Tuesday, January 29, 2019

World Alert: Embattled Venezuelan president says he’s willing to negotiate with U.S.-backed opposition

President Nicolas Maduro told Russia's RIA news agency that he was ready to talk with the opposition headed by Juan Guaido with the participation of international mediators, saying that "several governments and organizations" have demonstrated their concern and called for dialogue. The offer comes after Venezuela froze Guaido's bank accounts and prohibited him from leaving the country.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
World Alert Jan 30, 2:18 AM
Embattled Venezuelan president says he's willing to negotiate with U.S.-backed opposition

President Nicolas Maduro told Russia's RIA news agency that he was ready to talk with the opposition headed by Juan Guaido with the participation of international mediators, saying that "several governments and organizations" have demonstrated their concern and called for dialogue.

The offer comes after Venezuela froze Guaido's bank accounts and prohibited him from leaving the country.

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