Tuesday, June 4, 2019



Bastián Valenzuela Bravo - El lado oscuro de los videojuegos

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:12 PM PDT

Concessions : des routes pour Vinci, APRR et Sanef | APL : les HLM touchés à Paris | RMC Sport déficitaire

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:55 PM PDT

Le quotidien de l'influence et des pouvoirs

Édition quotidienne
Mercredi 5 juin 2019


La voie des nationales va s'ouvrir pour Vinci autoroutes, APRR et Sanef


Des amendements au texte de loi d'orientation des mobilités, actuellement examiné à l'Assemblée nationale, vont autoriser l'Etat à faire entrer des dizaines de kilomètres de routes nationales dans le régime concessif, à la grande satisfaction des groupes autoroutiers. [...]

Politique, entreprises, médias : explorez les coulisses du pouvoir en France
Les bailleurs sociaux en quête de trésorerie pour construire des logements à Paris

Fragilisés par la baisse des APL en 2018, sept grands organismes négocient avec la Caisse des dépôts un rééchelonnement de leur dette. Ces discussions portent sur une centaine de contrats pour un montant total de 287 millions d'euros. L'opération doit être validée par le Conseil de Paris. [...]

Daniel Fasquelle repart en campagne pour jouer l'arbitre chez Les Républicains
Le Gicat trouve son nouveau délégué sécurité
Fidal : retour au bercail de 20 avocats partis chez KPMG
RMC Sport reste lourdement déficitaire

La chaîne sportive détenue par SFR perd au bas mot 220 millions d'euros par an. Malgré ses deux millions d'abonnés, RMC Sport n'arrive pas à rentabiliser les sommes dépensées pour acquérir à prix d'or des droits sportifs, comme ceux de la Ligue des champions. [...]

Philippe Manière et Sophie de Menthon, persona non grata chez Challenges

Votre sommaire d'Intelligence Online

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:39 PM PDT

Le monde du renseignement et de l’intelligence économique

sur votre abonnement jusqu'au 19/06/2019


À la Une de l'édition
du 05/06/2019


NESA, SIA, DarkMatter, BeamTrail : le second big bang des interceptions émiraties


En moins d'un an, le domaine du renseignement technique et des interceptions (SIGINT) d'Abou Dhabi a été totalement réorganisé, en séparant offensif et défensif. Entraînant dans son sillage la refonte de tout le secteur privé qui l'accompagnait. Enquête. [...]

En cadeau d'adieu, Londres impose à l'Union européenne sa cyberdoctrine

Pressée par le gouvernement de Theresa May, l'UE vient de prendre des mesures contre les cyberattaques. Ce qui arrange Washington. [...]

Nord Stream 2 : Copenhague salué par l'administration Trump
Khaled bin Salman sur le devant de la scène yéménite
Le congrès veut donner un directeur du renseignement au DHS
La DRSD muscle sa direction technique   GRATUIT 
En Syrie, le MIT d'Erdogan négocie pour éviter une cuisante défaite
Nominations sécuritaires : Volodymyr Zelensky alterne entre gages donnés et épouvantails pour ses alliés occidentaux
En bref

L'ombre de NSO sème l'inquiétude au parlement
Manchester, capitale d'été des Five Eyes
Beauvau veut traquer les cryptomonnaies
A la tête de l'USCYBERCOM, Paul Nakasone choisit son adjoint
Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar recristallise les tensions entre Saoudiens et Emiratis
Diplomatie sécuritaire de Pékin en Asie centrale
Les factures de Damas hantent encore Eric Chevallier
Sergueï Narychkine veut se rapprocher de la CIA

Des têtes business pour renforcer la GAMI, l'autorité des achats d'armes de Mohamed bin Salman

En plus de diversifier le versant politique de la General Authority of Military Industries (GAMI), Mohamed bin Salman s'emploie à trouver de nouvelles compétences pour renforcer son appareil d'achats d'armes. [...]

TKMS bloque le grand plan de marine panarabe rêvé par Naval Group
Avec CO3D, Airbus prend le leadership sur le GEOINT de demain

Le Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES) a confié la mise en œuvre de son méga-projet de constellation de minisatellites optiques, [...]

Retour en grâce de Vinnell Arabia à Riyad
Kroll sans la légende Tommy Helsby
Quels enquêteurs sur l'Afrique ?
Argus protège les Européens à Riyad, en tandem contraint avec un local
L'ex-CIA Brian Behling veut imposer sa réalité virtuelle au Pentagone
En bref

Moosa étend son réseau en Australie
Le britannique Paradigm, fournisseur starifié de la DGSE
ASG empoche le méga-contrat de ciblage de l'USSOCOM
Juliet Young prend du galon chez Schillings
Barney White-Spunner et George Busby liquident Burstock
Forward continue d'aller de l'avant avec les ex-Exiger
L'ex-DHS Peter Vincent enquête pour les golden passports d'Henley
L'ex-ponte des contrats du NRO Nicole Pierce veut percer dans le Privé

Matthew Cochran pousse ses poulains dans la défense, via ses liens avec EDIC

A la tête de son cabinet de relations publiques DSMC, l'ancien cadre de Dyncorp Matthew Cochran épaule les industriels occidentaux à Abou Dhabi, notamment dans le domaine des drones terrestres. [...]

