Votre sommaire de La Lettre du Continent Posted: 26 Mar 2019 10:39 PM PDT Les hommes, les affaires et leurs réseaux en Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale. | À la Une de l'édition du 27/03/2019 |
CONGO-K 25/03/2019 | | Manono, capitale du lithium congolais, bientôt principauté du clan Kabila Après 22 ans de règne sur le Congo-K, la famille Kabila doit s'inventer un avenir. Ayant abandonné le trône présidentiel à Félix Tshisekedi en janvier, le clan travaille depuis deux mois à se replier sur sa province d'origine, le Tanganyika, dans l'est du Congo-K, et plus précisément sur la ville de Manono devenue, ces dernières années, l'épicentre africain de l'exploration du lithium. Zoé Kabila, frère de l'ancien président Joseph Kabila, veut se faire élire gouverneur de Manono [...] Lire la suite | | |
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أكثر من مدعاة للقلق! Posted: 26 Mar 2019 10:02 PM PDT سيختفي أكثر من نصف الأنواع الحية على الأرض بحلول العام ٢٠٥٠. ويؤكد العلماء بأن الطريقة الوحيدة لإيقاف الانقراض الجماعي، تتمثل في تحويل نصف مساحة الكوكب إلى محميات طبيعية. نحن بحاجة الآن إلى الوصول إلى بعض القادة الرئيسيين حول العالم، لكي نقنعهم بدعم هذه الخطة قبيل انطلاق أعمال القمة العالمية بشأن الطبيعة. اضيفوا أسماءكم الآن إلى لائحة الموقعين على العريضة:
| سيختفي أكثر من نصف الأنواع الحية على الأرض بحلول العام ٢٠٥٠. ويؤكد العلماء بأن الطريقة الوحيدة لإيقاف الانقراض الجماعي، تتمثل في تحويل نصف مساحة الكوكب إلى محميات طبيعية. نحن بحاجة الآن إلى الوصول إلى بعض القادة الرئيسيين حول العالم، لكي نقنعهم بدعم هذه الخطة قبيل انطلاق أعمال القمة العالمية بشأن الطبيعة. اضيفوا أسماءكم الآن إلى لائحة الموقعين على العريضة: | أصدقاءنا الأعزاء، ما يلي هو أكثر من مدعاة للقلق -- وجدت دراسة عالمية جديدة أن جميع أنواع الحشرات على الكوكب في طريقها إلى الإنقراض، ما سيتسبب في انهيار أنظمة الحياة على الأرض، وانقراض جميع الكائنات الحية ومن ضمنهم البشر. نحن نعلم جيداً أن مصيرنا مرتبط بمصير كوكبنا. نحن جزء من الطبيعة. ولكي ننقذها علينا أن نكون اليوم صوتها الذي يطلب النجدة قبل فوات الأوان.
قدم بعض العلماء رؤية جميلة للدفاع عن البشرية والطبيعة، تتمثل في حماية نصف الكوكب. سوف تحتضن الأمم المتحدة وفرنسا وألمانيا وكندا وغيرهم من الدول محادثات لدراسة الفكرة قبيل انعقاد القمة العالمية حول الطبيعة والانقراض. ونحن بحاجة إلى إقناعهم بتبني خطتنا. دعونا نطالبهم بتبني خطة حماية نصف الأرض، وسوف نسلمهم نتائج استطلاعات للرأي ودراسات علمية ورسائل مؤثرة من أعضاء آفاز حول العالم من أجل دفعهم نحو تحمل المسؤولية. وقعوا الآن قبيل انعقاد اجتماعات هامة بعد أيام قليلة، قد تساهم نتيجتها في إنقاذ الحياة على الأرض. وقعوا العريضة قد تبدو خطة حماية نصف مساحة الكوكب خطة مجنونة، إلا أنها قابلة للتحقق. حالياً تبلغ نسبة المساحة المحمية على الكوكب ٢٠٪، وتدرس بعض الحكومات إمكانية رفع تلك النسبة قبيل انعقاد قمة الأمم المتحدة بشأن مكافحة أزمة الانقراض.
علمتنا تجربتنا في العمل على اتفاقية باريس المناخية، أن نجاحنا يعتمد على وجود "أبطال" مؤثرين داعمين للأفكار الملهمة. قد تكون هذه الحكومات هي البطل البيئي، خاصة وأنهم سيحددون مواقفهم خلال الفترة المقبلة. دعا الأمين العام للأمم المتحدة جميع القادة للتحرك لمواجهة الكارثة. ألمانيا هي أكبر متبرع في العالم لصالح المناطق المحمية. وسوف تستضيف فرنسا قمة مجموعة السبع، حيث ستلتقي أكثر دول العالم نفوذاً لمناقشة هذه القضية، بينما تسعى كندا إلى جعل قضية حماية الطبيعة أولويتها القصوى خلال السنة المقبلة. دعونا نوقع على النداء الذي يطالب هذه الحكومات بدعم خطة حماية نصف الأرض، وسوف نسلمهم رسائل كتبها أعضاء مجتمعنا إلى نتائج دراسات علمية واستطلاعات للرأي حيال هذه القضية، من أجل حث هذا الجيل من القادة على الدفاع عن الحياة على الأرض قبل فوات الأوان. وقعوا العريضة | | | آفاز هي منظمة حملات عالمية قوامها 50 مليون عضو، تعمل على ايصال آراء ووجهات نظر الشعوب إلى صناعة القرار العالمي. آفاز تعني صوت أو لغة في عديد من اللغات. أعضاء آفاز موجودون في جميع دول العالم؛ ويتوزع فريقنا على ١٨ دولة في ٦ قارات ويعمل ب١٧ لغة. لمعرفة المزيد عن أكبر حملات آفاز اضغط هنا, أو تابعنا على فيسبوك و تويتر، و انستغرام. | وصلتك هذه الرسالة لأنك وقعت على حملة"إنضم الى آفاز" بتاريخ 2018-04-25 باستخدام عنوان البريد الالكتروني kamal.sahim5.news@blogger.com. لضمان وصول رسائل آفاز إلى بريدك الالكتروني، الرجاء إضافة avaaz@avaaz.org إلى جدول عناوينك. لتغيير ايميلك أو لغتك أو معلومات شخصية أخرى، تواصل معنا، أوانقر هنا لإلغاء تسجيلك. | |
Smollett stunner; Trump's next interviews; Spotify's new deal; Michelle Obama's milestone; local news ups and downs; inside Javelin; 'Veep' party Posted: 26 Mar 2019 08:48 PM PDT Trump and Comey are both giving TV interviews on Wednesday... Plus Jussie Smollett's next steps, Stephen Colbert's "low bar," and much more... EXEC SUMMARY: President Trump and James Comey are both giving TV interviews on Wednesday... Scroll down for details... Plus: Jussie Smollett's next steps, Stephen Colbert's "low bar," WaPo's newest contributor, and more... The local news conundrum These three stories came out on Tuesday, and they are all related: FIRST, an excellent new Pew Research Center survey about how Americans consume local news and what they want from their news sources. This is one of the key findings: "Even amid declining revenues and staffing, about seven-in-ten Americans think their local news outlets are doing very or somewhat well financially (71%). When it comes to their own financial support of the industry, just 14% of American adults say they have paid for local news in the past year, either through subscription, donation or membership." So: Most people don't know about the sorry state of local news biz models, and most people say they are not subscribing. One caveat: Most Americans DO pay for local TV news, without realizing it, by paying for cable. SECOND, Charles Bethea's dispatch from coal country. "A year ago," he wrote for The New Yorker, "the last Kentucky newspaper staffer dedicated to the environmental beat full-time left his job. He was not replaced." | | Bethea said "other outlets are trying to fill the gaps," including a fantastic journalist from the Report for America project, and "strong local radio coverage." But Tom FitzGerald, the director of the Kentucky Resources Council, said "nobody is able to do the in-depth work that used to be done." Are big environmental stories being missed? Most likely -- but "it's hard to know what you don't know," FitzGerald said. THIRD, Sara Fischer's scoop about a new venture by Google. Several of the tech giants are trying to get on the right side of news history... battling the widespread belief that their products have seriously hurt the news biz... by bankrolling all sorts of new services and initiatives. This "Local Experiments Project" by the Google News Initiative is a big move. Google is stepping up to fund "dozens of new local news websites around the country and eventually around the world," Fischer wrote. Richard Gingras told her that Google "will be spending many millions of dollars on this overall." Is this what the future looks like in smaller media markets? About the Google experiment... McClatchy is Google's