Monday, June 3, 2019



SFR et Bouygues font la paix | Bataille sur la police parisienne | Audiovisuel : échec des comités d'éthique

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:49 PM PDT

Le quotidien de l'influence et des pouvoirs

Édition quotidienne
Mardi 4 juin 2019


SFR et Bouygues télécom signent un accord de paix pour 79 millions d'euros


Les deux opérateurs télécoms se sont entendus pour solder deux importants litiges. Bouygues télécom a retiré deux plaintes déposées contre SFR, l'une portant sur la fibre, l'autre sur l'ADSL. [...]

Politique, entreprises, médias : explorez les coulisses du pouvoir en France
Comment le préfet Didier Lallement veut conserver la main sur les services de police parisiens

La guerre des chapelles policières reprend de plus belle entre la préfecture de police de Paris et la place Beauvau. Le préfet Didier Lallement va remettre des propositions à Laurent Nunez le 14 juillet pour contrecarrer les velléités hégémoniques du patron de la police nationale, Eric Morvan. [...]

Police : Frédéric Auréal, chef du service de protection, va rejoindre le privé
Le député Didier Paris lance une mission sur le secret de l'instruction
Tereos : changement en vue aux affaires publiques
Gabrielle Gauthey arrive chez Total
Deux ans après la loi Bloche, le cuisant échec des comités d'éthique

Alors que le ministre de la culture Franck Riester veut mettre en place une instance de déontologie de la presse, les comités d'éthique de l'audiovisuel se révèlent méconnus, dénués de pouvoirs et de moyens. A France télévisions comme à Radio France, la plupart des membres ont préféré démissionner. [...]

Le Media : qui succède à la présidente Aude Lancelin ?

Banco Credicoop Ltdo.

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:44 PM PDT

Votre sommaire d'Africa Mining Intelligence

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:44 PM PDT

Stratégies politiques et économiques des opérateurs miniers en Afrique

À la Une de l'édition
du 04/06/2019


Le vol sur la mine d'or Agbaou d'Endeavour éclabousse le ministre Hamed Bakayoko


Mis au jour par l'opérateur du site, Endeavour Mining, le réseau de vol de minerai sur la mine d'or ivoirienne d'Agbaou a entraîné des difficultés pour les activités sur le terrain de la Société ivoirienne de sécurité Puissance 6 , [...]

Accédez en illimité à Africa Mining Intelligence et explorez les coulisses du secteur minier en Afrique
Les retards du fonds minier de développement électrisent la rue

Anglo-African vise 5 millions de tonnes par an de bauxite dès fin 2020
White Metals quitte son pré carré et plonge dans le cuivre local
En bref

Kumi Consulting, toujours meilleur allié de l'UE sur la traçabilité minière
Le London Metal Exchange consulte pour renforcer sa traçabilité
Bangui veut la transparence sur ses sites miniers artisanaux
AngloGold l'emporte contre le "copropriétaire" du site de Geita
Regain de tensions sur les mines d'étain de Bisunzu

Washington veut produire son cobalt seul, sans Kinshasa
Les producteurs indiens de charbon épinglés au Parlement   GRATUIT 
En bref

La SNIM revalorise ses sous-traitants pour éviter la grève
Abuja s'engage dans la relance de la filière étain
L'urgence écologique à l'agenda des explorateurs sous-marins

Pionnière dans le rail, la CBG s'intéresse désormais à la route
Stan Bharti et Africa Finance Corp cèdent déjà Bonikro
Le gouverneur Richard Muyej reprend en main le commerce de cobalt
RusAl renvoie l'ex-ambassadeur Alexander Bregadze à Conakry
Mohombi veut éviter les "bumpy rides" sur la chaîne de production de cobalt
L'ITSCI baisse ses prix face aux reproches de ses membres
Qui est Apollo, bailleur et conseiller du graphite de Sovereign ?

Kangari Consulting se lance aussi dans les ressources humaines
NewPro aide Tiger Resources à réviser sa stratégie à Kipoi
En bref

Simon Grant-Rennick cherche de l'or pour l'argent de Force
174 millions de dollars pour le fer de Fdérick
Le DG d'Ashapura, Sudheer Godabole, emporte le trône de fer de Forecariah

Le trader omanais Mahmoud al-Habsi mise sur les minerais katangais
Tristan Etumba Boyengo, tout jeune sénateur… et entrepreneur minier

ENRC n'aura pas accès aux communications de Nick Clegg
 AFRIQUE / QATAR   03/06/2019 
L'émir du Qatar, Cheikh Tamim, équipe en famille les armées africaines

Pour détourner le Mali, le Burkina Faso ou encore la Somalie de l'influence saoudienne, Cheikh Tamim fournit aux armées des blindés fabriqués par le jeune constructeur qatari Stark Motors. Cette entreprise est la propriété de son beau-frère Abdulhadi Mana al-Hajri [...] Lire la suite

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يوم دامٍ في الخرطوم

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:29 PM PDT

إذا لم تستطع مشاهدة الصور في هذه الرسالة. يمكنك عرضها من خلال الضغط على هذا الرابط
الأحد 27 مايو 2018
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أكثر من 30 قتيلا إثر فض قوات الأمن لاعتصام الخرطوم
واشنطن تدين "القمع الوحشي" للمحتجين في السودان
موجهًا كلمة بمناسبة عيد الفطر
الملك سلمان: السعودية سعت في خدمة الإسلام ودعم السلام
ترمب عن الملكة إليزابيث: امرأة عظيمة
مقتل 3 رجال أمن في سلسلة هجمات بشمال لبنان
أول مزاد خيري خاص بالفن المعاصر في جدة التاريخية
حروب ترمب التجارية تزيد احتمال الركود الاقتصادي
مؤسسة النفط الليبية تحذر من انهيار الإنتاج بسبب حرب طرابلس
شاناهان: قرب هواوي من الحكومة الصينية يصعّب الوثوق بها
بكنباور يرغب بـ "رؤية كلوب في بايرن"
دراسة : "عشق صلاح".. دواء جديد للإسلاموفوبيا !
إسبانيا تودع رييس وسط تقارير عن قيادته بسرعة تتجاوز 230 كلم/ساعة
عيد الفطر يجمع نجوم الغناء والدراما على MBC1
مريم نعوم: غيّرتُ تفاصيل "زي الشمس" لتناسب المجتمع المصري
"زلزال" أول مسلسل مصري يتحدث بلغة الصمّ

