Wednesday, July 17, 2019



Retraites : ce qui se prépare...

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 11:05 PM PDT

jeudi 18 juillet 2019 - Le Parisien
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Nous sommes le jeudi 18 juillet et nous fêtons les Frédéric. A la une, la réforme des retraites dont les différents scénarios seront présentés ce matin. Dans l'actualité également, nos révélations sur les intrigantes recherches de Benalla au sujet de la fabrication d'un brassard et les coulisses de la cohabitation impossible entre Leonardo et Neymar au PSG. Côté météo, la grande majorité du pays devrait profiter du soleil malgré quelques nuages, tandis que le Nord-Ouest devrait osciller entre pluies et beau temps.
Réforme des retraites : le plus dur commence
Réforme des retraites : le plus dur commence
Jean-Paul Delevoye, haut-commissaire à la réforme des retraites, présente ce jeudi ses recommandations pour réformer le système français. Un dossier explosif.
Vertueuse, battante, «trop techno»… Elisabeth Borne, de la réforme de la SNCF à l'écologie
Dotée d'un tempérament bien trempé, la nouvelle ministre de l'Écologie est connue pour sa pugnacité et sa droiture. Les écolos, eux, tordent le nez.
Emmanuel Macron s'inquiète pour François de Rugy
En Conseil des ministres ce mercredi matin, le chef de l'Etat a eu un mot pour le désormais ex-ministre de la Transition écologique.
Les intrigantes recherches de Benalla sur la fabrication d'un brassard
Un rapport d'expertise démontre que l'ex-collaborateur de l'Elysée a fait des recherches sur Internet pour se fabriquer un brassard. Et ce une semaine avant la manifestation du 1er mai 2018.
PSG : Leonardo-Neymar, les coulisses d'une cohabitation impossible
Le directeur sportif parisien n'a pas provoqué les envies de départ du Brésilien. Mais il n'a rien fait ces dernières semaines pour recoller les morceaux. Explications.
Anne Hidalgo, maire à tout prix (partie 2)
Anne Hidalgo, maire à tout prix (partie 2)
PODCAST. Si le mandat de Anne Hidalgo à Paris avait commencé sur des notes plutôt positives, l'année 2018 marque un tournant : les difficultés s'additionnent. Ce deuxième épisode de Code source revient sur ces obstacles.
Au cœur du chantier de Notre-Dame
Au cœur du chantier de Notre-Dame
Un peu plus de trois mois après l'incendie qui a ravagé la cathédrale, nous avons pu pénétrer dans l'édifice.
Meurtre de Jean-Marc Sandré : mais qui en voulait au chef d'entreprise de Cavalaire ?
Meurtre de Jean-Marc Sandré : mais qui en voulait au chef d'entreprise de Cavalaire ?
Figure locale de Cavalaire-sur-Mer (Var) et du golfe de Saint-Tropez, Jean-Marc Sandré a disparu début juin avant que son corps soit retrouvé un mois plus...
Affaire Bianca Devins : pourquoi les réseaux sociaux n'ont-ils pas empêché la diffusion du meurtre ?
Affaire Bianca Devins : pourquoi les réseaux sociaux n'ont-ils pas empêché la diffusion du meurtre ?
Les réseaux sociaux rencontrent toujours de nombreuses difficultés à empêcher la propagation des photos du corps de l'adolescente publiées par son...
Paris (75)
Finale de la CAN Algérie-Sénégal : le secteur des Champs-Élysées sous haute surveillance
Seine-et-Marne (77)
Seine-et-Marne : le lycée agricole de Brie-Comte-Robert fournira les cantines du Ve arrondissement
Yvelines (78)
Yvelines : une fillette de 4 ans meurt dans l'incendie de la maison
Essonne (91)
Affaire Sandra : Franprix retire son nom de la supérette de Quincy
Hauts-de-Seine (92)
En vacances à Bordeaux, ses «amis» la séquestrent et la prostituent
Seine-Saint-Denis (93)
Stains : Total veut créer une école de l'industrie du futur
Val-de-Marne (94)
Arcueil-Gentilly : manifestation après des agressions en série contre le personnel de l'office HLM
Val-d'Oise (95)
Montmorency : le combat continue après le décès d'Élise, 9 ans, atteinte d'un cancer
Oise (60)
41 sites d'entraînement dans l'Oise pour les JO de Paris?
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Tax cuts back on the cards but pensioners to lose out

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 10:34 PM PDT
The Daily Digest
Thursday 18 July 2019
Today's top story
Stock photo: PA
Tax cuts back on the cards but pensioners to lose out Pensioners likely to be disappointed but cuckoo funds are warned they could face policy change
Main Headlines
Close colleagues: MEPs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace are both members of the Independents 4Change party. Photo: Tom Burke Clare Daly hires son of Mick Wallace as her assistant in EU office Philip Ryan Mr Wallace's son is now set to earn thousands of euro in taxpayers' money working for his father's party colleague
Cleaning up: Xavier Renaux has overseen the rapid growth of WaterWipes. Photo: Brian Connolly 'We are a small Irish firm changing the rules of the game': How WaterWipes went head to head with the baby care Goliaths - and won John Mulligan 'We are really on a journey to bring the company to the next level'
'Taken from us': Jillian Thornton 'He will get a second chance at life, Jillian never will': driver gets 14 years for fatal car chase Richard McCullen
Critics: Sport Ireland CEO John Treacy (left) and chairperson Kieran Mulvey arrive at Leinster House for the Oireachtas Committee on Sport. Photo: Gareth Chaney, Collins Clean sweep of old guard is only way forward, FAI warned ahead of EGM Aidan Fitzmaurice


