Monday, July 1, 2019



ADS : duel franco-allemand | Concurrence : Salto s'engage | Pécresse et ses conseillers

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:52 PM PDT

Le quotidien de l'influence et des pouvoirs

sur votre abonnement jusqu'au 12/07/2019


Édition quotidienne
Mardi 2 juillet 2019


Duel d'influence franco-allemand à la tête d'Airbus Defence and Space


Le remplacement de Nicolas Chamussy par Jean-Marc Nasr à la tête de l'activité spatiale d'Airbus révèle en creux la lutte d'influence entre Français et Allemands dans le groupe. Le maintien de l'équilibre des pouvoirs entre les deux pays est d'autant plus crucial que les futurs programmes d'armements européens, comme le FCAS, entrent dans une nouvelle phase de structuration. [...]

Valérie Pécresse fusionne ses services et disperse les conseillers cachés

Deux entités vont être réunies afin de mieux coordonner le travail avec le cabinet de Valérie Pécresse à la région. Dans le même temps, une dizaine de chargés de mission épinglés par la chambre régionale des comptes viennent d'être répartis au sein de la collectivité. [...]

En campagne, Jean-Jacques Bridey débauche un communicant à la commission défense
BPI Group : les dessous du départ de l'amiral Lajous

Le cabinet de conseil RH BPI Group a connu un mini-coup de théâtre avec le départ de son président, Olivier Lajous. Inattendue, cette décision intervient alors que l'actionnaire Perceva étudie la suppression de sept postes de managers pour motif économique. [...]

Plan social chez Neptune Energy : Gérard Mestrallet de part et d'autre du guichet
Ce que Salto a promis au gendarme de la concurrence

Le projet de vidéo à la demande pose plusieurs problèmes concurrentiels étant donné le poids de ses actionnaires, TF1, M6 et France télévisions. Pour réduire ces risques, treize engagements ont été pris auprès de l'autorité anti-trust. [...]

Cyber-haine : Facebook cherche un juriste pour faire le lien avec sa "cour suprême"

Votre sommaire d'Africa Mining Intelligence

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:44 PM PDT

Stratégies politiques et économiques des opérateurs miniers en Afrique

À la Une de l'édition
du 02/07/2019


Le premier cercle minier du président Félix Tshisekedi


Négociant âprement avec son prédécesseur Joseph Kabila la composition du futur gouvernement de Kinshasa, le président du Congo-K Félix Tshisekedi s'est d'ores et déjà entouré d'une équipe de conseillers miniers. Rattachés au cabinet ou conseillers plus informels, ils doivent empêcher [...]

Accédez en illimité à Africa Mining Intelligence et explorez les coulisses du secteur minier en Afrique
Comment le chinois Baiyin a emporté l'or de Twangiza

Kharrouba Copper augmente la dose de cuivre de Trafigura
Mike Douglas passe des aéroports aux mines
En bref

La société civile veut des locaux pour assurer la traçabilité
Banques et investisseurs étrangers ciblent la transformation de l'or
Jenkins Kroon remplace Miles Naude sur le cuivre de Kinsevere
Abidjan à fond dans l'exploration du cuivre et du nickel
Catoca cherche de l'aide dans la Copperbelt pour ses diamants

Le gratin de l'administration en conclave sur la relocalisation minière
Le procureur Laurent Poda fragilisé par le charbon d'Essakane   GRATUIT 
En bref

La vieille Europe fait de la résistance à DRC Mining Week
Les émissaires de Harare courtisent les miniers australiens à domicile

Les Britanniques font main basse sur le corridor central de transport
Arrow s'offre un premium package pour son entrée dans l'or
Le putsch médiatique de CNMC pour reprendre Konkola à Vedanta
La vieille garde de la Gécamines pour présenter la nouvelle ère dans les mines du pays
João Lourenço relance la course aux phosphates de Cabinda
Les défis de Kore Potash avant de produire à Kola
Le contrat de l'activiste anti-Nevsun pourra être dévoilé

Les ex-UBS accompagnent MOD dans son rachat par Sandfire
Johan Harmse se met en quête de fonds pour le cuivre de Deep-South
En bref

Les financiers d'Hylea Metals parient sur l'uranium
Anthony Papamatheos plaide pour la reprise de Nzuri par Chengtun
Le financier Christian Dennis se plonge dans les mines de Marela

Ansoumane Kaba tente d'enrayer la crise sur ses permis de diamants
Ténor du parti au pouvoir, Diafara Camara se lance dans les mines

Bintony Kutsaira, une girouette politique pour diriger les mines
La famille Lecourt, discrète vitrine monégasque pour oligarques africains

Installée sur le Rocher depuis deux générations, la famille Lecourt, active à l'origine dans le savon, a progressivement développé, outre un fructueux négoce agricole, une autre activité de nettoyage : l'enregistrement de sociétés monégasques pour le compte de tiers. Un service apprécié par les grandes fortunes, notamment en Afrique. [...] Lire la suite

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ترك برس - النشرة 02-07-2019

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:30 PM PDT

كشف الرئيس التركي، رجب طيب أردوغان، عن موقف بلاده إزاء خطة السلام الأمريكية لتسوية الصراع الفلسطيني الإسرائيلي والمعروفة بصفقة القرن.