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ترك برس - النشرة 04-06-2019

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:00 PM PDT

قال الرئيس التركي، رجب طيب أردوغان، إنه تصرف طوال حياته السياسية "بما يتماشى مع مبدأ الوفاء دائمًا بالوعود التي يقطعها على نفسه، وعدم قطع وعود لا يمكنه الوفاء بها".

أظهرت معطيات مؤسسة الإحصاء التركية (مستقلة)، تقلّص اقتصاد البلاد بنسبة 2.6 بالمئة خلال الربع الأول من 2019، مقارنة بالفترة نفسها من العام الماضي، الأمر الذي أثار التساؤلات عن أسباب هذا التراجع رغم تحقيق صادرات البلاد أرقاماً قياسية في تاريخ تركيا الحديثة.

أظهر استطلاع للرأي أجراه موقع روسي، وجود مواقع سياحية تركية ضمن الأشهر عالمياً ومن أكثر المعالم السياحية التي يرغب السياح بتصويرها.

محمد بارلاص – صحيفة صباح – ترجمة وتحرير ترك برس

وجهت صحيفة "ذا صن" البريطانية سؤالًا إلى الرئيس الأمريكي دونالد ترامب، الذي يعتزم زيارة المملكة المتحدة قريبًا.

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Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:40 PM PDT

Trump and AT&T; Kushner and Axios; Chernin and the ACLU; Apple and podcasts; Tiananmen 30 years later; new 'Jeopardy!' champion

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 08:09 PM PDT


Trump suggests a boycott of AT&T to punish CNN

We all know that President Trump has been engaged in a years-long effort to punish CNN for its news coverage. His biggest fans may insist it's justified, but there's no doubt about what he has been doing. That's why Monday's escalation was new, yet wholly unsurprising. He suggested a boycott of CNN's parent company AT&T -- the idea being that if enough people cancelled their AT&T subscriptions, "they would be forced to make big changes at CNN."

The NYT's Peter Baker framed Trump's tweets this way: "The president of the United States just called for an economic boycott of one of the country's largest telecommunications firm as a way of pressuring a media organization to cover him in a way that he approves of."

And a team from the WaPo followed up by calling historians who were floored by Trump's conduct. Key graf: "Historians struggled to cite an equivalent threat even from presidents such as Richard Nixon renowned for their hostility toward the press. Less democratic nations with more tenuous press freedoms often use government regulatory power, criminal investigations or tax audits to punish news organizations seen as providing unflattering coverage, but past U.S. presidents rarely have taken such public shots at the businesses of the owners of major American news organizations, historians said."

AT&T's reaction to Trump: a shrug

Two years ago, when everyone was still adjusting to Trump's abuse of his presidential platform, Trump's tweets would have caused some consternation at CNN and AT&T. But Monday's reaction amounted to a shrug. AT&T's spokesman declined to comment on Trump's provocation and went about his day. Notably, shares in AT&T surged in early trading and closed up 1.67% for the day, outperforming the wider market.

 -- Here's the thing: AT&T execs expected that Trump would single out the company for its ownership of CNN at some point, according to a source familiar with the matter. So Monday's tweets were predictable. Not startling at all. And there are no signs that customers are abandoning AT&T on Trump's signal. Here's my full story...

 -- Bottom line: As is so often the case in the Trump years, his tweets shattered norms but were not taken very seriously. I mean, as a presidential candidate he called for a boycott of Apple. Nothing came of it. No one really even remembers it...

While on foreign soil...

Trump was evidently inspired to tweet about AT&T when he landed in the United Kingdom for his state visit and tuned into CNN. He repeated a complaint he has lodged in the past: That CNN has a dominant worldwide footprint, informing people around the world about American politics. It's "all negative & so much Fake News, very bad for U.S.," he wrote. "Big ratings drop. Why doesn't owner @ATT do something?"

One of the Democratic candidates for president, Amy Klobuchar, called out Trump for his conduct. "The President is on foreign soil advocating boycotting an American company because the press isn't covering him favorably. Un-be-lievable," Klobuchar wrote.

And PEN America, an organization that represents writers and journalists and is suing Trump on First Amendment grounds, said his boycott suggestion "makes plain the self-serving, insidious nature of his attacks on the media and his total disregard for the principle of press freedom."

So, that's how Trump started his day on Twitter. Here's how he ended his day...

"House just passed the 19.1 Billion Dollar Disaster Aid Bill. Great, now we will get it done in the Senate! Farmers, Puerto Rico and all will be very happy."

Numerous journalists and others responded by pointing out that, um, the Senate already passed the bill. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer replied: "President @realDonaldTrump, you're clearly confused. The Senate passed the bill two weeks ago. Hopefully after blocking it for so long, you're not too confused to sign it!"