US President Donald Trump answers questions from the media. Photo: REUTERS/Leah Millis Dan O'Brien: 'It's not exaggerating to fear that something akin to an economic war could break out with Britain in months' Dan O'Brien 'War made the state and the state made war." This is the pithy theory of one historian on the role of conflict in creating the sort of modern states in which we in Ireland live today. That theory is contested, but what is not contested is the fact that the number of wars between countries has fallen dramatically since 1945.
Fiery topic: A loyalist celebrates at a Belfast 11th-night bonfire. Photo: Julien Behal/PA Wire Mark Daly: 'Unionist fears must be addressed before referendum on united Ireland can be held' Mark Daly 'The mother of all fears" as described by a member of the unionist community about a united Ireland "is that effectively their home would become a foreign state."
'My friend is not alone in feeling the strain of the annual family break. Hilariously, one poll of 1,000 British workers found even the prospect of an upcoming vacation made 73pc of respondents anxious' (stock photo) Liz Kearney: 'Fun on family holidays? Give us a break!' Liz Kearney Did you enjoy your break?" I asked a friend, a mum to three children under five, who had just returned from a fortnight in the sun.
Michael and Joanna were rejected by the public Katie Byrne: 'Love Island isn't about love and lust - it's about social acceptance and rejection' Katie Byrne It's all kicking off on Love Island, as a series of tiffs, twists and tantrums finally gives viewers the drama they've been waiting for. I only started watching the show last week, and while I'm still trying to get my head around the culture and customs of the Majorcan villa, I'm also struggling to understand why I'm glued to the screen every night.
Padraig Harrington at Royal Portrush Golf Club. Niall Carson/PA Wire. Open Championship Round One LIVE: Irish contingent get under way early at Royal Portrush The Open Championship gets underway at Royal Portrush today and you can follow all the action in our live blog.
Dundalk manager Vinny Perth received a call from Jose Mourinho after tonight's game. 'A surreal moment' - Dundalk manager Vinny Perth has Facetime chat with Jose Mourinho after dramatic win Daniel McDonnell Dundalk boss Vinny Perth's night of joy in Riga took a surreal twist when he received a call of congratulations from Jose Mourinho in the minutes after their penalty shootout win.
In full swing: Rory McIlroy, in action during yesterday's practice round, hopes to hit top form at Portrush. Photo: David Davies/PA Wire Vincent Hogan: 'Few home comforts for Rory unless famine ends' Vincent Hogan 'This is bigger than me, right?" he asked, repeating his words with the enunciation of a newsreader.
Chief commercial officer Xavier Renaux. Photo: Brian Connolly WaterWipes eyes expansion as revenue soars John Mulligan Breakneck expansion by Drogheda brand WaterWipes will see it open an office in Singapore in weeks, while it is also considering opening its first manufacturing plant outside Ireland to meet a surge in demand that has pushed annual sales over €50m.
An employee checks packages at the Inc. fulfilment centre. Photo: Jason Alden/Bloomberg Prime target: EU launches antitrust probe into Amazon Online retailer Amazon became the target of a competition investigation by the European Union Wednesday over its use of merchants' data. The probe underlines the increasing regulatory scrutiny of how tech companies exploit customer information to boost their market power.
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Posted: 17 Jul 2019 10:32 PM PDT


Fort IV Toruń

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 09:57 PM PDT

Tartoh ตาโต ข่าว ซุบซิบดารา คลายเครียด กีฬา ดูดวง ไลฟ์สไตล์ เซ็กซี่ สินค้า โปรโมชั่น

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 09:17 PM PDT

ترك برس - النشرة 18-07-2019

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 09:15 PM PDT

قالت الإدارة الأمريكية، إن تركيا لن تستطيع الاستمرار في برنامج مقاتلات "إف35" بسبب شرائها منظومة "إس400" الروسية، لكن علاقات البلدين ستظل استراتيجية.

سجّلت مبيعات العقار للأجانب في تركيا رقمًا قياسيًا في النصف الأول من العام الجاري بزيادة 68.9 في المئة مقارنة بنفس الفترة من العام الماضي.

تناولت تقارير صحفية مستقبل الليرة والاقتصاد بتركيا في ظل العقوبات الأوروبية "الرمزية" بسبب أعمال التنقيب شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط، والعقوبات الأمريكية المحتملة بسبب صفقة شراء منظومة "إس-400" الروسية.

يقصد عشّاق الغوص من تركيا وخارجها، حطام سفينة "سينت ديديير" الفرنسية التي تعود إلى فترات الحرب العالمية الثانية والغارقة قبالة سواحل ولاية أنطاليا جنوبي تركيا.

ياسر عبد العزيز - خاص ترك برس

واستوت على الجودي... اثنا عشر ساعة في ليلة حالكة السواد لاطمت الأمواج سفينة الديمقراطية في تركيا، وأراد قراصنة الحرية أن يسرقوا إرادة الشعب الذي عانى أربعة انقلابات، كانت كفيلة بإحالة حياتهم إلى الضنك وشظف العيش.

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'Make America Hate Again;' Murdoch's 2015 tweet; Netflix's miss; Spacey case dropped; FaceApp concerns; Comic-Con's 50th year; Thursday planner

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 08:18 PM PDT

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Hey there, this is Oliver Darcy, filling in for Brian Stelter. I'm always eager to field your tips and general feedback, so get in touch through email or by finding me on Twitter. With that, let's get to things...


The fact that it was not surprising did not make it any less disturbing. After President Trump assailed Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar at a North Carolina rally Wednesday night, his crowd of supporters broke into a chant, shouting in unison, "SEND HER BACK!" Then, as Kaitlan Collins reported on-air, Trump "paused a moment to let that chant grow some momentum." 

The reactions were swift. Former Obama speechwriter and "Pod Save America" host Jon Favreau called it "one of the most chilling and horrifying things I've ever seen in politics." And former Jeb Bush aide Tim Miller tweeted, "I'd say to my friends in DC going along with Trump. Imagine how this video of the President leading a white mob in a 'Send Her Back' chant targeting a black refugee is going to look in your kids' high school government/history classes."

At the end of his program, Chris Cuomo summed things up succinctly: "Trump says he wants to 'make America great again.' But what he means is 'make America hate again.'" 

"Traitor!" "Treason!" 

It wasn't just the mention of Omar that drew scorn from the crowd on Wednesday night. The mention of the other four Democratic congresswomen drew jeers from Trump's supporters. According to WSJ, the mention of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaib "drew a deafening round of boos and shouts of 'traitor' and 'treason' from the crowd."

Omar quotes Maya Angelou

Responding to the chant that broke out at Trump's rally, Omar quoted Maya Angelou, tweeting, "You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise." Omar later added on Twitter, "I am where I belong, at the people's house and you're just gonna have to deal!"

