Saturday, May 25, 2019

Saturday's Headlines: Barr could politicize intelligence with review of Russia probe, officials fear

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Today's Headlines
The morning's most important stories, selected by Post editors
Barr could politicize intelligence with review of Russia probe, officials fear
An executive order gave the the attorney general broad authority to disclose classified intelligence.
Federal judge temporarily blocks part of Trump's plan to build border wall
The judge said those challenging the president's actions had a good chance of prevailing on their claims that the administration is acting illegally in shifting money from other programs to pay for the wall.
What happens next with Brexit, now that Theresa May is resigning?
Four British prime ministers have been evicted after tangling with the European Union. The next one might be forced to take a leap into a chaotic exit from the bloc, analysts say.
Analysis: Will May's departure fix British politics? Don't bet on it.
More likely is that her departure sets off a period that will bring even greater challenges and potentially more chaos to a weakened political system.
Berkeley loves its sanctuary label, but a housing crisis is testing its liberal values
As homelessness surges, leaders of the Northern California city have banned people from living in recreational vehicles, proving that even the most accepting of cities is not immune to the demands that often accompany wealth and gentrification.
Trump arrives for ceremonial visit to Japan, but Iran and North Korea also loom 
Tensions over Iran and a deadlock over North Korea are among the issues President Trump will discuss with Prime Minister Abe.
Bolton says North Korea is violating UN resolutions and refusing talks
Hours before President Trump's arrival in Japan, national security adviser John Bolton told reporters that North Korea's recent missile tests were in contravention of a UN resolution that prohibits the country from launching ballistic missiles.
The Debrief: For Trump, a 'very big thing going on with the emperor' in Japan that he struggles to explain
The U.S. promoter in chief has avoided details about the historic succession of Emperor Naruhito and appeared most excited about his own role as he heads to Tokyo.
Justice Dept. scrutinizes Major League Baseball's involvement with Cuban players
Federal agents are investigating whether team employees have participated in or had knowledge of immigration fraud.
Trump is twice as extreme as his predecessors. That's dangerous.
Pelosi is a dangerous foil for a president who operates on impulse
My husband is unjustly imprisoned in Iran. We need international help.
On Assange, the government throws smart and careful out the window
It's a shame an iconic school is embroiled in a racially tinged dispute
Five myths about student debt
More News
Giuliani meets with former diplomat as he continues to press Ukraine inquiries
President Trump's personal lawyer has been seeking to sow doubts about the origins of the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
'Here we go again': Federal judge blocks Mississippi's abortion ban
U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves ruled that the ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy won't take effect while the lawsuit against it proceeds. The decision is similar to his 2018 ruling that declared a 15-week ban unconstitutional.
50 years after Apollo, conspiracy theorists are still howling at the 'moon hoax'
A growing science of conspiracism seeks to understand who these people are, why they embrace such ideas, and whether there is anything that can dislodge a really magnetic conspiracy theory from the mind of a true believer.
Prosecutors worried about constitutional rights disagreed with charging Assange
The Department of Justice officials feared the Espionage Act charges posed serious risks for First Amendment protections and had other concerns, according to people familiar with the matter.
New electoral maps for Ohio and Michigan can wait, Supreme Court says
While they consider the question of partisan gerrymandering, the justices put lower-court decisions finding those states' maps unconstitutional on hold.
Conservative groups target minority voters with pleas to abandon Democrats
The idea, which marks a shift for Republicans, has spread on Fox News programs and conservative social media and has emerged as a central argument of the Trump reelection campaign's effort to win over minority communities.
Trump and allies take aim at Biden — and his family — as their top Democratic target
The focus marks a new phase of the presidential race and shows how fierce a general election matchup could be.
A volatile week and erratic president leave little hope for compromise in Congress
Lawmakers appear poised to continue an eight-year trend, lurching from deadline to deadline, crisis to crisis, unable to tackle looming policy issues.
J.C. Penney and Kohl's have failed their most loyal customers: Middle-aged moms
The chains tried — and failed — to court millennials, alienating their most loyal shoppers in the process.
More than 1,000 federal workers to be laid off when Forest Service ends job-training program for rural areas
The program trains young people for wildland fire fighting and other jobs in rural communities. Its demise will result in the largest layoff of civil servants since the military's base realignment and closures of 2010 and 2011, personnel experts said.
Will U.S. war on Huawei help China end its dependency on Western tech?
The Trump administration's restrictions on Huawei are likely to prod China to close the technological gap with the United States, possibly creating new competitors for now-dominant American firms, according to industry analysts.
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