 -- The Newseum rededicated its Journalists Memorial and added 21 new names on Monday, including the journalists who were killed in the attack at the Capital Gazette last year... (Capital Gazette)

 -- Alexander Nazaryan's latest: "Discounting climate change, EPA chief faults the media for the rise of bad environmental news..." (Yahoo)

 -- Max Fisher and Amanda Taub's latest: "On YouTube's Digital Playground, an Open Gate for Pedophiles" (NYT)

Co-author of controversial NYT Biden-Ukraine story is hired as Ukraine president's spokesperson

Oliver Darcy emails: How about this twist of irony: The co-author of a controversial NYT story that suggested Joe Biden had a conflict of interest as vice president for ousting a Ukrainian prosecutor, appears to have had her own conflict of interest. Iuliia Mendel, who co-wrote the May 1 story for NYT as a freelancer, in addition to another about Ukrainian politics on May 20, announced on Monday she had joined the Ukrainian gov't as spokesperson for the president.

The move raised no shortage of eyebrows because the May 1 story she had co-authored with Ken Vogel had received significant scrutiny from Biden allies and other critics who felt NYT had been used to print a story Trump's allies had been pushing. A Biden spox declined to comment to me on Monday, but Symone Sanders, a senior advisor to Biden's campaign and a former CNN contributor, tweeted, "The fact that the NYTs acted as a willing agent for the Trump White House's lies and defended the paper's publishing of them, makes this even more eyebrow raising. Have folks learned ANYTHING from the last presidential election?"

NYT says it stands by "fair and accurate" reporting

Darcy adds: NYT spokesperson Ari Isaacman Bevacqua said in a Monday evening statement that the newspaper learned last week that Mendel had applied on May 3 -- two days after the controversial Biden story had been published -- for the position as spokesperson for Ukraine's president. Referring to the May 20 story Mendel wrote, Bevacqua said, "Had she informed editors of her job application, they would not have given her that assignment and we would have stopped working with her immediately given this serious conflict of interest." 

BUT, Bevacqua added that editors "are confident" that "despite the conflict that should have been disclosed," Mendel's reporting, including the controversial May 1 story, "was fair and accurate."

"Here come the Feds"

That was the headline on Michael Nathanson's Monday afternoon note to clients about "press reports today that the U.S. government is examining BOTH Facebook and Alphabet over competition concerns."

Some major papers are leading Tuesday's front page with the news. WSJ: "Congress, Agencies Target Tech Giants Over Competition." NYT: "Tech Titans Face Tough Scrutiny From All Sides." Here's the sweeping lead from the NYT's Cecilia Kang, David Streitfeld and Annie Karni: "The federal government is stepping up its scrutiny of the world's biggest tech companies, leaving them vulnerable to new rules and federal lawsuits... After a spate of unusual negotiations, the Justice Department has agreed to handle potential antitrust investigations related to Apple and Google, while the Federal Trade Commission will take on Facebook and Amazon." AND "lawmakers in the House said on Monday that they were looking into the tech giants' possible anti-competitive behavior."

-- Reuters has the ad biz angle: "U.S. probe of Google's online ad dominance would appease long suffering rivals, publishers..."

About the House probe...

Rhode Island Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, who's leading the investigation, "said it is aimed less at specific companies than at the 'tremendous concentration of market power' held by Silicon Valley's most dominant platforms," CNN's Brian Fung reported Monday. "Key areas for the investigation include the tech industry's impact on local journalism, consumer privacy and the ability for new startups to enter the marketplace, according to Cicilline."

 >> Fung noted that this probe is "partly a shot at the antitrust agencies..." Cicilline said "I don't have a lot of confidence that these agencies will get the job done..."

WWDC headlines

Heather Kelly has "everything Apple announced at WWDC, from Apple sign-in to dark mode." As expected, Apple is phasing out iTunes and replacing it "with three separate apps that are familiar to iOS users: Apple Music, Apple TV and Apple Podcasts." But the iTunes Store app will still exist on mobile.

The WSJ wrote the news as an actual obit: "Apple iTunes, the Mac music software that first connected the iPod to millions of computers, died on Monday at age 18. The brand will remain in fragments across Apple's products." EIC Matt Murray quipped, "One of the most eagerly awaited obituaries we have ever run..."

Cook's privacy pitch on CBS

"Privacy is, again, at the center of Apple's sales pitch," Kelly noted. "Apple is launching its own login platform called Sign in with Apple, which will let you log in to outside apps with FaceID. It has the option to hide your real email address and instead give each app a randomly generated email address."

Tim Cook talked about this in an interview with CBS's Norah O'Donnell after his keynote.

Key quote: "I think that everybody's beginning to care more – people are becoming more aware of what's been happening. Many people are getting more offended. I think this is good. Because we need to shine a light on it. You can imagine an environment where everyone begins to think there's no privacy. And if there's no privacy, your freedom of expression just plummets. Because now you're going to be thinking about how everybody's going [to] know every single thing you're doing. This is not good for our country, not good for democracy."

Big news for podcasters

NiemanLab's Joshua Benton monitored WWDC and wrote about all the implications for the media biz. Check out his recap here. "The biggest news for podcasts — which was presented as part of the new Mac app but which I have to imagine will also be available on mobile — is full-text podcast search," he wrote. "Apple will now use machine learning (of course) to index the spoken content of all the podcasts in its database and make it searchable." This seems big!

"Imagine being able to search for a person's name and find every podcast episode she's ever been a guest on or even mentioned on," Benton wrote. "We'll see what search is like in practice, but it could be like Google Search for one of the most opaque forms of popular media."

"Jared talked to Axios"

Jonathan Swan's questioning of Jared Kushner reverberated all day long on Monday... a clear win for Axios and its partnership with HBO. CNN's Chris Cillizza has a list of the 29 "most eyebrow-raising lines" from the interview here.

