Sunday, June 30, 2019



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Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:52 PM PDT

Enquête : Qwant tancé par la CDC | Lutte des places chez les députés LREM | TF1 veut se renouveler

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 09:51 PM PDT

Le quotidien de l'influence et des pouvoirs

sur votre abonnement jusqu'au 12/07/2019


Édition quotidienne
Lundi 1 juillet 2019


Qwant interpellé sur ses hauts salaires par la Caisse des dépôts


Le moteur de recherche franco-européen rivalise d'annonces pour séduire de nouveaux investisseurs. Soutenu jusqu'au plus haut sommet de l'État, Qwant peine pourtant à démontrer son réel avantage technologique. Son principal actionnaire, la Caisse des dépôts, exige désormais des comptes sur les montants de ses hauts salaires. [...]

LREM : en marge du vote sur le vote, le renouvellement étendu aux rapporteurs

Inédite, la reconduction des têtes de commission à l'Assemblée crispe les marcheurs. Les élus s'arrachent les cheveux avant le vote organisé le 2 juillet pour fixer les règles de remise en jeu des postes. Priés de quitter leurs fonctions, plusieurs rapporteurs pour avis font savoir leur mécontentement. [...]

Municipales à Paris : LREM veut fracturer la gauche dans le secteur clé du 20e
Spatial de défense : Macron remet l'armée de l'air en selle

A la garden-party de l'hôtel de Brienne du 13 juillet, le chef de l'Etat devrait dérouler son programme spatial. Au menu : un commandement interarmées de l'espace qui s'efface au profit de l'armée de l'air. [...]

Armand Carlier cède la place à la tête d'Alkan
TF1 confronté à l'usure de ses divertissements

A l'antenne depuis au moins huit ans, les programmes phares de la Une ont perdu entre un tiers et la moitié de leur audience. La chaîne tente de se renouveler, mais l'exercice est difficile. [...]

Lagardère condamné à indemniser l'ancien patron de sa filiale A2PRL

Grading on a curve; Trump and Kim coverage; Harris campaign responds to smears; Youngstown's loss; Swift v. Scooter; week ahead calendar

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:05 PM PDT

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LOOKING AHEAD: Welcome to July! The month's biggest events are on the calendar: Independence Day, Robert Mueller's testimony on July 17, and CNN's Democratic debates on July 30 and 31. And don't forget the 50th anniversary of the moon landing on July 20...


Grading on a curve...

"President Trump lies so reflexively on trivial matters that world leaders do not know whether to believe him on important ones. This conduct has become so routine it barely merits notice," political scientist and former Bob Kerrey aide Greg Weiner writes in this new NYT op-ed.

"Routine" is a problem. "Barely merits notice" is a problem. On Sunday's "Reliable," I suggested that the media is collectively still grading Trump on a curve -- especially versus the Dems who want to take his job

Examples: During Trump's travels in Asia, he repeatedly praised autocrats, leading Jim Acosta to ask, "What is it with your coziness with some of these dictators and autocrats at these summits?" To his credit, Trump repeatedly fielded questions from reporters. But, as HuffPost's Mary Papenfuss wrote, he "appeared to be confounded by the terms school 'busing,' as well as Western-style democratic 'liberalism.'" This was Jonathan Chait's headline for NYMag: "Trump Thinks Putin's Attack on 'Western-Style Liberalism' Was About California."

Oh, and Trump called John Bolton "Mike" again.

Some gaffes and misunderstandings matter more than others, of course. But one of my guests, Frank Bruni, expressed a concern that many left-leaning readers and viewers share: That the press will "penalize and vilify Democrats for doing things that Trump does every hour and every minute."

At the DMZ, the press was on the president's mind...

Even while taking a historic step into North Korea, President Trump was preoccupied by the media coverage of his trip and his perceived triumph. Jim Sciutto, who anchored CNN's live coverage from the DMZ early Sunday morning, said Trump made "more comments about the coverage than the moment and its meaning for the two countries."

This is not new, but it's still unusual. Here are a few examples of his gripes: 

 -- Sitting with Kim Jong Un: "When I put out the social media notification, if he didn't show up, the press was going to make me look very bad. So, you made us both look good."

 -- Afterward: "When we put out that notice, knowing the press, like I do, if he had decided not to come, you would have hit me. You would have hit me hard."

 -- "I mean, you don't report it accurately, but that's okay. Someday history will record it accurately."


Trump says the press has "no appreciation"

Amid all of this, WaPo's David Nakamura tweeted: "Trump thinks so much about the media and his image. He wants a grab for history. He should [choose] his words carefully at this moment in the DMZ. Instead he says: 'I say that for the press, they have no appreciation for what is being done, none.' Purely tactical, as always.

That "no appreciation" comment, BTW, was followed by a blatant misrepresentation. Trump claimed "there was great conflict here prior to our meeting in Singapore. After our first summit, all of the danger went away."

Earlier in the day, Margaret Talev with Bloomberg News did her best to inject some truth. In a question at a joint presser, she brought up the second summit, in Hanoi, and said "nothing has substantively changed since Hanoi. North Korea has tested short-range missiles. Why does Kim Jong Un deserve this moment?" Trump deflected by saying "We've made tremendous strides. Only the fake news says they weren't." And later: "We are so far advanced from where we were two and a half years ago that it's always insulting. And I think it's why the press, frankly, has lost such credibility. They've lost such credibility."

Around and around we go...


Bottom line: Was it anything more than a stunt?