عاودت الليرة التركية الصعود أمام الدولار اليوم الاثنين، عقب لقاء الرئيس التركي رجب طيب أردوغان بنظيره الأمريكي دونالد ترامب، على هامش قمة العشرين التي اختتمت أعمالها السبت في اليابان.

قال مدير مركز تحليل الاستراتيجيات والتقنيات في روسيا، رسلان بوخوف، إن تركيا طوّرت وتبيع طائرات مسيرة ضاربة لم تنتجها روسيا بعْد.

على ارتفاع 1702 مترا في جبال طوروس، جنوبي تركيا، تتربع بحيرة "ديبسيز"، بين تلال، تجذب إليها عشاق الطبيعة والتصوير.

جمال الهواري - خاص ترك برس

ورشة العار هو أقل وصف يمكن إطلاقه على المؤتمر الذي أقيم يومي 25 و26 حزيران/ يونيو الجاري في مملكة البحرين تحت مسمى "السلام من أجل الازدهار" وسط حضور عدة أطراف عربية بتمثيل متفاوت الدرجات وإن كان هذا لا يغير الكثير فالمهم هو الحضور، والأهم هو خروج التطبيع من السرية للعلن ليتفاخر صهر ترامب وفتاه المدلل جاريد كوشنر بتمكنه من تطويع كل العقبات في سبيل هذا، ويتباهى بوقوفه أمام الحضور وهو يلوح بامتلاكه كافة الأوراق المتحكمة في ثلاثية البيع والتطبيع والتركيع التي يعتمد عليها للمضي قدمًا في صفقة القرن كما أصطلح على تسميتها إعلاميًا وشعبيًا أو فرصة القرن كما أطلق عليها هو نفسه في أثناء كلمته.

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Historic photo shoot; ProPublica's scoop; Schlapp's exit; Tuesday planner; journalism job cuts; Vindicator update; why isn't the truth enough?

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:42 PM PDT

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EXEC SUMMARY: Scroll down for the latest about Kamala Harris, Tim Cook, Mercedes Schlapp, Joe Crain, Kaley Cuoco, Taylor Swift, ThinkProgress, The Vindicator, The Nib, Sophia Amorusa, Lil Nas X, and many more...


"Madam President?"

"They have smashed our stubborn assumptions about powerful women and permanently changed our notion of what a presidential election looks like."

That's what the six women running for president have already accomplished, Amy Chozick writes.

For this big new feature for Vogue, she spoke with five of the six, Marianne Williamson being the odd one out. And Annie Leibovitz photographed the five in a photo shoot that's for the history books:
"These are gorgeous pictures but I can't help but think it's a bit much all these women had to share a photo spread while Beto got his own," Amanda Carpenter commented, referring to O'Rourke's VF cover...


Down with the "electability" debate

Media double standards are a theme of Chozick's story, although she notes the candidates are reticent to talk about the subject.

Chozick, who covered Hillary Clinton in 2016, knows of what she writes: The 2020 candidates, she says, have "reminded us of the hurdles, bordering on bulwarks, that women at the highest level of American politics still face. To many of us, watching the 2020 race unfold has felt less like a celebration of rah-rah feminism and more like a daily, live-tweeted, televised pelting by the patriarchy. Indeed, we cannot assess any of these candidates without also assessing our own biases. Debates about who is 'electable' (or not) have become a smokescreen for lingering discomfort with what we have still, after 243 years as a republic, never seen: the election of a woman president."


Something liberating...

This paragraph in Chozick's story stood out to me: "One of the upsides to running in 2020 is that nothing much is a shocker anymore. Porn stars and Russian hackers? The president of the United States, in a span of a couple of days, picking fights with Meghan Markle and Bette Midler? Maybe I am being overly optimistic, but I see something liberating—particularly for female candidates—in Trump's subverting of traditional political norms... because women presidents aren't the norm either. Thanks to Trump and a news cycle that is suffering from acute attention-deficit disorder (Avenatti who?), women candidates, perhaps, don't have to worry so much about being perfect, about biting their tongue and saying what they think voters want to hear." Read on...


 -- The headlines from CNN's post-debate polling: Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren rise while Joe Biden slides... (CNN)

 -- SHOT: NBC's headline about a new study by researchers at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville: "Study shows Russian propaganda may really have helped Trump..." (NBC)

 -- CHASER: "No, Russian Twitter trolls didn't demonstrably push Trump's poll numbers higher," Philip Bump writes, rightly casting doubt on the study... (WaPo)

This is how it works...

Don't miss Donie O'Sullivan's deep dive for CNN Business: "How Kamala Harris conspiracies festered online before making it to Trump Jr."

He says "some of the same people" involved in spreading the anti-Obama birthrer conspiracy "are involved in circulating the false claims about Harris..."


E. Jean Carroll's book is officially out...

"Spider-Man: Far From Home" lands in theaters...