Some of the discussion on cable was about why Kushner was so unprepared. Kaitlan Collins reported on Jake Tapper's show that the interview "caught the eye of a lot of people inside the West Wing today, Jake, who were asking me about how he seemed ill-prepared to answer these questions that seemed like pretty obvious questions he was going to get, especially about the Saudi crown prince, and they were kind of surprised why he did this interview."

I thought it was revealing when Trump was asked about the interview on Sunday night, on his way out of the country. "Mr. President," a reporter asked, "are you willing to say that MBS is responsible for Khashoggi's death?"

"When did this come up again?" Trump said. "What are you, back — are you back —"

"Jared," the reporter said. "Jared talked to Axios."

Trump: "Are you back — what — 4 months ago? No."

What about next time?

Monday's "AC360" led with Swan asking Kushner if he'd alert the FBI if Russians again offered dirt on a Trump rival, and Kushner saying "I don't know."

Watch Jeffrey Toobin's reaction: "The Trump universe obviously thinks that it is perfectly appropriate to get the help of foreigners to win presidential elections. That's illegal." 


 -- Read Philip Bump on "a new dividing line in American politics: The semantics of the adjective 'nasty'" (WaPo)

 -- David Bossie "reportedly profited off his association to Trump." The president was enraged about it. And now Bossie "is longer going on Trump's favorite network," Asawin Suebsaeng and Andrew Kirell report... (Beast)

-- CNN's DJ Judd tweeted: "In the 24 hours since her Fox News Town Hall, presidential hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand has changed her Twitter bio, cut a video, sent out fundraising emails and branded merchandise, all reflecting moderator Chris Wallace's remarks calling her comments on Fox 'not...very polite.'" (Twitter)

 -- "The House Judiciary Committee plans to hold a series of hearings on the Mueller report, beginning next week with former Nixon White House counsel John Dean..." (CNN)

Tiananmen Square at 30 years

An Phung emails: It's no secret to the west that there is a whole generation of Chinese millennials who have no idea what happened on June 4, 1989. Thanks to the Great Firewall and a strong grip on the press, many Chinese citizens in the Middle Kingdom have no clue that Liberation Army tanks swept through Beijing's Tiananmen Square that day and killed throngs of peaceful protestors. Thirty years later, with an internet that is becoming increasingly porous, I wonder how long China's communist party can keep the massacre a secret and how young Chinese will reckon with their past. I wondered this in the days leading up to the 30th anniversary on Tuesday as media outlets around the world published columns and anniversary stories. Here is CNN's story as well as some other coverage that really stood out to me:
 -- Photos of the Tiananmen Square Protests Through the Lens of a Student Witness (NYT)
 -- Louisa Lim's column for the New York Times: "After Tiananmen, China Conquers History Itself" (NYT)

 -- Rowena Xiaoqing He's column for the Guardian: "China continues to deny Tiananmen, but we won't let the world forget" (The Guardian)

 -- Minnie Chan's exclusive for the South China Morning Post: "How Tiananmen crackdown left a deep scar on China's military psyche" (SCMP)

 -- "Tiananmen Square massacre: How Beijing turned on its own people" (CNN)
 -- "30 years ago a Chinese tank column stopped for 'Tank Man.' Fang Zheng wasn't so lucky" (LA Times)

 -- "The Tiananmen Mothers Never Forget" (WSJ)
 -- "He lost so much to protest at Tiananmen Square" (CNN)

 -- "Why We Remember June Fourth" (China File)

 -- And a reminder about today: "Remembering Tiananmen Square Is Dangerous, Even in Hong Kong" (The Atlantic)

Michael Wolff celebrates 'Siege'

Ann Coulter, Ben Smith, Dan Abrams, Steven Brill, Craig Newmark, and Matt Stone were at Stephen Rubin's Monday night book party for Michael Wolff's "Siege," which comes out on Tuesday.

 >> Wolff was scheduled to appear on ABC's "The View" on Monday, but after I sent out last night's newsletter, I found out that he would no longer be on the show. No reason was given...

 >> At the moment, the book is No. 130 on Amazon... A big come-down from the "Fire and Fury" launch last year...

"There is a business plan, but it's in Alex Jones' head" 

Oliver Darcy emails: It's not every day that we get a peek inside Infowars. But a court document submitted last week in a lawsuit filed by Sandy Hook families against Alex Jones includes four depositions that shed light on the inner workings of the fringe media organization. The depositions about Infowars' business model are relevant as the Sandy Hook families alleged in their lawsuit that Jones and Infowars "concoct elaborate and false paranoia-tinged conspiracy theories because it moves product and they make money" and "not because they truly believe what they are saying, but rather because it increases profits." 

Some of the key things we learned from the depositions...

>> Being banned from social media "has hurt" Infowars "with acquisition of new customers." That's according to Jones' father. But he said loyal customers are continuing to shop.

>> Jones runs every aspect of Infowars. According to Jones' father, there is "probably not" a written business plan. "There is a business plan but it's in Alex Jones' head," he said at one point. Another employee, "InfoWars Nightly News" director Robert Dew, explained "everything goes through Alex."

>> Prior to being banned, Facebook was one of the top referral websites to InfoWars, according to Timothy Fruge, the business operations manager for Infowars' parent company. Another top referrer? The Drudge Report...

Chernin urging moguls to help the ACLU fight anti-abortion bills

Peter Chernin's email to fellow Hollywood heavyweights: "I am launching a campaign to contribute to the $15 million that is needed to fund the A.C.L.U.'s legal efforts to battle the national anti-abortion effort... We have a moral responsibility to act immediately."

The NYT's Brooks Barnes and Cara Buckley obtained the email and wrote about the fundraising drive. "Recipients included senior executives at all of the major movie studios, as well as entertainment power players like Jeff Bezos, Ari Emanuel, Ted Sarandos, Tim Cook and Shonda Rhimes..."