first partner. The company's CEO Craig Forman said the "experiment" will provide news coverage "to three small to mid-sized U.S. communities that don't have access to significant local sources of news and information." It's a three-year bet... "Our objective at McClatchy is to explore new models for independent local news and information," Forman said in this blog post. "Google's objective is to test the business models and operational aspects necessary to succeed in local news." --> Columbia J-school prof Bill Grueskin tweeted: "Google is *directly funding* new local-news sites, using a newspaper chain (McClatchy) as its publishing partner and promising total editorial independence. A very different model from what we've seen in the past..." --> His colleague Emily Bell tweeted: "This where we have been heading for a while. Would US news organizations be comfortable with the govt directly owning local news? If the answer is 'no' then this should concern them too..." Still waiting for the Mueller report... Right-wing commentators are increasingly acting like they've already read the Mueller report, when all they've read is Bill Barr's letter. Left-wing commentators are increasingly calling out the secrecy surrounding the report. Meantime, some other folks are just trying to move on. The AP's big Tuesday night headline sums it up well: "Trump takes victory lap; parties start to pivot past Russia..." "This is a huge story" The media bashing continued on Tuesday... Particularly on Fox News... With commentators claiming that the credibility of the "media" has been ruined by Barr's letter. Here's a counterpoint from MSNBC prez Phil Griffin, who gave this statement to VF's Joe Pompeo: "We're going to keep doing our job, asking the tough questions, especially when it involves holding powerful people accountable. This is a huge story. The president of the United States was the subject of an investigation by our own government. That probe has produced 34 criminal indictments so far. And we know the Russians interfered with our election. Our journalists, legal analysts, and prime-time hosts are covering the biggest story in politics and national security with distinction." Comey speaking to Holt Per NBC: "Former FBI Director James Comey will sit down with NBC News' Lester Holt for an exclusive interview" airing on Wednesday's "NBC Nightly News." This will be Comey's first interview since Mueller submitted his report... A rare interview with Mark Corallo Due to all the news about Mueller, Trump and Russia right now, ABC's weekly podcast "The Investigation" has gone daily this week. Wednesday's episode will feature a rare interview with Mark Corallo, the former spokesperson for Trump's private legal team. Per ABC, he "shares his unique and unfiltered insight into inner-workings of the Trump administration during the early days of the Mueller probe, describing the 'problematic' incidents and what he calls 'reckless' behavior that he says influenced his decision to leave..." Trump taking a victory lap on Hannity | | Sean Hannity is taping an interview with POTUS on Wednesday... It will air on Wednesday night's show... --> Stephen Colbert on "Late Show" Tuesday night: "I've gotta say, being told you've not been indicted for betraying your country is a pretty low bar for a victory lap. If I don't run anyone over in my car tomorrow, I expect to celebrate with an ice cream cake..." The most-read piece on the WaPo website... ...Is George Conway's blistering op-ed titled "Trump is guilty — of being unfit for office." It's been No. 1 on the most-read chart all evening. "If the charge were unfitness for office," Conway wrote, "the verdict would already be in: guilty beyond a reasonable doubt." On Twitter, WaPo blogger Helaine Olen called it "another episode of the George and Kellyanne Show..."
FOR THE RECORD, PART ONE -- Spotify's third podcasting acquisition of the year: It is buying Parcast, "the L.A.-based company, founded in 2016 by Max Cutler, that trades in a genre-oriented, high-volume portfolio with broad titles like Serial Killers, Cults, and Unsolved Murders..." (Hot Pod) -- The FT, citing a "person close to the negotiation," says that Spotify is paying more than $100 million in cash and earn-outs to buy Parcast... An enormous multiple on Parcast's limited revenues..." (FT) -- "Video game giant Electronic Arts is laying off 350 people, the company said on Tuesday, marking the latest round of job cuts to hit the gaming industry in recent months. Last month Activision Blizzard laid off 800 employees... (TheWrap) The Smollett case is over* *Or is it? From the very beginning, the Jussie Smollett case has been a messy collision of crime, celebrity, race, politics, and media. Tuesday was yet another confusing day. Maybe the most confusing of all. After all the charges against Smollett were dropped -- prompting an outraged response from Chicago police officials -- his attorneys "insisted he was indeed attacked and that misinformation led to a rush to judgment against him," CNN's Ray Sanchez wrote here... --> Sanchez has a list of six unanswered questions, including "What happens to the brothers?" and "Could the case be unsealed?" Read on... What's next for Smollett "Jussie will stay quiet for a while," a source close to Smollett told me on Tuesday night. The source reiterated what others in his camp have been saying all day: He just wants to get back to work. "'Empire' hasn't been picked up for another season yet but if it does, there is no reason not to expect Jussie to be in the cast," the source said. He's also planning to get back to singing, other acting gigs and just generally "getting his life back together." The makers of "Empire" say... The Fox studio, now owned by Disney, and the Fox broadcast network, now owned by Fox, issued a joint statement that said "Jussie Smollett has always maintained his innocence and we are gratified on his behalf that all charges against him have been dismissed." --> By Chloe Melas: Here are some of Hollywood's reactions to the news... Lowry's take Brian Lowry emails: Chris Hayes rather neatly summed up the awkward position some of those decrying Jussie Smollett's release are in, given its proximity to the "did not exonerate" line from the Barr letter based on the Mueller report. | | Meanwhile, strictly from a public-relations standpoint, it doesn't feel like going out on a limb to say that anyone choosing to register an opinion on the disposition of Smollett's case is, at this point, needlessly going out on a limb... Avenatti's first interview since the arrest CBS says this is Michael Avenatti's "first interview since he was arrested on federal charges of fraud and extortion." He sat down with Jericka Duncan on Tuesday... A clip aired on the "Evening News..." And the interview will air Wednesday on "CBS This Morning..."