>> Related: On Wednesday morning, "The Squad" appeared on "CBS This Morning" for an interview with Gayle King, reacting to Trump's attacks and denouncing them as a "distraction."

Maddow: Trump's racist outburst could be "new normal" until election day

Opening her show on Wednesday night, Rachel Maddow told her audience, "It has been another 'can you believe it?' day in news." After filling in viewers on the chant that broke out at Trump's rally, Maddow offered an unsettling thought: It's "possible this is the new normal for the next year and a half." She suggested Trump's re-election strategy might just be to "stoke the outrage any way" he can, in an effort to galvanize his base.

Over on Fox...

While hosts and guests on other networks expressed shock at what happened, things were of course different on Fox. I tuned into Laura Ingraham's program, and heard her excitedly exclaim, "The president was on fire!" And earlier in the evening, Tucker Carlson hosted a guest who bizarrely claimed the term "people of color" is a "racist term." Truly an alternative news universe...

Snapshot of America

Perhaps one of the better snapshots of our dystopian state of current affairs comes via the Merriam-Webster. On Wednesday night, the dictionary tweeted, "Tonight's top searches, in order: racism, socialism, fascism, concentration camp, xenophobia, bigot."

Coverage set to enter day five

Often, with the chaotic news cycle, it can be hard for stories -- even the explosive ones -- to stick. That has not been the case with the racist comments Trump has directed at the four minority congresswomen. On Thursday, coverage of the comments will enter day number five. 

Trump "views his attacks on the four congresswomen of color as an unbridled political success," CNN's Kevin Liptak and Kaitlan Collins reported on Wednesday. Indeed, Trump told reporters he's "not relishing the fight" but is "enjoying" it. He later even called the Daily Mail's David Martosko to boast about it, insisting he was "winning the political fight" and "winning it by a lot."

Remember when?

"When is Donald Trump going to stop embarrassing his friends, let alone the whole country?" That's not a quote from a liberal MSNBC host reacting to this week's racist comments from Trump. And it's not from a Democratic presidential contender.

No, that is actually a direct quote from Rupert Murdoch four years ago Thursday. At the time, Trump had insulted John McCain on the campaign trail during the Republican primary race, claiming the Arizona senator was only a war hero because he had been captured as a prisoner of war. Murdoch didn't stand for it, and turned to Twitter -- which he no longer uses -- to blast Trump.

Back then...

Murdoch's tweet is a good reminder of how much things have changed over the past four years. Back in 2015, before Trump cemented his takeover of the Republican Party, Murdoch and his news organizations were more willing to call Trump out when he crossed the line. 

For instance, after Trump's comments on McCain, Murdoch's New York Post blasted Trump with a blistering front page cover the next day. "DON VOYAGE!" it read, calling Trump "toast" after leveling the insult at McCain. Bill O'Reilly, then the biggest star at Fox, grilled Trump over the comment, repeatedly pressing him to "admit" it "was a mistake."

Versus today

Compare that to how Murdoch's outlets have covered Trump's racist comments. Fox's opinion stars have defended Trump's comments, even at times laughing them off. It's even possible Tucker Carlson's commentary on Rep. Ilhan Omar led to Trump's racist outburst. 

And instead of the Post blasting Trump on the cover for the comments (the newspaper never did), Tuesday's edition of the front page zeroed in on the "far left" congresswomen.

>> It's a small case study, but underscores quite a difference in how Murdoch's media organizations handled Trump's McCain comments back in 2015 vs his racist comments in 2019...

In any other news cycle...

Impeachment was a big story on Wednesday, but it was only one of many big stories -- which is a bit nuts. To be clear, Trump was not impeached, but a Texas Democrat was able to force a House vote on whether to take up impeachment articles against him. A little more than 40% of the Democratic caucus (95 Democratic representatives) voted to move it forward.

That's big news. In any other presidency, it's hard to imagine it not being the clear dominant story. And while it was covered Wednesday, it felt like the vote just came and went, as if it was just a normal course of business. It's yet another example of how numb we have become to the bonkers news cycle in which we find ourselves living.


-- Disney's live-action remake of "Lion King" hits theaters for Thursday evening showings...

-- CNN will hold a live drawing on "AC360" that will decide the lineup of the next Democratic presidential debates...

-- Jonathan Swan is in conversation with Tim Alberta at the Politics and Prose bookstore in Washington, DC. They will talk about the transformation of the Republican Party...

-- Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman will hold a party for their bestselling book "The Hill to Die On" at PayPal's offices in New York City...

Netflix stock plummets after massive subscriber miss

Frank Pallotta emails: In a word, yikes. Netflix added 2.7 million new subscribers in the second quarter. The company had expected to add 5 million. So it passed the 150 million subscriber milestone... and now has 151.5 million subscribers globally... but everyone is buzzing about the massive miss.

WSJ's headline: "Netflix reports first drop in U.S. users in nearly a decade"

And the LA Times headline: "Netflix has its biggest subscriber stumble since the DVD-by-mail era"

Netflix blamed the miss on this quarter's programming not driving growth as much as it anticipated, i.e. new people didn't sign up to watch what Netflix was offering. The stock is down 12% in after-hours trading...

Bad quarter or bad things to come for Netflix?

Pallotta adds: The question on Hollywood's mind: "Was this just a bad miss in a bad quarter or sign of bad times to come for the king of streaming?"

Netflix says it's the former, noting that one of its most popular series, "Stranger Things," kicked off Q3 and that its second half is full of notable releases like "The Crown" and the final season of "Orange is the New Black." But with competition like Disney+ and HBO Max looming and hit series like "Friends" and "The Office" departing, it's hard not to wonder.

 >> Peter Kafka notes: "The company thinks it will add 7 million subscribers in the third quarter — more than Wall Street expected it to predict..."

Netflix promises no ads

A notable quote from Wednesday's letter to shareholders: "We, like HBO, are advertising free. That remains a deep part of our brand proposition; when you read speculation that we are moving into selling advertising, be confident that this is false. We believe we will have a more valuable business in the long term by staying out of competing for ad revenue and instead entirely focusing on competing for viewer satisfaction..."