Carter: Hollywood's stance against Georgia isn't as tough as it seems

Bill Carter's latest column for CNN Business is about the Hollywood studios that say they will rethink production in Georgia if the state's effective ban on abortion is upheld by the courts. "How serious a threat this really is will depend ultimately on a contest of principle versus commerce, a battle that is almost always hugely one-side," Carter writes. "Because in 'show business,' the general rule is: 'show' may come first in the title, but the business end is 'business.'"

He says "the studios can denounce it now safely, without any impact on their bottom lines," while the courts review the bill in Georgia and elsewhere. Read on...


 -- The 2019 TALKERS list of the "100 most important radio talk show hosts in America" is out: #1 is Sean Hannity, followed by Rush Limbaugh, Dave Ramsey, Mark Levin, Howard Stern, Joe Madison, Brian Kilmeade, Thom Hartmann, Mike Gallagher, and Glenn Beck... (TALKERS)

-- Fun piece in this week's New Yorker about CNN's Jim Sciutto returning to his high school stomping grounds for debate prep... (The New Yorker)

 -- "Barry Jenkins will direct the untitled Fox Searchlight biopic based on the life of one of dance's most influential choreographers and a seminal figure in the African American culture, Alvin Ailey..." (TheWrap)

Holzhauer falls

James Holzahauer was THIS CLOSE to breaking the all-time "Jeopardy!" earnings record. "But he fell short in his 33rd straight game -- even though he had the right answer," CNN's A.J. Willingham wrote.

Holzahauer tipped his hat to Emma Boettcher, writing, "CONGRATULATIONS to Emma on a world-beating performance. There's no greater honor than knowing an opponent had to play a perfect game to defeat me." And he sent a tweet to Ken Jennings that said: "You win this round. But if Jeopardy ever gives me 43 second chance games, look out!"

How long til "Jeopardy!" invites Holzahauer and Jennings to face off for a special champions round?

About the leak...

Some fans were understandably disappointed that Monday's outcome leaked on social media over the weekend. I have no doubt the producer and syndicator are investigating. But look at it this way: It's amazing the end of the streak didn't leak sooner!

Former "Jeopardy!" researcher Carlo Panno emailed me to point this out: "When Jennings lost, the word got out immediately and Jeopardy! re-recorded the show openings to remove the win count to keep interest high." This time around, "the current season of Jeopardy! wrapped on April 17. They managed to keep it quiet for a month and a half, and it looks like the news only got out after the weekend satellite distribution of this week's shows."

Further reading

 -- Recommended: The Atlantic's Joe Pinsker spoke with Holzhauer about how it all went down...

 -- And the Chicago Tribune's Tracy Swartz interviewed Boettcher about beating Holzhauer... Check this out...

 -- Poynter's Tom Jones tweeted: "Everyone thought it would take a special player to beat James Holzhauer on Jeopardy. But, after watching it, you realize it actually took TWO good players to beat him. Jay, the guy who finished third, had a lot to do with taking Holzhauer down, too..."

 -- Slate's headline: "James Holzhauer Has Changed Jeopardy! for Good"

The network chiefs speak

Brian Lowry emails: The Hollywood Radio and Television Society hadn't hosted a network chiefs luncheon in a decade, which made Monday's event something of an occasion. But the representatives of ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox seemed content not to make much news, other than issuing a collective "We're not dinosaurs" defense of their medium.

ABC's Karey Burke touted the unique reach -- even today -- of the broadcast networks, while CBS' Kelly Kahl said the networks need to "push back" on reporting about their declining ratings, given other metrics that are now at work, and "stop apologizing." NBC's Lisa Katz, for example, said the comedy "The Good Place" rises to become the network's fourth-most-watched show when 35 days of delayed viewing are added up, the kind of a measuring stick that's rarely if ever mentioned. "For us, it's about the long tail on some of these shows," Burke said.

Fox's Michael Thorn, meanwhile, said it was too soon to assess the impact of the ongoing standoff between the Writers Guild of America and major talent agencies, and while the execs said they had come through writer staffing season reasonably well, all of them expressed hope that the matter would be resolved relatively quickly...

Lowry's review of "The Handmaid's Tale" season premiere

Brian Lowry emails: As Sunday's "Reliable Sources" underscored, "The Handmaid's Tale" returns at a moment that has made the Hulu drama extraordinarily relevant, with the anti-abortion legislation being passed in Georgia and elsewhere heightening the temptation to compare Gilead to modern-day America. There are obvious benefits, promotionally speaking, in the show having become such a powerful symbol, but also burdens, and risks, built into that status. Read on...

Apple debuts "For All Mankind" trailer

Frank Pallotta emails: During its Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday, Apple showcased a trailer for an upcoming original series called "For All Mankind." This is the FIRST full trailer for one of the forthcoming Apple TV+ shows. It looks pretty cool, especially for space buffs and alternative history fanatics. The trailer presents a series set in a world where the Russians, and not the US, were the first to land on the Moon. It's a pretty heart-racing peek into the type of programming that Apple wants to sell for its new streaming service...


By Lisa Respers France:

 -- Lindsay Lohan is working on new music, so there's that...

 -- Beyoncé's "Lion King" outfit at her mother's gala was everything...

 -- Get ready for Robert Pattinson as "The Batman." The director, Matt Reeves, sent a tweet which appeared to confirm the news...