That's the question heading into Monday morning. A stunt? A really expensive photo op? Or something more? On "Reliable," Bruni, Katie Rogers, and Bianna Golodryga discussed the coverage and Trump's praise for autocrats who oppose press freedom. Bruni called out Trump's talk about feeling "honored" to be with Kim: "It is not an honor to be there with a brutal, murderous dictator..."


 -- Betsy Klein and Kaitlan Collins' latest: "Ivanka Trump: Adviser, daughter, and, this week, diplomat" (CNN)

 -- In Trump's dealings with North Korea, the "common element was that the drama played out on live television, and the president played the starring role," David Nakamura writes... (WaPo)

 -- Shannon Liao reports: "A Canadian cartoonist's illustration of President Trump playing golf over the bodies of two drowned migrants went viral Wednesday. Two days later, Michael de Adder said on Twitter that he had been let go by a publishing company in New Brunswick, Canada..." (CNN)

Credit where it's due

Stephanie Grisham, the brand new White House press secretary, was "bruised a bit" in a scuffle with North Korean officials outside the room where Trump and Kim met, CNN's Jim Acosta reported.

Grisham was physically ensuring that American news crews had access to the room. Per Bloomberg's Jennifer Jacobs, the North Koreans were being "a little overzealous, at times trying to block US reporters' view." So it's significant that Grisham intervened... And thankfully she looked "no worse for wear" afterward, per Acosta.
On Twitter, Ali Rogin of the "NewsHour" noted that these sorts of scrums often get aggressive fast... "Obviously no one deserves to be physically harmed and it should never come to that and I hope she's OK, but in this particular moment, it looks like Grisham was taking this aspect of her new role -- helping advocate for US access in international press pools -- very seriously."

And Frank Bruni made the point on "Reliable Sources" that her advocacy for the American press ALSO served her boss very well -- by getting the shots he wanted.

🔌: I'll be on CNN's "New Day" talking more about this in the 7 a.m. hour on Monday...

Trump and Tucker

According to Jennifer Jacobs, Tucker Carlson was a "guest member of the White House pool/White House staff for this DMZ trip." On Sunday evening Fox released the first clips from Carlson's interview with Trump, which will air on Monday night... Here, Carlson asked about Big Tech, one of the top topics on his show. Notice the statement he makes before his question:

CARLSON: Google, by some measures, the most powerful company in the world -- all information flows through it -- they're against you. They don't want you reelected. Can you get reelected if Google is against you?

TRUMP: So you know, I've been hearing that about Google and Facebook and Twitter.

CARLSON: Yes, that's right.

TRUMP: Okay. I won. They were totally against me. I won. Hillary—

CARLSON: They didn't think you were going to win.

TRUMP: Well, they fought me very hard. I mean, I heard that and they're fighting me hard right now.

Hey, speaking of the tech platforms...

About those anti-Harris smears on social media...

Donie O'Sullivan emails: Soon after Sen. Kamala Harris' debate-defining moment when she recounted being bussed to school as a little girl, a swarm of Twitter accounts began questioning the senator's race.

Context: Attempts to undermine Harris' identity as a black American woman have been festering on right-wing corners of the web for some time. On Thursday the claim was amplified -- but then quickly deleted -- by Donald Trump Jr. The NYT, The Daily Beast and other outlets wrote about this smear on Friday. And that's what led to Saturday's outpouring of support...

Harris campaign calls it a "racist attack"

Elizabeth Warren appeared to be the first Harris rival to come to her defense. Several other 2020 contenders did as well. Warren wrote, "It's within the power and obligation of tech companies to stop these vile lies dead in their tracks."

On Sunday's "Reliable Sources," Harris campaign press secretary Ian Sams told me "we really appreciate all these other candidates who are speaking up." Responding to Trump Jr., he said "these are the same racist attacks as daddy tried on Barack Obama and they didn't work then and they're not going to work now. Period. They're not."

That said, he predicted that Trump allies will continue to "try to use lies and misinformation to attack her and bring her down."

Real rabble-rousers, not bots

Donie O'Sullivan adds: So where did this line of attack come from? From far-right-wing activists in the United States. On Sunday Twitter told me they did not find any automated coordination during the debates -- meaning the company didn't see armies of bots tweeting hundreds of tweets to spread the claim. BUT... it was clear that a lot of suspicious looking, anonymous accounts were pushing this message... meaning there could have been coordination on other forums to spread the attack using non-automated accounts. This is an even bigger challenge for Twitter...

Oxygen for the fire?

By Sunday morning, critics were expressing concern that the news media, by covering the anti-Harris smear, was amplifying it to a wider audience. I brought this up on "Reliable Sources" with the NYT's Katie Rogers, who wrote one of the first stories about Trump Jr.'s tweet. She pointed out that Jr. is a key Trump 2020 surrogate, thus a newsworthy figure.

Commenters expressed a similar concern about this story on the front page of Sunday's NYT: "Trump Consultant Is Trolling Democrats With Biden Site That Isn't Biden's." This scoop by Matthew Rosenberg revealed that Patrick Mauldin is behind the anti-Biden site.

The "slick little piece of disinformation," as Rosenberg put it, "had a big boost in May when a handful of media outlets — The Daily Caller and CNET, among others — wrote stories about the fake page beating Mr. Biden's and linked to it. Links from established media websites are weighted heavily by search engines." Rosenberg noted that the NYT did not link to the site "to avoid further boosting them in search rankings."

VF's Peter Hamby responded on Twitter: "In a completely unsurprising do-over from 2016, the mainstream press is amplifying disinformation on behalf of the mischief makers! Loving the sanitized 'we won't link to the site' as if people will never figure out how to find it..."

Facebook's new task force

Sunday night news: "Facebook has launched a civil rights task force and an election monitoring center to guard against interference in the 2020 presidential campaign and census," CNN's Brian Fung reports...


