Sunday, December 31, 2017

News Alert: North Korea leader says he has a ‘nuclear button on my desk’ and that the deterrent will prevent war with United States

In his annual New Year's Day address, Kim Jong Un vowed to focus on producing nuclear warheads and missiles for operational deployment, adding that the United States is now within range. But he also said North Korea won't use nuclear weapons unless it faces aggression, and he opened the door to dialogue with South Korea.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Sun, Dec 31, 2017, 8:58 PM
North Korea leader says he has a 'nuclear button on my desk' and that the deterrent will prevent war with United States

In his annual New Year's Day address, Kim Jong Un vowed to focus on producing nuclear warheads and missiles for operational deployment, adding that the United States is now within range. But he also said North Korea won't use nuclear weapons unless it faces aggression, and he opened the door to dialogue with South Korea.

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