraldo Rivera, a weekend full of announcements by Marvel, a controversial decision by Cumulus, and much more...


Mueller Hearings: TV coverage plans

The hearings are still a couple of days away, but the coverage plans are already in place. The big three broadcast networks will scrap their regular schedules and carry the hearings live. Norah O'Donnell, in her second week as "Evening News" anchor, will lead the coverage starting around 8:30am ET. NBC and ABC reps say their networks will also air special reports. And Fox News will offer coverage to Fox stations.

It should go without saying that the hearings will be live up and down cable, as well. Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum will anchor on Fox News starting at 8am ET, "preempting Fox & Friends," the network's press release notes. Wolf Blitzer and Jake Tapper will anchor on CNN. Both the morning and afternoon hearings will also be on C-SPAN3...


It's up to Mueller

"It has the potential of being a tip-over moment," Dan Rather said on "Reliable Sources" Sunday morning. "Everything depends on what Mueller is prepared to say and how well particularly the Democratic members of the committee handle the whole thing. It certainly has the potential to rivet the country." Potential, yes. But will the testimony really rivet the country? Will the hearings change any minds? Rather says Mueller's impact is "up to Mueller. How much is he willing to give?"

"A wounded Trump is better than a martyred Trump"

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler said on "Fox News Sunday" that Mueller's report presented "very substantial evidence" that Trump is "guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors" -- an impeachable offense. Nadler said Dems have to "let Mueller present those facts to the American people" (side note: Mueller presented his facts in a written report a few months ago) "and then see where we go from there, because the administration must be held accountable."

Okay, so Nadler is banking on televised hearings making all the difference. But will the hearings make a difference to Nancy Pelosi? Rather commented to me that the Democratic leadership has taken the stance that a "wounded Trump is better than a martyred Trump. So, they want to keep saying he's committed crimes, but so far they're not doing very much about it."


How many people will tune in?

It's too soon for me to venture a guess. But this quote in Alayna Treene's report for Axios stood out to me: "The success will be in the TV ratings," Rep. Ro Khanna said. "The more Americans that watch, the more successful it is."



On Sunday morning Trump tweeted, "I don't believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country." Twelve hours later, there's still no word on why he believes they're INCAPABLE -- which leaves only one obvious answer. His tweet prompted even more discussion of "the squad" and the political consequences of his racist attack.

On Sunday's "Reliable Sources" I asked: If this is what Trump wants the next 16 months to be about, is the press up to the challenge? Click here to watch part one and/or part two of the discussion with Rather, Tara Dowdell and Astead Herndon...


Covering the pattern

Here's what I wanted to get across on Sunday's "Reliable." Yes, some parts of Trump's track record on race are well known: Birtherism. Mexican "rapists." A "total and complete shut-down of Muslims entering the U.S." Judge Curiel. "Shithole countries." Charlottesville. And many news outlets have been referring back to these episodes while covering "go back" and "send her back." Journalists have been seeking to connect the dots.

But this pattern goes back even further... to the DOJ's discrimination lawsuit against Trump in the 1970s... and his call for the Central Park Five to be executed in 1989... and so on.

Flashing forward a few decades, what about... His false claim about "large-scale killing" of white farmers in South Africa? His first presidential pardon, which was granted to Joe Arpaio? His reported comment that migrants from Haiti "all have AIDS?" His remark that athletes who knelt during the national anthem maybe "shouldn't be in the country?"

What about retweeting racists and bigots? What about exaggerating urban crime? What about claiming that Puerto Rico is not part of the U.S.? What about referring to Omarosa as "that dog?"

There's a pattern, going back decades and continuing up until the present day. Covering the pattern requires history, context and time. Are news outlets up to the challenge? Here's my opening essay from TV...


Geraldo breaks with Trump

I noticed some of the NYT's competitors lauding this five-bylined story on the front page of Sunday's paper. It was titled "Trump Employs an Old Tactic: Using Race for Gain."

"For some who defended Mr. Trump against charges of racism in the past," the "go back" attack "was a turning point," the reporters wrote, bringing in Fox's Geraldo Rivera:

"As much as I have denied it and averted my eyes from it, this latest incident made it impossible. My friendship with the president has cost me friendships, it has cost me schisms in the family, my wife and I are constantly at odds about the president. I do insist that he's been treated unfairly. But the unmistakable words, the literal words he said, is an indication that the critics were much more right than I."