 -- Heads up: Alex Jones was expected to be deposed on Monday, but it has been delayed...

 -- "To defend against criminal fraud charges, Theranos Inc. founder Elizabeth Holmes is trying to put investigative journalism on trial." I'd bet on John Carreyrou over Holmes any day... (Bloomberg)

 -- The Beast's latest: "National Enquirer boss David Pecker tiptoes away from his pal Trump as scandal swirls and circulation drops..." (Beast)

 -- "The editorial boards of the Charlotte Observer and Raleigh News & Observer" are "joining forces..." (Observer)

"A big body blow" for Youngstown

On Sunday's "Reliable," I spoke with 2020 candidate Tim Ryan, the congressman who reps Youngstown, Ohio, about the impending closure of The Vindicator, the area's only daily newspaper. When the news broke on Friday, it was seen as another unfortunate milestone on the road away from local print newspapers. Ryan called it a "big body blow" -- "So much is pulling us apart," he said, "and those local papers pulled us together."
Ryan said The Vindicator highlights local success stories and holds government officials accountable. "It builds culture," he said. "And that's what you lose when you lose the local newspaper. You lose that culture that pulls you together." He linked the paper's struggles to the wider community's economic difficulties... Plant closures leading to fewer subscribers and advertisers... Here's my full story...

About E. Jean Carroll's book

Believe it or not, E. Jean Carroll told me she did not expect the intensity of the media spotlight, even after her allegation against Trump was published on the cover of NYMag. She says people have been enormously supportive in person -- and she's tuned out the social media nastiness -- ahead of her book launch on Tuesday. She wants people to know that it's "not a Trump book." Here's the full story by Laney Pope, plus video of Sunday's interview...

Catch up on "Reliable"

If you missed Sunday's program, you can hear the podcast via TuneIn, Apple, Stitcher, Spotify, or your preferred app... Watch the video clips on Or catch the entire episode via CNNgo or VOD...


 -- "The quarterfinal match between France and the U.S. at the Women's World Cup pulled in a total of more than 6.3 million viewers for Fox on Friday..." (TheWrap)

 -- Fox Sports research savant Michael Mulvihill noted on Twitter: Afternoon kickoff times "that can be a challenge for TV are a boon to streaming... The last two USWNT matches, both weekday afternoon knockout games, are the two most-streamed matches in Women's World Cup history..." (Twitter)

Andy Ngo assaulted in Portland

In Portland on Saturday, "protesters from the left and right held separate demonstrations that eventually resulted in roving marches throughout the downtown core," The Oregonian reported. "Among the people injured over the course of the afternoon was Andy Ngo, the conservative writer who appeared to be attacked by Antifa members."

Ngo tweeted that he was in the ER and posted photos of his bruised and bloodied face. This story has been getting a ton of attention on social media, with conservatives decrying the assault and calling for wider media coverage of what happened. We don't fully know what happened yet. But even Ngo's fiercest critics on the left -- the ones who say Ngo wants Antifa to target him for political and profitable purposes -- should have no trouble saying this: The assault against him was unacceptable.

Looking back at Stonewall coverage

Troy Bentley emails: World Pride events were held in NYC and other major cities this weekend. This interesting article about Stonewall made me wonder -- 50 years later -- has anything really changed re: the media's treatment of protests?
"In the days after the Stonewall riots, depending on which paper you read, you would have been exposed to a vastly different version of events," Chad Painter wrote. The major dailies gave a megaphone to the police, while alternative outlets embedded themselves among the protesters."
The result: "If you were a New Yorker reading the mainstream papers at the time you wouldn't have known that a new civil rights movement was unfolding in the city." Then, and now, it really depends on who you're reading or watching. Here is Painter's full piece for Pacific Standard...

Amazing trailer for the next "Planet" series

The BBC released a magnificent new four-minute-long trailer for "Seven Worlds, One Planet" on Sunday. David Attenborough shared the trailer with an adoring crowd at Glastonbury 2019. "There are seven great continents on which we human beings live... We have been making, for the last four years, a series about those things, about those seven very different continents," he said. "It starts later on this year..."

 >> The trailer features music by Sia and Hans Zimmer...

Week ahead calendar

Tuesday: "Spider-Man: Far From Home" lands in theaters...

Tuesday 3 p.m. ET: England v. United States in the Women's World Cup semi-final...

Thursday: Happy Fourth!

Thursday: Season three of "Stranger Things" arrives on Netflix...

Sunday 9 p.m. ET: "The Movies" premieres on CNN...

Three weeks til "Untouchable"

"Tina Brown's media company is premiering a doc on her old boss Harvey Weinstein — whom she dubbed a 'gross, bullying predator,'" Page Six's Sara Nathan reports. "Brown launched ill-fated mag Talk with backing from Weinstein's Miramax. The film 'Untouchable' features interviews with many of the disgraced movie mogul's alleged victims including Rosanna Arquette, Hope d'Amore, Paz de la Huerta and Erika Rosenbaum. The doc, by director Ursula Macfarlane, will be screened July 21 as part of 51 Fest, a partnership between Brown's Women in the World and IFC Center..."

Despite Durant's best-laid plans...

According to ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski, Kevin Durant was going to "announce his free agent decision tonight on his company owned sports business network," The Boardroom, which is carried on ESPN+. But then Wojnarowski broke the news of Durant's four-year, $164 million deal with the Brooklyn Nets via Twitter. Durant's team declined to comment until the announcement was shared on The Boardroom's Instagram at 6, Michelle Lou notes...

Scooter's shot...