The World Conference of Science Journalists continues in Lausanne, Switzerland...

3 p.m. ET: England v. United States in the Women's World Cup semi-final on Fox...

Between 4:38 p.m. and 4:44 p.m. ET: A total eclipse over portions of South America. Here's how to watch from anywhere...

Tim Cook slams WSJ

Oliver Darcy emails: Apple CEO Tim Cook did not mince words when responding to a WSJ report that said Jony Ive had been "growing more distant" from company leadership and had grown "frustrated." In an email to NBC's Dylan Byers, Cook called the story "absurd" and said the reporting didn't "match with reality." Cook added, "At a base level, it shows a lack of understanding about how the design team works and how Apple works."

>> That said, WSJ is standing by its report, which cited people close to the company…

"Journalism Job Cuts Haven't Been This Bad Since the Recession"

Bloomberg's Gerry Smith wrote one of the bleakest stories of the day, and one of the most important. "The news business is on pace for its worst job losses in a decade," he reported Monday, "as about 3,000 people have been laid off or been offered buyouts in the first five months of this year."

He cited data from Challenger, Gray & Christmas and quoted the firm's VP Andrew Challenger: "In most industries, employers can't find enough people to fill the jobs they have open. In news, it has been the opposite story. And it seems to have been accelerating..."

 --> And/but: "Journalism schools say enrollment is up," Smith notes...


 -- ProPublica's shocking report about cruel and lewd Facebook posts from Customs and Border Protection agents has sparked an investigation and widespread media coverage... (CNN)

 -- Wesley Lowery tweeted: "ProPublica consistently does such great work. Feels like every other week they're dropping an investigation that makes the ground shake..." (Twitter)

 -- Charlie Warzel's reminder: "Obviously the issue here is the racism/ bigotry/ depravity of these agents. But as Facebook aims to pivot inward (away from feeds and toward groups) we all should ask what it plans to do (if anything) to keep from incubating hate behind closed doors like this..." (Twitter)

 -- "Hazardous material teams are investigating the possible presence of the nerve agent sarin at a Facebook mailing facility in Menlo Park, California, authorities said Monday..." (CNN)

 -- This problem keeps cropping up: "More than half a dozen police officers showed up at the home of Miami Herald columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. in Maryland early Sunday after a hoax call to 911 reporting that someone had been murdered inside the home..." (Herald)

ThinkProgress is up for sale

Oliver Darcy emails: ThinkProgress is up for sale. The Center for American Progress, which publishes the progressive news website, announced the news on Monday. CAP Action Fund exec director Navin Nayak called it a "tough decision" and cited a "significant drop in revenue in recent years" and "divergent missions" between the organizations as cause for searching for a new publisher.

Indeed, The Daily Beastwhich first broke the news -- reported that ThinkProgress has never been profitable. This year, it faced a $3 million shortfall, according to The Beast, which reported $350,000 was due to a drop off in ad revenue…

Is The Vindicator a turning point?

Joshua Benton summing up his latest for NiemanLab: "I'm worried that the closing of Youngstown's daily The Vindicator could actually be a turning point for local newspapers. Not because they were in financial trouble (that's old news) but because no chain was willing to sweep in and buy it on the cheap." More...

 >> That's Will Bunch's take on the demise of The Vindicator: "Bad news for America's newspapers is good news for Donald Trump. I pray the 2020 election won't be a vindicator of that, but it may be..."

 >> ICYMI: On Sunday's "Reliable," the congressman who represents Youngstown, Rep. Tim Ryan, told me papers like the Vindy build culture. "And that's what you lose when you lose the local newspaper. You lose that culture that pulls you together." Here's my full story...

Lamenting First Look Media's cutbacks

Word about First Look Media's cutbacks was sort-of buried on Friday afternoon.... but the affected sites deserve more attention. The company is de-funding Topic and The Nib, according to staffers at both online publications. "It's a strange day today," Topic editorial director Anna Holmes tweeted Monday. "The editorial team of @topicstories is at their desks and hard at work at our next issue, launching tomorrow," even though the shut-down is imminent. Holmes said six staffers will be leaving, herself included, while three who "focus solely on film/videos" will stay with the company.

Over at The Nib, Matt Bors explained his plan here and here... He is going to keep the site going on his own, and said that "direct reader support is now crucial..."


 -- Digiday's Sahil Patel is jumping to the WSJ, where he'll cover platforms and marketers on the CMO Today team... 

 -- Daniel Funke, formerly of Poynter, is joining PolitiFact and "covering online misinformation and the 2020 election," a new beat for the site... (Twitter)

 -- NYT deputy business editor Adrienne Carter is becoming senior editor in Hong Kong, a/k/a the paper's top editor for Asia... (Twitter)

 -- The NBC News Now streaming service now has a dedicated anchor, Alison Morris... (Variety)

 -- ALM/National Law Journal's Tony Mauro, "who has chronicled the U.S. Supreme Court for nearly 40 years, is retiring from ALM daily news coverage." The news outlet is establishing an award in his honor for lawyers who have defended freedom of the press... (ALM)

 -- Correction: Last night I linked to a Daily Beast story about the National Enquirer, thinking it was new, when it was actually from last from last year. D'oh.