Root Networks veut faciliter les interceptions sans l'aide des opérateurs

Pour éviter aux agences de renseignement des réquisitions auprès des opérateurs télécoms, Root Networks s'infiltre dans les réseaux locaux pour capter les communications qui y transitent. [...]

Cai Mingpo, le financier du rapprochement entre Paris et Pékin

A la tête du fonds d'investissement sino-français Cathay Capital fondé en 2006, l'homme d'affaires chinois Cai Mingpo s'impose de plus en plus comme le guide privilégié des groupes français sur le très convoité marché chinois. [...] Lire la suite

Découvrez nos formules d'abonnement

ترك برس - النشرة 05-06-2019

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:09 PM PDT

صرح المتحدث باسم الرئاسة الروسية (الكرملين) دميتري بيسكوف، أن تركيا ليست مضطرة لتزويد بلاده بمعلومات حول محادثاتها مع الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بشأن صفقة "إس400" الروسية.

لليوم الثالث على التوالي واصل الدولار الأمريكي تراجعه الشديد أمام العملة التركية (الليرة).

يرى خبراء أن التقرير السنوي للمفوضية الأوروبية عن التقدم الذي أحرزته أنقرة نحو الانضمام للاتحاد الأوروبي، يشير إلى أن الاتحاد الأوروبي لم يغلق الباب كاملا أمام انضمام تركيا، حيث إن الكتلة الأوروبية لا تريد قطع العلاقات تماما مع أنقرة، نظرا للدور المحوري للأخيرة في عدة قضايا، أبرزها قضية المهاجرين والتجارة.

قال رئيس رابطة الوكالات السياحية التركية، فيروز باغلي كايا، إن نظام خدمة "All Inclusive" يعطي تركيا أفضليات في السوق السياحية، وذلك في حديثه مع وكالة "نوفوستي" الروسية.

كورتولوش تاييز – صحيفة أكشام – ترجمة وتحرير ترك برس

على من يظنون أن تركيا لا تملك "خطة لعب" في مواجهة الولايات المتحدة أن يحللوا بشكل جيد عملية "المخلب" العسكرية، التي أطلقتها أنقرة ضد تنظيم "بي كي كي" الإرهابي في شمال العراق. 

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iPadizate - iPad, iPhone y Tecnología

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:07 PM PDT

Trump's trip; Wolff's claims; China's censorship; Shari speaks; Big Tech backlash; new House hearings; 'Chernobyl' ratings success

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 07:34 PM PDT

EXEC SUMMARY: Michael Wolff's defense, James Goldston's dinner with the president, Shari Redstone's plan for CBS and Viacom, another Vice shakeup, "must-endure TV," and more...


What we can all learn from "Dignity"

So many stories in America today lead back to one word: Inequality. But how often and how well do national and local newsrooms cover this issue? How much are we missing when our coverage focuses on NYC, DC, LA and SF? That's what I found myself wondering as I read "Dignity," an outstanding new book by Wall Street trader turned author Chris Arnade. Through photos and stories about Arnade's travels to struggling and forgotten towns, "Dignity" persuasively makes the case that America "is split into two worlds." The book's subtitle is "Seeking Respect in Back Row America."

His thesis is that the "front row" of strivers, made up of politicians and bankers and lawyers and journalists, has set up a world that fails the "back row." People in the "back row," he told me, generally "don't have education beyond high school, and if they do it's generally community college, trade schools. They generally stay in their town. They generally live in communities that, to use a buzzword, are being 'forgotten,' left behind, distanced -- places that we tend not to talk about a lot."

Arnade quit his job and sought out these communities to learn about "the consequences of our actions." He brought along his camera. Although not a journalist by training, he produced the type of storytelling that we all need more of. Here's my interview with Arnade from Sunday's show...

Go to McDonald's

Matthew Walther, reviewing "Dignity" for The Week, says "one thing that Arnade's reporting has forever altered is my attitude toward McDonald's."

Chapter one of the book is titled "If you want to understand the country, visit McDonald's." Arnade describes how the fast food chain doubles as a community center. And he shows the value of ordering a coffee, sitting down and staying a while. Here's a peek at the chapter via Google Books... and the full book on Amazon...

One of the other books released on Tuesday is Michael Wolff's "Siege." Arnade wrote about the outsiders; Wolff wrote about and for the insiders...

Wolff says Trump era is getting "crazier and crazier"

John Berman questioned Wolff about his sourcing and methods on Tuesday's "AC360." Here's the full segment. Wolff said "I'm trying to give a picture of what Trumpworld is," and called it a "crazy place." He defended his decision not to always call certain subjects -- like the White House and Fox News -- for comment by saying Trumpworld is full of liars. 

When Berman asked what Wolff wants people to take away from "Siege," he said, "I think that it gets crazier and crazier. That Donald Trump is more isolated, more alone." He called it "the story of a meltdown. One of the greatest political meltdowns of all time."

On an unrelated note, this was the president's last tweet of the night on Tuesday:

Schiff says Trump's statements against CNN and WaPo are "unconstitutional"

On Tuesday Rep. Adam Schiff weighed in on Trump's tweets suggesting a boycott of AT&T to punish CNN for its news coverage. Schiff tweeted:

"Trump calls for a boycott of CNN's parent company, after trying to block their merger. He wanted to raise postal rates on Amazon because Bezos owns the Post. It's one thing to complain about the press. Using state power to censor them is another. In fact, it's unconstitutional."