Sunday morning's news from the WSJ's Anne Steele: "Celebrity talent manager Scooter Braun reached a deal to acquire Big Machine Label Group LLC, creating a mini-conglomerate with an array of businesses to help it compete in the streaming-entertainment age. The price was more than $300 million, according to people familiar with the matter..."

 >> Variety has details: "Inside the deal..."

And Taylor's chaser

CNN's Marianne Garvey writes: "Taylor Swift called it her 'worst case scenario,' learning that her music catalog has been sold to a company owned by music manager Scooter Braun. Claiming she's been bullied by Braun for years, Swift took to Tumblr on Sunday to explain how upset she is that her songs with Big Machine Label Group ended up with Braun." Read on...

 >> Via THR: "Braun's wife Yael Cohen Braun quickly took to social media to defend her husband..."


 -- Here is Lisa Respers France's guide to what's streaming in July...

 -- "Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have tied the knot again," this time in France, Michelle Lou writes...

 -- Kendall Trammell writes: "Ahead of this weekend's Pride celebrations, MTV debuted a new season of the reality dating show 'Are You the One?' The twist: The show features TV's first sexually fluid cast. In other words, there are no gender limitations in the perfect love matches for its 16 contestants..."

"Toy Story 4" tops the box office again

"Toy Story 4" sold $57.9 million "in domestic tickets during its second weekend in theaters and made an additional $80.6 million overseas, according to the studio," the NYT's Gabe Cohn writes. "That puts its cumulative global ticket sales at a whopping $496.5 million so far. It also places 'Toy Story 4' slightly behind 'Toy Story 3' in terms of staying power, at least in North America."

The Warner Bros. horror movie "Annabelle Comes Home" was a "distant second," Cohn notes. "The only nonsequel or reboot in the top five was Universal's 'Yesterday,' which debuted this weekend and landed in third place, with $17 million..."


 -- On Sunday's "Reliable," I spoke with horror movie maestro Jason Blum and "Loudest Voice" showrunner Alex Metcalf about their new series, which premiered on Showtime on Sunday night... (CNN)

Wanna feel old?

Megan Thomas notes: "Seinfeld" debuted 30 years ago on July 5. Crazy, right?
Thank you for reading! Email me feedback anytime. See you tomorrow...
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ترك برس - النشرة 01-07-2019

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:01 PM PDT

استدعت وزارة الخارجية التركية، الأحد، القائم بأعمال السفارة العراقية لدى أنقرة، وأبلغته بأن عمليات الجيش التركي ضد الإرهاب خارج الحدود ستتواصل بحزم.

نجحت شركة "أسيلسان" التركية للصناعات الإلكترونية العسكرية، في تطوير نظام ملاحة محلي من المقرر أن يدخل قائمة الأجهزة الإلكترونية لدى الجيش التركي.

قال موقع "ستراتفور" الأمريكي إن تركيا لن تتخلى عن منظومة الصواريخ الروسية إس 400 على الرغم من المخاطر التي تهدد اقتصادها، إذا فرضت عليها عقوبات أمريكية، لافتا إلى أن إصرار أنقرة على شراء المنظومة الروسية يرجع إلى ضروريات سياسية ودفاعية.

تعد منطقة أييل في ولاية ديار بكر جنوب شرقي تركيا، محط أنظار السياح، خاصة إثر الاعتقاد السائد في المنطقة حول احتضانها أضرحة أنبياء، من بينهم ذو الكفل، واليسع، اللذان ذُكرا في القرآن الكريم.

أفق أولوطاش – صحيفة أكشام – ترجمة وتحرير ترك برس

لن نعدم المقترحات السياسية حول كيفية إقامة علاقاتنا مع الولايات المتحدة. فالجميع في تركيا لديه فكر في هذا الخصوص. رغم الاختلاف في قضايا معينة، إلا أن هناك نقاط مشتركة تتجاوز الاختلافات الإيديولوجية.

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HD Boys Tube

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 05:43 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Ted Cruz seeks federal action against Portland mayor after antifa attacks journalist

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 05:02 PM PDT

NEWS ALERT: Ted Cruz seeks federal action against Portland mayor after antifa attacks journalist
Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, called Sunday for a federal investigation and legal action against Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler after an attack on a conservative ...
Sunday, June 30, 2019 7:54 PM EDT

Ted Cruz seeks federal action against Portland mayor after antifa attacks journalist

Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, called Sunday for a federal investigation and legal action against Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler after an attack on a conservative journalist by antifa activists during a protest that spun out of control.

Read More >


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Trending Now: A Maltese professor’s tip about ‘dirt’ on Hillary Clinton spurred the Russia probe, officials said. Then he disappeared.

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 04:41 PM PDT

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has cited a 2016 conversation between Maltese-born academic Joseph Mifsud and then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos as the event that set in motion the FBI probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia. With Attorney General William P. Barr's review of the counterintelligence investigation underway, the origins of the inquiry itself are now in the spotlight — and with them, the role of Mifsud, who has vanished from public view.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Trending Now Jun 30, 7:37 PM
A Maltese professor's tip about 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton spurred the Russia probe, officials said. Then he disappeared.

Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has cited a 2016 conversation between Maltese-born academic Joseph Mifsud and then-Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos as the event that set in motion the FBI probe into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

With Attorney General William P. Barr's review of the counterintelligence investigation underway, the origins of the inquiry itself are now in the spotlight — and with them, the role of Mifsud, who has vanished from public view.