Criminal case against Kevin Spacey dropped

The criminal case against Kevin Spacey was dropped on Wednesday after the person who accused the 59-year-old actor of assault pleaded the fifth. In a court filing, the district attorney said the decision was made "due to the unavailability of the complaining witness." 

As Jean Casarez and Eric Levenson reported for, Spacey "had faced criminal charges of indecent assault and battery in connection with a July 2016 incident where he was accused of groping a young man in a bar. The former 'House of Cards' star had pleaded not guilty and faced up to five years in prison, if convicted."


 -- Emily Lenzner, Atlantic Media's EVP of communications, is moving over to the MPAA... Anna Bross has been named VP of communications for The Atlantic... (MPAA)

-- "United Talent Agency...has joined with the influential N.B.A. agent Rich Paul to create a sports division for the entertainment company..." (NYT)

-- Gizmodo Media staffers are infuriated at the new CEOs "insane" direction, Maxwell Tani reports... (Daily Beast)

 -- Reporters at the Baltimore Sun "voted down a proposed three-year extension of their already 12-year-old union contract, arguing that pay increases are long overdue..." (Baltimore Biz Journal)

-- NPR has been characterizing Trump's comments as "racist." But the outlet's VP of newsroom diversity and training thinks it should be left up to the public to make that determination, not journalists... (NPR)


NYT and Meredith's new pact

Brian Stelter emails: The New York Times Company and Meredith Corporation are introducing a series of Times-branded special edition magazines. They'll be "available on newsstands, Amazon and Meredith's magazine store beginning July 26," a spokeswoman for the NYT says.

Here's a look at the cover of the inaugural issue -- exploring the "Summer of '69" -- coinciding with NYT's coverage of the 50-year anniversary of that summer. "There will be six issues as part of the collaboration, each devoted to historical events, significant milestones and cultural subjects," The Times says...

Field set for CNN's Democratic debates

CNN political director David Chalian announced on Wednesday's "Situation Room" the 20 candidates who qualified for CNN's Democratic primary debates. Set to take place later this month in Detroit, the debate stage will feature most of the same candidates who appeared at NBC's debates.

As Dan Merica notes for the story, "The only change to the pool of qualifying candidates is that [Montana Gov. Steve] Bullock, a candidate who was left out of the first Democratic debates in June, will now be on the stage, replacing California Rep. Eric Swalwell, who dropped out earlier this month." 

>> The drawing that will decide the candidate lineups for the debates will take place Thursday night on "AC360" at 8pm ET...

FaceApp virality prompts privacy concerns

If you've been on the internet this week, chances are you have seen your friends posting photographs of themselves with a FaceApp filter which ages their face. The app has gone viral in recent days, prompting some people to worry about possible privacy concerns. (The fact the app is Russia-based did not help.)

But is there actually good cause for worry? The Verge published a story delving into potential causes for concern, and didn't seem to find anything unusual. "Close research suggests FaceApp isn't doing anything particularly unusual in either its code or its network traffic, so if you're worried about FaceApp, there are probably a bunch of other apps on your phone doing the same thing," Ashley Carman wrote for the tech site.

Carman also noted that "the company's privacy policy incorporates broad language that allows it to use people's usernames, names, and likeness for commercial purposes." But she pointed out that "while this isn't great, users often agree to wide-ranging policies that specifically use abstract language."

>> Related: Seth Fiegerman writes for CNN Business: "The FaceApp episode highlights how, after more than a year of high-profile privacy scandals in the tech industry, consumers still don't adequately scrutinize services before handing over their sensitive personal data..."

DNC still urges caution against using the app

"The Democratic National Committee sent a security alert to 2020 presidential campaigns Wednesday afternoon warning them not to use the popular smartphone application FaceApp," Donie O'Sullivan scooped on Wednesday.

The DNC's chief security officer Bob Lord said it was "not clear at this point what the privacy risks are." Lord specifically underscored the fact that the app "was developed by the Russians," and said "what is clear is that the benefits of avoiding the app outweigh the risks."  

>> Related: NBC's Frank Thorp reported Wednesday that Schumer asked the FBI and FTC to investigate the company behind FaceApp...

Yahoo's "counterproductive" Chris Pratt story

Yahoo on Wednesday ignited some controversy when its UK movies section published a story that said actor Chris Pratt had been "criticized for 'white supremacist' t-shirt." The t-shirt in question was one that featured the Gadsen Flag. While it has in recent years been adopted by individuals on the right as a symbol against big government, I have never heard of it described as a "white supremacist" symbol. Moreover, Yahoo's story only cited a handful of tweets from random users as evidence of the supposed criticism Pratt was facing. 

The story was later updated to tone down the headline and remove references to white supremacism, but the damage had already been done. Outlets like Fox News and personalities like Sean Hannity had already used the incident to zing the media at large.

As Aaron Blake wrote in WaPo, "The whole thing is completely counterproductive when it comes to the debate we're having right now. It makes the media look rabid for this controversy and for more symbols to associate with racism. It allows defenders of Trump's racist tweets to point to the Yahoo story and say: 'See, look how out of touch these people are! They see racism everywhere.'"


-- Tuesday's focus group segment by CNN's Randi Kaye, titled "these GOP women see nothing wrong with Trump's comments," was eye-opening. The women are "members of an organized group dedicated to promoting Trump," Paul Farhi reports, quoting critics who said that fact should have been disclosed… (WaPo)

-- Erik Wemple notes: "Perhaps because of the concerns about truth-in-labeling, CNN host Ana Cabrera on Wednesday afternoon characterized 'several' of the women as being 'affiliated with groups that support President Trump.' The purpose, said Cabrera was 'to see if any of them have changed their minds.'" (WaPo)

 -- Jon Stewart slammed Rand Paul and Mike Lee after the two Republican senators stalled the 9/11 victims bill... (Mediaite)

Facebook's alarming request 

Hadas Gold emails: Facebook is asking a court to order discovery of communications between Six4Three, an app company in a protracted legal battle with Facebook, and reporters. At issue: Facebook claims Six4Three inappropriately shared a cache of documents that included internal Facebook communications between executives like CEO Mark Zuckerberg that were under seal. While visiting London last year, Six4Three's CEO was compelled by a British parliamentary committee investigating Facebook's handling of user data to produce the documents - which later shared them publicly.