"And certainly impeachable," Norman Ornstein added in a reply...


 -- Start angling for a dinner party invite: Jeff Bezos is "finalizing the purchase of three units at 212 Fifth Avenue" in a deal "valued at around $80 million..." (WSJ)

 -- "YouTube has at last formally responded to an explosive and controversial feud between Vox writer and video host Carlos Maza and conservative YouTuber Steven Crowder. The verdict: YouTube says Crowder did not violate any of its policies, and that Crowder's YouTube channel will stay up, despite his repeated homophobic slurs directed at Maza in videos posted to YouTube..." (The Verge)

 -- Kaya Yurieff emails: "Influencers you don't follow will soon be on your Instagram feed. The company is rolling out 'branded content ads' which lets brands turn influencers' sponsored content posts into ads so a bigger (and more targeted) audience sees them." Full story here... (CNN)

 -- Joe Biden's campaign amended its climate change plan after being called out for lifting language from liberal groups. The Daily Caller was the first to ID several of the instances... (CNN)

 -- Happy one-year anniversary to "Cuomo Prime Time..." (Twitter)

The "parade of little lies"

Trump gave more oxygen to the anti-Trump protests in London when he dismissed reports about the protests as "fake news." It was this week's second instance of Trump saying, in effect, "who do you believe -- me or your own eyes?"

Trump "told a number of lies" at Tuesday's joint presser with British prime minister Theresa May, John Berman said on "AC360." Is it even news anymore when the president lies? "It is. Of course it is," he said. The "parade of little lies may be making it tough to take anything the president says seriously, especially those things we really need to take seriously," like Trump's tariff threats. Watch Berman's monologue here...

ABC News prez at Trump's table

ABC News president James Goldston and his wife Laura Trevelyan, a BBC anchor, dined with Trump and May on Tuesday evening. Goldston and Trevelyan, who both have dual UK-US citizenship, were invited to the dinner at Winfield House, the residence where Trump is staying while in London. Goldston was seated next to press secretary Sarah Sanders. Here's a photo via Getty:
I asked ABC if Goldston had any comment, or if he'd be reporting on what was discussed, but I was told the dinner was off the record. So: Perfectly appropriate? Totally inappropriate? Or to put it another way: If you ran one of America's biggest newsrooms, would you say yes to the invite? 

Piers and Trump again

Piers Morgan's sit-down with POTUS will air on his UK morning show on Wednesday, with clips available in time for the US morning shows...
This is Morgan's third interview with Trump since inauguration day -- the most of any TV interviewer outside the United States. Of course, the two men have a chummy history.

When I asked Morgan about how he has snagged this series of sit-downs, he replied with characteristic thunder: "He trusts me to be fair, something that so few journalists seem prepared to be about President Trump."

Live coverage from Normandy

ABC's David Muir, NBC's Lester Holt, and CBS's Anthony Mason will be anchoring from Normandy, France on Wednesday and Thursday, leading their respective networks' coverage of the 75th anniversary of D-Day. The main ceremony will take place Thursday morning.

 >> Fox's Martha MacCallum anchored her show from Normandy Tuesday night; will be there again Wednesday; and from Paris on Thursday...

 >> MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell is also anchoring and reporting from Normandy...

 >> This is Tom Brokaw's fifth assignment reporting from Normandy. He recently interviewed Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg about the importance of the event and their iconic film "Saving Private Ryan..."


By Oliver Darcy:

 -- Jeremy Barr reports that pro-Trump social media personalities "Diamond & Silk" are working as "appreciated volunteers" on the Trump campaign. They are also Fox Nation hosts. So why doesn't Fox care like in the case of Sean Hannity? Because they are "contractors," not Fox employees... (THR)

 -- Kevin Roose's eulogy to iTunes is a must-read. He says he's "come to think of iTunes as a core piece of what I call the Middle Internet — the period between the Wild West days of Napster and the hyper-centralized era of Facebook and YouTube..." (NYT)
 -- Max Read wonders how long until employees at large tech companies who have access to user data start leaking it to journalists... (NY Mag)

China blocking Tiananmen anniversary coverage

An Phung emails: CNN's Beijing correspondent Matt Rivers said the "Chinese government has begun to block CNN's website in mainland China" on the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. "The government here is near obsessive about limiting conversation on this topic," Rivers tweeted. Plainclothes police officers forced Rivers off the air when he was working on a TV segment near the square. Watch the entire exchange here.

 -- More censorship on June 4: "Under pressure from China's government, financial information provider Refinitiv has removed from its Eikon terminal Reuters news stories related to the 30th anniversary of the bloody suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing's Tiananmen Square..." (Reuters)

Shari speaks

Shari Redstone spoke in a rare interview on stage at The Information's Women in Tech, Media and Finance conference on Tuesday. Wendy Pollack summed up Redstone's POV this way: "Viacom and CBS will need to get bigger even if the two do merge in order to better compete with tech giants."

Redstone cryptically said "we would want to look at something after that" -- after a theoretical merger -- "to ... develop more scale as we move forward."

