Saturday, June 1, 2019

Evening Edition: Police identify victims, gunman in Va. Beach mass shooting

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
Police identify victims, gunman in Va. Beach mass shooting
Authorities on Saturday said DeWayne Craddock, 40, was responsible for the shooting Friday, which killed 12 and injured several others. Nearly all of the victims worked for the city, as did Craddock. Officials said the weapons used in the rampage were bought legally.
Multiple weapons found at scene and at suspect's home
In Craddock's arsenal was a .45-caliber semiautomatic handgun with an attached sound suppressor and extended magazines, police said.
What we know about the victims
One victim worked for the city government for 41 years; another for just 11 months. A third was a contractor who was filing a permit at the worst time possible.
Analysis: The terrible numbers that grow with each mass shooting
Photos: Prayers, tears in Virginia Beach
Law enforcement swarmed the municipal building complex after gunshots were reported.
Trump's bombshell decision to escalate trade wars is turning point for U.S. policy
The United States is now fighting a multi-front campaign with China and Mexico that threatens more instability for manufacturers, consumers and the global economy.
Kushner, Lighthizer warned against tariffs — and were overridden
Senior adviser Jared Kushner and U.S. Trade Representative Robert E. Lighthizer lobbied the president for a change in plans, to no avail.
Trump's reliance on pressure tactics is showing diminishing returns
The president has wielded threats, insults and punishments against his foreign counterparts to try to get what he wants.
Hogan will not run for president, leaving Trump's GOP critics with limited options
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan had been considering an insurgent White House bid championing traditional Republican values.
Britain is at its most delicate political moment in years. Enter Trump.
On the eve of his state visit, President Trump touched on Britain's sore spot — its withdrawal from the E.U. — with praise for Brexiteers Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage.
Serena Williams ousted from French Open, falling short in bid to tie record
Williams, who was going for a 24th Grand Slam title, was knocked out by rising 20-year-old American Sofia Kenin.
Eight kids broke the Bee, and a lot of spelling-challenged adults had opinions
Some even called for the end of the annual competition.
The Mueller conundrum facing House Democrats: What to do with a reluctant special counsel?
Democratic lawmakers say special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has a duty to testify in public — but there is not consensus about how far to go in pursuing his testimony.
For breezy summer parties, these handheld galettes are easier than pie
Keeping your dough cold and working fast are the keys to success.
What was William Barr's fleece vest trying to tell us?
He could have worn a suit for his TV interview. But the attorney general picked a folksier vibe for floating conspiracy theories.

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