Read more »

Taylor Swift slams Scooter Braun for 'manipulative bullying' after he acquires her music catalog

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 03:48 PM PDT

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The singer said she's faced "incessant, manipulative bullying" at the hands of Scooter Braun in the past
Taylor Swift Slams Scooter Braun for 'Manipulative Bullying' After He Acquires Her Music Catalog
The singer said she's faced "incessant, manipulative bullying" at the hands of Scooter Braun in the past
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Sunday Live! Democrats Have Officially Gone Insane, Antifa Viciously Beating Journalists In Broad Daylight

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 02:27 PM PDT

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On today's LIVE SUNDAY SHOW, I'll break down how the Democrats have descended into total madness as far-left group Antifa have declared open war on anyone who doesn't bow to social justice orthodoxy, and President Trump makes history as the first sitting president to enter North Korea.

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Frigate3 Windows File Manager :: Manage Files Effectively

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 01:05 PM PDT

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Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:42 AM PDT

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Posted: 30 Jun 2019 11:04 AM PDT

Most Social: Woman who tripped on collapsed 'wet floor' sign at casino awarded $3 million by jury

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 10:01 AM PDT

A woman who fell at a Cincinnati casino by a collapsed "wet floor" sign was awarded $3 million this past week by a Hamilton County jury. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

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Sunday, June 30
A woman was awarded
Woman tripped on wet floor sign, wins $3M suit
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اللقاء التاريخي الثالث: ترامب يعبر الحدود إلى كوريا الشمالية ويصافح زعيمها كيم

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 07:59 AM PDT

اللقاء الثالث: ترامب يعبر الحدود إلى كوريا الشمالية ويصافح زعيمها كيم...
نسخة على الإنترنت
نسختك الخاصة من أخبار يورونيوز – 06/30/19
نشرتك اليومية من الأخبار المختلفة المتنوعة
اللقاء التاريخي الثالث: ترامب يعبر الحدود إلى كوريا الشمالية ويصافح زعيمها كيم
اللقاء الثالث: ترامب يعبر الحدود إلى كوريا الشمالية ويصافح زعيمها كيم...   إقرأ أكثر، للمزيد
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North East India News in Hindi, North East Samachar

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 06:52 AM PDT

Trump’s risky showmanship

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 05:27 AM PDT

Balance of Power
Balance of Power
From Bloomberg Politics
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Donald Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to set foot in North Korea, a day after he and Chinese leader Xi Jinping pushed the pause button on their trade war. Joe Biden, the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, got a reality check from his rivals in the party's first debate, and the flight of millions of people from the collapsing economy in Venezuela reverberated across South America.

Read about those topics and more in this edition of Weekend Reads, and click here for more of Bloomberg's best political photos from the past week.

- Karl Maier

Global Headlines

Trump's DMZ Summit Shows How Little Kim Has Conceded on Nukes
Trump met Kim for the third time today after a last-minute Twitter invitation that even surprised the North Korean leader. Yet as Margaret Talev and Jon Herskovitz, explain, Trump had something on his mind: critics who say his overtures to Kim haven't led to any meaningful moves toward ending North Korea's nuclear program.

Huawei Lifeline Shows Trump Prefers Business Deals Over Cold War
In recent weeks, Trump has drawn the ire of security hawks in Congress for suggesting he could ease his blacklisting of Huawei Technologies Co. to secure a trade deal with China. Shawn Donnan reports that on Saturday he took a big step toward doing just that, signaling that he cares more about selling U.S. products to China than embarking on a clash of civilizations. 

The Issues Dominating the 2020 Democratic Presidential Campaign
For most of the two dozen Democratic presidential candidates, social media has been the preferred platform for announcing policy proposals and clarifying positions. Allison McCartney reports on a Bloomberg analysis that shows since the beginning of 2019, the candidates who qualified for the first debate sent about 24,000 tweets—and about half of them mentioned at least one major campaign issue.

Embattled NRA Loses Its Political Power Broker on Eve of 2020
As the National Rifle Association's chief lobbyist, Chris Cox pumped more money into Trump's unlikely election than anyone. As Polly MosendzNeil Weinberg and David Voreacos explain, Cox's resignation on Wednesday comes as the NRA is entering the 2020 race with the president lagging in polls and without the marketing or lobbying power that made it such an effective force for Trump in 2016.

Click here to read about Harris's breakout moment in the first Democratic debate and here about statements the candidates made that they may regret.

May Is Resigning as U.K. Premier, and She's Not Going Quietly
Theresa May will stand down as Britain's prime minister next month but she is not giving up. With three weeks left before she hands over to someone else, the premier is busier than ever trying to build an ambitious legacy. Tim Ross reports.

Endorsed by Trump, Saudi Prince Steps Back Out on World Stage
Seven months ago Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman cut an isolated figure, caught in a firestorm over the murder of columnist and Saudi critic Jamal Khashoggi. But at this year's G-20 summit he met with leaders including Putin, May, and India's Narendra Modi, and, as Cagan Koc writes, had a chummy breakfast meeting with Trump, who called him a friend.

Amsterdam's Hire-a-Refugee Program Takes On Tight Labor Market
When Rasha Mostafa fled war-torn Syria with her husband and daughter 4 1/2 years ago, little did she know she was going to help Amsterdam with a key economic problem. Yet in many large European cities, migrants are quietly filling gaping holes in the labor market, doing jobs locals just don't want to do. Ruben Munsterman reports.

Add a Million Venezuelans and Your Economy Looks Very Different
Markets were shocked when Chile cut interest rates this month, but the central bank had a simple explanation: The economy suddenly had a lot more people in it. As Daniela Guzman and John Quigley report, that's because of the exodus from Venezuela, where about 4 million people fleeing financial and social collapse are showing up across South America.