Joanna Coles' next project

Some more news from The Information's event: "Former Hearst chief content officer Joanna Coles plans to launch a subscription content platform focused on women's networking opportunities." It will be "featured in a variety of mediums including text, video and audio." Details here...

Another shakeup at Vice

On Tuesday "Jonathan Smith, a Vice veteran who had been the editor in chief of Vice.com for the last three years, was let go, along with the site's managing editor, Rachel Schallom," the NYT's Marc Tracy reports. Erika Allen is the site's new executive managing editor. There is no plan to hire a new EIC. 

Per Tracy, "the changes are part of Vice Media's effort to become profitable after a rocky period during which the company laid off 10% of its staff and placed several Vice sites under the Vice.com umbrella." But at the moment "the company is indeed expanding, having posted listings for roughly a dozen additional editorial jobs, including a features editorial director, an opinion editor and an 'authoritarianism reporter.'" Read on...


By An Phung

 -- Disturbing news down under: The Australian police raided the home of a journalist over an article that detailed "top-secret correspondence between government ministries over a plan to allow intelligence agencies to surveil Australian citizens..." (NYT)

 -- Two journalists who were recently laid off, Laura Bassett and John Stanton, have teamed up to launch the Save Journalism Project, an "advocacy group to raise awareness about Big Tech's impact on the journalism industry..." (BuzzFeed News)
 -- Bernie Sanders weighed in on BuzzFeed's failure to recognize the union that staffers formed after the recent round of layoffs... (Twitter)

Wall Street and Capitol Hill buzzing about the "bipartisan backlash" to Big Tech

"Washington, hopelessly divided on countless critical issues, has found a common enemy in Big Tech. That bipartisan backlash poses a threat to the epicenter of the decade-long bull market," Matt Egan of CNN Business reports.

Drudge led with a "BUST THE TRUST!" headline for much of the day:

House Judiciary to kick off tech probe with its first public hearing next week

CNN's Brian Fung reports: "The House Judiciary Committee's landmark investigation into big tech companies will begin with a public hearing next week on Silicon Valley's impact on local journalism, according to a Democratic aide. The hearing is scheduled for 2 p.m. on June 11." Witnesses will include Gene Kimmelman, David Chavern, and Sally Hubbard...

How deepfakes could put disinformation on steroids

Donie O'Sullivan's latest: Next week the House Intelligence Committee will "examine the risks posed by deepfakes, AI technology that can create realistic-looking fake videos, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said Tuesday." Schiff made the news while speaking with CNN DC bureau chief Sam Feist. Details here...


 -- Spotify is beginning to test a "podcast playlist feature..." (HotPod)

 -- The Bakersfield Californian, "one of the state's last major family-owned newspapers," is changing hands after 122 years. Julia Wick looked into the "mystery owners," and there's a Conrad Black connection... (LAT)

 -- Former BuzzFeed reporter Blake Montgomery is joining The Daily Beast to cover tech and Silicon Valley... (Twitter)

 -- Former ELLE exec editor Emma Rosenblum "has been named editor-in-chief of BDG's lifestyle brands, including Bustle, Elite Daily, The Zoe Report, and Romper..."

 -- Reuters is hosting a Thursday evening event in NYC on the Progression of Pride and "how media coverage of the LGBTQ civil rights movement has evolved since the Stonewall uprising..." (Reuters)

 -- On Monday Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed an anti-SLAPP bill into law... "Colorado joins nearly 30 states that have adopted measures to curb what are called strategic lawsuits against public participation..." (Fox31 Denver)

Don't call it a streak, but...

Emma Boettcher won her second game of "Jeopardy!" on Tuesday night...

"Chernobyl" turns out to be a big hit for HBO

"HBO's Chernobyl has turned into an unlikely ratings hit," Vulture's Joe Adalian reports -- even more notable because it was scheduled on Mondays, part of the network's new strategy to expand beyond Sundays. "The network says its five-part miniseries, which wrapped Monday night, has to date attracted a cumulative audience of more than 6 million viewers across all HBO platforms. In a sign of strong word-of-mouth, the critically lauded series also saw its linear ratings tick up between each of its broadcasts last month, an exceedingly rare occurrence in the current TV environment. Once final streaming and on-demand numbers get tallied later this month, Chernobyl could even end up reaching roughly as many viewers as last year's Amy Adams–led Sharp Objects." Read on...

 -- Andrew Wallenstein responded: "As the competitive field gets seriously crowded, there couldn't be a better time for HBO to demonstrate to the marketplace that its fastball still has zip..."

A record-high rating on IMDb

Now from the Nielsen ratings to the viewers' ratings. The Economist's G. Elliott Morris found this: "Chernobyl" is "the highest-rated television series of all time, according to crowd-sourced reviews on IMDb, a film and television rating site."
The miniseries has a 9.7 out of 10 on the site. "By the same measure, other leading shows — including comparable historical drama series such as 'The Crown' and 'The People v. O. J. Simpson' (now called 'American Crime Story') — lag behind..."

 -- David Simon tweeted: "Man, Chernobyl is one of those periodic booster shots that inoculate us from the morbid self-loathing that accompanies a career in television. What fine, careful work from HBO and all who labored on it."

