Le Monde Afrique - L'essentiel de l'actualité africaine - samedi 9 décembre 2017 Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:02 PM PST Si vous avez des difficultés à visualiser cette lettre d'information : cliquez ici | | | | | | Conformément à la loi informatique et liberté du 6 janvier 1978, mise à jour par la loi du 6 août 2004 vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification et d'opposition aux données vous concernant. Gérez votre abonnement en suivant ce lien. Pour ne plus recevoir cette lettre d'information, cliquez ici. © Le Monde. Tous droits réservés. Le Monde interactif SA au capital de 4.500.000 €. Siège social: 80 Boulevard Auguste Blanqui 75013 Paris, France. Immatriculé au RCS de Paris sous le numéro de 419 388 673. | |  |
الموقع الإلكتروني لجريدة المنتخب Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST | | بنعطية وإيكاردي في حوار خاص Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:20 AM PST للأسبوع الثاني تواليا سيقارع جوفنتوس منافسيه المباشرين على صدارة الكالشيو في صراع البحث عن لقب الأسكوديتو، وفي ثاني معركة سيسعى اليوفي للخروج بطلا وبأقل الأضرار. جوفنتوس أطاح بالمتزعم السابق نابولي...  | الحدادي: الجامعة وعدتني بهذا الفعل Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST وقال الحدادي الذي يلعب لألافيس هذا الموسم معارا من برشلونة، إن الجامعة الملكية المغربية لكرة القدم أكدت له أن لديه "فرص للعب" مع المنتخب المغربي على الرغم من أنه شارك في مباراة مع المنتخب...  | أسود المغرب تقفز نحو المراتب المتقدمة Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:21 AM PST سيعود المنتخب المغربي للمشاركة في كأس العالم FIFA بعد 20 سنة من الغياب احتل المغرب في آخر تصنيف من FIFA/Coca-Cola أفضل مرتبة له منذ 2008 ساهم هيرفيه رونار في إعادة هيبة المغرب قارياً وفي عودته...  | دليلك لمشاهدة مباريات الأسود بأوروبا Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:12 AM PST البطولة الفرنسية الممتازة (الدورة 17) السبت 9 دجنبر 2017 س 19: غانغون- ديجون (شفيق) س 19: تولوز- كون (أيت بناصر) الأحد 10 دجنبر 2017 س 14: أميان (الحجام)- ليون س 16: نانط...  | مونديال الاندية: الجزيرة والوداد يرصدان نصف النهائي Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:48 AM PST يرصد ممثلا العرب في كأس العالم للاندية في كرة القدم الذي تستضيفه ابو ظبي، الجزيرة بطل الامارات والوداد البيضاوي بطل المغرب ودوري ابطال افريقيا الدور نصف النهائي السبت، عندما يلاقيان اوراوا ريد...  | رونالدو "المغرور" والشهية المفتوحة دائما على الانجازات Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:32 AM PST أن يصدر عنه "أني أريد سبعة أولاد ومثلهم كرات ذهبية"، فهذا ليس بالشيء الغريب عن لاعب مثل البرتغالي كريستيانو رونالدو الذي لا يكترث بتاتا بمن ينتقده على غروره المفرط، أو يأخذ عليه مغالاته...  |  |
CNN's correction; Trump's reaction; Boston Herald bankrupt; Salinas signs off; Ashbrook suspended; more "Big Little Lies" Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:40 PM PST "CNN gaffe caps a rough week for the news media," NYT's Sydney Ember says. Trump seized on the news to criticize the "fakers" at a Florida rally... | | Politico's Friday night headline: "CNN error extends run of journalistic mishaps." NYT's Sydney Ember summed it up this way: "CNN gaffe caps a rough week for the news media." President Trump seized on the news to criticize the "fakers" at a Florida rally. Here's what happened... | | Oliver Darcy writes: On Friday afternoon CNN corrected an exclusive report that said candidate Donald Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. had received an email providing a web address and decryption key that would allow them to access hacked documents from WikiLeaks before the documents were publicly available. When first published Friday morning, the story said the email was sent to the Trumps on September 4, 2016. It was corrected to say that the email was actually sent on Sept. 14, one day after WikiLeaks made the documents public. --> CNN's original story relied on multiple sources who "described" the email. The story unraveled when the WashPos obtained a copy of the email in question, which CNN did not have, and reported the September 14 date. A CNN spokesperson said as soon as the network reviewed its reporting and independently confirmed the story was wrong, it moved to make the correction on TV and online. Here's Darcy's full story about the correction... | | CNN standing by the reporters | | With ABC's suspension of Brian Ross still in the news, Oliver and I immediately asked CNN PR about the status of the two reporters who filed the story, Manu Raju and Jeremy Herb. A CNN spokesperson said there will not be disciplinary action in this case because the reporters followed CNN's editorial standards process, which requires review and approval of the use