Thursday, July 26, 2018

News Alert: U.S. military takes possession of remains that North Korea says belong to Americans who died in the Korean War, White House says

The approximately 55 remains were turned over by Pyongyang following an agreement reached by President Trump and Kim Jong Un when they met in Singapore. They will be taken to Hawaii for identification. It is the first repatriation of remains from the North since 2007. About 7,000 Americans are still listed as missing from the war.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Jul 26, 10:02 PM
U.S. military takes possession of remains that North Korea says belong to Americans who died in the Korean War, White House says

The approximately 55 remains were turned over by Pyongyang following an agreement reached by President Trump and Kim Jong Un when they met in Singapore. They will be taken to Hawaii for identification. It is the first repatriation of remains from the North since 2007. About 7,000 Americans are still listed as missing from the war.

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