"Why isn't the truth enough?"

CNN's Chris Cuomo asked a very simple question on Monday: "Why isn't the truth enough?"

He shared a link to this fact-check by Daniel Dale: "Trump told the troops he gave them their first raise in years. He didn't." 

Here's another baffling example. Trump, speaking Monday about his Fourth of July celebrations in DC, said there will be fighter jets and tanks: "We have the brand new Sherman tanks and we have the brand new Abrams tanks." The truth: "The US military has not used World War II-era M4 Sherman tanks since the 1950s," Ryan Browne noted. The Abrams tanks will be there... So why isn't the truth enough?

Lockhart's wisdom

Clinton W.H. press secretary and CNN contributor Joe Lockhart had a great line on Monday's "New Day." It's still bouncing around my brain twelve hours later. Talking about Trump's 20 steps into North Korea, he said "the media often – and the president certainly does – mistakes MOTION and activity for PROGRESS. You know, if you read The New York Times this morning, we've not only NOT made progress, we've actually taken a step BACK as far as our negotiating position." He was referring to this story, which dominated much of the day, saying the United States may settle for a nuclear freeze by NK...

 >> The NYT story prompted an angry tweet from John Bolton. Here is the paper's followup: "Trump Officials Are Split Over Approach to North Korea Talks"

 >> The NYT's David Sanger is on Tuesday episode of "The Daily..."

Schlapp leaving W.H.

White House director of strategic communications Mercedes Schlapp is joining the Trump 2020 campaign in a to-be-determined role.

When the DC Examiner published a story linking her exit to Stephanie Grisham's entrance, Schlapp called it "fake news" and said "I was ready to transition from the administration. Had been in discussions for several weeks about my next step."

Here's how the NYT's Maggie Haberman and Annie Karni framed it: Schlapp's departure "had been widely expected since Stephanie Grisham was appointed" last week, "according to multiple people familiar with the discussions..."

Changes coming to the W.H. press shop...

Grisham "is likely to make a number of changes in a press operation that has consistently stymied" Trump, Haberman and Karni wrote. "The president has often complained to people that despite the large number of employees in his press and communications office, he continues to generate what he views as terrible coverage..."


It's reasonable to raise an eyebrow whenever staffers shift over to the 2020 campaign. "In some cases, those leaving the White House have taken on specific roles in the campaign," the NYT story noted. "In others, they appear to be generalists advising Mr. Trump's operation. Bill Shine, the former communications director, left his job in March. At the time, the White House indicated he was joining the campaign, but he has only rarely been consulted by the full-time campaign operation."


 -- "Sarah Sanders is likely to hit the speaking circuit and write a book," Mike Allen reports... "The book will be billed as an account of her life in politics and experience inside the Trump admin..." (Axios)

 -- Barbara Starr tweeted this look at a "new Pentagon briefing room designed for better TV," even though the "cameras have been dark for 13 months for press briefings by a spox taking questions and providing answers..." (Twitter)

 -- National media outlets, including CNN, published interviews with a man named David Briscoe who said he survived the Santa Fe school shooting. But "it appears his entire story was an elaborate hoax," Alex Samuels reports... (Texas Tribune)


David Remnick, speaking with David Axelrod on this week's episode of "The Axe Files," which is now a Luminary podcast:

"We're sitting here and in one week the President of the United States has had a credible rape charge against him and that didn't make the front page of The New York Times when it first came out. In a typical week five or six things like that happen. Offenses to democracy, offenses to the truth and it's all done cynically. Remember that word we all used to use at the beginning? 'We have to be very careful of normalizing Donald Trump?' Well, mission accomplished."

Sounds like Joe Crain and Sinclair have settled...

"Joe Crain and WICS wish to announce that they have resolved their differences in a private agreement and will be moving on from the dispute," according to a statement published on Crain's FB page on Monday.

Crain was the beloved local meteorologist who called out management at Sinclair-owned WICS for mandating over-the-top "Code Red" weather alert days. His lawyers got involved after his rant went viral and he was sidelined by the station. Now he's looking for a new job...


 -- Digiday's Kerry Flynn reports: "HQ (the company behind @HQTrivia) laid off 7 employees today, leaving the company at under 30 employees now, per a source..." (Twitter)

 -- Sophia Amorusa has a pretty cult following. Her Girlboss media brand just launched a LinkedIn-like Girlboss professional network, Sara Ashley O'Brien reports... (CNN Business)

 -- "Bain Capital is in exclusive talks to buy a majority stake in WPP Plc's Kantar unit in a deal valuing the market-research business at about $4 billion including debt..." (Bloomberg)

 -- "Facebook quietly elevated its top advertising exec to chief revenue officer, and it shows how rapidly the company is trying to diversify its revenue," Lauren Johnson reports... (BI)

Taylor Swift v. Scooter Braun

It's hard to keep track of all the latest twists and turns! Here is CNN's latest story about the dispute.

