Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Evening Edition: A conservative’s behind-the-scenes campaign to remake U.S. courts

The Washington Post
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Evening Edition
The day's most important stories
A conservative's behind-the-scenes campaign to remake U.S. courts
Few people outside government have more influence over judicial appointments than Leonard Leo, an unofficial adviser to President Trump who has helped nonprofits raise $250 million from mostly undisclosed donors to promote conservative judges and causes.
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Behind Leonard Leo's quest
Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Shawn Boburg discuss the man reshaping the federal judiciary. Laura Meckler examines the power of a high school's controversial mock funeral. And Jennifer Hassan dissects a new form of British protest.
House minority leader blocked effort to limit China's role in U.S. transit
The move benefited a manufacturer in Rep. Kevin McCarthy's Southern California district that is a division of a Chinese firm.
White House, congressional leaders push for two-year budget deal to avert shutdown
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell predicted a deal by day's end, a potential breakthrough following months of acrimony.
How San Francisco broke America's heart
Filthy rich and dominated by a tech monoculture, it's gone from America's great romantic city to what one of its residents calls "a train wreck."
Trump administration will hire Cuccinelli for senior DHS border role
The job appears to come in response to Trump's desire for an immigration "czar," although the former Virginia attorney general's role is expected to be more limited.
Mueller, House Democrats at impasse over possible testimony
The special counsel wants to conduct part of his congressional testimony in private. But Democrats want a full public hearing.
Campaign 2020 | Analysis
Brutal new 2020 numbers for Beto O'Rourke and Bill de Blasio
O'Rourke, the former Texas congressman, dropped from third to eighth. Happily for him, though, de Blasio has a lower net approval than PresidentTrump.
Netanyahu's supporters push a bill to give him immunity as indictments loom
The Israeli prime minister faces criminal investigations that could lead to charges that include breach of trust, corruption and bribery.
The U.S. put nuclear waste under a dome on a Pacific island. Now it's cracking open.
The nuclear "coffin" in the Marshall Islands is dangerously vulnerable because of disrepair and rising seas, according to the United Nations.
The 'Game of Thrones' finale didn't answer all of our questions. Here are 13 things still bothering us.
Even though the ashes have settled on King's Landing, audiences are still not totally satisfied with the ground covered over eight seasons of the HBO show.

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