of anonymous sources. (Recall that ABC said Ross's faulty reporting on Dec. 1 "had not been fully vetted through our editorial standards process.") -- Erik Wemple quoted a CNN source: "People don't get fired at CNN for making a mistake. They get fired when they don't follow editorial procedures..." -- Numerous journalists rallied around Manu on Twitter. Politico's Blake Hounshell: "Manu is a very hard-working, careful reporter." Jake Sherman: "One of the finest journalists I've ever known..." | | CNN says the sources were mistaken -- not malicious | | On Friday morning, the original story about Trump and WikiLeaks was in heavy rotation on CNN TV and was the lead story on CNN.com. Other networks scrambled to match the reporting. CBS did match it, complete with the erroneous date. The network issued a correction. NBC's followup did not include a date, but it did confirm the thrust of the report, as Wemple noted here. So who were the confidential sources that led CNN and then CBS astray? My Twitter feed was full of journalists saying CNN should out the men/women. "They burned you, so you should burn them" was the idea. But CNN PR says the network does not believe that the sources intended to deceive the reporters... | | Trump pretends to thank CNN | | Trump's first mention of "fake news" at Friday's rally was met with a huge roar of approval. "Did you see all the corrections the media's been making?" He said, "they've been apologizing left and right." Without naming Ross, he said ABC's "fraudster" should have been "fired," and he repeated his sue-ABC recommendation. Then he turned to CNN: "They apologized, oh thank you CNN, thank you so much," he said sarcastically. "You should have been apologizing for the last two years." For the record, CNN has not apologized... | | Toward the end of the rally, Trump complained about "fake polls," including one that CNN reported earlier in the day. (I'm guessing he was referring to new Pew poll that has him at 32% approval.) "They'll have to apologize for that one," he said. Without missing a beat, he segued to this: "We need honesty. We need some love in the country. I'd love to bring both sides together if that's possible..." | | Fox's error about that yearbook | | "No, Roy Moore accuser didn't admit she forged his signature in her yearbook," PolitiFact said Friday afternoon. The fact-check was prompted by several false claims from pro-Trump/pro-Roy Moore media outlets and blogs. FoxNews.com got it wrong in a web headline. Beverly Young Nelson told ABC that she added "notes" underneath Moore's inscription, but said "he did sign" the yearbook. Fox posted an article titled "Roy Moore accuser admits she forged part of yearbook inscription" and corrected it after commenters pointed out the misuse of the word "forged..." | | -- Vox's Jane Coaston writes: "Far-right media sites are doing Moore a big favor: They're giving voters an alternate version of reality so they don't have to admit they support someone accused of child molestation..." | | 🎧 "Reliable" podcast with Margaret Sullivan | | On this week's "Reliable Sources" podcast, I asked Margaret Sullivan about her recent trip to Alabama... Moore's campaign against the media... the optics of endorsements... and much more. Check out the podcast on iTunes... or through other podcast services... And read Julia Waldow's recap here! | | This Sunday on "Reliable Sources" | | We'll be talking about all of these issues... Trump's rally, CNN's mistake, editorial standards, etc... with Carl Bernstein, David Frum, Elaina Plott, David Axelrod... plus two Alabamians, Kyle Whitmire and Dale Jackson... and we'll have Senator Ben Cardin. Questions? Ideas? Email me. See you Sunday at 11am ET on CNN... | | -- Veteran news anchor Maria Elena Salinas signed off from Univision on Friday... "It's time to go find other audiences," she told the AP in an exit interview... (AP) -- Paul Waldman's latest, citing my Thursday column about Fox's anti-Mueller drumbeat: "How Republicans are immunizing their voters against whatever Mueller uncovers..." (WashPost) -- Trump likes to call the WashPost the "Amazon Washington Post." So this is notable: Over the summer, "twice he asked me if I thought Amazon was a monopoly," hedge fund billionaire Leon Cooperman said on CNBC... (CNNMoney) | | "The parent company of the Boston Herald filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Friday and will look to sell the newspaper to Gatehouse Media LLC," Reuters reports. "The sale to Gatehouse, which publishes daily and weekly newspapers in Massachusetts, is pending court approval. Financial details were not disclosed..." | | "On Point" host