Tuesday, January 29, 2019

World Alert: British Parliament moves to take greater control of Brexit, OKs measure asserting that Britain shouldn't leave E.U. without a deal

Lawmakers on Tuesday voted in favor of an amendment that seeks to take the threat of a no-deal exit off the table. The measure is advisory only and would require the cooperation of Prime Minister Theresa May. Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union on March 29.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
World Alert Jan 29, 3:28 PM
British Parliament moves to take greater control of Brexit, OKs measure asserting that Britain shouldn't leave E.U. without a deal

Lawmakers on Tuesday voted in favor of an amendment that seeks to take the threat of a no-deal exit off the table. The measure is advisory only and would require the cooperation of Prime Minister Theresa May. Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union on March 29.

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