Rivera followed up on Twitter on Sunday: "If you love this POTUS you have to have the courage to call him out when he goes too far. This episode with #TheSquad went too far (in a destructive, anti-American values direction)."


New polling from CBS

The headline on "Most Americans disagree with Trump's 'go back' tweets."

This new poll, conducted by YouGov, found that 48% of Americans feel the ideas expressed in the tweets were racist... 34% said not racist...


The Fox connection

This is the finding that stood out to me most: According to the poll, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley "are better known to Republicans than they are to members of their own party, and as with many members of Congress, many Americans are unfamiliar with them."

Right-wing media coverage is just one cause of this effect, to be sure. But it is striking to discover just how much airtime the Dem lawmakers have garnered -- especially from their harshest critics. Before the CBS poll came out, we crunched the numbers, and came away with two big findings. First, Ocasio-Cortez and Omar have been talked about a lot more on Fox than on other cable news channels this year. THREE TIMES as much. Second, the freshwomen have been getting more attention on cable than seasoned leaders of the Democratic Party. Someone like Jim Clyburn, for instance, barely ever gets mentioned compared to AOC. Here's my full story with all the data, compiled by producer Marina di Marzo...

 --> The polling and the TV data reminds me of this Vox piece about "asymmetrical intensity..."


 -- HuffPost's Hayley Miller credits Chris Wallace with "shutting down" Stephen Miller's "lie" on Sunday morning... (HuffPost)

 -- Jay Rosen's newest Twitter thread "is about what the press can do when it doesn't want to take the bait, but it feels it has to report on his latest outrage. There are some creative options..." (Twitter)

 -- Mark Di Stefano's latest: Inside the BBC's debate about whether to "call Trump a racist..." (BuzzFeed

Raj Shah joins Fox Corp

WaPo's Josh Dawsey had this scoop on Friday, and Fox confirmed it on Saturday: Raj Shah, formerly Trump's principal deputy press secretary, is now a senior VP at Fox Corp, the parent company of Fox News. Shah reports to Viet Dinh, Fox's chief legal and policy officer. Fox isn't saying exactly what Shah's job entails, but he is based in DC... Here's my story...

"A Top Ad Agency's Employees Are Angry Their Firm Does Work For Trump's Border Patrol"

This is a remarkable story by BuzzFeed's Lam Thuy Vo: "On July 9 employees at iconic advertising firm Ogilvy met with CEO John Seifert to demand answers about the company's newly-revealed work with US Customs and Border Protection." BuzzFeed obtained a recording of the meeting and transcribed the whole thing. "It's one of the most striking documents to emerge of the sharp new conflict, largely generational, between companies accustomed to working largely uncontroversially with the US government, and employees who expect even a public relations firm to carry a set of values..."

The Pete Buttigieg interview that won't be heard on the radio

Radio host Blair Garner taped an interview with Pete Buttigieg in Nashville last week. It was the Buttigieg campaign's idea -- "since Country music tends to lean in a conservative direction, I was surprised" to get the opportunity, Garner wrote afterward. "But more than surprised, I was EXTREMELY flattered. One of the few truly viable candidates in the race raised his hand and asked for a place at the table. I was willing to give him that seat. I would have also given a seat to any other viable candidate, from both sides."
But if you want to hear the interview, you'll have to look up his personal SoundCloud page. Garner said he was told by someone at his employer, Cumulus Media, that he "couldn't air it" on broadcast.
This controversy is now getting a lot of attention -- via stories on HuffPost, WaPo and other websites.
"It was a great discussion, and we are obviously disappointed that Blair's listeners won't have the opportunity to hear it," Buttigieg's senior comms adviser Lis Smith told me...

Cumulus cites "equal time" rule

So how is Cumulus defending its decision? This way: "Cumulus Nashville's programming managers made the decision not to air Blair Garner's pre-recorded interview with Mayor Pete Buttigieg because of the large number of political candidates currently in this race," the company says. "The decision was made by local programming management based solely on concerns related to the application of the FCC's Equal Time Rule. The effects of the FCC's Equal Time Rule are widely understood and considered whenever these types of issues arise."

Media week ahead calendar

Tuesday: Snapchat reports earnings... 

Wednesday: The aforementioned Mueller hearings...

Wednesday: Facebook and AT&T report earnings...

Thursday: Alphabet, Amazon, and Comcast report earnings...

Friday: Twitter reports earnings...

Friday: "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" lands in theaters... 