Facebook asked the court to order an independent forensic examiner to do a "keyword search" of the Six4Three devices and accounts to identify anything that includes the names of several major news outlets. In the list are also specific names of reporters who have aggressively covered Facebook, as well as activists, academics and government officials.

A Facebook spokesperson said the focus of the discovery is on pursuing Six4Three, not any reporters. The spokesperson added that the court determined previous communications produced by Six4Three provided evidence that they shared Facebook confidential documents with others, and that the additional discovery they have requested is necessary to uncover all of Six4Three's violations. Attorneys for Six4Three declined to comment.


-- Jacey Fortin writes about the dark side to those viral "good stories" in the news, and why they sometimes "happen for bad reasons..." (NYT)

-- Keith Grossman has joined Time as president... (AdWeek)

-- Entertainment Weekly publishes its first monthly issue... (AdWeek)

-- NYT published a reconstruction of what happened during the Notre-Dame fire, concluding that the cathedral "came far closer to collapsing than people knew..." (NYT)

-- ICYMI: The Dodo has launched a vertical for kids... (Axios)

Comic-Con swings into 50th year with tributes to Stan Lee

Brian Lowry emails: Comic-Con officially kicks off in San Diego on Thursday (after some preview festivities Wednesday night), marking the sprawling convention's 50th anniversary. But this also represents the first gathering since the death of Marvel patriarch Stan Lee, who lived to see the comics he created and championed become the center of the pop-culture universe and a dominant cinematic force.

Lee will be memorialized during multiple panels at this year's event, and as former DC Comics editor Paul Levitz put it, "Stan's main reaction to the whole journey was the inner kid being amazed at what had happened." 

What is old is new again

Brian Lowry emails: Thanks to streaming services, everything old is new again, with the twin announcements Wednesday that the comedy "AP Bio" is getting a new lease on life via NBC's streaming venture, and HBO Max rebooting "Gossip Girl." As a footnote, Hulu's revival of "Veronica Mars" marks its return July 26.

More on the "Gossip Girl" plans...

HBO Max has given the show "an order of 10 one-hour episodes from the original 'Gossip Girl' team, including executive producers Joshua Safran, Stephanie Savage and Josh Schwartz," Sandra Gonzalez writes.

The series will center on a new generation of New York private school students and "address just how much social media — and the landscape of New York itself — has changed in the intervening years," per Wednesday's press release...


By Lisa Respers France:

-- The "Hustlers" trailer offers a first look at Jennifer Lopez, Constance Wu and Cardi B as strippers...

-- Bad Bunny, Lin-Manuel Miranda and Ricky Martin have addressed the Puerto Rico chat messages controversy...

--This week on "Lisa, Sandra & Kristen Go to the Movies," Trace Lysette, star of "Transparent" and the forthcoming "Hustlers" film, talks about her love of movies with strong female leads like "Alien" in the latest episode of the podcast...

Tassler's homecoming

Lowry emails one more: Former CBS Entertainment president Nina Tassler is enjoying a homecoming, aligning her company with producer Denise Di Novi's Patma Productions, with the network, which is acquiring an ownership stake in the company. Among the first projects: "American Martyrs," a limited-series adaptation of the Joyce Carol Oates novel for Showtime...
Thank you for reading! Send me your feedback. Brian will be back for Thursday's edition...
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Posted: 17 Jul 2019 08:17 PM PDT

Хостинг, виртуальные сервера, регистрация доменов, домен kz, ssl сертификаты, аренда программного обеспечения

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 07:13 PM PDT

MS-13 Member & Previously Deported Child Rapist Caught Crossing Border

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 04:18 PM PDT

MS-13 Member & Previously Deported Child Rapist Caught Crossing Border

"They're not sending their best" - President Trump.

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CNN Tries To Convince 8 Conservative Women That Trump Racist -- All Say They Support President!

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Norm Pattis: How Sen. Blumenthal Uses Alex Jones To Silence Debate

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Republican Rep Says Feds Declined to Pursue Death Threat Against Him

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Update: Google Exec Says Infowars & Alex Jones Will Soon Be Unsearchable On YouTube

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French Police Department Attacked by "Hostile Individuals"

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Left Calls Transgender Facility “Concentration Camp”

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RNC Ad Blames Democrat Jihad Squad for Inspiring Antifa Terror Attack

BREAKING NEWS: House votes to hold William Barr, Wilbur Ross in criminal contempt of Congress

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 03:27 PM PDT

The House voted to ask the Justice Department to prosecute Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross for defying congressional subpoenas, an escalation in House Democrats' ongoing oversight battle with the Trump administration.

The vote to hold Barr and Ross in criminal contempt of Congress is largely symbolic, as President Donald Trump's DOJ will not act on the request.

But it reflects House Democrats' frustration over the administration's defiance of the House Oversight and Reform Committee's subpoenas seeking information about failed efforts to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

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Everyone loves a good deal

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 03:24 PM PDT

TicToc Tonight

Greetings, TicToc readers! Wednesday's almost over. Here's what's happening: 

But first...

Prime Day breaks records yet again

Amazon said this year's Prime Day was "once again the largest shopping event" in its history, and sales from the two-day deals blitz surpassed last year's Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined. Sales on the first day were up 53% compared to the same time last year, and shoppers spent more than 10 times as much money on Amazon than on rival retailers, researchers said. In total, Prime members globally bought more than 175 million items, and U.S. sales will total $5.8 billion, according to estimates, These items were the biggest sellers.

Headlines from around the world

Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the notorious Mexican drug kingpin, was sentenced to life in U.S. prison by a judge in federal court in Brooklyn.

Congo's Ebola outbreak was declared a global health emergency by the WHO after it became the second deadliest ever, killing 1,660+ people.

Bill Gates slid to the third-richest person in the world after France's Bernard Arnault's net worth grew to $107.6 billion.

Kevin Spacey's indecent assault and battery case in Nantucket was dropped by Massachusettes prosecutors.

Opioid shipments to the U.S. surged to more than 76 billion pills at the height of the painkiller addiction epidemic between 2006-2012.

