Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wednesday's Headlines: Pfizer had clues its drug could prevent Alzheimer’s. It didn’t report the findings.

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Pfizer had clues its drug could prevent Alzheimer's. It didn't report the findings.
Researchers say Pfizer should have published its analysis on the blockbuster rheumatoid arthritis therapy Enbrel. Pfizer says its decision was based on science.
Amid London protests, Trump appears in denial over his standing abroad
President Trump's efforts to minimize the opposition to his presidency while in London represented his refusal to come to grips with his low popularity around the globe, critics say.
In interview, Trump says climate change goes 'both ways' 
International scientists predict crisis as soon as 2040 if greenhouse gas emissions continue at the current rate. 
As curtain falls on May, it's Trump's show in U.K.
During his state visit, President Trump also said the United States was committed to a "phenomenal" trade deal with Britain after it withdraws from the European Union.
Trump is sailing in uncharted legal waters with rationale for imposing tariffs
The law cited by the Trump administration was designed to sanction foreign enemies, not punish allies.
In a city of ever-shifting front lines, Libyans confront their worst fighting in years
The violence threatens to spill into neighboring countries, force more migrants to risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea, and destabilize global fuel prices if Libyan oil production is disrupted.
Government argues for a halt to youth climate lawsuit, saying there is no constitutional right to a stable climate
The 21 young people sued in 2015, arguing that the failure of government leaders to combat climate change violates their constitutional right to a clean environment.
Britain is the club that Trump resents but desperately wants to join
What a former Fox News anchor and McDonald's workers have in common
Will Republicans finally stop cowering before Trump?
Trump is right to be frustrated by our border. But tariffs are not the answer.
Everyone acts like America is in decline. Let's look at the numbers.
If Trump wants to stop Syrian butchery, he will have to do more than tweet
More News
Senate planning bipartisan effort to block Trump's emergency arms deals benefiting Saudi Arabia
The effort comes as Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) announced that the Trump administration allowed U.S. nuclear energy firms to share technology and other information with Saudi Arabia two times after the killing of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
House passes immigration bill to protect 'dreamers,' offer a path to citizenship
The legislation would grant 10 years of legal residence status to undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children. It stands little chance of being taken up by the Republican-led Senate.
Campaign 2020
Biden's campaign acknowledges lifting language from other groups for its policy plans
The issue is a sensitive one for the former vice president, whose 1988 presidential effort was derailed by accusations of plagiarism
Campaign 2020 | Analysis
The best option Never Trumpers have so far
Bill Weld, who was the Libertarian Party's candidate for vice president three years ago, is carrying the torch of moderate, globalist Republicanism as the only Republican running against President Trump in the GOP primary.
A right-wing YouTuber hurled racist, homophobic taunts at a gay reporter. The company did nothing.
YouTube said the videos didn't violate its policies, and that it would leave them on the site. The decision drew a torrent of criticism as concerns grow about YouTube's resolve to moderate its content.
Texas teacher fired after asking Trump to round up 'illegal students'
The teacher's request — which was sent to the president in tweets she thought were private — embroiled the Fort Worth school district in scandal and got her fired within three weeks.
This 'good Christian' prosecutor won't use domestic violence laws to protect same-sex couples
Craig Northcott, the chief prosecutor in Coffee County, Tenn., ensured that same-sex partners would not be afforded the protections of domestic violence laws. "There's no marriage to protect with homosexual relationships, so I don't prosecute them as domestic," he said.
After Virginia Beach shooting, governor calls for special session on gun control
"It's time for decisive action," Gov. Ralph Northam (D) said as he and other Democrats challenged Republicans who have stifled efforts to consider any form of gun control.

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