CBS blacked out in AT&T homes

The fee fight has been going on all weekend... "CBS, the nation's most-watched television network, went dark for more than 6.5 million AT&T customers early Saturday after the two media giants couldn't agree on a new contract," the NYT's Edmund Lee wrote. The blackout is still in effect as of Sunday night.

A unique angle to this feud: "In addition to a smaller fee increase, AT&T is pushing for the ability to sell CBS's streaming service as a separate option, which could give it more flexibility and lower costs by potentially removing the channel from its basic bundle..."

 >> Reminder: CNN is part of WarnerMedia, which is owned by AT&T...

 >> Are you affected by this blackout? I'd love to hear from you for a story I'm working on...

Still no comment from ESPN or Le Batard

"ESPN is making sure that its employees know there is [no] change in the network's policy to avoid talking about politics unless it intersects with sports," the AP's David Bauder wrote over the weekend, after radio host Dan Le Batard criticized the policy and savaged Trump in a recent monologue.
"The reminder went out Friday to all employees, including Le Batard, according to an ESPN employee who spoke on condition of anonymity... ESPN has not spoken publicly about Le Batard's comments, including whether he faces any disciplinary action." And: "Reached on Saturday, Le Batard also declined comment..."

Granderson's column

Brian Lowry emails: LA Times sports columnist LZ Granderson addressed Le Batard's comments about the difficulty divorcing sports from politics in the current environment. Citing conversations with execs at ESPN -- where he hosts a radio show -- Granderson expressed sympathy for those "protecting" the business of sports, while adding that Le Batard is "rightly questioning the cost of that protection," and whether it's possible to still treat sports and other forms of entertainment as "escapes from the real world." Read on...


 -- The T-Mobile/Sprint merger is "nearing completion after controversial and lengthy negotiations," with an announcement possible mid-week, Charlie Gasparino and Lydia Moynihan report… (Fox Biz)

 -- "The media campaign to remake Jeffrey Epstein's public image after he got out of jail in 2009 included articles describing him as a forward-thinking philanthropist on websites like Forbes, National Review and HuffPost. All 3 been removed in recent days." Tiffany Hsu has the details here... (NYT)

 -- Eric Zorn writing about Ann Arbor, Michigan: "10 years later, the death of its daily newspaper still haunts my hometown..." (Tribune)


The origins of "the cruelty is the point"

The Atlantic staff writer Adam Serwer, who coined the phrase "the cruelty is the point" last year, says a key part of the president's relationship with his supporters is "this sort of community flaying of the president's enemies." On Sunday I talked with Serwer about how and why those five words have spread through the media ecosystem. He said the phrase "concisely articulates something that everybody knew and understood, but struggled to say because it feels so strange for us to be watching something like this unfold today in our own time..."

Astead Herndon's wisdom

This is an "unprecedented time" in the news business, when the president's words are "forcing new choices on media outlets," NYT political reporter Astead Herndon said on Sunday's "Reliable." For example: Whether to call racist comments racist. Herndon said newsrooms should be guided by what's true.
 --> One of his key points: "Newsrooms need to recognize that race and identity will be the central, key point of this election." And bosses need to "empower reporters to think about those issues in the same kind of fact-driven, clear-eyed accountability driven way that we think about other issues."
 --> On the importance of talking with lots and lots of voters: "When I've talked to folks about white identity, and what they are feeling right now, they will openly tell you, kind of, that they are worried about replacement... They are worried about the influx of minorities and immigrants." This is "not the side course of this election," he said. "It is the main entree..."

Dem candidates pledge to bring back W.H. press briefings

As of Sunday, the White House has not held an on-camera press briefing for 132 days. This is the longest such drought in modern history. There's been some talk that new press secretary Stephanie Grisham will bring the briefing back in some form, but it hasn't happened yet.

On Sunday's "Reliable," I pointed to Michael Calderone's recent survey for Politico. He found that nearly all of the Democratic candidates for president have promised to restore regular briefings...

Meet the founder of the socialist magazine Jacobin

Bhaskar Sunkara, the founder and editor of Jacobin, the foremost socialist magazine in the U.S., says his publication has been on a growth spurt thanks to Bernie Sanders' rise and Trump's election. We spoke on Sunday's "Reliable," and I asked him to react to Fox's portrayal of "toxic" socialist policies... He said "it really behooves them to try to scare monger people..."