"Must-Endure TV"

Megan Thomas emails: I thought this piece from Vanity Fair's Joy Press was really interesting. The title: "Chernobyl, When They See Us, and the Era of Must-Endure TV." Press says "bingeing these real-life miniseries means waking up to the nightmare of history..."

 -- The filming of a controlled explosion for "Bond 25" resulted in "a minor injury to a crew member outside the 007 stage as well as damage to the set of the super-spy flick..." (L.A. Times)

 -- "Season-over-season growth like this would be remarkable at any time, it's virtually unheard of in television today," Sarah Barnett says, touting 87% viewership gains for "Killing Eve..." (Deadline)

 -- "The Affair" will end after its fifth season, Showtime announced Tuesday... (TheWrap)

 -- A Jurassic World animated series is stomping its way to Netflix... (THR)

Jussie Smollett definitely not returning to "Empire"

Lee Daniels shot down a Variety report on Tuesday and said in no uncertain terms that Jussie Smollett will not be back on the final season of "Empire." Daniels replied to a story that said "Empire" writers were prepping for Smollett to return in the back half of the forthcoming season. "This is not factual. Jussie will NOT be returning to Empire," Daniels tweeted...


By Lisa Respers France:

 -- "When They See Us" has sparked boycott calls against the Central Park 5 case prosecutor Linda Fairstein, who has become a celebrated mystery writer...

 -- La La Anthony has joined the cast of "BH90210" and said she's "glad they are bringing some color" to the series...

 -- "The Muppet Movie" is moving right along to theaters. It's returning to theaters in honor of the 40th anniversary...

ACLU credits Peter Chernin with "sounding the alarm"

Marianne Garvey emails: Peter Chernin -- who has launched a fund-raising campaign to battle the restrictive anti-abortion laws in Georgia and other states -- has two projects set to start shooting in Georgia, Fox's "Fear Street" trilogy and the Starz drama "P-Valley." Instead of boycotting the states and putting hundreds of people out of work, Chernin is circulating a letter asking Hollywood execs to donate to the ACLU.

Here's what ACLU exec director Anthony D. Romero said in a statement to CNN: "In recent months, seven states, emboldened by President Trump, have taken actions to ban abortion or push it out of reach. This is a top priority for us at ACLU: we've already challenged the bans in Kentucky, Ohio, and Alabama, and we are working breathlessly to ensure that abortion remains legal and accessible to everyone in every state. We need all the help we can muster to keep politicians out of one of the most private and important decisions one can make. Peter Chernin's leadership in Hollywood has been critical to sounding the alarm among industry leaders, who have an important role to play in protecting abortion rights across the country."


 -- "Actress Busy Philipps testified before Congress at a hearing about abortion on Tuesday, squaring off briefly with Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert in the process..."

 -- A "Punky Brewster" comeback? "Universal Content Productions is in development on a sequel to the 1980s sitcom that starred Soleil Moon Frye as a young girl in foster care," Sandra Gonzalez reports...

 -- And last but not least: "Family Guy" is making fun of the college admission scandal with its Emmys For Your Consideration ad. Here it is:
Thanks for reading! Send me your feedback, tips, ideas here. See you tomorrow...
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Posted: 04 Jun 2019 06:40 PM PDT

RBA - Raiffeisenbank Hrvatska

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 04:28 PM PDT

Trump Doubles Down, Slams London Mayor Sadiq Khan

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 04:26 PM PDT

MUST-SEE: Trump Destroys London Mayor Sadiq Khan

"[Khan’s] a negative force, not a positive force."


‘They are indoctrinating systematically our kids’: Drag Queen Story Hour Proceeds Despite Parent Protest

Adan Salazar | Infowars.com

Miley Cyrus Celebrates Abortion In Bizarre Promo

Jamie White | Infowars.com

Over 65,000 Likes For Tweet Promoting Murder of Pro-Trump 7-Year-Old

Kelen McBreen | Infowars.com

Gruesome South African Farm Murders Continue In 2019

Jake Lloyd | Infowars.com

Memes Expose Corporate America Cashing In On LGBTQ Movement

Kelen McBreen | Infowars.com

Activist Arrested After Popping "Baby Trump" Balloon

Ben Warren | Infowars.com

UK Trump Supporter Harassed & Milkshaked By Mob Of Angry Leftists

Jamie White | Infowars.com

President Trump Declares 'Big Victory' Against Dem Efforts To Stop Border Wall Construction


Gang of 50 'Youths' Terrorizing Dublin Suburb

Dan Lyman | Europewars.com

Jeopardy Host Alex Trebek Credits Thoughts and Prayers for "Mind-boggling” Cancer Recovery

Adan Salazar | Infowars.com

GOP pushes back on tariffs

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 03:58 PM PDT

TicToc Tonight

Greetings, TicToc readers. Tuesday's almost over. Here's what's happening: 

But first...

Trump doubles down on Mexico tariffs

Senate Republicans, fearing a negative impact on the economy, may overrule Trump on planned tariffs against Mexico. The president, still in London on a state visit, said GOP lawmakers would be "foolish" to oppose the move. 


  • Republican senators suggested they won't discuss a new North American trade deal if tariffs are in place.
  • In London, the Trumps welcomed Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla to dinner.
  • A video of Boris Johnson saying Trump was "unfit" to be U.S. President in 2015 was projected onto Big Ben.

