Tuesday, January 30, 2018

World Alert: Trump signs order that will keep Guantanamo Bay military prison open and suggests more detainees might be sent there

A new executive order, issued as President Trump gave his State of the Union address, rescinds a 2009 order in which President Barack Obama promised to close the facility in Cuba. Sixteen years after the first prisoner arrived, 41 detainees remain at Guantanamo. Of the more than 700 prisoners who have been held there since 2002, only a handful have been charged with a crime and even fewer tried.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
World Alert Tue, Jan 30, 2018, 9:28 PM
Trump signs order that will keep Guantanamo Bay military prison open and suggests more detainees might be sent there

A new executive order, issued as President Trump gave his State of the Union address, rescinds a 2009 order in which President Barack Obama promised to close the facility in Cuba.

Sixteen years after the first prisoner arrived, 41 detainees remain at Guantanamo. Of the more than 700 prisoners who have been held there since 2002, only a handful have been charged with a crime and even fewer tried.

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