"Keanu Reeves is too good for this world"

Megan Thomas emails: Google Keanu Reeves and you can almost hear the internet swoon. With a publicity tour for "John Wick," his gif-inspiring cameo in "Always Be My Maybe" and his role in the upcoming "Toy Story 4," the ever-enigmatic Keanu Reeves is riding a month-long wave as pop culture's man-of-the-moment. Naomi Fry humorously explores his appeal in this piece for the New Yorker...
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NEWS ALERT: Pastor says he 'hurt' congregation by praying for Trump during unscheduled visit

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 06:12 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Pastor says he 'hurt' congregation by praying for Trump during unscheduled visit
The pastor of a Northern Virginia church has acknowledged hurting some in his congregation by praying for President Trump when the president made an unscheduled ...
Monday, June 3, 2019 8:59 PM EDT

Pastor says he 'hurt' congregation by praying for Trump during unscheduled visit

The pastor of a Northern Virginia church has acknowledged hurting some in his congregation by praying for President Trump when the president made an unscheduled stop at his church on Sunday.

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3600 New York Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002,Telugu tamil Hindi mp3 songs free download,Telugu Doregama Mp3 Songs -

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:33 PM PDT

Occasions kopen? Tweedehands auto's zoek je op

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:12 PM PDT

What if Trump negotiated Brexit?

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:58 PM PDT

TicToc Tonight

Greetings, TicToc readers! Monday's almost over. Here's what's happening: 

But first...

Trump urges the U.K. to quit the EU

The first day of Trump's U.K. state visit was largely free from controversy—once he landed. Before arriving, he called on the U.K. to throw off the "shackles" of EU membership and use his signature negotiating tactic in Brussels: Walk away. He promised a "big trade deal" to whichever leader can deliver Brexit. 

More of Day 1:

  • He met with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles and attended a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.
  • He renewed his spat with London Mayor Sadiq Khan, calling him a "stone cold loser."

  • Large-scale protests are planned during his visit, including at London's Trafalgar Square Tuesday morning.

Headlines from around the world

Mexican trade officials in Washington said Trump's tariffs could derail efforts to stem the flow of migrants to the U.S.

Silicon Valley was targeted by a broad antitrust query, with the FTC and DOJ probing Facebook, Amazon, Google and Apple.

House Democrats set a June 11 vote to hold AG William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress.

Chinese censors are locking down WeChat, Weibo and more social media for the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen crackdown.

Caster Semenya, an Olympic champion runner, can compete without testosterone-suppressing drugs, a Swiss court ruled.

Data of the day

The Prius is losing its luster. Even though hybrids are more popular than ever, Toyota's previously preeminent eco-mobile has fallen behind the Ford Fusion hybrid.

Lean back and watch

Mexico tariffs could mean costlier burritos. Chipotle, which imports avocados, could face $15 million in increased costs this year. 

Liverpool FC set a new record. The Champions League winners will be the first soccer team to net $316 million in a season from TV income. 

AT&T's plan to take on Netflix is taking shape. It's simple: CNN will churn out more documentaries and Warner Bros. will make more movies.

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Don't miss this

Medieval survivor. A chess piece bought for a few bucks turned out to be a 900-year-old Viking artifact worth more than $1 million.

'Pocket-sized monster.' The crop-eating fall armyworm is scaring farmers all over as it spreads from the Americas to Africa and Asia.

Super-strong robo-dog. A hydraulic-powered robot designed to help with disaster recovery pulled a 3-ton plane in its debut.

Before you go

He's human after all. James Holzhauer, Jeopardy's 32-time champion lost for the first time, falling short of records for total winnings and longest reign. Who unseated him? Emma Boettcher, a Chicago librarian.

Thanks for reading! Watch your inbox for our next newsletter tomorrow. Until then, share TicToc Tonight with your friends.
-Andrew Mach

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NEWS ALERT: Federal judge rejects House challenge of border wall funding

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:56 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Federal judge rejects House challenge of border wall funding
A federal judge has denied a request by the House to prevent President Donald Trump from tapping Defense Department money for his proposed border wall ...
Monday, June 3, 2019 7:49 PM EDT

Federal judge rejects House challenge of border wall funding

A federal judge has denied a request by the House to prevent President Donald Trump from tapping Defense Department money for his proposed border wall with Mexico.

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BREAKING NEWS: House overcomes GOP objections and clears disaster bill

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:06 PM PDT

House Democrats finally managed to pass a $19.1 billion disaster relief bill Monday, sending the measure on to President Donald Trump, who is expected to sign it.

The 354-58 vote came after Republican conservatives blocked the bill from advancing on three separate occasions while lawmakers were away last week on recess — an appropriately acrimonious legislative finale after months of partisan discord.

Once it's law, the bill, H.R. 2157 (116), will unlock billions of dollars in grant funding and reimbursement cash for communities still recovering from hurricanes, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, extreme flooding, wildfires and typhoons.

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Outrage After Snapchat Debuts ‘Love Has No Age’ Filter for Pride Month

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 04:13 PM PDT

Outrage After Snapchat Debuts ‘Love Has No Age’ Filter for Pride Month

Snapchat accused of helping normalize pedophilia.

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BREAKING NEWS: House Dems set Barr contempt vote on Mueller report for next week

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 03:05 PM PDT

The House will vote next week to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress for failing to comply with a subpoena for special counsel Robert Mueller's fully unredacted report and underlying evidence, according to multiple Democratic sources.

The civil contempt resolution clears the way for the House Judiciary Committee to take Barr to court to enforce its subpoena and settle the matter legally — a crucial step for Democrats seeking to accelerate their obstruction of justice investigation against President Donald Trump.