FOR THE RECORD, PART TWO -- Vice's Broadly has created "a stock photo library with images of transgender and non-binary people, to increase the visibility of those communities..." (CJR) -- Sinclair is "shutting down its general interest website, Circa.com," Erik Wemple reports. The company is blaming the "onerous" environment for smaller digital publishers... (Twitter) -- One more from Wemple: "Remember when the New York Times cleared Trump of collusion before the election?" (WaPo)
YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST... León Krauze joining WaPo's Global Opinions The Washington Post is continuing to build out its Global Opinions section... The newest addition is award-winning Mexican journalist León Krauze, an anchor at KMEX Univision 34 and a co-host of Slate's "Trumpcast." He will be a contributing columnist, starting in April... Inside Javelin This Jason Zengerle story about the Washington literary agency Javelin is a must-read. It details how Keith Urbahn and Matt Latimer set out to displace Bob Barnett "as the king of the Washington literary hill." While "Barnett isn't exactly hurting for business," the Trump era "has spelled an end to his near-monopoly on brokering political blockbusters," Zengerle writes. Javelin has shepherded James Comey, Cliff Sims and others through the book process. "Now rarely a week goes by that Latimer and Urbahn don't hear from someone in the administration..." --> More interestingly, the story details how things went "sideways" between Javelin and Sean Spicer and Omarosa Manigault Newman. Latimer says that in both cases, the ex-officials failed to see that "the key to getting out of Trump World, in my view, is mystery." Former Mattis aide writing a fly-on-the-wall book Zengerle also revealed that there's another big book on the way: retired Navy Cmdr. Guy "Bus" Snodgrass, who was comms director for Defense Secretary James Mattis, is writing a book titled "Holding the Line." It will come out this October. The value proposition of the book is to read "what it was like inside the room with Trump and Mattis," Urbahn says... -- Related: NBC's Courtney Kube says this will be "the first book by one of Mattis' closest advisers, and is the first look behind the scenes of Mattis' nearly two-year tenure as defense secretary..." "Becoming" tops ten million copies "Becoming" by Michelle Obama "is on course to become the most successful memoir in publishing history, after selling more than 10 million copies to date, the former first lady's publisher said on Tuesday," The FT's Tobias Buck reported. Bertelsmann CEO Thomas Rabe called the book "highly profitable" for Penguin Random House. And he said "we believe that these memoirs could well become the most successful memoir ever..." Remember, as the FT noted, Penguin paid "a record $65 million in a two-book deal" with the Obamas... Barack's book coming later this year? I noticed this detail in the WSJ's "Becoming" story: "Markus Dohle, Penguin Random House's chief executive, said the publisher hoped to release Mr. Obama's presidential memoir this year."
FOR THE RECORD, PART THREE -- Facebook says the Indian elections are a "top priority:" The company is "taking steps to reduce the spread of false information on its platforms ahead of India's general election..." (AP) -- Another must-read by Ben Strauss: "A leak investigation cost Adnan Virk his ESPN career. Now he's starting over..." (WaPo) The Correspondent is no longer launching a US newsroom 🤔 Last December I covered The Corrrespondent's bid to raise $2.5 million to launch a news operation in the United States. This model worked in the Netherlands, so the founders decided to expand, and they won a number of big celebrity backers in the US. The campaign raised $2.6 million, but now co-founder and CEO Ernst Pfauth says he's going to keep the organization in Amsterdam "We've closed our campaign office in NYC," he wrote Monday, "and we have decided that we won't open a newsroom in the US for now." However, The Correspondent will start covering news in English at the end of September, with correspondents "all over the world." Some donors are now questioning this... Others are calling it a "bait and switch..." Kathie Lee's farewell party NBC threw a farewell party for Kathie Lee Gifford at the Times Square Edition Hotel on Tuesday night. Friday, April 5 is her last day on "Today..." Spotted: Hoda Kotb, Savannah Guthrie, Al Roker, Carson Daly, Craig Melvin, Dylan Dreyer, Lester Holt, Noah Oppenheim, Meredith Vieira, Andy Cohen and more... | | Star-studded send-off for "Veep" "Veep" star Julia-Louis Dreyfus received a standing ovation when she walked on stage at the season premiere of the show's final season Tuesday night in NYC. Casey Bloys told the crowd it's "surreal" to be saying goodbye to "Veep," and called it "one of the great classics of HBO." You know that feeling you get when you've been laughing so hard your sides hurt? That's how I feel right now, after seeing two of the episodes... --Spotted: The entire cast, from JLD to Tony Hale to Anna Chlumsky... Plus Richard Greenblatt, Jeff Zucker, Bryan Cranston, Tammy Haddad, Frank Rich, Pam Wasserstein, Matthew Ball, Michael Barbaro, Lisa Tobin, Ben Smith, Ilana Glazer, Abbi Jacobson, Stephen Colbert, Chris Licht, John Oliver, Al Franken, Lena Dunham, Wyatt Cenac, Jessica Williams, John Avlon, Mehmet Oz, Edmund Lee, Lorne Manly, Callie Schweitzer, Quentin Schaffer, and many more... Speaking of Franken and Hale and comedy... The Daily Beast's new pod The Daily Beast is taking a big swing with a podcast called "The Last Laugh." EIC Noah Shachtman says it's the pod "where the biggest names in comedy get real. The first episode features Sarah Silverman, and she makes a ton of news -- on her break from Hulu, on the 'bulls--t' allegations against Al Franken, and more." And episode two features Hale...