 -- This twitterer's call for replies is generating a fun conversation: "Name a fictional character who absolutely voted for Trump. NO villains." (Twitter)

 -- "It's a sign of the times when farmers make more money advocating for the industry on social media than actually farming..." (Bloomberg) editor Stu Oldham rightly described it as an "epic weekend" for Disney, with the combination of the "Endgame" milestone, the news out of Comic-Con and "The Lion King's" huge opening. Let's start with the "King:"

"Lion King" breaks records

"The Lion King" reboot "blew past industry expectations," Frank Pallotta wrote Sunday. The film has made "an estimated $531 million worldwide in 10 days of release. That includes an estimated $185 million opening this weekend in North America. Analysts had projected that the film would make around $150 million for its domestic opening..."

 --> Records: "The film is the 9th highest-grossing opening ever, the biggest opening for the month of July and for a PG-rated film..."

"Avengers" tops "Avatar"

Pallotta noted that "The Lion King" was also the second highest-grossing opening of the year behind "Avengers: Endgame," which this weekend passed "Avatar" as the biggest box-office blockbuster ever. Oh yes -- and he has a complete story about that milestone here. 

The latest "Avengers" total: More than $2.789 billion worldwide.

Horn's horn-tooting statement

Since Disney acquired the "Avatar" franchise through the Fox deal earlier this year, Alan Horn came out with a statement that saluted both:

"A huge congratulations to the Marvel Studios and Walt Disney Studios teams, and thank you to the fans around the world who lifted 'Avengers: Endgame' to these historic heights," he said. And he noted how long "Avatar" held the record: "Even with the passage of a decade, the impact of James Cameron's 'Avatar' remains as powerful as ever. The talented filmmakers behind these worlds have much more in store, and we look forward to the future of both the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Pandora."

Coming later this year...

The NYT's Brooks Barnes and Nicole Sperling, in their first co-byline, note that "in the coming days, Disney's remake of 'Aladdin,' released in May, will cross $1 billion worldwide. 'Toy Story 4,' which arrived in June from Disney's Pixar division, is also approaching that threshold; its total now stands at $859 million, according to Comscore. And the barrage is nowhere near over: Still to come from Disney this year are 'Frozen 2,' a 'Maleficent' sequel and 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker,' among others..."

Coming in future years...

Brian Lowry emails: Marvel frequently exhibits independence within the Disney kingdom, which might explain why the studio brought such a tide of news to Comic-Con regarding its upcoming lineup of movies, in a year when Disney is squirreling away lots of announcements and presentations for its own self-promoting convention, D23 Expo, which will be held in Anaheim in late August.

Here are some of the Marvel headlines...

Marvel's "Phase Four"

CNN's Scott Huver writes: "Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige near simultaneously broke the Internet and San Diego Comic-Con International with long-awaited mega-announcement of the Disney-owned powerhouse studio's 'Phase Four' slate of television projects, promising new big-and small-screen adventures of fan-favorites, the ascent of headliners previously little known outside of comic book fandom, and an increasingly diverse slate of both on-screen characters and behind-the-scenes creators."

Phase Four "includes the first 'Black Widow' solo film, the deep-dive property 'Eternals' (with a prestigious creative pedigree thanks to Marvel mainstay Jack Kirby), 'Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings,' upgrading a cult-hit character from the '70s kung fu craze, a revival of the vampiric 'Blade' franchise that launched Marvel's movie brand; and the sequels 'Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness' (promising to bring a more horrific edge to the MCU) and 'Thor: Love and Thunder' (in which Natalie Portman will lift the hammer)." Here's what Feige told Huver about the plans...

Marvel calls these shows "mega-event limited series:"

More from Huver's story: "The film slate -- and Marvel's increasingly epic interconnected continuity -- is also being bolstered by a collection of mini-series that will help launch Disney's forthcoming streaming service Disney+, focusing on established Avengers and their enemies, including 'Falcon and The Winter Soldier,' 'WandaVision,' 'Hawkeye,' 'Loki' and the alternate reality-exploring 'What If...'"


"Big Little Lies" finale night

I am still several episodes behind 😬 but the finale aired on Sunday night... And Brian Lowry's review is up on CNN Entertainment for everyone who watched...