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Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:22 PM PDT

Prince Harry attends palace exhibit with Donald Trump after Trump’s ‘nasty’ Meghan Markle comment

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:18 PM PDT

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Harry was without his American wife Meghan Markle, who is currently on maternity leave after giving birth to their son Archie on May 6
Prince Harry Attends Palace Exhibit with Donald Trump After Trump's 'Nasty' Meghan Markle Comment
Harry was without his American wife Meghan Markle, who is currently on maternity leave after giving birth to their son Archie on May 6
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Trump moves on Silicon Valley

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:16 PM PDT

Evening Briefing

The U.S. technology industry is girding for sweeping antitrust probes as the Trump administration targets Silicon Valley's best-known names. The Federal Trade Commission will investigate Facebook and Amazon while the Justice Department is to open an inquiry into Google. Shares of the companies tumbled. —Josh Petri

Here are today's top stories

First trade, then tech—now talent. The Trump administration is taking aim at some of China's best and brightest. China's Education Ministry issued a warning Monday about the risks of studying in America as student visa rejections soar.

The Fed may need to cut interest rates to counter economic risks from President Donald Trump's trade war, St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said.

For years, Tesla has made cash by selling credits to other carmakers that needed to offset sales of polluting vehicles. These transactions have been shrouded in secrecy—until now.

Trump called on the U.K. to throw off the "shackles" of EU membership and ink a free-trade deal with the U.S. On the first day of a three-day trip to the U.K., he also decided to personally attack the mayor of London.

The last vestiges of the Virgin America brand are now aviation history, bringing a formal end to Richard Branson's brash, groundbreaking effort to put some European flair into U.S. skies.

Apple previewed the new Mac Pro at its annual developer conference on Monday. Users have complained for years about the current version. The computer stand alone costs $999.

What's Tracy Alloway thinking about? The Bloomberg executive editor spent the weekend reading China's white paper explaining its "Position on the China-U.S. Economic and Trade Consultations." She was struck by the way two of China's biggest sensitivities seem to be combined: An infringement of its sovereignty by a foreign player, and a threat to China's attempts to become a technological powerhouse.

What you'll need to know tomorrow

What you'll want to see tonight in Bloomberg Photos

Trump's State Visit Tests the Special Relationship

Trump arrived in the U.K. at a sensitive moment, with political rivals jostling to replace outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May. While the first day of his visit featured pomp and circumstance, tomorrow brings political talks and potentially large demonstrations on the streets of London. There have already been scattered protests, and the Trump Baby blimp has returned, both in physical and projected form on the White Cliffs of Dover. 

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BREAKING NEWS: Democrats open antitrust probe of tech industry

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 02:05 PM PDT

House Democrats on Monday launched a sweeping antitrust investigation of the nation's largest tech companies, including Google and Facebook, opening a new front against an industry that's increasingly under siege in Washington.

The action comes amid signs that the Trump administration is preparing to apply more scrutiny to the nation's tech giants, with the DOJ claiming jurisdiction over Google and Apple, and the Federal Trade Commission doing the same with Amazon and Facebook.

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Like a trade war, but for Apple, Facebook and Google

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:34 PM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Today's Agenda

Strange New World for Corporate America

President Donald Trump has opened an odd new front in the trade war: siccing his government on America's own tech giants. It may be merited and have bipartisan appeal, but the timing is awkward.

The first warning shot came on Friday, with news the DOJ will soon launch an antitrust probe of Alphabet Inc.'s Google. Some might read this as just more Trumpian bluster, not unlike his tweet attacking AT&T Inc., which the market laughed off, sending AT&T shares higher. But Google must take the threat of potential action very seriously, writes Shira Ovide. It only narrowly avoided antitrust consequences back in 2013, she notes, and the political tides have turned against it since then. 

Today we learned the Federal Trade Commission will probe Facebook Inc.'s business practices. And Reuters reported the DOJ might give Apple Inc. its own antitrust exam. The headlines crushed the Nasdaq and shaved billions from the valuations of the very tech titans that led the market to record highs in recent years. Ramesh Ponnuru suggests Facebook and others accused of bias might cool Trump's ire with more transparency about how they regulate content. But the winds have clearly shifted for companies that were recently the darlings of Corporate America.

The same is true for the multinational companies that thrived along with globalization; Trump's trade war has turned their world upside down, writes David Fickling. From Chinese scrutiny of American firms to the scrambling of intricate global supply chains, sticking close to home looks more appealing all the time, David writes. That may help explain why the Blackstone Group is buying up U.S. warehouse space, notes Brooke Sutherland: Trade war or no, e-commerce isn't going away, and those products need warehousing whether they're made in Guangdong or Grand Rapids.

Strategy? We Don't Need No Stinking Strategy

When dismissing the growing damage from the trade war, Trump supporters, and some neutral observers, suggest Trump must have a grand strategy for it all, one that will win in the end and make everybody happy. But Trump's only strategy is whatever gets his goat at any given moment; he was not strategic in business and isn't now, writes Tim O'Brien. Trump's random lashings-out are simply driven by his frustrated desire to influence people and phenomena he doesn't fully understand, Tim writes.  

The backlash is usually significant and often catches the president by surprise. China isn't rolling over as easily as Trump might have expected, for example, as embodied by the coded message a Chinese TV anchor wore during a recent Fox interview, note Fei Bo and Andrew Browne. Trump's attacks on Mexico, meanwhile, are self-defeating, writes Shannon O'Neil: Mexico can't stop illegal immigration, and Trump's flailing moves so far have made the problem worse. Mexico can retaliate in the trade war, hurting swing-state economies and making Trump's reelection far harder, Shannon writes.

Further Trade-War Reading:

Stop Hitting Yourself, Markets

Trade and tech hurt stocks today, while bonds rallied hard, driving interest rates lower. Bonds are now priced for at least two Federal Reserve rate cuts this year. But Brian Chappatta suggests the bond market is not perfectly prescient. After all, the economy still looks pretty good and we don't know exactly how badly the trade war will hurt it. But investors could turn their worries into a self-fulfilling prophecy, warns Mohamed El-Erian. Panicky markets hammer sentiment and put the Fed in an impossible situation, demanding rate cuts that may not be necessary. For now, though, for better or worse, the Fed seems to be ignoring the market, writes Jim Bianco.