FOR THE RECORD, PART FOUR -- This blackout is over: Dish Network and Univision have "agreed to end a more than nine-month standoff that left the satellite TV company without its most popular Spanish-language programming and drove many customers away from the service..." (WSJ) -- "HBO is losing another top executive:" Simon Sutton, president and chief revenue officer, "is stepping down..." (Bloomberg) -- "After more than a decade at 20th Century Fox Television, prolific writer-producer Brad Falchuk is heading to Netflix with a massive four-year overall deal..." (Deadline) | | Jordan Peele might have made a secret cameo in 'Us' For real! Lisa Respers France has the details here... ABC chief's "rebound" plan ABC's new entertainment president Karey Burke gave a wide-ranging interview to THR's Lesley Goldberg... Check it out here... Some of the highlights: -- Top goal: "To get back to No. 1 with women. To rebound from a tough fall." -- How to grow: "We start with scripted then focus on what broadcast can do specifically, uniquely and best: live events. Since I've been here, we've bought a few big tentpole live events. Also, we're having conversations with our partners at ESPN and the news division about collaborating on big tentpole events." -- Becoming more talent-friendly: "We are willing and supportive of doing a certain number of series every year that will be shorter orders... Never has there been more of an opportunity for actors to go back and forth between film and television. We have to make that possible." -- A possible "Modern Family" spin-off: "We will dive into those conversations very soon." Will Kimmel leave? Goldberg noted in the interview that "Jimmy Kimmel is in the last year of his contract and has teased retirement." Burke said keeping Kimmel is a "top priority," and "we are actively in conversations with Jimmy and his team about staying on for as long as he wants to... It's my hope that he'll be around for a few more years..." And if he decides to leave, Burke said "Jimmy has pitched a contingency plan that is brilliant..."
FOR THE RECORD, PART FIVE By Lisa Respers France: -- Here's a recap of the many twists and turns in the Jussie Smollett investigation... -- Justin Bieber is stepping away from music for a minute because of "deep rooted issues." -- You oughta know... that Alanis Morissette is pregnant! Papadopoulos is filming a reality show for... who? Brian Lowry emails: George Papadopoulos again referenced that he and his wife are filming a "post-Mueller" docu-series about their lives during an interview Tuesday with MSNBC's Ari Melber. The Washington Post reported on the project back in December, although at that point there was no distributor for the project, and frankly, it's hard to imagine where such a show would fit... | | Thanks for reading! Email me feedback anytime. Hope you had a great weekend... see you tomorrow... | | | | |
ترك برس - النشرة 27-02-2019 Posted: 26 Mar 2019 08:30 PM PDT |
NEWS ALERT: James Comey confused by Mueller's obstruction decision: 'I can't quite understand what's going on' Posted: 26 Mar 2019 07:36 PM PDT NEWS ALERT: James Comey confused by Mueller's obstruction decision: 'I can't quite understand what's going on' Former FBI chief James Comey said in a speech Tuesday evening that he is confused by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's reasoning on charging President Trump ... | The Washington Times | NEWS ALERT | | | | Tuesday, March 26, 2019 10:28 PM EDT | | | NEWS ALERT Former FBI chief James Comey said in a speech Tuesday evening that he is confused by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's reasoning on charging President Trump with obstruction of justice. Read More > | | | | | | | | | | If you don't want to receive these emails unsubscribe | 3600 New York Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002 | | |
Doom Eternal And Rage 2 Still Headed To Steam Despite Bethesda.net - Ars Technica Posted: 26 Mar 2019 06:26 PM PDT |
Smollett’s stunning U-turn Posted: 26 Mar 2019 04:15 PM PDT TicToc Tonight Greetings, TicToc readers! Tuesday's almost over. Here's what's happening: - More blackouts stifle Venezuela
- Trump's fight to gut Obamacare
- One perfect NCAA bracket remains
But first... Hoax case against Smollett dropped All of Jussie Smollett's charges have been dropped, but Chicago's mayor still calls his story a hoax. The "Empire" actor who'd been accused of staging a hate crime against himself was indicted on 16 felony counts last month, and on Tuesday, his lawyers said, "his record has been wiped clean." Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel condemned the "whitewash of justice" after the prosecutors dropped the charges, and police chief Eddie T. Johnson said he doesn't believe justice was served. More: - The state's attorney's office cited Smollett's "volunteer service and agreement to forfeit his bond to Chicago" as justification for its decision.
- Smollett said he's been "truthful and consistent on every level since day one. I would not be my mother's son if I was capable of one drop of what I've been accused of."
- Smollett's attorneys said he was a victim of Chicago officials who "vilified" him.
More of today's headlines Trump's national emergency is still standing after the House failed to override his veto on a resolution to block his declaration for a border wall. Venezuela was hit by another electricity blackout, only two weeks after a nationwide outage paralyzed the country. Connor McGregor, the former UFC champ, announced his retirement from MMA. He's reportedly under investigation over sexual assault allegations. McDonald's is spending more than $300 million on a decision-logic tech company to personalize digital menus for diners. The Green New Deal, backed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, failed to advance in the Senate as Democrats accused the GOP of putting on a "stunt" vote. Maybe this is why. Data of the day New hazards. Major flooding across the U.S. Midwest has reached at least eight Superfund sites in three states, and it's keeping EPA staff from determining whether any are leaking toxic chemicals as a result. Lean back and watch The Krispy Kreme dynasty is confronting its Nazi past. Germany's billionaire Reimann family is donating $11,000,000 to charity. Who's to blame for Brexit pain? Theresa May? MPs? The EU? Britons told us who they hold most accountable. It sees you when you're driving. Volvo is introducing new in-car cameras and sensors to watch you for signs of intoxication or distraction. Listen to our podcast Trump's push to gut Obamacare. In a dramatic reversal, the Justice Department now says the entire Affordable Care Act should be struck down. This new shift doubles down on stripping away all of the law's health care protections—and sets up a new fight on the road to 2020. Listen to today's TicToc podcast with Andrew Mach and Anna Edney. Don't miss this Privacy scare? China's airport facial scans that quickly pull up your flight details have made it to the U.S. Coffee or cocktail? Keurig has created a new machine that can serve up alcoholic drinks from single-serving pods at the touch of a button. Tourist bust. A Russian man was arrested after he attempted to smuggle a drugged orangutan out of Indonesia. Before you go Pristine predictions. After 48 NCAA games, only one March Madness bracket is still perfect heading into the Sweet 16. It's the longest streak of correct bracket picks ever. (FYI, the bracket shows Gonzaga at No. 1.) Thanks for reading! Watch your inbox for our next newsletter tomorrow. Until then, share TicToc Tonight with your friends. -Andrew Mach | | |