For further help, this Twitterer is producing a regularly updated flow chart tracking who's on Team Taylor and who's on Team Scooter...

Spotify will no longer let artists upload their own music

"After a brief experiment, Spotify will no longer let artists upload their music directly to its platform," CNN's Ahiza Garcia writes.

 >> When this beta program was announced last September, it was "a *big* deal for Spotify," Bloomberg's Lucas Shaw tweeted. "Investors saw it as a way for Spotify to be profitable and reduce its reliance on the record labels."

 >> Garcia's story points out the about-face: "In a press release, Spotify said feedback from artists included in the program showed the best way to improve their experience is to support the work Spotify's distribution partners are already doing. While it says it's ending the program due to feedback, the program was initially launched after artists requested it..."


 -- "Netflix Plays New Role: Budget-Conscious." Jessica Toonkel, Tom Dotan and Beejoli Shah have the details here... (The Information)

 -- Yes, BUT: "Netflix has signed what sources describe as a massive financial deal with Warner Bros. Television" to adapt the "Sandman" comic "into a live-action TV series. Sources familiar with the pact note it is the most expensive TV series that DC Entertainment has ever done. The drama has officially been picked up with an 11-episode order..." (THR)

"Deadass thought I made it obvious"

"Lil Nas X closed out Pride month with some tweets that had people thinking he's made a declaration about his sexuality. And he has," Lisa Respers France reports. "A source close to the musician told CNN that with the posts and reference to his lyrics, Lil Nas X intended to share with his followers that he identifies as gay."

One of his tweets zoomed in on the cover artwork of his debut EP 7, showing a building lit up in rainbow lights, with the caption "Deadass thought I made it obvious..."

Cuoco's new deal with Warner Bros.

"The Big Bang Theory" star Kaley Cuoco has struck a multiyear agreement with Warner Bros. Television, CNN's Whitney Friedlander reports. One of the pieces: Cuoco will star and exec produce "The Flight Attendant," "a thriller based on Chris Bohjalian's best-selling novel about a woman who gets caught in a web of deceit after waking up in a Dubai hotel room next to a dead body -- and not knowing how she got there. The one-hour drama will air on WarnerMedia's upcoming streaming service with playwright and TV writer Steve Yockey (The CW's 'Supernatural') adapting the novel." More...


By Frank Pallotta:

 -- The summer movie season is awfully cold. The 2019 box office is down nearly 10%... (THR)

-- Jacob Tremblay and Awkwafina are looking to be heading under the sea. Both are reportedly joining Disney's live-action reboot of "The Little Mermaid..." (Variety)

-- Aziz Ansari is planning his return to Netflix with a surprise special next week... (Vulture)

-- With "Euphoria" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home," Zendaya's having a moment. Here's how... (The Ringer)

Lady Gaga, Sterling K. Brown among new Motion Picture Academy inductees

"The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences is adding to its ranks by extending invitations to 842 new members of the film industry," Marianne Friedlander reports... "Half of the invited members for 2019 are women and 29% of them are people of color." Here are all the details...

 >> NYT's Brooks Barnes commented on Twitter: "Diversifying the film academy is proving hard without culling. Even if all the 2019 invitees accept, female membership will only rise to 32% from 31%. Minority members flat at 16%." Here's his story...

The truths of "Big Little Lies"

Are you keeping up with "Big Little Lies?" I'm a couple episodes behind! But Megan Thomas flagged this deep recap of Sunday night's episode four, from Hannah Giorgis for The Atlantic, and this passage in particular:

"Big Little Lies has always shined when excavating secrets in the domestic sphere. This season, with Perry Wright's shadowy death serving as a catalyst for the other characters' erratic behavior, the show has smartly dedicated much of its run time to exploring the Monterey Five's strained relationships. Sunday night's episode, in particular, emphasized a salient truth about marriage: Maintaining such a bond is difficult work that stretches beyond the two people at its center. The labor is at once collective and deeply personal." Read on...


 -- Marianne Garvey's latest: "Bond 25" is filming across London, and Daniel Craig is everywhere...

 -- One more from Garvey: There's a Neil Diamond musical headed to Broadway...

 -- Lisa Respers France reports: Parkland survivor Emma González has slammed Madonna's "God Control" video... 

 -- Allen Kim writes: "Netflix is gearing up for the launch of what it hopes will be their next big fantasy series, and they just released the first photos of the main characters from 'The Witcher.' And to the surprise of many, the photos look ... pretty good?"


'Spider-Man' stars are do-gooders in real life, too

Megan Thomas emails: Zendaya, Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal visited patients at Children's Hospital Los Angeles last week to screen "Spider-Man: Far From Home" and today the hospital shared some photos and video of their time with the kids. The movie opens tomorrow. My son was a patient at CHLA earlier this year and the video reminded me how fortunate we are and what extraordinary care they provide.