Note to my wife Jamie: Let's try to catch up Monday/Tuesday!
Thank you for reading! Send me your feedback... We'll be back tomorrow...
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Posted: 21 Jul 2019 03:18 PM PDT

Prince George flashes his missing tooth in super casual new birthday portraits

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 02:43 PM PDT

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Live Sunday Show: 'Confront & Destroy Trump Supporters' Says MSNBC

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 02:32 PM PDT

Tune into the Live Show


On today's LIVE SUNDAY SHOW, I'll break down how MSNBC is ratcheting up the extreme and violent rhetoric against Trump supporters ahead of a planned Democrat-led civil war. Also, I'll explain how far-left congresswoman Ilhan Omar is actually part of a Somali tribe that still practices slavery!

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Posted: 21 Jul 2019 11:36 AM PDT

Pro Pawn - Портал о PAWN-скриптинге

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 11:14 AM PDT

Most Canadians would consider moving cities to buy a home

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 11:00 AM PDT

Most Social: Road-tripping couple 'just enjoying life to the full' found dead on the side of the road

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 10:02 AM PDT

Chynna Noelle Deese, 24, and Lucas Robertson Fowler, 23, were on a road trip in Canada when police believe they were murdered. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

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Posted: 21 Jul 2019 09:11 AM PDT

الخطوط الجوية البريطانية تعلق رحلاتها إلى القاهرة سبعة أيام كإجراء وقائي

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 07:59 AM PDT

الخطوط الجوية البريطانية تعلق رحلاتها إلى القاهرة سبعة أيام كإجراءات احترازية ولإجراء مزيد من...
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الخطوط الجوية البريطانية تعلق رحلاتها إلى القاهرة سبعة أيام كإجراء وقائي
الخطوط الجوية البريطانية تعلق رحلاتها إلى القاهرة سبعة أيام كإجراءات احترازية ولإجراء مزيد من التقييم، فيما تستأنف خطوط لوفتهانزا الألمانية تسيير...   إقرأ أكثر، للمزيد
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NEWS ALERT: Trump renews 'Squad' attacks, says liberal Congresswomen not 'capable of loving our Country'

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 05:58 AM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Trump renews 'Squad' attacks, says liberal Congresswomen not 'capable of loving our Country'
President Trump renewed his attacks on four liberal Congresswomen on Sunday morning, asserting that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and "The Squad" are not "capable of loving ...
Sunday, July 21, 2019 8:50 AM EDT

Trump renews 'Squad' attacks, says liberal Congresswomen not 'capable of loving our Country'

President Trump renewed his attacks on four liberal Congresswomen on Sunday morning, asserting that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and "The Squad" are not "capable of loving our Country."

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Even Amazon and Netflix have bad days: Theme of the Week

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 05:16 AM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

As Netflix Inc. is finding out, being the gold standard in your industry doesn't guarantee growth, or even loyalty. And as Inc. is finding out, being a market pioneer won't always shield you from your own decisions. Two of the world's largest tech and entertainment companies discovered that fierce global competition, regulatory scrutiny and questionable behavior can put a dent in even the heaviest armor, as Bloomberg Opinion writers observed this week. (Once they finished their Prime Day shopping and "Stranger Things" bingeing, that is.)

Netflix, Welcome to Ratings Hell – Tara Lachapelle

Amazon's Self-Interest Opens Up Its Books a Crack – Shira Ovide

Amazon Plays Nice in Germany – Leonid Bershidsky

Netflix Stumbles in Its Effort to Annex the World's Eyeballs – Shira Ovide

Amazon May Have Invited Big Risk Without Much Reward – Alex Webb

Trump's Tariff Deal Comes Down to a Coin Flip – Lionel Laurent

Amazon Advertising Is Just a Toll in Disguise – Shira Ovide

Making Cities Safe for E-Commerce – Adam Minter

France's Tech Tax Is Wrong. So Is Trump's Response. – Bloomberg editors

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, Sunday's roundup of our biggest commentary topic this week.

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UP Región Laguna

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 05:04 AM PDT

Penta Silver – Takıda Güvenli ve Garantili Alışverişin Adresi

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 03:47 AM PDT

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Posted: 21 Jul 2019 03:24 AM PDT


Posted: 21 Jul 2019 02:57 AM PDT

Killer Pat Quirke loses €132k on property scheme

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 01:06 AM PDT
The Daily Digest
Sunday 21 July 2019


Dear Reader,

She's the All Ireland camogie star who has made headlines for all the wrong reasons. In today's Sunday Independent, Ashling Thompson on regrets, moving on and those nightclub assaults.

We have all the latest on the new twists on the Mr Moonlight case and the Pamela Flood vulture fund case.