Billionaire General Bets on Property With Fortune Forged in Oil
Ben Stupples reports on Theophilus Danjuma, the 80-year-old former Nigerian general who's worth $1.2 billion and whose investment in the Kings Arms Hotel in London is part of a network for holdings spanning at least three continents.

And finally… For the government of the southern African nation of Zimbabwe, the reintroduction of the national currency a decade after its demise marks a return to "normalcy." Yet for most of the country's citizens, Antony Sguazzin explains, it's a bitter reminder of the years of hyperinflation that destroyed their savings and left them bartering for daily basics. 

A one hundred trillion dollar Zimbabwe note issued in 2008. Photographer: Daniel Acker/Bloomberg


So how’s the economy really doing?: Theme of the Week

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 05:16 AM PDT

Bloomberg Opinion Today

Will the Federal Reserve lower interest rates this month? Will it wait? Will President Donald Trump let his Federal Reserve chairman, Jay Powell, decide any of this for himself? It all makes for quite the playground, but there are serious policy differences and power in motion around this debate. In fact, it's the question on plenty of minds after the central bank's latest meeting. Worries are mounting amid troubling signs for the world economy. But while the U.S. economy has steadily continued its now-decade-long recovery, rising inequality — both in housing and in earning power — between urban centers and rural areas makes the next (and inevitable) recession a much darker prospect to anticipate. Bloomberg Opinion's writers delved into the details — and potential repercussions — of global and domestic economic policy this week.

Trump Pounces on Wavering Fed to Hammer Home Rate Cuts – Brian Chappatta

Mortgage Rates Tumble and This Is All We Get? – Robert Burgess

Make America Affordable Again – Karl W. Smith

High-Tax States Are Practicing Financial Destruction – Jared Dillian

Why Trump Shouldn't Want a Weaker Dollar – Bill Dudley

Elizabeth Warren Channels the Real New Deal – Noah Smith

Not Even the Fed Can Keep the Dollar Down – Komal Sri-Kumar

Trump's Not Wrong About the Dollar – John Authers

Money-Market Fund Bonanza Nears a Tipping Point – Brian Chappatta

Currency Wars Are Easy to Start and Tough to Win – Daniel Moss

U.S. Is Heading to a Future of Zero Interest Rates Forever – Noah Smith

Justin Fox on America's economic geography:

This is the Theme of the Week edition of Bloomberg Opinion Today, Sunday's roundup of our biggest commentary topic this week.

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Tragic Jill (14) was hit by second wave as friends made their way out of sea

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 04:05 AM PDT
The Daily Digest
Sunday 30 June 2019
Today's top story
Family members of 14-year-old Jill Amante including her mother Mercy, centre, with aunt Jemima Sackey and her father Alex at their home in Drogheda. Photo: Mick O'Neill
Tragic Jill (14) was hit by second wave as friends made their way out of sea "She was dancing and singing but a very respectful girl and a credit to her mum"
Main Headlines
Boris Johnson, a leadership candidate for Britain's Conservative Party, attends a hustings event in Manchester, Britain, June 29, 2019. REUTERS/Andrew Yates Boris Johnson dismisses Brexit deal warnings from Taoiseach and other EU leaders Cormac McQuinn Conservative leadership hopeful also reiterated his intention for UK to leave EU by October 31
John Deasy is determined that he will see off the challenge to his role. Photo: INM 'You inherit half of your father's friends and 100pc of his enemies' - John Deasy on Fine Gael rivals and constituency gossip Philip Ryan
Oliver Plunkett Street where the incident occurred (Photo: Google Maps) 'Whoever did this should come forward' - widespread shock after boy (2) injured in hit-and-run Wayne O'Connor and Áine Kenny Shock in Cork
Kurt Walker has won a gold medal for Ireland at the European Games. Photo by Seb Daly/Sportsfile Gold for Ireland! Boxer Kurt Walker claims European Games glory after stellar final performance Newsdesk Walker claims gold


