Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ollie North: My Favorite Place in Israel


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Freedom Alliance
This is one of the most meaningful places for me in Israel.
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Dear Friend of Freedom,

Since my first visit to the Holy Land in 1973, I’ve been there more than 30 times.

In Israel there are literally hundreds of places that connect me to my faith, my service as a Marine officer and my experience as a military historian and documentary filmmaker. But there is one place that does it all: Capernaum.

In the time of Christ, Capernaum – on the northwestern coast of the Sea of Galilee -- was an important fishing village – and the source of significant tax revenue for Rome.

In the eighth Chapter of Matthew’s Gospel [and Luke, Chapter seven and John, Chapter four], Jesus’s followers describe how a Roman Army Centurion, commanding 100 Roman soldiers & the martial law in Capernaum – begs Jesus to heal his servant [Luke describes the person as a slave].

The first time I read this gospel – in 1978 – I was aboard the USS Austin, LPD-5, an Amphibious Assault Ship, as the Operations Officer of Battalion Landing Team. We were en route to serve as NATO’s Quick Reaction Force in the Mediterranean.

The faith of a Roman Army Infantry Officer 2,000 years ago changed my life.  That’s why on every trip to Israel, we go to Capernaum.

Please come with Betsy and me to Israel in January 2020 for the rest of the story – and a whole lot more. See for yourself this small fishing village that had a huge impact on my life and faith journey.

Find out more by visiting

Semper Fidelis,

Oliver North
Founder & Honorary Chairman

Semper Fidelis is more than a slogan for U.S. Marines. Always Faithful is a way of life.

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