Further Jittery Market Reading: Negative yields are a headache for the ECB, which never got to normalize policy and now faces fresh weakness. – Mark Gilbert 

Beware Trumps Bearing Trade Deals

While all of this was happening, Trump was hobnobbing with the Queen of England, the first stage of a U.K. trip that might include meetings with top Brexiteers Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson. Trump has made clear he loves Brexit and its most famous proponents, writes Therese Raphael. Today he promised a "big Trade Deal is possible once U.K. gets rid of the shackles" of the EU. But the U.K. should be wary of such a deal, Therese warns; the U.S. probably won't make Brexiteers any happier than the EU.

Telltale Charts

OPEC has given non-member Russia too much power, when it really hasn't earned the right, writes Julian Lee. It may be time to end the OPEC+ pact to cut production.

Don't dismiss the idea that Africa could be the next China, writes Noah Smith; a manufacturing boom is still possible.

Further Reading

Trump's rationale for adding an immigration question to the 2020 Census isn't legit. The Supreme Court must stop this destructive policy change. – Bloomberg's editorial board 

Raising $100 billion won't be as easy this time for Masayoshi Son. – Tim Culpan 

Instagram's new Checkout feature threatens Inc. via luxury sales. – Andrea Felsted 

A Deutsche Bank-UBS merger might make sense, but will take a crisis to actually happen. – Elisa Martinuzzi 

Benjamin Netanyahu's rough political tactics come back to haunt him. – Zev Chafets 

Israel shouldn't help Saudi Arabia spy on its citizens. – Eli Lake 

Whether they impeach or not, Democrats must daily fight Trump's efforts to obscure the truth. – Francis Wilkinson 


Tesla Inc.'s secret cash sources are revealed.

Jared Kushner has thoughts on the Palestinians.

Cruise ships are the worst, Venice edition.


Ancient chess piece found. 

Bark shield is surprisingly hard. (h/t Scott Kominers for the first two kickers)

Drinking water is sitting in pipes too long.

Tony Soprano's house is for sale. 

Note: Please send ziti and complaints to Mark Gongloff at

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Violence against Indigenous women and girls form of "genocide": MMIW Report

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:30 PM PDT

BREAKING NEWS: House Dems to hold Barr, Ross in contempt over census question

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:26 PM PDT

The House Oversight and Reform Committee is moving to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress for defying the panel's subpoena for information about efforts to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

"Unfortunately, your actions are part of a pattern," Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) wrote to Barr and Ross in separate letters. "The Trump administration has been engaged in one of the most unprecedented cover-ups since Watergate, extending from the White House to multiple federal agencies and departments of the government and across numerous investigations."

Cummings said he would consider postponing the contempt votes if Barr and Ross turn over the requested documents by Thursday, June 6.

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Forum Garsoniera. Najwiêksze Sex Forum w Polsce.

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 11:12 AM PDT

Most Social: Maryland couple found dead in their hotel room in the Dominican Republic

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 10:01 AM PDT

Edward Nathaniel Holmes and Cynthia Ann Day were found unresponsive in their hotel room after missing their scheduled checkout time on Thursday. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

Most Social
Monday, June 3
While the Caribbean is historically considered pricey, the Dominican Republic offers some of the best all-inclusive deals in the region. There's a wide range of resorts in the Dominican Republic, and travelers can find good value in the Dominican peso whether they're on a budget or looking for luxury. The 2019 Backpacker Index ranks Puerto Plata, Samana and Punta Cana, along with Playa del Carmen in Mexico, as the top four cheapest Caribbean   destinations for 2019. Rates in the Dominican Republic are estimated to run around $1,100 per person for both round-trip airfare from New York and seven nights at a three-star hotel.
Couple found dead at resort in Dominican Republic
Edward Nathaniel Holmes and Cynthia Ann Day were found unresponsive in their hotel room after missing their scheduled checkout time on Thursday.
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ترك برس - النشرة 03-06-2019

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:15 AM PDT

أدانت وزارة الخارجية التركية، القرار الإسرائيلي الذي ينص على بناء أكثر من 800 وحدة إستيطانية إضافية في القدس الشرقية.

قال وزير الطاقة والموارد الطبيعية التركي، فاتح دونماز، إن بلاده لن تقف مكتوفة الأيدي إزاء انتهاك حقوقها وحقوق جمهورية شمال قبرص التركية شرقي المتوسط، ولن تستغن عن حقوقها المشروعة في تلك المنطقة البحرية.

نشرت مجلة فورين بوليسي مقالا للباحث والخبير في منتدى الشرق، غالب دالاي، رأى فيه أن من السابق لأوانه الحديث عن استعداد تركيا للتحالف مع روسيا خاصة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط، على الرغم من انجرافها بعيدا عن الغرب.

نشرت شبكة الجزيرة القطرية تقريرًا يسلط الضوء على مصطلح "السياحة الإسلامية"، ومكانة تركيا الهامة في هذا الصدد بالنسبة إلى السياح العرب والمسلمين.

مصطفى كارت أوغلو – صحيفة أكشام – ترجمة وتحرير ترك برس

عندما استمعت إلى المطلعين على مفاوضات منظومة إس-400 ومقاتلات إف-35 مع الولايات المتحدة أيقنت أن دماغ واشنطن قُدّ من حجر. 

لكن الجيد في الأمر أن المطلعين أنفسهم تحدثوا عن حدوث "انفراج نسبي"

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