Tom Ashbrook suspended | | Another public broadcaster is coming under scrutiny. "Boston University and WBUR are suspending Tom Ashbrook, host of 'On Point,'" the late morning program that airs on NPR affiliates across the country, WBUR reported Friday afternoon. Why? "Some allegations" were received by BU and WBUR. The station won't get into the details of what was alleged. Ashbrook said he is "stunned at the situation" but "there's a process and I respect the process." There was even more media news out of Boston on Friday... | | A resignation at the Boston Globe | | Boston talk radio was abuzz Friday morning about a Boston Globe reporter who resigned under pressure amid allegations of inappropriate behavior. Later in the day, the Globe published a lengthy story about the paper's own self-examination, but chose not to identify the employee "because his alleged conduct did not involve physical contact, threats, or persistent harassment, and editors determined it is highly unlikely the newspaper would have identified the accused, or written about his conduct, if this situation had arisen at another private company." While that's obviously a controversial decision, the story is remarkably transparent in several ways... | | NBC News is conducting a "culture assessment" and requiring "harassment-prevention training for all its employees," NBC's Claire Atkinson reports. VF reported on Thursday that an outside firm is providing the training... -- More: Andy Lack said in a memo that the post-Matt Lauer review will take "several more weeks..." Per THR, "the initial interview list contains roughly 40 employees, and Lack said 'that number will expand as more is learned through the process...'" | | Katie Couric's first public comment about the Lauer scandal came in a response to an Instagram commenter. "It's incredibly upsetting and I will say something when I'm ready to." | | Kantor and Twohey writing a book | | Penguin Press will publish a book by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey about "the sexual abuse and harassment scandals that have convulsed the nation over the past two months," NYT's Maggie Astor reported Thursday night. Penguin Press president and EIC Ann Godoff "made the deal for the book's North American distribution rights with Ms. Kantor's and Ms. Twohey's literary agent, Elyse Cheney. No publication date has been set." This will be Twohey's first book. Kantor's first book, "The Obamas," was a bestseller in 2012... | | By Francesca Giuliani-Hoffman: --Trump's use of the phrase "fake news" has crossed borders, Politico Magazine observes. Politicians and state media in at least 15 countries have used the phrase to challenge real news and quash dissent... (Politico) -- Daniel Funke writes about a law proposed in Ireland that would criminalize the sharing of "fake news" and make those responsible go to jail and be fined €10,000... (Poynter) -- Here's one for the 280 skeptics: Based on SocialFlow data, BuzzFeed concludes that longer tweets are being retweeted and liked twice as much as shorter ones... (BuzzFeed) | | Congressional press gallery responds to RT's criticism | | Hadas Gold emails: Last week RT's congressional press credentials were yanked because the production company which produces their work in the United States was forced to register as a foreign agent with the DOJ. In a statement, RT said it was unfair, considering other outlets like NHK and China People's Daily were also registered under FARA. On Friday, the executive committee of the Radio & Television Correspondents' gallery said that NHK will stay credentialed, noting that it is not actually NHK that has registered under FARA, but a U.S.-based company with some links to NHK, NHK Cosmomedia America, Inc. | | Seth Rogen's stand against Bannon and SiriusXM | | Julia Waldow emails: Seth Rogen says he has cancelled his upcoming interviews on SiriusXM over the company's decision to bring Stephen Bannon back to radio through "Breitbart News Daily," which airs on the satellite radio network's "Patriot" channel. SiriusXM's spokesperson responded, in part, by saying that "SiriusXM takes no political position of our own across our more than 175 channels, but we are here to provide an open forum no matter where listeners stand on the political spectrum..." | | For the record, part three | | | By Julia Waldow: -- Recommended reading: Ken Doctor breaks down the "three fault lines redrawing the U.S. media business" as we head into 2018: the drive for scale, the Google/Facebook duopoly, and the FCC... (Nieman Lab) -- A new study by American University explores the benefits of "engagement design," or how