Whitney Friedlander wrote about the visit here...
Thank you for reading! Email me feedback anytime. See you tomorrow...
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Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:11 PM PDT

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Posted: 01 Jul 2019 06:00 PM PDT

Sports 180

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:29 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Nike scraps 'Betsy Ross Flag' sneaker after Colin Kaepernick objects

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 05:21 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Nike scraps 'Betsy Ross Flag' sneaker after Colin Kaepernick objects
Colin Kaepernick's flag protests have reportedly taken over the Nike board room.
Monday, July 1, 2019 8:13 PM EDT

Nike scraps 'Betsy Ross Flag' sneaker after Colin Kaepernick objects

Colin Kaepernick's flag protests have reportedly taken over the Nike board room.

Read More >


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Honeybum - Women's Fashion Clothing Online

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 04:56 PM PDT - Food delivery in Boone, North Carolina and surround -

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 04:40 PM PDT

Ocasio-Cortez Claims Border Patrol Agents "Sexually Threatened" Her

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 04:13 PM PDT

Hoax 2.0? AOC Claims Border Patrol Agents "Sexually Threatened" Her

After her border photo op failed, Ocasio-Cortez emerges with extreme allegations.

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Posted: 01 Jul 2019 03:28 PM PDT

عالم المعرفة

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:53 PM PDT

عالم المعرفة

وفاة الفنان عزت أبو عوف وهذه حقيقة وصيته حول حرق أفلامه بعد موته !

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:27 PM PDT

رحل عن عالمنا، اليوم الإثنين، الفنان الكبير عزت أبوعوف، عن عمر يناهز 70 عاما، بعد صراع كبير مع المرض، إذ ‏دخل أبو عوف المستشفى إثر إصابته بانخفاض شديد فى ضغط الدم على خلفية معاناته مع مشكلات فى الكبد والقلب ‏ومرض فى الأعصاب – بحسب الناقد طارق الشناوى - ، أدى إلى نقله إلى غرفة العناية المركزة بأحد المستشفيات ‏بمنطقة المهندسين‎ ‎فى حالة حرجة، ومنع الأطباء عنه الزيارة.‏

استجابة أبو عوف للعلاج لم تكن كما تمنى عشاقه ومحبوه بعد أن أكد الأطباء استجابته للعلاج بشكل طفيف وأن حالته ‏خطرة، لتخرج زوجة الفنان الراحل تطالب جمهوره بالدعاء له، كما طالبت شقيقته مها أبو عوف الشعب المصرى ‏بالدعاء له، ومساندته فى تلك الوعكة الصحية التى تعرض لها‎.‎

تعرض أبو عوف للعديد من الشائعات آخرها وفاته وهو على قيد الحياة، تلك الشائعة التى وصفتها شقيقته مها أبو عوف ‏وابنته بالسخيفة، ولم تكن شائعة وفاته الوحيدة بل تعرض لما هو أسوأ منها بعد أن تداول عدد من رواد موقع التواصل ‏الاجتماعى شائعة زعمت أن الفنان عزت أبو عوف أوصى بحرق كل أفلامه، ومنعها من العرض على الشاشات بعد ‏وفاته‎.‎

ونفى أبو عوف تلك الشائعة عبر فيديو نشرته زوجته أميرة عبر صفحتها الشخصية على موقع "فيس بوك"، مؤكدا أن ‏كلامه تعرض للتحريف والتبديل، بعد أن عبر أثناء تكريمه من مهرجان " نجم العرب"، عن سعادته بتكريم الفنان وهو ‏على قيد الحياة، بدلا من تكريمه بعد وفاته، ثم قال فى فكاهة: "كرّمونى وأنا عايش، ولو عايزين تحرقوا أفلامى بعد ما ‏أموت مش مشكلة".‏

ورد أبو عوف على هذه الواقعة قائلا: "مجرد شائعات سخيفة، أزعجتنى كثيراً بل سبّبت لعائلتى ولكل المقربين منى قلقاً شديداً، ‏إضافة إلى إلحاقها الضرر بعملى، ولا أعرف الهدف من وراء تلك الأكاذيب، لا يمكن أن أطلب حرق أفلامى، لأنها تعبّر عن فنى ‏الذى عشقته وعشت من أجله، وكان وسيبقى هو المعنى الحقيقى لحياتى‎.‎

Now Available | Fake News, Real Consequences: The Woman Fighting Disinformation

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:31 PM PDT

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When multi-award winning journalist and Time's Person of the Year (2018) Maria Ressa launched Rappler – an independent news site based in the Philippines - social media was key to the new company's survival. However, according to Ressa, just a few years after the company's launch, the platforms that had become their lifeblood were used to attack them.

When President Rodrigo Duterte was elected in 2016, his administration leveraged social media to sell the Philippines on a controversial war on drugs, and then to attack those whose reporting was critical of his campaign, organizations like Rappler and journalists like Ressa.

Today, Ressa is currently facing 11 different criminal charges, all of which she denies and is fighting in court. All while being honored for standing her ground and fighting the growing threat to democracies around the world from the problem of fake news and disinformation on social platforms.
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Iran pushes the limits

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:16 PM PDT

Evening Briefing

Protesters occupied and ransacked Hong Kong's legislative chamber on Monday in a dramatic escalation of demonstrations against the city's China-appointed government, prompting police to fire tear gas to clear the area.—Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

Iran said it had exceeded limits set on its enriched-uranium stockpile, a move that risks the collapse of the 2015 nuclear accord and raises concerns that a standoff with the U.S. could lead to military action.

