Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thursday's Headlines: Trump, world leaders mark Normandy invasion that saved Europe from Nazism

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
D-Day: 75 Years Later
Trump, world leaders mark Normandy invasion that saved Europe from Nazism
The anniversary comes as Trump and other leaders have been at odds over the status of the transatlantic relationship, with spats spilling into public about trade, defense spending and other issues.
Trump is staying at his money-losing golf course threatened by climate change
Despite the odd geography of the schedule — which requires flying hundreds of miles west to Ireland, then hundreds more miles back east to France — the president said he stayed at Doonbeg for convenience.
Trump on Vietnam: Despite deferments, he'd have been 'honored' to serve
The question of how the president managed to avoid the war is being raised by a new generation of 2020 contenders who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
W.Va. bishop gave gifts to clergy, spent millions on himself before his ouster
The church reimbursed Bishop Michael Bransfield for $350,000 in cash gifts, which went to powerful cardinals and to young priests he is accused of mistreating, according to a Vatican report.
Campaign 2020
Echoes of Biden's '87 plagiarism scandal continue to reverberate
More than 30 years ago, Joe Biden's run for president ended amid allegations over using material without attribution. Now his current campaign is accused of the same.
India roasts under heat wave with temperatures above 120 degrees
The heat wave is part of a trend of rising temperatures in India. Eleven of the 15 warmest years on record have all occurred since 2004. The frequency of heat waves is also increasing, a government minister said.
For D-Day, Trump recalls the heroism of ... Donald Trump
It'll be harder for Republicans to smother gun control this time
A chance for democracy in Sudan is being snatched away
Joe Biden's support of the Hyde Amendment makes him unfit to lead
My father served on D-Day. He experienced a leader who spawned hatred.
Ditch the GPS. It's ruining your brain.
More News
In secret recording, Pompeo says keeping Venezuelan opposition united is 'devilishly difficult'
The secretary of state's remarks provide a rare window into the challenges the Trump administration faces as the momentum to oust President Nicolás Maduro stalls.
WorldViews | Analysis
Putin and Xi cement an alliance for the 21st century
As Western allies gather to commemorate one of the greatest military feats of the 20th century, China and Russia are thinking of a new alliance for a new century.
Lies? The news media is starting to describe Trump's 'falsehoods' that way.
After holding back, some news organizations have slapped the L-word on the president's many dubious claims.
U.S.-Mexican talks to continue as time runs short for tariff deal
White House officials described the meeting between the vice president and Mexican foreign minister as productive, but President Trump wanted to see more urgent action by the Mexican government.
The slippery moral calculus of Linda Fairstein
Fairstein's work on behalf of women was worthy of praise. But too many chose to overlook her disgraceful persecution of the Central Park Five in the infamous rape case.
Amazon's latest package delivery drone will fly itself
The latest iteration of a long-promised futuristic vehicle could be dropping off parcels in months.
NBA Finals | Game 3
Raptors hold off Stephen Curry, Warriors to go up 2-1 in NBA Finals
After letting Game 2 slip away at home, Toronto took advantage of a battered Golden State team.

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