principles of game design could help increase audience engagement in news... (AU) -- The chairman of the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity, Terry Savage, will step down in 2018, after 33 years with the event... (AdWeek) | | "YouTube Advertising Crackdown Puts Some Creators Out of Work" | | The crackdown "is inadvertently depriving some creators of as much as 80 percent of their monthly sales," Bloomberg's Lucas Shaw reports... | | For the record, part four | | | -- Correction: Yesterday for some inexplicable reason I quoted "Kevin Rice" when I meant "Peter Rice." My apologies to both Rices... Here's the Variety story, which got it right... -- Here are the seven reporters that will be part of ProPublica's Local Reporting Network, and the newsrooms they will be working from... (ProPublica) -- Apple is close to acquiring the media-identification app Shazam? That's what TechCrunch is reporting... (TechCrunch) | | "Big Little Lies" season two is really happening | | Sandra Gonzalez writes: No lie: "Big Little Lies" is officially coming back for another season. The critically acclaimed drama will once again mark a collaboration between stars and executive producers Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman, with David E. Kelley once again set to executive produce and write. Most of the cast is also expected to return, per HBO, with negotiations underway. -- More: Andrea Arnold, who won an Academy Award in 2005 for her short film "Wasp" and recently directed episodes of "Transparent," will direct the entire seven-episode season, taking over the job held by Jean-Marc Vallée in Season 1... -- The second season will be "partially based" on a story by "Big Little Lies" author Liane Moriarty, the network said... | | "Star Wars" fans brace for "Last Jedi" | | Frank Pallotta emails: Audiences in galaxies both near and far, far away are less than a week away from "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." The next installment of the space saga opens in U.S. theaters next Thursday night, and analysts are having a hard time predicting the film's opening (I've heard everything from $190 million to $215 million). We'll get our first taste of reaction following the world premiere in L.A. Saturday night, and then we hit lightspeed to the opening next weekend... | | Brian Lowry emails: It's going to be difficult to escape "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" this month. Coupled with all the other announced projects, it's caused some fretting about whether Disney risks saturating that far-away galaxy. It's still early, but the answer is not likely. --> Here's Lowry's full column, "'Star Wars' galaxy leaves plenty of space to navigate..." | | "A Departure With Implications for Investors: Disney's John Lasseter" | | Brian Lowry emails: Elsewhere in Disney news, the NYT's James Stewart asks whether John Lasseter's sabbatical ought to be enough to move the studio's stock. As important as Pixar is, given the massive scale of the company, that feels like a reach... | | For the record, part five | | | By Lisa Respers France: -- Dylan Farrow's opinion piece for the LA Times is getting a lot of attention. She's asking why her adoptive father Woody Allen, whom she has accused of molesting her when she was a child, hasn't suffered the same fate as others in the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal... -- "The Crown" star Matt Smith has an idea of who should play Meghan Markle on his series, should it go a few more seasons... -- I sat down with Steven Tyler of Aerosmith and talked about a home for abused girls he's opened near Atlanta. Janie's House takes its name from the hit song he wrote, "Janie's Got A Gun..." | | Email brian.stelter@turner.com... I appreciate every message. The feedback helps us craft the next day's newsletter! | | Get Reliable Sources, a comprehensive summary of the most important media news, delivered to your inbox every afternoon. | | | | |   |
EL MOUDJAHID : Lettre d'information du 09/12/2017 Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:10 PM PST |
NEWS ALERT: Gun profits dropping as fear-motivated buying decreases: Report Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:28 PM PST Gun store owners say they're seeing a drop in sales as a result of bargain hunting and President Trump's pro-Second Amendment support, Bloomberg reported. | The Washington Times | NEWS ALERT | | | | | NEWS ALERT | Gun store owners say they're seeing a drop in sales as a result of bargain hunting and President Trump's pro-Second Amendment support, Bloomberg reported. Read More > | | | | | | | | | | This email was sent to kamal.sahim5.news@blogger.com. If you no longer wish to receive these emails you may update your preferences at any time. Or click here to unsubscribe from all future mailings. |  |