Data of the day

Homes away from home. When it comes to vacation homes, fresh lobster and the opportunity to play in fresh powder is apparently more appealing than year-round sunshine.

Walk away smarter

Pot CEOs are mostly white men. Only two female execs exist among the 20 most valuable publicly traded cannabis companies.

Elon Musk's Neuralink is ready for brain surgery. It'll implant electrodes in paralyzed patients so they can work computers with their minds. 

More owners want their pets to chill. About 10% of CBD could soon end up in products for animals to relieve ailments without getting them high.

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Highly quotable

"Condemn or condone." Rep. Eric Swalwell sparked GOP outrage when he read a list of Trump's racist comments on the House floor. 

"Fighting for our future." Thousands of senior citizens are marching in support of Hong Kong's youth at the forefront of monthlong protests. 

"Humbling experience." Divers off the U.K. coast spotted an enormous human-sized barrel jellyfish, estimated to be 5-feet-long.

Before you go

One giant plow. The Italian farmer with a penchant for crop art is at it again; this time in honor of Neil Armstrong to mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon. TBD on whether it's visible from space.

Thanks for reading! Watch your inbox for our next newsletter tomorrow. Until then, share TicToc Tonight with your friends.
-Andrew Mach

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BREAKING NEWS: House shoots down attempt to immediately impeach Trump

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:45 PM PDT

The House voted to sideline an effort to immediately impeach Donald Trump, the first test of efforts in the Democrat-led House to seek the president's removal from office.

Ninety-five Democrats voted to consider articles of impeachment filed this week by Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who used a procedural maneuver to force action on his proposal.

But most Democrats and all Republicans voted to delay consideration of the measure indefinitely.

Read more here.

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America’s new challenge

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:35 PM PDT

Evening Briefing

On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy said Americans would land a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth by the end of the decade. Fifty years ago this week, NASA fulfilled his pledge. But just like the 1960s, today's America is being torn apart by issues much closer to the ground, and its budget priorities are decidedly terrestrial. NASA needs to sell the public on the purpose and expense of a return to the stars, and it's using 21st century media technology to do it. —David E. Rovella

Here are today's top stories

The House of Representatives was preparing to act Wednesday on a bid to start impeachment proceedings against U.S. President Donald Trump.

The second-deadliest outbreak of the Ebola virus has become an international public health emergency, the World Health Organization said.

New York, New Jersey and Connecticut sued the Trump administration again over a provision in the 2017 tax law that limited write-offs for state and local taxes, which critics said disproportionately punish states that tend to vote Democratic.

Meanwhile, a New York state law aimed at protecting tenants from skyrocketing rents may be slowing building sales. Landlords are unhappy.

Betsy DeVos has spent her time in the Trump administration rolling back Obama-era protections for students, Bloomberg Businessweek reports.

Feeding 10 billion people will require genetically modified food in a world beset by rising temperatures and scarcer water supplies. 

What's Luke Kawa thinking about? The Bloomberg cross-asset reporter says it's been a great time for selling volatility in U.S. stocks, with a gauge of the strategy's monthly profit and loss statement sustaining a high level throughout July. But that may change soon.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

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Fikra Newsletter: Syrian Refugees in Lebanon, Conflict in Western Syria, Turkish Relations with Iran and Egypt

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:20 PM PDT

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Former Ambassador and President of the American Task Force for Lebanon Edward Gabriel describes a recent trip by members of the Task Force to Lebanon, where Lebanese frustrations with a large number of Syrian refugees and ongoing challenges for these refugees inside Lebanon are creating major stressors in the small country.

Reporting on conditions within Syria itself, Syrian political analyst Baraa Sabri examines the complicated situation of Kurdish-controlled Tel Rifaat in light of new reports of shelling in the area. Sabri suggests that while maintaining the pro-Turkish control of Afrin and Kurdish control of Tel Rifaat in western Syria is untenable given the region's complicated demographic makeup, the situation cannot be resolved until Russia is willing to push forward negotiations between Turkish and Kurdish forces.

Turkish-based analyst Firas Elias examines the indirect and often unintended benefits that Turkey is gaining from Iran's attempts to expand its influence, and how points of shared interest in Syria and Azerbaijan are contributing to a type of symbiotic relationship between the two states.

Looking at Turkish foreign relations from another angle, Egyptian journalist Mohamed Maher and lawyer Irina Tsukerman argue that Egypt and Turkey's conflicting interests in Libya, Syria, Sudan, and the Eastern Mediterranean may cause broader destabilization in the region. The authors suggest that it is in Washington's interests to search for ways to help the two states navigate major points of contention, especially as Russia and Iran are seeking to grow their influence in both Ankara and Cairo.

As always, we welcome your feedback and participation. Please write to us at

Warm regards,

David Pollock
Director, Fikra Forum


يصف إدوارد غابرييل، السفير السابق، ورئيس "فريق العمل الأمريكي من أجل لبنان" الزيارة الأخيرة التي قام بها أعضاء فريق العمل إلى لبنان، حيث اكتشف الفريق أن الإحباط المتنامي من قبل اللبنانيين نحوعدد كبير من اللاجئين السوريين، والتحديات المستمرة لهؤلاء اللاجئين داخل لبنان قد فرض ضغوطات كبيرة في تلك الدولة الصغيرة.

في تقريره حول الأوضاع داخل سوريا، يتناول المحلل السياسي السوري براء صبري الوضع المعقد في مدينة تل رفعت التي تخضع للسيطرة الكردية، وذلك في ضوء تقارير جديدة حول قصف المنطقة. وفى هذا الصدد، يرى صبري أن الإبقاء على سيطرة القوات المؤيدة لتركيا على عفرين، وعلى السيطرة الكردية في تل رفعت غرب سوريا، تمثل خيار لا يمكن الاحتفاظ به في ضوء التركيبة الديموغرافية المعقدة في المنطقة، ولن يتسنى التوصل إلى حل لهذا الوضع حتى تصبح روسيا مستعدة لتشجيع ودفع المفاوضات بين القوات التركية والكردية.

