Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What Really Happened to Pat Tillman?


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War Story - Washington Times
100% of author’s proceeds will be donated in aid of veterans
100% of author’s proceeds will be donated in aid of veterans
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“Every soldier has a war story. Mine starts with the death of an American hero by ‘friendly fire.’ The shame of that day followed me for years. Sometimes, the real fight starts after the battle.”
—Steven Elliot
A must-read for veterans and their loved ones, War Story is an explosive look at into the chaos of warband the battle for life in its aftermath. It confronts some of life’s biggest questions: Why do we choose to fight for a country or a cause? What happens when the cost of that fight overwhelms and destroys? Can we forgive and be forgiven? How do we find hope? At its core, War Story is a dramatic personal encounter with war and faith, love and tragedy, and ultimate renewal.
To learn more about the foundation and how you can help Veterans, please visit www.elliottfund.org.
Steven Elliott joined the military in 2003 and served as a member of the elite 75th Ranger Regiment. In 2004, he deployed to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. In the midst of an enemy ambush, he was one of four Rangers who mistook Pat Tillman’s position for that of the enemy and fired there. He is one of two Rangers considered likely to have fired the fatal shots. Elliott served the remaining years of his enlistment and returned to civilian life in 2007. Today he is the president of Capstone Trust in Washington State, has served as a volunteer veterans court mentor, and advocates for change in how the unseen wounds of war are recognized and treated. He and his wife, Brook, have two daughters, Gracie and Hazel.
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