Charges Dropped Against Jussie Smollett Posted: 26 Mar 2019 04:14 PM PDT | | Chicago Police reportedly furious over developments. Infowars.com | | | Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com | | Jamie White | Infowars.com | | Paul Joseph Watson | Infowars.com | | Jamie White | Infowars.com | | | Dan Lyman | Europewars.com | | Ben Warren | Europewars.com | | | Steve Watson | Infowars.com | | | Kaitlin Bennett | Infowars.com | | | | |
NEWS ALERT: Cook County prosecutor who dropped hoax charges says he believes Jussie Smollett is guilty Posted: 26 Mar 2019 03:30 PM PDT NEWS ALERT: Cook County prosecutor who dropped hoax charges says he believes Jussie Smollett is guilty The Cook County prosecutor who dropped the charges against Jussie Smollett said Tuesday he believes the actor is guilty, but decided not to prosecute him ... | The Washington Times | NEWS ALERT | | | | Tuesday, March 26, 2019 6:21 PM EDT | | | NEWS ALERT The Cook County prosecutor who dropped the charges against Jussie Smollett said Tuesday he believes the actor is guilty, but decided not to prosecute him anyway. Read More > | | | | | | | | | | If you don't want to receive these emails unsubscribe | 3600 New York Avenue NE Washington, DC 20002 | | |
Egypt, Israel Face a Tall Second Step (Hassanein | PolicyWatch 3096) Posted: 26 Mar 2019 03:26 PM PDT THE SECOND STEP IN EGYPT-ISRAEL PEACE IS A TALL ONE by Haisam Hassanein PolicyWatch 3096 March 26, 2019 Despite their treaty's rock-solid record on preventing armed conflict, the two countries still hold fundamentally different views on further normalization. READ THIS ITEM ON OUR WEBSITE March 26 marks the fortieth anniversary of the U.S.-brokered peace treaty signed by Egyptian president Anwar Sadat and Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin. To commemorate that historic moment, Israel recently organized events at the Truman Research Institute, the Institute for National Security Studies, Western Galilee College, Bar Ilan University, and the Tami Steinmetz Center for Peace Research, each involving heavy media coverage. Yet many participants were frustrated because authorities in Cairo did not allow any Egyptian officials or private citizens to participate in these events. Neither diplomatic logistics nor the government’s stated explanations adequately account for this omission. Several Egyptian officials stationed in Tel Aviv speak Hebrew fluently and are quite capable of addressing Israeli audiences. Moreover, while one such official said that Cairo wished to preserve its official commemoration of the agreement for an event to be hosted by President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi himself, no such event has been scheduled so far. The same glaring divergence can be seen in each country’s media response to the anniversary. Israeli news outlets have devoted ample space to celebrating the agreement, but barely any Egyptian outlets have covered it save for a few quotations from Israeli media. Rather, they have focused on the thirtieth anniversary of Israel returning the disputed Sinai town of Taba to Egyptian control—an event celebrated as a national holiday every March 19. Meanwhile, a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated website recently published a report calling peace between the two countries “imaginary” and lamenting its “catastrophic and counterproductive effects,” since it opened the door for Israel’s continued existence. What is behind these wildly divergent responses, and what policy implications do they hold for regional relations with Israel? PEACE WITHOUT NORMALIZATION Forty years after the treaty, the current status of Egypt-Israel relations is full of important and encouraging milestones: - No armed hostilities between the two countries for four decades
- Fully intact military agreements
- Ongoing diplomatic and consular relations
- Free passage of Israeli shipping in the Suez Canal
- Bilateral trade (though Egypt keeps it to a bare minimum)
- Close military cooperation to prevent terrorist attacks on Israel emanating from Egypt
- No Egyptian intervention when Israel confronts other Arab neighbors militarily
- Legalized Israeli tourism to Egypt (though Cairo does nothing to encourage it)
- Open channels of dialogue on establishing comprehensive peace in the region
Yet a sharp distinction must be made between maintaining these basic aspects of peace and taking relations a step further to normalization. Over the years, both countries have concluded that the first goal is far more important than the second. Each country separates these priorities to a different degree, however, and Egyptian authorities have used this difference to further their own interests, often wielding it as a tool of punishment or reward. Cairo is well aware that many Israelis are so eager for recognition, warmth, and normal relations that they will often seize on whatever diplomatic door is opened—and willingly pay a price to keep it open if the other side threatens to close it. This is why Egypt will occasionally exchange delegations with Israel, send a group of tourists there, cooperate in certain technical fields, moderate attacks in the Egyptian media, ameliorate the security situation around the Israeli embassy, grant permission to hold bilateral cultural activities, marginally improve trade relations, allow meetings between Israeli and Egyptian notables, accept Israeli invitations to high-profile dinners, and participate in trade shows or cultural fairs with Israelis. At the same time, the government allows local media to maintain a very hostile tone toward Israel. During last year’s Ramadan observances, for example, Egyptian television aired a show in which an al-Qaeda member operating in the country turns out to be an Israeli Mossad agent bent on compromising Egypt’s national security. The government publicly praised the program, and its tacit endorsement of such warped views seems clear given the degree to which Sisi’s camp has controlled the media since he rose to power. Most media depictions of Israel-related issues can be thought of as approved by government officials, reflecting a widespread desire to ostracize Israelis and Jews, foment fear and hatred toward them, and glorify the Arab struggle against them. To be sure, Egypt is totally committed to maintaining the peace despite such rhetoric. After all, the al-Qaeda/Mossad conspiracy broadcast and others like it have aired at a time of unprecedented security cooperation between the Israeli and Egyptian militaries. Cairo is also keen on helping the international community expand peace with Israel to other Arab states. Yet its concept of peaceful relations is different from Israel’s. Egyptians see no foreseeable conflict with Israel unless it attacks them first or harms their national interests. Accordingly, there is no credible scenario in which they would fight on behalf of the Palestinians, Lebanese, or Syrians. This fact has already been tested