And save on your grocery shop this week with a voucher for €10 off €50 at Tesco and €10 off €50 at Dunnes Stores.

Make sure to pick up your Sunday Independent, or read it here on our ePaper.

The Sunday Independent. The complete read.

Cormac Bourke
Editor, The Sunday Independent

What's in today's Sunday Independent
Undated handout photo of the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run attraction at Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland, California. See PA Feature TRAVEL Star Wars. Picture credit should read: PA Photo/Joshua Sudock/Disney Enterprises/Lucasfilm. WARNING: This picture must only be used to accompany PA Feature TRAVEL Star Wars.

In LIFE, pops most outspoken superstar Halsey

Lucinda Sullivan's 20 best foodie pit-stops

The best holiday beauty with Triona McCarthy

In Living Barry Egan has lunch in Carrick-on-Shannon with Breakfast on Pluto author Pat McCabe
Main Headlines
FORTUNES: Killer Pat Quirke was jailed for life in in May. Picture: Steve Humphreys Killer Pat Quirke loses €132k on property scheme Maeve Sheehan He was one of a syndicate of farmers who invested in a €21m office block in Warsaw
Stressful: Ronan Ryan and Pamela Flood face the courts again this week determined to keep their young family in their home. Photo: Gerry Mooney 'Pamela was being rushed to surgery while they were setting up viewings' - restaurateur Ronan Ryan on battle to keep €900k home Niamh Horan Ronan Ryan has opened up about the struggle he and his wife, former RTE presenter Pamela Flood, faced over nine years as vulture funds attempted to sell their family home
Today's view from the Editor
Stock picture Editorial: 'Giant leap from raucous discord' Editorial In the Sunday Independent today, we republish the inspiring words of President John F Kennedy which he delivered eight years before Nasa first landed and man walked on the Moon, the 50th anniversary of which is commemorated this weekend: "We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard."
Our Opinion
Greg O'Shea Ciara O'Connor: 'Heartbreak ahead for the Love Islanders just in it for the 'likes'' Ciara O'Connor This Love Island has not, in many ways, been a vintage year. Indeed, the last two months seem like some strange, hyper-modern propaganda campaign by Tourism Ireland - because the only stuff worth watching has been from the Irish, or adopted Irish, contestants.
SHE GAVE HERSELF TO ISIL: Lisa Smith and daughter in the Al-Hawl refugee camp. Photo: Norma Costello Ciara Kelly: 'Why I have zero sympathy for Lisa Smith' Dr Ciara Kelly I first heard of Isil five or six years ago. Islamist jihadists rampaged across Syria and Iraq, proclaiming a war of terror against the west and imposing Sharia law on those who lived within their caliphate. Often seen whooping and waving black flags from the backs of jeeps, they seemed almost cartoonish in their capacity for medieval levels of violence and barbarity as depicted in our news bulletins.
With the schoolboy faction appeased, there is confidence that the FAI will receive the approval to bring in reforms recommended by the Governance Review Group report (stock picture)
FIFA and UEFA urge FAI to warn Ross ahead of crunch EGM vote FIFA and UEFA have written to the FAI to tell them that Minister Shane Ross is in danger of breaching rules on government interference in football affairs.
Michael Darragh Macauley of Dublin after scoring his side's second goal All too easy for Dublin as Jim Gavin's All-Ireland champions obliterate Roscommon Conor McKeon DUBLIN gave yet another demonstration of their devastating capacity to obliterate mid-to-high ranking teams in Croke Park this evening.
Referee Wayne Barnes will take charge of Ireland vs Scotland at the 2019 World Cup. Photo by Brendan Moran/Sportsfile Ireland to be reunited with familiar face for Scotland clash as World Cup pool referees are revealed Newsdesk Wayne Barnes has been appointed as the referee for Ireland's opening game of the 2019 World Cup against Scotland.
Some dozens of long-finned pilot whales lay dead on a remote beach in Iceland. Picture: David Schwarzhans via AP Dozens of pilot whales found dead on remote Iceland beach Newsdesk Dozens of dead whales were found on a remote beach in Iceland by tourists and a pilot on a helicopter sightseeing tour.
Bill Linnane Bill Linnane: 'Family life's a lot like an open prison' Bill Linnane Greetings and salutations from Salou, where you join us on what is most likely our last family holiday for some time.