President Trump showered North Korean leader Kim Jong Un with praise and invited him to the White House during a hasty summit in the DMZ. 

The local population is at its lowest since the 1950s. Hordes of tourists crowd its lagoon, bridges and walkways. With no turnaround in sight, Venice is dying a long, slow death.

Russia is getting a lot of credit for diverting excess oil revenues into a rainy-day fund. But the policy isn't winning the Kremlin much popularity from consumers.

Boeing and its subcontractors have relied on temporary workers making as little as $9 an hour to develop and test software for its planes.

The global travel industry is looking to replace paper tickets and security documents with biometric data in an effort to ease gridlock.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director is reflecting on the root causes of the longevity of the U.S. economic expansion, which just hit a record 121 months. If you look at the last 10 years, we've been slowly shedding the trauma of the Great Financial Crisis but with occasional bouts of panic, like the euro crisis and the trade war. Amid an already anxious backdrop, these kinds of events have helped prevent any unsustainable euphoria.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

  • Jim Walton and Warren Buffett plan to give away billions.
  • France's richest people get richer faster than everyone else.
  • How two college dropouts made $860 million by age 23.
  • The wettest weather in 124 years shortens the U.S. growing season.
  • Taylor Swift  is outraged over the sale of her back catalog.
  • Life at Deutsche Bank is full of empty desks and early beers.
  • Everything you need to know to enjoy Formula E racing in New York.

What you'll want to read tonight

Beijing's New Airport Will Be the World's Busiest

Designed to take the pressure off the overcrowded Beijing Capital International Airport, the new Beijing Daxing International Airport will be able to handle 72 million passengers a year by 2025, and 100 million by 2040. Operations will start by the end of September following six major test runs, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Road and rail links, including a high-speed subway line, are already in place.

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Stormi's first cover! Kylie Jenner poses for Harper's Bazaar Arabia with her 17-month-old daughter and mom Kris Jenner

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 02:06 PM PDT

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Kylie Jenner Covers Harper's Bazaar Arabia with Daughter Stormi, 17 Months, and Mom Kris Jenner
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Posted: 01 Jul 2019 01:58 PM PDT

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Trump gives national security the reality show treatment

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 01:48 PM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Today's Agenda

Truces and Consequences

President Donald Trump just gave us a taste of the benefits of giving peace a chance. Unfortunately, they'll probably be fleeting, offering little more than theatrics.

Trump this weekend struck a trade truce with Xi Jinping and then had a DMZ kumbaya moment with Kim Jong Un, reviving hope for a deal on North Korea's nuclear program. All the warm fuzzies briefly boosted the S&P 500 to a new record this morning. The market is right to cheer peace with China, as we've argued for a year now. In fact, everybody should be less confrontational with China on more than just trade, writes Bloomberg's editorial board: Democrats and Republicans alike act as if China is already an existential foe, but that risks becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. China has issues, for sure, but Trump keeps taking the wrong approach to addressing them, with the tacit approval of even his political rivals. In the process, the editors write, we've alienated allies and set a bad example for the rest of the world.

Trump's unreliability as an ally and negotiator could thwart a lasting deal with China on intellectual property, write David Fickling and Anjani Trivedi – even though both sides' interests are increasingly in sync. As if to demonstrate his own flakiness, Trump this weekend waved away previous concerns about the national-security risks of Huawei Technologies Co., making it clear he sees the company as merely a pawn in his trade war, writes Tim Culpan. Giving Huawei a free pass to buy U.S. technology may help end the trade war but weakens American credibility, not to mention those national-security threats. So these issues probably won't die. And anyway, a U.S.-China truce can't stop the long-term slowing trend in global trade, driven largely by tighter bank lending since the crisis, writes Dan Moss

As for North Korea, Trump took a lot of flak for giving Kim a photo op. But that's a small price if it actually leads to a real nuclear deal, Bloomberg's editorial board writes. Now Trump must get out of the way long enough to let such a thing happen. This weekend's events suggest that's easier said than done.

Further Diplomacy Reading:

Nice Rally You've Got There

The morning's stock rally faded quickly after reports of slowing global factory activity. After a ridiculous rally in the first half of the year, in which everything from stocks to Bitcoin went hypersonic on promises of central-bank stimulus, reality may be setting in. Mohamed El-Erian warns there's little hope the global economy's structural issues will get settled soon. It's a great time for investors to start thinking defensively.

The ugly truth is the global economy is in a prolonged rut of slowing growth and low inflation, dependent on constant influx of central-bank stimulus, writes Satyajit Das. This is unsustainable. The system needs a radical overhaul, though the most useful fixes –debt write-downs, wealth taxes – face powerful resistance.