and proven many times—during Palestinian intifadas, wars in Lebanon, Israeli military campaigns in Gaza, and other situations. Cairo has learned from its pre-1979 mistakes and will not enter a war against Israel again except under dire national security circumstances. Egypt also sees itself as the reigning leader of the Arab world, and therefore entitled to continue pursuing Arab interests vis-a-vis Israel. This attitude did not change when the Arab League expelled Cairo from the organization’s ranks for years after it signed the treaty with Israel. Ever since the 1973 war, Egyptian officials have concluded that Arab issues with Israel must be dealt with not on the battlefield, but at the negotiating table. As proof of this theory, they note that Sinai was restored to them without firing a single shot. At the same time, Cairo seems to believe other Arab states are not strong enough to handle full normalization, theorizing that such an outcome would allow Israel to take control of their economic and financial systems. Hence, Egyptian officials seem to market their own approach to Israel as the best model—namely, sign a bilateral peace agreement, yet greatly limit normalization in order to forestall the supposed damage that Israel would do to the region’s social, political, and cultural texture. The bright silver lining to this cold-peace model is that Egyptian officials will never seriously consider abolishing the peace treaty, mainly due to strategic reasons. In their view, the international community would deem such a decision an act of aggression. This would in turn pave the way for Israel to attack and seize Sinai and the Suez Canal, greatly harming Egypt’s economic interests while enriching Israel’s own. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR U.S. POLICY The United States can take several specific steps to lower the barriers that have long impeded true normalization between Israel and Egypt. For one, the Trump administration should encourage Cairo to enable tourist travel to Israel without requiring individuals to obtain permission from the country’s intelligence and security apparatus. Egypt has Hebrew departments at thirteen universities, but graduates from these programs are generally not allowed to visit Israel. Likewise, few Egyptian businesspeople have been permitted to explore deals with Israel even when such cooperation would greatly benefit the country as a whole—for example, projects that draw on Israel’s tremendous experience with water technology could help ease Cairo’s scarcity concerns. Haisam Hassanein was the 2016-2017 Glazer Fellow at The Washington Institute. |
Michigan couple says they caught a ghost on nanny cam after finding scratches on their baby’s face Posted: 26 Mar 2019 02:55 PM PDT If you are having trouble viewing this email click here | | 3/26/19 | | | | | | SPOOKY Michigan Couple Says They Caught a Ghost on Nanny Cam After Finding Scratches on Baby's Face | | Heather Brough and Joshua Higgins said they are moving out of their Michigan home after, they said, a ghost may have left scratches on their daughter's face | | | | | STAR TRACKS Keri Russell Goes Glam in N.Y.C., Plus the Lohan Family, Reese Witherspoon & More | | From Hollywood to New York and everywhere in between, see what your favorite stars are up to | | | | | | | NEW DETAILS Police, Mayor Slam Decision to Drop Charges Against Jussie Smollett: 'Whitewash of Justice' | | Charges against Empire star Jussie Smollett were dropped, but prosecutors say they "stand by" the accusations against him | | | | | | | AWKWARD... Elisabeth Hasselbeck 'Started Praying' After Learning of Rosie O'Donnell's 'Disturbing' Crush | | "I totally forgive you," Elisabeth Hasselbeck told Rosie O'Donnell on Tuesday's Fox & Friends | | | | | SPEAKING OUT Jussie Smollett Says He's Been 'Truthful and Consistent on Every Single Level Since Day 1' | | Jussie Smollett had been accused of staging a hate crime attack, but the charges were dropped | | CLICK HERE FOR MORE NEWS | | | | | | Meredith Corporation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, IA 50309 PEOPLE may receive compensation for some links to products and services in this email. Offers may be subject to change without notice.
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Purdue pays the price Posted: 26 Mar 2019 02:42 PM PDT Evening Briefing Purdue Pharma will pay $270 million to settle Oklahoma's claims that illegal marketing of Oxycontin devastated local communities, the first accord in a wave of lawsuits faced by the drugmaker. Three dozen states and 1,600 U.S. cities and counties have similar suits pending against Purdue and two other opioid makers. —Josh Petri Here are today's top stories Now that Parliament has seized control of Brexit from Prime Minister Theresa May, it will vote on alternatives to her deal Wednesday. Carlos Ghosn received an unusual perk during his time at Nissan. The company paid for all four of his children to attend Stanford University. The world's cheapest hospital charges just $700 for cancer surgery. Pretty good, but under India's new health-care system, Bloomberg Businessweek reports, that's not good enough. McDonald's is spending more than $300 million on a decision-logic tech company. The acquisition will allow the fast-food chain to vary digital menus depending on weather, time of day or regional preferences. Following a Bloomberg Businessweek report, Lloyd's of London outlined a plan to address allegations of sexual misconduct. Just three years after the landmark Paris agreement, carbon emissions hit a record high last year after energy demand grew the most in a decade. What's Joe Weisenthal thinking about? The Bloomberg news director is unpacking yesterday's Apple rollout. Investors were underwhelmed by the new services the company introduced as shares fell 1.2 percent. But the bigger picture is that all of the internet giants appear to be setting up for a new battle, one where they try to block each other out. What you'll need to know tomorrow What you'll want to read in Businessweek Extreme weather events are getting worse, and so is their impact on coastal real estate. But even as coastal housing becomes more vulnerable, the cost of living there has stayed relatively stable, and home prices continue to rise. It's not that homebuyers are ignoring the growing threat of climate-related damage; it's just that there are too few financial repercussions for coastal homeowners. Like Bloomberg's Evening Briefing? Subscribe to Bloomberg.com. You'll get our unmatched global news coverage and two premium daily newsletters, The Bloomberg Open and The Bloomberg Close, and much, much more. See our limited-time introductory offer. Interested in the future of health care? Sign up for Bloomberg's Prognosis. Get the latest news and analysis about the people, science and industries driving the medical economy, delivered to your mailbox weekly. Download the Bloomberg app: It's available for iOS and Android. | | |