THE CLASS OF 2019: Leaving Cert students Sean Cusack, Cornelia Banari, Timmy Akande, Caila Essay Tapo, Nicole Matthews and Christopher Jackson Suia pictured at Hansfield Educate Together in Dublin 15. Photo: Kyran O'Brien Dan O'Brien: 'Things don't seem so bad once the sun comes out' Dan O'Brien Living in Ireland has its frustrations and downsides. One of these can be the weather, something that is brought home after a few days of all-too-infrequent heat and sun. Many other negatives get a lot of attention in the media - both mainstream and social - with a 'crisis' here and a 'catastrophe' there dominating discussion, week after week. A certain narcissism in the Irish character can lead more than a few people to believe that first world problems only occur here.
HOPE AND HYPE: Did Obama realise the change he extolled? Liam Weeks: 'We will never live in utopia, so why change things just for change's sake? Answers on a postcard...' Liam Weeks This is the time of year for reflection. The summer has finally arrived, and the Dail will be in recess soon. Many of its circle, both politicians and political correspondents alike, will be decamping to various summer schools to discuss the state of the nation.
Regulation has made choosing a nursing home easier for residents and their families, with reports available online. (Stock photo) Tadhg Daly: 'Ten years on, it's time to support homes with care at their core' Tadhg Daly Ten years ago, the new Health Information and Quality Authority (Hiqa) assumed responsibility for the independent regulation and inspection of nursing home care.
Cartoon by Jim Cogan Eoghan Harris: 'Leo, lift the backstop - and look after health and homes' Eoghan Harris Count all your blessings. You had the moral luck not to be so desperate for a better life that you died trying to cross the treacherous Rio Grande with a two-year-old toddler clinging to your neck in terror as you drowned.
James Middleton, Vogue Williams and Spencer Matthews during ladies day of the 2018 Investec Derby Festival at Epsom Downs Racecourse, Epsom. (Photo by Steve Parsons/PA Images via Getty Images) Royally connected: meet the Irish people mixing in the most exclusive social circles in the world Caitlin McBride Social climbing may be a dirty phrase, implying some hellbent on chasing fame, fortune and influence.
US OR THEM: Meghan US legislation poses citizenship dilemma for Meghan Markle David Millward Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, could be barred from re-entering the US in the future if she chooses to renounce her American citizenship.
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Kurt Walker has won a gold medal for Ireland at the European Games. Photo by Seb Daly/Sportsfile Gold for Ireland! Boxer Kurt Walker claims European Games glory after stellar final performance Newsdesk Ireland's Kurt Walker has claimed a gold medal at the European Games in Minsk after defeating Mykola Butsenko in the bantamweight final.
Cillian O'Connor of Mayo is congratulated by fans after the GAA Football All-Ireland Senior Championship Round 3 match between Mayo and Armagh at Elverys MacHale Park in Castlebar, Mayo. Photo by Brendan Moran/Sportsfile Colm O'Rourke: 'One moment in Castlebar cracker summed up the rollercoaster ride of being a Mayo footballer' Colm O'Rourke Mousetrap, Phantom of the Opera and Mayo, the longest running sagas of modern history.
Ireland's Kellie Harrington celebrates following victory in her Women's Lightweight semi-final bout against Agnes Alexiusson of Sweden at the Minsk Arena Velodrome on Day Eight of the 2019 European Games in Minsk, Belarus. Photo: Seb Daly/Sportsfile Kellie Harrington forced to withdraw from European Games final due to injury Sean McGoldrick WORLD champion Kellie Harrington has been forced to withdraw from today's lightweight boxing final at the European Games in Minsk due to a thumb injury.
Diane & Chris De Burgh From waiting tables to Ireland's best wine collection... Chris de Burgh shares his secrets Niamh Horan He started out waiting tables while working in his parents' hotel as a youngster and eventually amassed one of the best wine collections in the country, part of which sold for €385,000 in 2011.
Dublin Port chief executive Eamonn O'Reilly. Photo: Brian Lawless/PA Wire Dublin Port axes plan to host global shipping celebration Fearghal O'Connor Dublin Port has pulled out of hosting a major international port sector event next May following recent Sunday Independent revelations about credit card spending by management on travel, hotels and entertainment.
Minister of State for Trade and Employment Pat Breen. Photo: Steve Humphreys FDI not stoking housing crisis - Breen Michael Cogley The housing crisis cannot be attributed to multinational companies opening or expanding offices in Ireland, a Government minister has said.
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Posted: 30 Jun 2019 04:02 AM PDT | Torquay United Fans Forum - Home

الموقع الإلكتروني لجريدة المنتخب

Posted: 30 Jun 2019 12:13 AM PDT

الموقع الإلكتروني لجريدة المنتخب

Link to موقع جريدة المنتخب

أجندة الـ «كان»

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:05 PM PDT

الجمعة 21 یونیو 2019

كوبا أمريكا: نصف نهائي ملتهب

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:02 PM PDT

إلتحق شيلي وبيرو بالبرازيل والارجنتين ليكتمل عقد

كوبا أميركا 2019: البيرو تفاجىء الاوروغواي بضربات الترجيح وتبلغ نصف النهائي

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 03:00 PM PDT

فجرت البيرو مفاجأة كبيرة واقصت الاوروغواي من ربع

طاكتيك الكان..كيف أسقط الأسود الفيلة ؟ وبأي تشكيلة سيواجهون الأولاد ؟

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:59 PM PDT

هكذا رد رونار على الصحافة المصرية

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:24 PM PDT

كشف الفرنسي هيرفي رونار، مدرب المنتخب المغربي

أسود 2006 ..أسود 2019 ماذا تغير؟

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:15 PM PDT

بارازيت يشكر الجزيرة بعد فسخ عقده

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 02:07 PM PDT

تقدم ناصر بارازيت برسالة شكر وإمتنان إلى مكونات

عليوي يلتحق بفريقه الجديد يوم الإثنين

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:56 PM PDT

ذكرت صحيفة "ليكيب" الفرنسية، أن المهاجم

الأسود يعودون لملعب حرس الحدود

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:53 PM PDT

يخوض الفريق الوطني غدا الأحد أخر حصة تدريبية قبل

ندوة صحفية الناخب الوطني هيرفي رونار في هذا التوقيت

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:29 PM PDT

يعقد الناخب الوطني هيرفي رونار غدا الأحد 30

تعرف على المنتخبات التي من الممكن أن يواجهها المنتخب الوطني في الدور القادم

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 01:15 PM PDT

حسم المنتخب الوطني المغربي صعوده إلى ثمن نهائي كأس أفريقيا

مفارقة غريبة تعادل إنجاز الزاكي

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 12:34 PM PDT

هذه المفارقة تتمثل في كون المنتخب المغربي ومنذ

كأس أمم إفريقيا 2019: تعادل سلبي بين الكاميرون وغانا

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 12:20 PM PDT

تعادل المنتخب الكامروني لكرة القدم مع نظيره الغاني بدون أهداف

فيديو| الخطوط العريضة لتداريب المنتخب الوطني

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 12:00 PM PDT

هذا رأيي لأفضل 3 لاعبين أمام كوت ديفوار

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:26 AM PDT

سنواصل طيلة هذا الكان إن شاء الله تعقب فرز

رياض محرز: الفوز على السنغال لم يكن غايتنا النهائية

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:06 AM PDT

رفض عميد المنتخب الجزائري, رياض محرز اليوم

أرقام اسقطتها كتيبة الإعدام الأطلسية في القاهرة

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:47 AM PDT

بالفعل قد يصدق على هذا الكومندو الرائع وصف وصفة

فجر: مكرهناش كلنا ندخلو نلعبو

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 10:33 AM PDT

News Alert: Trump becomes the first sitting president to step foot into North Korea after he crosses border of demilitarized zone with Kim