يعرض المحلل السياسي فراس إلياس، المقيم في تركيا، المكاسب غير المباشرة وغير المقصودة التي قد تتحصل عليها تركيا جراء محاولات إيران توسيع نفوذها، وكيف ستساهم المصالح المشتركة بينهما في كل من سوريا وأذربيجان في بناء علاقة تكافلية بين الدولتين.

بالنظر إلى العلاقات الخارجية التركية من زاوية مختلفة، يرى الصحفي المصري محمد ماهر والمحامية إيرينا تسوكرمان أن المصالح المتضاربة بين مصر وتركيا في ليبيا وسوريا والسودان وشرق المتوسط، قد تتسبب في زعزعة الاستقرار في المنطقة بشكل كبير. وفى هذا الصدد، يشير الكاتبين إلى أنه من مصلحة واشنطن أن تعمل على تقريب وجهات النظر بينهما في القضايا الخلافية، خاصة أن روسيا وإيران تسعيان إلى توطيد علاقاتها مع أنقرة والقاهرة.

وكما هو الحال دائماً، نشجع مشاركاتكم في هذه النقاشات المستمرة. يرجى الكتابة لنا على البريد الألكتروني

تحيات حارة،

ديفيد بولوك
مدير، منتدى فكرة



Lebanese are Tired of Hosting Syrian Refugees
Edward Gabriel
  اللبنانيون متعبون من استضافة اللاجئين السوريين
إدوارد غابريل

The Fate of Tel Rifaat Hangs in the Balance
Baraa Sabri
  مصير تل رفعت بات على المحك
براء صبري

Iran's High Strategic Value for Turkey
Firas Elias
  لماذا تشكل إيران قيمة استراتيجية عليا لتركيا؟
فراس الياس

Tensions Between Egypt and Turkey Are on the Rise
Mohamed Maher and Irina Tsukerman
  تصاعد التوترات بين مصر وتركيا
محمد ماهر و آيرينا تسوكرمان

Ebola outbreak declared an international emergency

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 02:08 PM PDT

American children have shot someone 134 times this year

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 01:53 PM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Today's Agenda

Keep Guns Out of Kids' Hands

By one count, nearly five million American children live in constant danger of being killed by a device that was meant to protect them.

One of them was six-year old Millie Kelly of Dallas, Georgia. On April 8, her four-year-old brother took a loaded pistol out of the center console of their mother's car and shot Millie point-blank in the face. She died two days later. Her mother had bought the gun – a Taurus PT-738, so small and manageable it seems almost built for a child – for "general safety and security," the local sheriff's department told Frank Wilkinson. But rather than locking the gun away, Courtney Kelly had simply left it, loaded, in the center console of her Hyundai Elantra. 

And so Millie became the victim of two kinds of gun-culture irresponsibility, Frank writes. First, the NRA and its supporters terrify Americans into buying weapons to defend against an (imaginary) wave of violence sweeping the country. Then those advocates disappear, or push in the other direction, when it's time to ensure guns are handled safely, Frank writes. Thus, according to one survey, 4.6 million kids in the U.S. may live in the presence of a loaded, unsecured gun. Too often they use it to injure or kill themselves, their friends, their siblings, or the parents who bought the guns in the first place.

A few states have laws mandating guns be properly secured. Most let owners leave loaded weapons lying around where anybody, including toddlers, can grab them. So we've had 134 shootings by children so far this year alone. That's why Bloomberg's editorial board writes we need a federal law making adults lock up their guns properly. If we're not going to whittle down our ridiculous number of guns – 300 million at last count – we can at least make sure our kids are safe. Right?

Who's Right About the Economy?

We are two weeks away from the next Fed interest-rate cut, almost everybody agrees. There's less agreement about the necessity of said cut. Arguing for one, freight giant CSX Corp. last night became the latest in a string of companies involved in the industrial sector to report signs of a broad slowdown, Brooke Sutherland writes. Arguing against a cut, meanwhile, is Bank of America Corp., which this morning became the latest in a string of banks reporting strong consumer spending, writes Brian Chappatta. So far, the Fed seems more inclined to listen to the CSXes of the world.

Further Economy Reading: Even as he lobs racist attacks at her, President Donald Trump seems to agree with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the economy, and that's a good thing. – Conor Sen

The Trade Slump Isn't All on Trump

One big reason for slowing global economic growth is a slump in trade, which at first glance seems tied to Trump's never-ending trade wars with China, Europe and anybody else popping up on his Twitter feed. But even if Trump were a trade dove, China would still be slowing down world trade simply because of its determination to stop being the globe's low-value manufacturer, writes Noah Smith. Climbing the value chain is good for China, to a point; but as it and other nations isolate themselves economically, Noah writes, the world risks becoming a more expensive, and more dangerous place.

Further China Reading: The world must stop shrugging at China's horrific treatment of Uighurs. – Eli Lake

Further Trade Reading:  The odds of a Trump-Europe trade deal come down to a coin toss at best, and an agreement probably won't settle any big issues. – Lionel Laurent 

Big Tech Innovates New Ways to Annoy

The European Union today said it was looking into whether Inc. makes knock-offs of hot-selling products that third-party merchants sell on its marketplace. If this is true, writes Alex Webb, then Amazon has risked annoying said merchants and, perhaps more importantly, the regulators that could charge it billions in fines. That would seem to make the low-margin goods Amazon allegedly ripped off in the first place not really worth the bother.

Facebook Inc.'s launch of its Libra cryptocurrency, meanwhile, has managed to annoy pretty much everyone of any importance to the process of launching a cryptocurrency, notes Matt Levine. For proof, simply contrast the world's reaction to Libra with the calm response to JPMorgan Chase & Co.'s own crypto ambitions.

Telltale Charts

Hunger and obesity go hand-in-hand in America, writes Jessica Fanzo. The common denominator is poverty.

Maybe Americans aren't really angry about income inequality so much as they are about the perception of stagnant wages and lost opportunities to get richer, suggests Michael Strain

Further Reading

Digging into Jeffrey Epstein's wealth only deepens its mysteries. – Joe Nocera

The leveraged loan market has many credit risks like the one that just went bust spectacularly; but they're not all the liquidity risks traders fear most. – Brian Chappatta

Swatch Group AG picked an awkward time to crack down on the "gray market" for its fancy Omega and Longines watches. – Andrea Felsted 

Democratic opposition to the "Cadillac tax" on pricey health care makes no sense; it's one of the few things keeping Obamacare viable. – Karl Smith 

Here's why American Jews easily shrugged off an Israeli politician's comparison of interfaith marriage to the Holocaust. – Daniel Gordis

RIP to John Paul Stevens, who evolved and became greater with age. – Noah Feldman 

Here are five great opinions from Stevens. – Stephen Carter 


Tesla Inc. cuts Model 3 prices, inspires outrage.