عالم المعرفة Posted: 26 Mar 2019 02:21 PM PDT بخدعة "بارعة".. طفل مصري ينقذ 51 تلميذا إيطاليا من الموت حرقا Posted: 26 Mar 2019 04:42 AM PDT ساهم طفل مصري يبلغ من العمر 13 عاما بحيلة بارعة في إنقاذ حياة 51 تلميذا إيطاليا كانوا على متن حافلة مدرسية خطفها سائقها، ثم أشعل النار فيها بالقرب من مدينة ميلانو. ووفق ما ذكرته وكالة أنسا الإيطالية الإخبارية، الجمعة، فإن سائق الحافلة الإيطالي من أصل سنغالي اختطف الأربعاء الماضي حافلة مدرسية على متنها 51 طفلا وأحرقها بالقرب من ميلانو شمالي البلاد. وألمحت الوكالة إلى أن سائق الحافلة فعل ذلك احتجاجا على سياسات منع دخول اللاجئين. وأشارت إلى أن مصريا يدعى رامي شحاتة خبأ هاتفه المحمول بعدما استولى السائق على كل هواتف زملائه المحمولة، وأجرى اتصالا بوالده أثناء تظاهره بتلاوة بعض الصلوات بالعربية، لكنه كان يرسل رسالة استغاثة. واتصل والد رامي بالشرطة على الفور -تقول وكالة أنسا- وأبلغها عن تلك الواقعة، مما مكن الشرطة من تحديد موقع الحافلة ومطاردتها، وإجبار السائق على التوقف أثناء إضرام النيران بها. وحسب المصدر ذاته، تمكنت الشرطة من كسر نوافذ الحافلة وإنقاذ الأطفال وإخراجهم جميعا سالمين. واحتفت وسائل إعلام محلية -بينها صحيفة لا ريبوبليكا- برامي وأطلقت عليه لقب البطل. وأفادت مصادر إعلامية أن إيطاليا قررت منحه جنسيتها تقديرا لعمله البطولي. وفي وقت سابق، قال والده لوسائل إعلام محلية "لقد أدى ابني واجبه، ولو حصل على الجنسية الآن فسيكون هذا شيئا لطيفا (..) نود أن نبقى في هذا البلد". وتتجه أعداد غير قليلة من المصريين للهجرة إلى إيطاليا، ووفق إحصاء رسمي مصري عام 2017، هناك 1.2 مليون مصري مقيمون بالدول الأوروبية، منهم 560 ألف مقيم بإيطاليا أو ما يعادل 44.8% منهم. المصدر : وكالة الأناضول,الجزيرة | |
Yearning For More Blog Posts Posted: 26 Mar 2019 02:12 PM PDT Gosh that tumbleweed is clogging up the blog! I logged into github today and saw this highly active project in my feed called The Yearning. A hybrid singleplayer / multiplayer game about spider drones and the meaning of life. If that doesn't mean too much to you (it didn't to me!) then fortunately you can check out this gif of some gameplay. Lots of other projects continue on strongly. Then there's others that need a bit of TLC. Somebody is having a bit of a go with reviving Open City, which could hopefully lead to making it a bigger project with more contributors later down the line. Then there's somebody reviving Lips of Suna. That's the great thing about open source - there's always a chance somebody is interested enough to take on the mantle should the original developer move on to other things. |
Apple is not quite ready to serve you Posted: 26 Mar 2019 02:04 PM PDT Bloomberg Opinion Today Today's Agenda New Apple Unready for Picking The entity known as "Apple Inc." has been reincarnated many times. It's gone from legendary garage-based computer-maker to also-ran to iPod inventor to civilization-changing iPhone deity. But the iPhone magic is wearing off as sales decline, forcing the company to adopt yet another new incarnation: Fun Digital Services Apple. It had one of its big events yesterday to debut this new persona, and it was as flashy as any other Apple event – Oprah! Spielberg! Big Bird! – but what it lacked was much in the way of actual, uh, digital services, notes Shira Ovide. Some of what Apple announced (its news service) was just a reheated offering of what it already serves. The rest was broad-outline, distant-future stuff, all still restricted to the relatively small walled garden of Apple's devices, where most of phone-using humanity does not tread. "If the bullish investment thesis about Apple rests on its competence to transition to a digital services company, Monday's event put a dent in that notion," Shira writes. Read the whole thing. Further Big Tech Reading: Trump Snatching Defeat From Jaws of Victory President Donald Trump and his supporters spent another day end-zone dancing about how Attorney General Robert Barr's characterization of Robert Mueller's Russiagate report kinda-sorta exonerated him. "The Resistance," the media, Democrats and certain national security officials all have some soul-searching to do, observes Eli Lake. Still, Team Trump's jubilation is unseemly and risky, as are its threats to wreak vengeance on reporters, pundits, politicians and anybody else who has criticized POTUS, writes Jonathan Bernstein. It's a reminder of why Trump's unfit for his job, Jonathan writes, adding that his premature celebration makes it more likely the actual Mueller report might embarrass him. Speaking of which, Trump took this very moment of seeming triumph to aim a bazooka at the Affordable Care Act, which he has already spent two fruitless years trying to destroy, to his and his party's political detriment. Max Nisen points out this would mean millions losing their health-care coverage and being punished for having pre-existing health conditions, just in time for the 2020 election. If Democrats were reeling from Trump's (as-yet-unconfirmed) Russiagate exoneration, they got a fresh shot of life from this, Max writes. Like a Rolling Brexit Britain continued to Brexit around like a chicken with its head cut off. Parliament voted to take control of the process from Theresa May, whatever that means, but it's still hopelessly lost about what it wants to do, exactly, writes Therese Raphael. A few hard-core Brexiteers held their noses and said they'd vote for May's twice-rejected plan, but that still seems like a long shot. Tomorrow Parliament will consider a New Jersey diner menu's worth of Brexit options, and will vote separately on each of them, until they narrow them down to a handful, and then there will be more votes, more winnowing, until eventually Zeno's Paradox kicks in and they never get anywhere. Meanwhile, Emmanuel Macron will be in France, holding the door slightly ajar for Britain to come back home to the EU, Lionel Laurent writes. Mining Their Own Business For some inexplicable reason, the U.S. still operates under something called the General Mining Act of 1872. This lets the hardrock mining industry – which digs for gold, silver and other minerals – spend minimal amounts on land; avoid paying royalties for the minerals it finds; and ignore its environmental damage. This may have been sensible policy back when America was Manifest Destinying its way to the Pacific Ocean. But it has made very little sense for several decades, Bloomberg editorial board writes. It's long past time Congress changed it. Telltale Charts With so much debt yielding less than zero now, it's tempting to chase yield in risky investments. Now is a good time to resist that urge, counsels Brian Chappatta. Activists are right to target Bed Bath & Beyond Inc., writes Sarah Halzack. The only question is whether it's too late to help. Further Reading The world isn't doing enough to fight right-wing terrorism. – Sasha Havlicek and Zahed Amanullah Neither Israel's Golan Heights nor Russia's Crimean annexation should be recognized. – Leonid Bershidsky Neither Israel nor Hamas wants a protracted conflict, but they might get it anyway. – Hussein Ibish NIMBYism is destroying the quality of life in America's biggest cities. – Tyler Cowen Businesses should actively recruit students from non-elite colleges. – Margaret Spellings Italy's populist government is making authoritarian China feel good about itself. – Virginia Postrel The Fed has no idea how inflation happens or how to influence it. – Jim Bianco The Reimann family can atone for its Nazi past best by helping immigrants. – Leonid Bershidsky There are many legitimate ways to shake companies down for money. Michael Avenatti allegedly tried a different way. – Matt Levine Even if Theranos hadn't been a Potemkin village, its device wouldn't really have helped humanity. – Faye Flam ICYMI Trump tried to undo North Korea sanctions after all. Jussie Smollett's charges were dropped. Nissan paid $601,000 to send Carlos Ghosn's kids to Stanford. Kickers Man steals $122 million from Facebook and Google by sending them fake invoices. New Jersey high school's production of "Alien: The Play" goes viral. (h/t Scott Kominers for first two kickers) Very cool pictures of octopi and squid. (h/t Alistair Lowe) The 50 best movies of 1999, parts one and two. (The rankings are bad, the movies aren't.) Note: Please send invoices and complaints to Mark Gongloff at mgongloff1@bloomberg.net. New to Bloomberg Opinion Today? Sign up here and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. | | |