Further Stimulus Reading: Its time the Fed decoupled its balance-sheet management from monetary policy. – Bill Dudley 

The Job Market's Sneaky Weakness

In what could be a big moment for the market's economic outlook, this Friday we'll get U.S. jobs data for June. Employment still looks strong after the longest economic expansion on record; but at the margins are troubling signs. Gary Shilling notes recent months of payroll data have been revised sharply downward, an early indicator of coming weakness. And Barry Ritholtz writes the headline numbers don't fully account for underemployment, which is keeping wages low and workers dissatisfied. There's still far too much slack in the labor market. 

Tough Times for Demagogues 

Trump spent much of the G-20 backslapping demagogues from Kim to Vladimir Putin and Mohammed bin Salman. He even mistakenly backed up a Putin critique of Western liberalism by criticizing Los Angeles and San Francisco. As for Putin's claim that liberalism is obsolete, believing it depends on what you mean by "liberalism," writes Pankaj Mishra. If you mean traditional liberal values of freedom and equality, then Putin is wrong. The jury is out on neoliberalism, on the other hand.

Anyway, Trump's support aside, demagogues are on a shaky run. In Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan leaned heavily on the scales of Istanbul's mayoral election and ended up falling flat on his face. Bobby Ghosh suggests the opposition's playbook in this election could offer hints to liberals on defeating populists everywhere.

Trump also gushed at the G-20 over Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro, a dictator in the making to many observers. But Brazil's democracy seems surprisingly resilient in the face of Bolsonaro's authoritarian leanings, writes Mac Margolis. Its politics are still a dysfunctional mess, but there's hope. 

Telltale Charts

A new breed of bond ETFs might help investors close the gap between market yields and what traditional bond ETFs offer, writes Brian Chappatta.

Further Reading

The unified theory of Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is that he favors judicial restraint above all else. – Noah Feldman 

New tech platforms make it possible to trade houses like stocks. What could possibly go wrong? – Karl Smith 

Breaking up Facebook Inc. wouldn't solve its biggest problems. Regulation would. – Michael Strain 

European leaders are far too sanguine about AI talent being poached by American firms. – Lionel Laurent 

Too much of the world doesn't recycle trash, or even know why it's necessary. A Shanghai pilot program could start to change that. – Adam Minter 

Kamala Harris and Marianne Williamson are fitting breakout stars of the Democratic debates. – Tyler Cowen 


Hong Kong protests escalated quickly. (And that's bad news for luxury brands, notes Andrea Felsted.)

How two college dropouts made $860 million by age 23.

Trouble signs abound at Deutsche Bank's Wall Street headquarters.


Why Chernobyl's plants don't die from cancer. 

Divers find undisturbed Roman shipwreck off Cyprus.

James Dolan should sell the Knicks.

Note: Please send Knicks tickets and complaints to Mark Gongloff at

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Posted: 01 Jul 2019 01:39 PM PDT

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Posted: 01 Jul 2019 12:29 PM PDT

Most Social: Taylor Swift, Scooter Braun clash: Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato and more weigh in

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 10:01 AM PDT

Taylor Swift called Scooter Braun acquiring her music her "worst case scenario." Now Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato and more stars are taking sides. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

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News Alert: Hong Kong police move to forcibly clear thousands of protesters occupying the area around and inside a legislative building

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

The use of police force comes after protesters surrounded and camped inside the building for hours. Police were seen shooting off tear gas and advancing toward the complex.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Jul 1, 12:18 PM
Hong Kong police move to forcibly clear thousands of protesters occupying the area around and inside a legislative building

The use of police force comes after protesters surrounded and camped inside the building for hours. Police were seen shooting off tear gas and advancing toward the complex.

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Terror Group Antifa Pledges More Acid Attacks

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 09:33 AM PDT

Tune into the Live Show

Hey, it’s me, Alex Jones! Start your week informed!

Radical leftist terror group Antifa pledges more chemical attacks on Americans as they continue to disrupt society unchecked by authorities and the media! Moreover, learn what Americans should know about the Israeli scientists conducting research that could allow people to choose their children’s gender! Joining today’s LIVE BROADCAST is founder and director of the Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes sharing his fight for the Constitution and 14-year-old YouTube sensation “Soph” defying the establishment with her politically incorrect commentary.

Start your week informed with today’s LIVE BROADCAST that also includes breaking details of President Trump’s North Korean venture as well as developments on America's southern border!

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إطلاق سراح 6 أتراك احتجزتهم قوات حفتر في ليبيا

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 08:49 AM PDT

إطلاق سراح 6 أتراك احتجزتهم قوات حفتر في ليبيا...
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إطلاق سراح 6 أتراك احتجزتهم قوات حفتر في ليبيا
إطلاق سراح 6 أتراك احتجزتهم قوات حفتر في ليبيا...   إقرأ أكثر، للمزيد
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DJIBOUTI : La Bank of China débarque | La note blanche de la DGSE sur IOG...

Posted: 01 Jul 2019 07:31 AM PDT

Djibouti, pièce maîtresse de la One Belt, One Road Initiative, va voir la Bank of China s'installer sur la route...
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