Headlines from around the world

California is suing Purdue Pharma, the makers of OxyContin, saying the company falsely promoted the drug as not addictive.

It's been 30 years since the crackdown in Tiananmen Square. Some millennials in China weren't even born yet. 

Joe Biden released his climate plan, which calls for 100% clean energy and net-zero emissions by 2050. Price tag? $5 trillion.

Health workers in Kenya have been deployed at official border crossing points and specialists are being trained as the country ramps up defenses against Ebola. 

A gunman was tasered and arrested after killing at least 4 people and wounding several others in the Australian city of Darwin, officials said.

Data of the day (174)

How immigrants help. As the U.S. faces a shortage of health care workers, migrants have filled some key gaps in particularly stressed positions such as rural physicians. 

Lean back and watch 

Russia wants Tinder data. The dating app is one of 175 online services required to hand over user information to intelligence agencies.

Forbidden zone. A planet 3 times the size of Earth was discovered orbiting closer to a star than scientists thought possible.

Sail away. The U.S. is barring cruise ships from going to Cuba, citing government repression and its role in the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela.

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Don't miss this 

Drake curse? Heavyweight Andy Ruiz defeated Anthony Joshua in a shocking boxing upset, and some think the rapper is behind it all.

Schoolwork by streetlight. This 12-year-old's determination to study despite all odds sparked the attention of a Bahraini benefactor.

Before you go 

Catching shade. Outside 10 Downing Street, Chief Mouser Larry took shelter under Trump's armored limo.

Thanks for reading! Watch your inbox for our next newsletter tomorrow. Until then, share TicToc Tonight with your friends.
-Angelo Spagnolo & Andrew Mach

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Posted: 04 Jun 2019 03:22 PM PDT

[OFFICIAL] Tipard - DVD Ripper, Video Converter, and Mobile Solution Expert

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 03:08 PM PDT

Rijeka weather - Időkép

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 03:08 PM PDT

The Fed opens the door

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:28 PM PDT

Evening Briefing

Fed Chairman Jerome Powell signaled an openness to cutting interest rates, pledging to keep a close eye on trade fights between America and its largest trading partners. Powell, under pressure from President Donald Trump to ease borrowing costs, said "we do not know how or when these issues will be resolved." —Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

Trump claimed the U.S. and U.K. could triple their trade after Brexit, but stirred controversy when he hinted that Britain's government-run health system could be opened up to American companies.

Trump's tariff spree comes with massive electoral risks, Bloomberg Businessweek reports. Voters welcomed the first wave of levies against China, but they've been wary of everything since.

China issued a travel advisory to its citizens about the U.S., citing recent "frequent" shootings, robbery and theft in America. 

As big as its car market is, China decided that 486 aspiring electric-vehicle companies is too many. The country is considering rules to raise the barrier to entry.

Scientists are warning that the next generation of wireless networks could negatively affect their ability to accurately forecast and track hurricanes.

The Carpoffs ran a solar company that did so well it counted Warren Buffett as an investor. They owned more than 90 cars and a professional baseball team. But it was all built on an alleged fraud.

What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director is watching investors pile into the GLD ETF at the fastest pace in almost three years. That said, the actual rally is impressively mediocre.

The May 3 edition of Bloomberg's Evening Briefing incorrectly referred to African swine fever in an item related to the disease's effect on China's hog population.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to read tonight in Pursuits

M ichelin Releases Its First California-Only Guide

As if further proof was needed that California has become the center of America's food universe, consider this: Michelin historically bestows its famed stars only once a year. Last November, the international food guide showered the Bay Area with stars. Seven months later, they are back again, this time recognizing the entire state

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A legal aid clinic saved his life. Budget cuts jeopardize others.

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:06 PM PDT

Markets give the ‘Jump to Conclusions’ mat a workout

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 02:04 PM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Today's Agenda

Markets Cheer Imaginary Rate Cut

Wall Street just spent another day doing its favorite thing: leaping about on the Jump to Conclusions Mat.

Stocks rallied roughly four bajillion points after Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said the central bank was "closely monitoring" his boss's trade war, adding, "as always, we will act as appropriate to sustain the expansion." This was enough to spark a massive rally, though Brian Chappatta argues Powell said nothing new (note the "as always" in his statement), and there's nothing very shocking about a promise to keep the expansion going. Though the Fed's next move is probably a rate cut, the timing is still very much in doubt, Brian writes.

Of course, the market is right to be jumpy, suggests Komal Sri-Kumar. Whether the bond market has gotten ahead of itself pricing in Fed rate cuts or not, the worsening outlook for rates and inflation suggests there's not much upside for stocks, Komal writes. And investors are rapidly running out of safe havens, writes John Authers — unless you count gold and Treasuries, which is not exactly encouraging.

On the plus side, if the trade war does cause a recession, then it won't be a result of systemic excesses as in 2001 and 2008, writes Conor Sen. That suggests the recovery might be bouncier. Hooray?