EL MOUDJAHID : Lettre d'information du 27/03/2019 Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:42 PM PDT |
What recession? Canadian job vacancies, offered wages spike Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:40 PM PDT Statistics Canada data released Monday showed there were 548,000 job vacancies nationwide in the fourth quarter of 2018, up 16.6 per cent in a year. All 10 of the largest industrial sectors saw an increase in job openings. Among provinces, only Saskatchewan saw a decrease in job openings, and only by about 500 jobs. In a statement posted to its website Monday afternoon, SNC-Lavalin says it never threatened the federal government. "Canadians can have confidence in our government's respect for the institutions, the Supreme Court," Trudeau said in Winnipeg Tuesday morning. "Canadians have confidence in the strength of our judiciary in this country." A woman who escaped violence and human trafficking, and helped shelter former CIA whistleblower Edward Snowden when he fled to Hong Kong, has arrived in Canada with her daughter after being granted refugee status. Our new series, "Navigating," is all about figuring out the challenges of modern life, starting with jealousy. Host and producer Kait Howell enlists a wide variety of experts and gurus to try to navigate the path. Don't worry, you're not in this alone. 👍 You're all set. Have a great day. HuffPost is now part of Verizon Media Group. On May 25, 2018, we introduced a new privacy policy, which explains how your data is used and shared. Learn more.Follow HuffPost Canada on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ©2019 HuffPost Canada | 99 Spadina Ave., Suite 200, Toronto, Ont., M5V 3P8 You are receiving this email because you signed up for updates from HuffPost Canada Feedback | Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe | |
Ep 38: A Tankful Of Lard Is Live! Posted: 26 Mar 2019 12:38 PM PDT |
Women’s Groups Take on Radicalization in Tunisia Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:43 AM PDT Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | | Maro Youssef and Hamza Mighri | March 26, 2019 Tunisian women's associations aim to lead efforts to prevent radicalization among women, but insufficient funding and inter-organizational divides hamper their efforts. | | | | | | |
BREAKING NEWS: House fails to override Trump veto on border emergency Posted: 26 Mar 2019 11:16 AM PDT The House failed to override President Donald Trump's veto of legislation blocking his national emergency declaration at the border, capping off a months-long congressional battle over the president's signature issue. Fourteen Republicans joined all Democrats on the 248-181 vote, far short of the two-thirds majority needed to overturn the first veto of Trump's presidency. The fight over Trump's unilateral move to build his wall now falls to the courts, where its fate is uncertain. Read more: https://politi.co/2HS2PRn To change your alert settings, please go to https://secure.politico.com/settings
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Most Social: Exclusive: Crew member recounts what happened on that stranded, storm-tossed Viking Sky cruise ship Posted: 26 Mar 2019 10:01 AM PDT |
Charges against Jussie Smollett dropped after Chicago cops claimed he faked attack Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:14 AM PDT |
All Charges Dropped Against 'Empire' Actor! Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:16 AM PDT Tune into the Live Show | | Alex Jones here! catch this Tuesday Broadcast now! All criminal charges against 'Empire' actor Jussie Smollett have been dropped and his record has been wiped clean just two weeks after he pleaded not guilty to 16 counts of disorderly conduct for allegedly lying to police about a hate crime! On today's show, I explain how this could happen. Also, House Democrats just gave the Justice Department a one-week ultimatum to submit Robert Mueller’s full report despite Mueller and Attorney General William Barr both concluding there was no collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russia!Catch this LIVE BROADCAST now where I break down how the establishment media will amplify all this to assure Americans quickly forget that they've been actively lied to for years! Tune into infowars.com/show Monday-Friday from 11AM-3PM Central and Sunday 4-6 PM Central to watch the most banned broadcast in the world with breaking news and commentary exclusively from me and other great Infowars hosts and guests!Tell your friends and family to tune into infowars.com/show to watch today's broadcast and beat the Big Tech censors! As Infowars faces unprecedented censorship, it's more important than ever that you spread this link. Remember – if you’re receiving this email, you are the resistance. | | | |
بريطانيا: البرلمان يصادر ملف "بريكست" والحكومة تخسر 3 من وزرائها Posted: 26 Mar 2019 08:59 AM PDT نسخة على الإنترنت | نسختك الخاصة من أخبار يورونيوز – 03/26/19 |
نشرتك اليومية من الأخبار المختلفة المتنوعة |
يورونيوز، كل الحقوق محفوظة، Euronews SA, 56 quai Rambaud, 69002 Lyon, France |
هذه الرسالة تصلك لأنك قمت بالتسجيل والاشتراك في النشرة الإخبارية ليورونيوز، إن لم ترغب في استلامها، يمكنك إلغاء الاشتراك بالنقر هنا |
وفقا للقانون الفرنسي المتعلق بتكنولوجيا المعلومات وملف البيانات والحريات المدنية في 6 يناير 1978، لك الحق في أي وقت أن تدخل، تصادق، أو تحذف معلومات خاصة بك، يمكنك من خلال « الكتابة إلينا في قسم "contact" أو الاتصال ». |
40 Years of Israel-Egypt Peace (Ross, Makovsky | Wall St. Journal) Posted: 26 Mar 2019 08:14 AM PDT 40 YEARS OF PEACE BETWEEN ISRAEL AND EGYPT by Dennis Ross and David Makovsky Wall Street Journal March 25, 2019 Sadat and Begin gambled everything, and the bet continues to pay off despite the dearth of normalization between the two societies. READ THE FULL ARTICLE In a region beset by national, sectarian and tribal conflicts, the treaty between the two nations has endured since its signing on March 26, 1979. It has withstood the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, two Palestinian intifadas, two wars in Lebanon and the election of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohammed Morsi. The peace remains cold, yet both governments remain invested in it... Dennis Ross is the counselor and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute. David Makovsky is the Institute’s Ziegler Distinguished Fellow and director of its Project on Arab-Israel Relations. Their book Be Strong and of Good Courage: How Israel’s Most Important Leaders Shaped Its Destiny will be published in September. |
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