Annette Rocca recalled the many happy years she spent in the house In Pictures: Annette Rocca sells luxury €2m home and looks forward to a 'new chapter' in life Niamh Horan Annette Rocca says she is looking forward to beginning "a new chapter" after selling the luxury home she shared with her late husband, the tile tycoon Patrick Rocca.
Pól Ó Conghaile walking the Spinc Ridge over Glendalough's Upper Lake, in Co Wicklow. Gorgeous Glendalough: Is this 10km loop the best walk in Wicklow? Pól Ó Conghaile The Spinc & Glenealo Valley Loop is the best of wild Wicklow...
Stock image Why the old-school bar soap is making a comeback Ruth Griffin For the first time in decades, sales of the humble soap bar are on the rise.
'It is understood that Dunnes has strict criteria for potential tenants to ensure they are not taken over by competitors.' Stock image Dunnes Stores moves on vacant sites after retailers' backlash Samantha McCaughren A number of vacant stores owned by Dunnes Stores are being sold or leased out by the Irish retail giant.
Holiday homes outside rent pressure zones will escape the new short-term letting rules – though a recent widening of those zones means more holiday home owners will be caught by the rules How to stay in the letting game without flouting new rent laws Louise McBride This summer could be the last time that many holiday home owners will be able to rent out their properties to tourists - unless they flout the Government's new short-term letting rules. Under those rules, which kicked in at the start of this month, holiday home owners must have planning permission to rent out their property to tourists, or for stays of up to two weeks - if that property is in a rent-pressure zone (RPZ, an area where rent is typically above the national average).
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الموقع الإلكتروني لجريدة المنتخب