Further end-is-nigh reading: After its first rate cut in three years, Australia's central bank may be headed for QE. – Dan Moss 

Refill the Think Tank

The trade war that's upsetting markets gained steam again today, as China warned its citizens against traveling to the U.S., citing police harassment and frequent shootings. This will probably not be a decisive blow in the conflict, but it feels like the kind of targeted tactic that comes from knowing how to needle your adversary. During the original Cold War, the U.S. gave itself a leg up by funding think tanks, graduate programs and the like that helped policy makers better understand the Soviet Union, Hal Brands writes. The U.S. lacks the same investment in understanding China or Russia now, Hal writes, even as China ramps up its study of America. The repercussions of a growing knowledge gap could be profound.

The war might be worth it, at least in the minds of President Donald Trump and his advisers and supporters, if it made manufacturing return to America. But it seems to be benefiting developing nations such as Vietnam a lot more, Noah Smith writes. This could cause Trump to open still more fronts in the trade war — but Noah suggests the U.S. has good reason to want a richer Vietnam. 

Further new-cold-war reading: Because Russia's present is so depressing, let's start thinking about its brighter (but far distant) future after Putin. – Leonid Bershidsky 

Protect the Internet

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre, when Chinese troops opened fire on protesters, marking a bleak new paradigm for the government's relationship with the West and its own people, as Hal Brands has written. One feature of this paradigm has been Beijing's iron grip on information, including tight control of the internet. This should remind the rest of the world that China should have as little influence over the broader internet as possible, writes Eli Lake.

Not that China is alone: Governments around the world have developed the habit of turning off the internet in times of unrest or political tension, Bloomberg's editorial board writes. Their intentions may sometimes be good, as when they clamp down on rumors spread through social media, but the trend is too troubling to run unchecked, the editors write.

Big Tech's Big Worry

Back in the States, meanwhile, U.S. tech giants are under increasing scrutiny; news of Trump administration probes of some "FAANG" companies sent the Nasdaq tumbling yesterday. Some politicians on both sides of the aisle are even calling for breaking up behemoths such as Facebook Inc. and Google. They don't need to worry about that, writes Noah Feldman: The antitrust standards that have prevailed for 40 years might argue for a little more regulation, but nothing as radical as a breakup. That might have to wait for an Elizabeth Warren presidency.

Telltale Charts

Harvard and other college endowments must start squeezing hedge funds to lower fees, writes Nir Kaissar

Germany is making a huge mistake and hurting its own carbon-emissions ambitions by shutting down nuclear power plants long before it shuts down coal plants, writes Chris Bryant.

Just when miserable British consumers got a brief Brexit reprieve, fresh political turmoil struck, notes Andrea Felsted

Further Reading

No matter how many summits they hold, "Arab unity" is an oxymoron. – Bobby Ghosh 

Impeachment opponents keep making weak arguments. – Jonathan Bernstein 

Steve Bannon failed to become Europe's nationalist pied piper because he doesn't understand Europe. – Leonid Bershidsky 

A defense of Art Laffer, or at the very least supply-side economics. – Karl Smith 

The idea that 40 percent of Americans can't handle a $400 emergency is a myth. – Michael Strain 

CVS Health Corp. seems to have the right idea for making its massive Aetna deal work. – Max Nisen 

With e-cigarettes, we risk making the perfect the enemy of the good. – Faye Flam 

There's evidence Roundup is far more destructive than we realize, beyond cancer. – Mark Buchanan  


Jeff Bezos is condo-shopping in Manhattan.

Meet the couple that allegedly scammed Berkshire Hathaway.

Too many medicinesjust don't work.


The plane of the future has seats in the wings. (h/t Scott Kominers)

Planets influence the sun.

Out: 10,000 hours of practice. In: generalists

Too many people want to travel.

Note: Please send plane tickets and complaints to Mark Gongloff at mgongloff1@bloomberg.net.

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Posted: 04 Jun 2019 01:45 PM PDT

Nashville Flipped star Troy Shafer��s tragic cause of death revealed

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 01:40 PM PDT

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红酒世界网--全球葡萄酒搜索 wine-world.com

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:05 PM PDT

十年相伴 杏吧有你

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    十年相伴 杏吧有你

Trending Now: A Tiananmen Square student leader. The 'Tank Man' photographer. They write in Opinions about that day — and why it still matters.

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:29 AM PDT

On the morning of June 4, 1989, the Chinese government sent armed troops to dissolve the demonstration in Tiananmen Square, killing and arresting activists. Five people who either were there that day or have studied the massacre since share why it's important to remember it — even if China would rather forget.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Trending Now Jun 4, 1:23 PM
A Tiananmen Square student leader. The 'Tank Man' photographer. They write in Opinions about that day — and why it still matters.

On the morning of June 4, 1989, the Chinese government sent armed troops to dissolve the demonstration in Tiananmen Square, killing and arresting activists. Five people who either were there that day or have studied the massacre since share why it's important to remember it — even if China would rather forget.

Read more »

« Le Monde » raconte les 30 ans de la répression du soulèvement de Tiananmen

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:11 AM PDT

Trente ans après Tiananmen : « Le Monde » vous raconte
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Le Monde
Trente ans après Tiananmen

Trente ans après Tiananmen : « Le Monde » vous raconte

Chère lectrice, cher lecteur,

Dans la nuit du 3 au 4 juin 1989, les blindés entraient dans le centre de Pékin et parvenaient sur la place Tiananmen pour écraser le mouvement qui, depuis six semaines, exigeait l’ouverture politique de la République populaire de Chine.