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:55 PM PDT

President Trump became the first U.S. leader to meet his North Korean counterpart at the border since an armistice was signed after the Korean War 66 years ago.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Jun 30, 2:52 AM
Trump becomes the first sitting president to step foot into North Korea after he crosses border of demilitarized zone with Kim

President Trump became the first U.S. leader to meet his North Korean counterpart at the border since an armistice was signed after the Korean War 66 years ago.

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70 féminicides : elles s’appelaient Julie, Sandra, Aïssatou…

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:55 PM PDT

dimanche 30 juin 2019 - Le Parisien
logo Le Parisien L'ESSENTIEL
Nous sommes le samedi 30 juin et nous fêtons les Martial. A la une, les 70 féminicides conjugaux recensés depuis le 1er janvier et l'appel des proches des victimes pour alerter les pouvoirs publics. Dans le reste de l'actualité, la canicule s'éloigne petit à petit et le match en librairie entre Nicolas Sarkozy et François Hollande. Côté météo, l'air frais pénètre par le nord-ouest du pays, faisant reculer les fortes chaleurs qui persisteront cependant sur l'est, le centre et le sud de la France.
70 féminicides conjugaux depuis janvier
70 féminicides conjugaux depuis janvier
Des familles et proches de femmes tuées par leur conjoint, ou ex-compagnon, lancent un appel aux pouvoirs publics pour une action plus vigoureuse.
Féminicide en Haute-Savoie : Gülçin, terrifiante chronique d'une mort annoncée
Cette mère de 4 enfants a été tuée le 27 janvier à Annemasse par son mari, dont elle était séparée. Face aux menaces, elle avait déposé plainte et écrit au procureur. En vain.
Canicule : promis, on va avoir un peu moins chaud
L'épisode caniculaire qui sévit en France depuis lundi va perdre en intensité, à partir de dimanche. Il faudra attendre mardi pour retrouver une situation plus normale.
François Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy… qu'est-ce qui pousse les anciens présidents à écrire ?
Ils s'étaient disputé l'Elysée en 2012 et sont toujours en compétition… en librairie. Sarkozy vient de publier son livre «Passions», Hollande semble en préparer un nouveau. J'écris, donc je suis… là !
Kim Jong Un accepte de rencontrer Trump à la frontière intercoréenne ce dimanche
Le président américain, qui est arrivé dans la zone démilitarisée entre les deux Corées, « se réjouit » de rencontrer Kim Jong Un ce dimanche.
En 1911, Paris suffoquait déjà sous la canicule
En 1911, Paris suffoquait déjà sous la canicule
À la Belle époque, on ne parlait pas encore de réchauffement climatique. Mais pendant 70 jours de juillet à septembre 1911, la capitale ploie sous le soleil cuisant. Et perd des milliers de bébés.
Noël Le Graët : «Corinne Diacre est la femme de la situation»
Noël Le Graët : «Corinne Diacre est la femme de la situation»
Malgré l'élimination en quarts de finale par les Etats-Unis, le président de la FFF se félicite de l'engouement soulevé par les Bleues et maintient sa...
Il y a 60 ans, la première greffe européenne entre donneurs vivants marquait l'histoire
Il y a 60 ans, la première greffe européenne entre donneurs vivants marquait l'histoire
C'est à l'hôpital Necker, à Paris, que le professeur Hamburger a réussi la première greffe européenne entre donneurs vivants, en 1959. Une histoire...
Fête du cinéma : notre sélection de films à voir pour 4 € la séance
Fête du cinéma : notre sélection de films à voir pour 4 € la séance
La Fête du cinéma commence ce dimanche et dure jusqu'à mercredi soir prochain. Voici les films que nous vous recommandons.
Paris (75)
Marcheurs et baigneurs à l'épreuve du thermomètre
Seine-et-Marne (77)
Nemours : il vole un véhicule du Samu pendant une intervention
Yvelines (78)
Saint-Germain-en-Laye : sept blessés dont trois en urgence absolue après une rixe
Essonne (91)
En Essonne, la mobilisation des gilets jaunes continue
Hauts-de-Seine (92)
Canicule : Les Hauts-de-Seine aussi touchés par le street-pooling
Seine-Saint-Denis (93)
Montreuil : un jeu qui rapproche la police des habitants
Val-de-Marne (94)
Créteil : la piscine à vagues fait le plein… et quelques déçus restés à la porte
Val-d'Oise (95)
Vémars : la cloche a été baptisée !
Oise (60)
Où se balader (en toute sécurité) à vélo dans l'Oise ?
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News Alert: Trump and Kim Jong Un shake hands and meet during visit to Korean border

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:52 PM PDT

President Trump became the first U.S. leader to meet his North Korean counterpart at the border since an armistice was signed after the Korean War 66 years ago.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
News Alert Jun 30, 2:46 AM
Trump and Kim Jong Un shake hands and meet during visit to Korean border

President Trump became the first U.S. leader to meet his North Korean counterpart at the border since an armistice was signed after the Korean War 66 years ago.

Read more »

Home Page - Survey Chris

Posted: 29 Jun 2019 11:01 PM PDT

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