Posted: 21 Jul 2019 12:00 AM PDT

الموقع الإلكتروني لجريدة المنتخب

Link to موقع جريدة المنتخب

رجوع قوي لحارث وتاعرابت مع فرقهم ويدقون باب المنتخب

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 03:22 PM PDT

حفل نجوم إفريقيا بالغردقة

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 02:29 PM PDT

وافقت الكونفدرالية الأفريقية لكرة القدم على طلب الإتحاد

أوسمة الاستحقاق الوطني لعناصر المنتخب الجزائري الفائز بكأس افريقيا

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 02:22 PM PDT

قرر رئيس دولة الجزائر, عبد القادر بن صالح, اليوم

لزعر للمرة الثانية يخوض مباراة تحضيرية

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 02:12 PM PDT

اشرك ستيف مدرب نيوكاسطل الانجليزي

طنان: أعاني كثيرا من هذه الناحية

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 01:29 PM PDT

بعد تعاقده مؤخرا مع فيتيس أرنهيم الهولندي كمعار من

تاعرابت يبدأ كأس الابطال الدولية بأمريكا

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 01:14 PM PDT

يبدأ عادل تاعرابت وبنفيكا اليوم كأس الابطال

كأس إفريقيا 2019: عودة مظفرة لأسود "الطيرانغا" للسنغال

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 01:01 PM PDT

"شكرا لك السنغال !" بهذه العبارة استقبل الآلاف من

فيديو: الجزائريون يملأون ساحات فرنسا احتفالاً بكأس إفريقيا وسط اجراءات مشددة

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 12:54 PM PDT

مرتبة غير مشرفة للمنتخب الوطني

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 12:05 PM PDT

أن يحتل الفريق الوطني الصف التاسع في الكان

"كان 2019" عائدات قياسية

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 11:54 AM PDT

أعلن «كاف»، أن النسخة 32 ، والتي أقيمت في مصر،

حمد الله يلتحق بفريقه في هذا التاريخ

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 11:15 AM PDT

يلتحق عبد الرزاق حمد الله مهاجم النصر بفريقه يوم

بونجاح.. بورتري صانع الأفراح

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 11:09 AM PDT

فاجأته حالة الإستعصاء أمام الشباك خلال دور الربع

أول انتصار لمروان سعدان

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 10:46 AM PDT

خاض الفتح السعودي أول مباراة ودية له في معسكره

جوفنتوس يحدد 100 مليون اورو للتنازل عن نجمه الأرجنتيني

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 10:31 AM PDT

حدد نادي يوفنتوس الإيطالي 100 مليون جنيه إسترليني

تتويج منتخب الجزائر لم يكن مفاجئا

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 10:26 AM PDT

لم يختلف كل المتتبعين في أن منتخب الجزائر قدم

برحمة يبدأ معسكرا تدريبيا مع نادي قطر بعد إتمام صفقة انتقاله

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 09:51 AM PDT

يبدأ المحترف المغربي المهدي برحمة، اليوم الجمعة في منطقة

كأس إفريقيا 2019: استقبال الأبطال في الجزائر لمحاربي الصحراء

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 09:32 AM PDT

عاد المنتخب الجزائري لكرة القدم السبت الى بلاده حيث لقي لاعبوه

كاس افريقيا 2019: الكونفدرالية الافريقية تختار التشكيلة المثالية

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 09:10 AM PDT

اعلنت الكونفدرالية الافريقية لكرة القدم (كاف) اليوم السبت

Le Tour des Français

Posted: 20 Jul 2019 11:59 PM PDT

dimanche 21 juillet 2019 - Le Parisien
logo Le Parisien L'ESSENTIEL
Nous sommes le dimanche 21 juillet et nous fêtons les Victor. À la une, les Français n'en finissent plus de briller sur le Tour de France mais les performances de Julian Alaphilippe soulèvent quelques interrogations. Dans le reste de l'actualité, les frais des ministres dans le viseur du gouvernement et le feuilleton Neymar qui continue. Côté météo, le ciel est variable avec un risque orageux se cantonnant aux reliefs du Centre-Est.
Tour de France 2019 : Pinot-Alaphilippe, un jour de gloire
Tour de France 2019 : Pinot-Alaphilippe, un jour de gloire
Thibaut Pinot, vainqueur de la 14e étape du Tour de France au Tourmalet, et Julian Alaphilippe, toujours en jaune, ont fait vivre une belle journée au sport et au pays.
Tour de France 2019 : un maillot jaune et des questions
Depuis son succès dans le contre-la-montre de vendredi et davantage encore après sa 2e place, samedi, au Tourmalet, les interrogations abondent autour du Français.
Affaire Rugy : Philippe pourrait revoir une circulaire sur le train de vie des ministres
En réponse à l'affaire Rugy, le Premier ministre pourrait préciser une circulaire de 2017, notamment sur la question des travaux dans les logements de fonction.
CAN : un jeune homme mortellement blessé en fêtant la victoire de l'Algérie
En Saône-et-Loire, Giovani, 21 ans, est mort à l'hôpital après avoir été grièvement blessé alors qu'il participait aux scènes de liesse.
Leonardo : «Il n'y a pas d'offre concrète pour Neymar»
Leonardo, le directeur sportif du PSG, s'est exprimé après le match à Nuremberg pour faire un point sur le mercato. La situation de Neymar n'a pas évolué.
On a marché sur la Lune : l'infographie géante pour comprendre la mission Apollo 11
On a marché sur la Lune : l'infographie géante pour comprendre la mission Apollo 11
Un décollage terrestre, un rendez-vous orbital, un alunissage, un décollage lunaire, un nouveau transit spatial, une rentrée dans l'atmosphère, et une chorégraphie millimétrée entre des vaisseaux bricolés : voici racontée en images animées la mission Apollo 11.
Disparition de Steve à Nantes : un mois sans réponse
Disparition de Steve à Nantes : un mois sans réponse
Steve Maia Caniço, 24 ans, a disparu le 21 juin, après une intervention des policiers à Nantes (Loire-Atlantique). Ses proches attendent des réponses.
Franky Zapata, alias Flyman : «La traversée de la Manche, ce n'est pas gagné d'avance»
Franky Zapata, alias Flyman : «La traversée de la Manche, ce n'est pas gagné d'avance»
Sur son Flyboard, Franky Zapata tente jeudi une délicate traversée de la Manche. Mais après son coup d'éclat du défilé du 14 Juillet, Flyman nous confie...
Péage, obstacle… quand l'autoroute parle directement avec votre voiture
Péage, obstacle… quand l'autoroute parle directement avec votre voiture
Nous avons embarqué à bord d'une Peugeot 3008 équipée d'un système révolutionnaire de communication testé avec Vinci Autoroutes. La voiture adapte sa...
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Voitures anciennes : les mécano rétro se forment à Antony
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Ile-de-France : ces Franciliens propriétaires d'une résidence secondaire… au camping
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Hommages à « celui qui a marqué l'histoire de Puteaux»
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En Seine-Saint-Denis, l'autre visage du tourisme
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« Justice pour Adama Traoré » : des Gilets jaunes à la marche contre les violences policières
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Oise : le bel essor des cueillettes
Le Parisien
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