Angels land Shohei Ohtani Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:26 AM PST The Angels won the Shohei Ohtani sweepstakes, The Post's Joel Sherman reported. The Angels beat... If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here. | | The email address for your subscription is kamal.sahim5.news@blogger.com Manage Email Preferences or Unsubscribe New York Post 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 USA © Copyright 2017 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved Privacy | Terms of Use | Your Ad Choices |  |
NEWS ALERT: Sarah Silverman recalls being 'scared, 'shaken' when boyfriend flew U.S. flag: 'I was freaking out' Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:22 AM PST Comedian Sarah Silverman addressed the topic of American nationalism during a monologue on her Hulu talk show Thursday night, describing the "visceral reaction" and fear ... | The Washington Times | NEWS ALERT | | | | | NEWS ALERT | Comedian Sarah Silverman addressed the topic of American nationalism during a monologue on her Hulu talk show Thursday night, describing the "visceral reaction" and fear she felt when an old boyfriend of hers hoisted an American flag on his own property. Read More > | | | | | | | | | | This email was sent to kamal.sahim5.news@blogger.com. If you no longer wish to receive these emails you may update your preferences at any time. Or click here to unsubscribe from all future mailings. |  |
The Embassy Move Is Not a Disaster (Ross, Makovsky | Foreign Policy) Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST MOVING THE U.S. EMBASSY TO JERUSALEM IS NOT A DISASTER by Dennis Ross and David Makovsky Foreign Policy December 7, 2017 The president's statement does not, in fact, concede Palestinian rights and claims, but he must now make this clear to avoid empowering rejectionists. READ THIS ARTICLE ON OUR WEBSITE
Few issues in the Middle East are more evocative than Jerusalem. Arab leaders' public responses to U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital this week have been swift and negative at least in part because they had little forewarning of what was coming and could not afford to look like they were conceding Arab, Palestinian, and Muslim rights in the city and its holy sites. The irony is that what the president said does not concede those rights and claims. His recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital reflects a reality that it is the seat of Israel's government and that, for the Jewish state, Jerusalem will always be its capital—there is no other city that could be. For Palestinians, they too no doubt cannot envision any city but Jerusalem as the capital of their state, if and when it emerges from moribund negotiations. The president's statement does not rule that out: on the contrary, he said that the United States is not taking a position on "the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, or the resolution of contested borders." Those questions, he said, "are up to the parties involved." Given Arab and Palestinian concerns and the potential for Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and al Qaeda to distort what the United States is doing to foment rage and violence, it is essential that the Trump administration's message be clear and consistent about not prejudging the outcome of the status of Jerusalem. Maintaining message discipline has not been the hallmark of the Trump White House, but it is crucial now. No stray tweets allowed. The stakes are too high, particularly if the president's decision is not going to play into the hands of the enemies of peace. That means repeating and reinforcing President Trump's main theme in his speech: that the United States is drawing a distinction between acknowledging the reality that Jerusalem has been Israel's capital since 1949, and the need for negotiations to resolve all the respective claims that Israelis and Palestinians have, including questions related to Jerusalem. Israelis and Palestinians must resolve these issues directly and without outside interference. There is a logic to this duality. Israel's prime minister and parliament are located in the part of Jerusalem that is not contested, and there is an honesty in ending the fiction that the city is not the Israeli capital, which has gone on for close to 70 years. At the same time, given the centrality and potentially explosive nature of Jerusalem, it is vital not to appear to be pre-empting