Bill Gates is now only the world's third-richest person.

Betsy DeVos is the perfect Trump education secretary.


Nothing terrifying about this human-sized jellyfish at all, nope. (h/t Alistair Lowe)

Dance like no one's watching, smuggle cocaine like nobody's looking at your toupee.

The human voice can spread panic through an ecosystem.

Apollo 11 engineers discuss what it took to get to the moon.

Note: Please send jellyfish and complaints to Mark Gongloff at

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Baby on the way for Michael Sheen and girlfriend Anna: 'Expecting a little angel'

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 01:39 PM PDT

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Baby on the Way for Michael Sheen and Girlfriend Anna Lundberg: 'Expecting a Little Angel'
"(Just to be clear — we're having a baby!) #nottheantichrist," Michael Sheen joked Wednesday in his announcement tweet
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Gary Evans died just four days after crabbing in the Gulf of Mexico
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خلاصة بصراحة - الخميس 18 تموز/يوليو 2019

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 01:30 PM PDT

The Washington Institute


World Alert: WHO declares Ebola outbreak in Congo to be emergency of ‘international concern’ after case reaches major border city

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 10:47 AM PDT

The Ebola outbreak, the most serious since an epidemic in West Africa killed more than 11,000, has raged for nearly a year in eastern Congo, a conflict-ridden region bordering ill-prepared countries such as South Sudan. On Monday, Congolese health officials confirmed a case of Ebola in the city of Goma on the border with Rwanda. This is only the fifth time the World Health Organization has issued such a declaration.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
World Alert Jul 17, 1:45 PM
WHO declares Ebola outbreak in Congo to be emergency of 'international concern' after case reaches major border city

The Ebola outbreak, the most serious since an epidemic in West Africa killed more than 11,000, has raged for nearly a year in eastern Congo, a conflict-ridden region bordering ill-prepared countries such as South Sudan. On Monday, Congolese health officials confirmed a case of Ebola in the city of Goma on the border with Rwanda. This is only the fifth time the World Health Organization has issued such a declaration.

Read more »

Most Social: MS-13 gang members indicted after 'medieval-style' killing spree in Los Angeles

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 10:01 AM PDT

Federal racketeering, murder and other charges were filed against 22 alleged MS-13 gang members linked to a series of grisly killings in Los Angeles. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

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Wednesday, July 17
Nicola Hanna, U.S. Attorney for Los Angeles, at the podium announcing the racketeering case against MS-13 members.
MS-13 gang bangers indicted after 'medieval' killings in LA
Federal racketeering, murder and other charges were filed against 22 alleged MS-13 gang members linked to a series of grisly killings in Los Angeles.
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Права и обязанности водителя | prav-voditel

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 09:13 AM PDT

Facebook Now Deleting Bible Verses!

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 09:26 AM PDT

Tune into the Live Show

Hey, it’s Me, Alex Jones! Tune in Now!

It's official! Social media giant Facebook is now deleting Bible verses because it deems them as "hate speech!" Also, a newly-released poll reveals that Mexicans are “deeply frustrated” with migrants in their country and want them deported! The results of the poll completely obliterate the left’s narrative that strong borders and anti-mass migration are views only shared by Trump supporters! On today’s LIVE BROADCAST, explore with me why more and more nations around the world are rejecting the false song of globalism!

Joining today’s LIVE BROADCAST is master political cartoonist Ben Garrison sharing his latest takes on Trump’s handling of Big Tech censorship and the White House’s social media summit.

Tune into Monday-Friday from 11AM-3PM Central and Sunday 4-6 PM Central to watch the most banned broadcast in the world with breaking news and commentary exclusively from me and other great Infowars hosts and guests!

Tell your friends and family to tune into to watch today's broadcast and beat the Big Tech censors! As Infowars faces unprecedented censorship, it's more important than ever that you spread this link.

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The EU, Morocco, and the Stability Myth

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 08:50 AM PDT

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

The EU, Morocco, and the Stability Myth

Chloe Teevan | July 16, 2019
The EU's relationship with the Moroccan government reinforces the political status quo at a time when a growing number of Moroccans appear to want change.
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MbZ and the Future Leadership of the UAE

Posted: 17 Jul 2019 08:18 AM PDT


PDFThe Washington Institute has recently been sponsoring a series of discussions about sudden succession in the Middle East. Each session focuses on scenarios that might unfold if a specific ruler or leader departed the scene tomorrow. Questions include these: Would the sudden change lead to different policies? Would it affect the stability of the respective countries involved, or the region as a whole? What would be the impact on U.S. interests? Would the manner of a leader's departure make a difference? The discussions also probe how the U.S. government might adjust to the new situation or influence outcomes.

This essay, fifth in the series resulting from these sessions, spotlights the United Arab Emirates, the seven-member Gulf federation formed in 1971. Each emirate ostensibly enjoys equal status within the collective, but Abu Dhabi is the recognized capital and holds by far the most political and economic clout. Its de facto leader, Muhammad bin Zayed al-Nahyan, or MbZ, is therefore at the center of this study. But attempts by MbZ to consolidate power in Abu Dhabi and to pursue an activist regional foreign policy have drawn criticism from the other emirates, including Dubai. If a compromise candidate eventually emerges to lead the United Arab Emirates, it could reshape the country’s posture in the region as well as relations with the United States.


Simon Henderson is the Baker Fellow and director of the Bernstein Program on Gulf and Energy Policy at The Washington Institute, where he specializes in energy matters and the conservative Arab states of the Persian Gulf.... (MORE)

Kristian Coates Ulrichsen is Fellow for the Middle East at Rice University’s Baker Institute for Public Policy, where his work focuses on the international relations, international political economy, and security of Arab Gulf states.... (MORE)



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