Trois décennies ont passé depuis la sanglante répression des aspirations démocratiques chinoises, qui reste un tabou absolu dans le pays. Le gouvernement déploie aujourd’hui toute son énergie pour étouffer les voix qui osent encore critiquer le Parti communiste. Le pays traverse une nouvelle période de glaciation politique : la marge de manœuvre des intellectuels, avocats, artistes ou membres de minorités, s’est considérablement réduite sous la présidence de Xi Jinping. L’Etat-parti cherche désormais à museler les questions sur son bilan jusqu’au sein des organisations internationales, dont l’ONU, et à façonner un ordre mondial à son avantage.

Le Monde a voulu raconter « cet hiver du militantisme », comme le qualifient les jeunes interrogés, et montrer comment la grande puissance ascendante lutte contre les critiques, qu’elles viennent de l’intérieur ou de l’étranger, mais aussi pourquoi la mémoire du tournant déterminant de Tiananmen reste encore si vive, trente années plus tard.

Pour lire cette enquête dans son intégralité, profitez de notre offre d’abonnement 100 % numérique, pour seulement 1 € le premier mois*.

Bonne lecture,

Harold Thibaut
Chef adjoint du service International du Monde

Abonnement 100 % numérique


Je m’abonne

La Chine à l'assaut des Nations unies

Trente ans après Tiananmen : en Chine, « l’hiver du militantisme »

La marge de manœuvre des avocats et des intellectuels chinois s’est considérablement réduite sous Xi Jinping.



Récit d'une nuit de massacre dans

Récit d’une nuit de massacre dans « Le Monde » du 6 juin 1989

Notre correspondant de l’époque a décrit l’horreur de ces jours au cours desquels des « dizaines de milliers d’intellectuels ou pauvres pions broyés sur l’échiquier de la politique chinoise » ont perdu la vie.


Les origines de la répression en vidéo

Les origines de la répression en vidéo

En tirant sur des manifestants réunis à Pékin, le 4 juin 1989, l’armée mettait fin au plus grand mouvement prodémocratique chinois du XXe siècle.


Des livres contre l'effacement du souvenir

Des livres contre l'effacement du souvenir

L’Etat chinois a imposé l’oubli du massacre. Pour rappeler les morts et la répression, des livres paraissent, riches de témoignages, souvenirs ou d'hommages.


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Most Social: What WAS that thing on floor when Prince Charles hosted Trump for tea at Clarence House?

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 10:01 AM PDT

Prince Charles and wife Camilla hosted Trumps for tea at Clarence House, after first clearing floor of a little media litter. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 

Most Social
Tuesday, June 4
President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump pose with their hosts Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and his wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, before taking tea at Clarence House in on June 3, 2019, on the first day of the the Trumps' three-day State Visit to the UK.
Prince Charles, Trump had tea but something was amiss
Prince Charles and wife Camilla hosted Trumps for tea at Clarence House, after first clearing floor of a little media litter.
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Episode 21: Checking In Periodically Is Live!

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:58 AM PDT

Episode 21: Checking in periodically is live!

In this episode, we speak with Jasper Oorthuys about Karawansary Publishing and the Great Wargames Survey.


The Veteran Wargamer is brought to you by Kings Hobbies and Games

Join the conversation at https://theveteranwargamer.blogspot.com, email theveteranwargamer@gmail.com, Twitter @veteranwargamer

Karawansary Publishing Titles -
Ancient Warfare: https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/ancient-warfare-magazine
Ancient History: https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/about-ancient-history
Medieval Warfare: https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/about-medieval-warfare
Wargames, Soldiers & Strategy: https://www.karwansaraypublishers.com/about-wss

The Great Wargaming Survey: thegreatwargamingsurvey.com

Other companies we mentioned:
Prince August: http://www.princeaugust.ie/
Warhammer Historical - Warhammer Ancient Battles: http://www.warlordgames.com/new-warhammer-ancient-battles/
Warlord Games - Bolt Action: http://www.warlordgames.com/bolt-action/
Warlord games - Black Powder: http://www.warlordgames.com/black-powder/
Too Fat Lardies - Chain of Command: https://toofatlardies.co.uk/product/chain-of-command-rules/
Osprey Publishing - Land of the Free: https://ospreypublishing.com/land-of-the-free
Plastic Soldier Company - Battlegroup System: http://theplasticsoldiercompany.co.uk/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=70

RomanArmyTalk.com: http://www.romanarmytalk.com/

Music courtesy bensound.com. Recorded with zencastr.com. Edited with Audacity. Make your town beautiful; get a haircut.

HISTORY IS HAPPENING! DOJ Says Big Four Tech Giants Under Monopoly Investigations

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 09:24 AM PDT

Tune into the Live Show

Alex Jones here! Don't miss this!

The impending DOJ probes into the anti-competitive practices of Big Tech giants like Google, Facebook, Amazon and Apple are poised to change the industry forever! Silicon Valley is already feeling the pain as stocks had billions in market value wiped out after news broke of the antitrust investigations. Today’s LIVE BROADCAST breaks down what these developments mean for biased political censorship, deplatforming, the China connection, and so much more!

Remember, watch today’s LIVE BROADCAST to also learn why yet another former Obama official has reversed his position on America’s security by claiming the border is in “tremendous crisis!”

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