the ability of the parties to determine boundaries of the city and whether it will or will not be a capital for two states. Already Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has called for an uprising, and the violent riots today in the West Bank signal that anger over the president's declaration can be further exploited—which also helps to explain Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's declaration that the United States can no longer play the mediator's role. Because there is an emotional lens through which all parties perceive Jerusalem, any decision can be misrepresented by extremists and produce violence. And if the United States appears to be closing the door on Jerusalem or simply adopting the Israeli position that all of Jerusalem should be under Israeli sovereignty, it may allow the jihadis and the rejectionists to hijack this highly sensitive issue. They, of course, will leap at the opportunity to create a provocation against the United States and against America's Arab and Palestinian partners—especially Abbas and King Abdullah II of Jordan. The administration needs to keep in mind the pressures both of these leaders are likely to be under. One practical step the Trump administration could take to reduce others' ability to exploit the president's decision is to have senior U.S. officials appear on every Arabic-speaking news outlet and explain what this decision is and what it is not. The announcement, they should underline, is about recognizing what no one questions: that any peace deal would end with Israel maintaining its capital in at least part of Jerusalem. That would help make clear the administration's contention that it is not putting its thumb on the scale against Palestinian interests in Jerusalem—the United States continues to insist that the basic issues related to the future of Jerusalem, the questions of sovereignty, and competing Israeli and Palestinian claims must be subject to negotiations before there can be a peace agreement. Both elements of this message need to be a mantra, repeated to Arabic audiences by top U.S. officials in the weeks ahead, including by Vice President Mike Pence when he visits the region. This is the best hope for strengthening the hands of the Arab and Palestinian leaders who must resist the efforts by those like Hamas who will seek to distort the reality and claim that Jerusalem has been given away—and who clearly want to provoke violence and greater polarization. It can also begin to change the environment in a way that allows Abbas and his negotiators, such as Saeb Erekat, to walk back from some of their statements about ending the peace process and the American role in it. Conveying this message is important not just to avert violence but also to ensure that the plan the Trump administration intends to present to the Israelis, Palestinians, and Arab countries is not dead on arrival. The reason former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama invoked the waiver was not that they lacked courage but that they believed this would deny the Palestinians and the Arabs the political space they needed to make hard decisions for peace, thus rendering its achievement more difficult. President Trump argued in his statement that they were wrong. If he wants to prove he is right, he will first need to make clear that their interests and rights have not already been conceded—and then present a credible peace plan, including on Jerusalem. Dennis Ross is the counselor and William Davidson Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute and author of Doomed to Succeed: The U.S.-Israel Relationship From Truman to Obama. David Makovsky is the Ziegler Distinguished Fellow at The Washington Institute and editor of its new interactive map site Settlements and Solutions.   |
fb 2016 12 26T01 49 48 1507724442589929 sd Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
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اللحية المغربي Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
الرقص مع ولاد الشعب Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
fb 2016 12 29T01 04 35 1510484328980607 sd Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
fb 2017 06 19T21 52 12 1701959546499750 sd Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
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لهبال Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
fb 2016 12 26T02 06 25 1507736302588743 sd Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
fb 2017 06 21T21 55 58 1704179896277715 sd Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST |
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